In the world where everyone has magic and talents, where everyone tries to achieve the highest title, soul arcwizard, there is a story that never been told. the story of an abandoned boy in the medieval period, in the forest of midburge country.
The name was, rain donamor.
let's behold his journey of how his legacy will change the world...
"rain! wake up!" , uncle danny
I woke up with the voice of my uncle danny.
I'm so excited of this day, because this is the day where the mages in the village will test our affinity in wizardry.
I did all the preparation and get my rucksack in my room.
I'm about to go out when I suddenly realize that I didn't wear the memento from the one that I don't know. It was just a necklace in the basket where my parents leave me with. I don't know why they abandoned me but I think they have a good reason for it.
I run out of our small house and said goodbye to my uncle danny.
on my way, I saw my friend, Mimi. In this town, she is my closest. She has this bob cut hair and was arrange with her head band. she also has this wide nerdy glass and a cute dress suited for a 12 yrs old girl.
Definitely, she's also on her way to the lower town to test her affinity. but as far as I know she can already use some few magic of water and land elements.
As for me, I still can't use any magic. I don't know but I've tried everything but still can't use any magic. Most of the children in my age can use at least one elemental magic.
In terms of how many elemental magic can one person use is depend on how many soul gem in their body can be found. In some rare cases, it comes out late. but in the affinity test later, It will state how many is already in your body and how many is the potential soul gem can be form throughout your lifetime.
I'm in the village already with Mimi and I'm kind'a nervous and excited at the same time.
Mimi touches my hand, I think she knew that I am so nervous right now.
"Don't worry, you'll be a great magic user", mimi
"but what if I'm not capable of any magic? I still can't use any magic. everyone has their own magic already and I still don't have any"
"shhhh, don't worry rainy. you're just a late bloomer. Don't over think too much" mimi
we get in the venue with me not feeling so confident.
suddenly, one of the mages speaks up.
"To all of our potential magic user, please proceed to the lobby where the affinity test will be held" mage
everyone walks to the direction of where the lobby is.
I'm trembling and one of the bully smirks at me as if he's saying that I'm a loser.
That guy, Allen, was one of the talented in my batch, he can already use water, wind and fire elemental magic, as expected from the son of the lord of our village.
I just ignore since I don't have anything to brag about. If only I'm a prodigy, I will definitely kick his ass with my magic.
"ehrrmmm, let us now start with the affinity test. anyone who is willing to be first?" Great mage (the head of the mages from before)
Allen raise his arm feeling confident.
"oww Allen, please proceed in front of the Gem tester" great mage
Allen proceed in front and start releasing his energy in the gem tester.
The gem started to glow and the color changes from yellow to blue.
Everyone was surprise because it's uncommon to have someone in outer village to have a blue color soul gem.
The color indicates that he can store 4 elemental magic in the soul gem of his body and potentially if he works hard, he can store another one from the rare elements (light, shadow and umbrax—combination of light and shadow)
To explain everything out, there are seven elemental magic: Wind, water, land and fire. for the rare elemental magic, there are three, light, shadow and the rarest is the umbrax. In the history, only the legendary hero can use the umbrax.
as for the gem tester, there are five color. yellow indicates that one can use two elemental magic, orange indicates three, red is four, blue is five and violet is 6 to 7 (capable of umbrax)
when everyone moves on with Allen's affinity, the great mage continues calling names.
One by one, they proceed and most of the children get orange to red.
then lastly, me and mimi is the only one there and everyone's waiting.
I don't know what gotten into my mind but I proceed in front first before mimi
I release my energy in the gem...
I don't know but the color just stuck in yellow color. so it means my affinity is the lowest.
"as expected from the loser"
I know whose voice is that, it was allen.
I breathe and go back to mimi.
I feel terrible and everyone was looking at me like I'm a loser. it's awful I know.
why can't it be at least orange? why yellow?
I did everything, I train even my body. I drink every herb that can boost magic but still this is just the extent of my hardworks.
As I over think, mimi proceed and unexpectedly she got yellow too.
everyone is wondering because it's impossible, she can already use two elemental magics and most of the children who can use two got red color.
"maybe there's something wrong" great mage
I look at the great mage's direction as he said the phrase.
The great mage proceed in front of the gem and releases his energy as well and unexpectedly, the color stays in yellow.
"There's something wrong with this!" great mage
"errr" mimi
I breathe heavily, maybe my affinity is not just yellow.
I step in and ask loudly
"Can you test me again with different gem tester"
The great mage look at me, he breathe heavily...
"Ok, mages, get a new gem tester and bring it here" great mage
I smile, mimi too.
I crossed my fingers and enter my wishful thinking.
as soon as the new gem arrives, mimi releases her energy and as expected, she got a red color.
after her, the great mage calls me and let me proceed in front.
I close my eyes as I release my energy.
I don't have a plan on looking when suddenly, I heard everyone's noise as if they're seeing something unrealistic.
I open my eyes and to my surprise, the gem was glowing brightly with the color of violet.
I smiled... this is so unexpected.
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