He was holding a bouquet of combined flowers as he emotionlessly strides towards the elevator going to the basement. His driver must have been waiting for him for a few hours now since he needs to finish some of his employee's presentations regarding the new construction of their new site.
He slowly caresses his temple to somehow release his stress. Then after a few minutes, the door to the elevator opened and saw Les waiting smilingly while standing beside the SUV.
"Sir…" he was smiling wide as he opened the door to the backseat. Then Les went to the driver's seat as soon as Ethan had settled inside.
"How about Eli?" he suddenly asked when Les started the engine.
"Ah, he is with the Ridgewood right now. Madam Lisa said not to worry since they will follow as soon as Sir Caleb arrives."
"Oh, okay." then Ethan averted his eyes outside the window. how long has it been? three years? he sighed.
Ah.. I'm sorry Ethan my love for the heartache.. please dont blame this humble author for messing with your love life.. hehehe