62.5% The Dragon God of Origin / Chapter 5: Sacred Gear

章 5: Sacred Gear

Holding one of the unbroken pieces of furniture Koneko sniffed the air and turned to the to the others. "Fallen angels are here."

Laughing Freed grinned. "Just in the nick of time to." Looking up I saw that the ceiling was glowing in a purplish light. "Hope you're hungry because light spears are on the menu."

"What's the plan?" Akeno asked her fingers crackling with electricity.

"Right now, we just need to get Zach out of here." Rias said crossing her arms. "Akeno prepare to jump." Nodding Akeno summoned the portal to allow us to escape. "Koneko make sure we have him."

"Kay." She said tossing the couch at Freed knocking him out, turning around the little girl threw me over her shoulder. "Wait no I can walk- "

"Shut it."

"We can't leave what about Asia?" I asked looking at the blonde concerned about what would happen to her. "Freed was planning on raping and killing her, we can't leave her behind."

"I'm afraid only members of my household can make the jump with this magic circle." Rias explained. "I'm sorry but it wouldn't work."

"NO…we can't leave her here they'll kill her!" Struggling to get out of Koneko's girl I flailed around but to avail. "Damn it let me go! She need's our help! Asia!"

"Please go on without me I'll see you soon, trust me I will." She said with tears in her eyes, with that we vanished without a trace.

In the club house bathroom both Rias and I were naked my back was to her as her hands roamed over my wounds healing them. So, this is how she healed me…

"All set." She said her fingers tracing the long line the holy sword left on my back.

Shivering I turned my head at her and smiled. "Thanks a lot." Leaving the room I placed on only my boxers and pants as Akeno started to wrap my chest in some bandages when I sat down. When I left the room, Rias decided to shower as we talked.

"You'll need to relax at least until you get your full strength back." Rias told me using her boss voice again. "The light that stray exorcist used on you was strong, but luckily we showed up when we did."

"A stray exorcist is like a stray devil, right? They aren't with the church officially." I concluded with a frown.

"That's right, a ton of them got the boot from the church and for lack of options many became servants of fallen angels." Kiba explained. That's weird I have to wonder what they did.

"What really? That doesn't explain Asia though, she doesn't seem the type." I said looking at the blonde, sighing Kiba lowered his head.

"We aren't saying anything." Rias said as she walked out of the shower with a towel around her body. "Other than you're a devil and for whatever reason she is the servant of a fallen one, and those are the facts Zach."

Sighing I nodded my head knowing it was better not to argue with her, with that I could leave but only under guard with Kiba following me, heading home for the night I shook my head trying to get my mind off what would happen to Asia, each vison that came to mind was worse than the next, so yeah, I'm not getting any sleep, that's for damn sure. The next morning, I tried to focus on anything but Asia and how I failed to save her but every time I looked around I just couldn't stay in my house. Leaving I went to the park and started to walk around hoping that I could get my mind off the small blond nun, but no matter what I did I saw Asia's face. I had to save her, somehow but I had no clue what to do, I mean was useless against Freed, I still had no idea what to do about my magic since the first I used it, the power knocked me flat out, and my sacred gear was useless expect for acting as armor.


"Great now I am even hearing her voi- "Stopping in my tracks I turned around to see her staring at me. "Asia!?" In shock, I ran up and hugged the smaller girl who eeped in shock but soon hugged me back. "Thank goodness your alive!" I said hugging her tighter. "I was so worried about you…I thought they had killed you."

[Wow kid I didn't think you would be that emotional.]

"Huh? Who said that?" I asked looking around confused. "And I'm allowed to be emotional strange voice I thought someone was killed because they tried to protect me."

"Um Zach I didn't say anything." Asia raised an eyebrow staring at me. "And what voice?"

"Yeah... Never mind, sorry…. listen let's get out of here." Looking around I saw a small fast food place and decided that would be the best it was crowed and we could hide there. Grabbing her hand, I pulled the both of into the restaurant, finding a free table we both sat down. Sighing in relief I looked around nervously until I heard Asia's stomach grumble.

Chuckling I shook my head. "Oh, I guess it is lunch time…Hey I will get us some food." Standing to my feet I ordered some food and brought it back to our table, unwrapping my burger I was about to eat when I saw Asia looking down at her burger very confused. That's weird… Had she never seen a burger before.

"Um can I get some silverware?" She asked looking around…. Okay yeah, she has never seen a burger before.

"Sure, but that isn't how you eat a hamburger Asia." I smiled at her. "You just grab it and eat it with your hands, like a sandwich." Grinning I took a big bite out of mine and motioned for her to do the same.

"Oh, if that is how your supposed to it then here it goes." She said taking a small bite out of her burger. "Oh, my it's so yummy." She said sounding surprised.

Laughing I shook my head until I realized something. "Hey Asia, why were you at the park? Don't get me wrong I'm glad you are alright, seriously I am but I thought for sure the fallen angels would have done something bad to you. So shouldn't you be in hiding or something?"

"Oh well…. I wasn't really in trouble with them and well the weather was perfect and I thought it might be nice to get out and enjoy the day, but then I saw you there and my day got even better so yay." She said nervously. Raising an eyebrow, I decided to let it go for now but I best be ready for anything, I pulled out my phone and sent a quick group text to Rias and the others.

"You know what since your free why don't we hang out together." I said with a smile.

"Yeah sure." She said happily. Nodding we both finished our food and went around town we went to the arcade and played some games, I even won her a small mouse from the claw machine. After the arcade, we back to the park and walked around. To honest this was pretty nice, I hadn't had a hangout day with someone in a while.

"You know I can't remember the last time I had this much fun." She smiled squeezing the mouse toy.

"Oh yeah? Well I'm glad I had a pretty good time to time." Smiling I placed an arm around her shoulder to playfully hug her, when I flinched in pain touching my shoulder blade I shook my head. "Ouch that hurt…"

"It's your wound from the other day." She said gently touching my shoulder which caused me to flinch again… Damn it I swear I am so getting that freak Freed back for all of this, I will break his dick if need be.

"Yeah it still hurts but nothing I can't handle." Shaking her head Asia led us both away to somewhere more private, taking us both to this large water fountain she used her powers to heal my wound. As she was healing the wound I couldn't help but notice how pretty her green eyes really were… And why did my brain go there?

"Is that good?" She asked staring up at me.

"Um yeah actually." Rolling my left arm around I couldn't believe that I had full range of motion again. "It feels even better then it normally does. Thank you so much Asia." I said with a smile.

Smiling back at me we both sat down on and she went to explain about her childhood how she was abandoned by her parents and was raised by the church. Then when she was eight she somehow healed a small puppy that was on the verge of dying and the people declared she was a saint, until one day she had healed a devil that had crashed landed outside of the church. Being declared a heretic for healing a devil she was cast out of the church. Okay that is bullshit, complete bullshit, and I told her just as much. "I am sorry that happened to you and let me guess after that, you joined the fallen angels?" I concluded.

(I really hate the guy who Asia healed that was a devil.)

Nodding Asia looked up at the sky. "Yes, but I never forgot who I am, I say my prayers every night and I try to live a good life. They're awful they do such horrible evil things and all in the name of God. The suffering it must stop; this must be a test of my faith but if I can overcome these trials someday I know my hopes and dreams will come true. That is what I believe anyway."

"What are you dreams?" I asked looking at her with a turned head.

Gently squeezing the mouse toy, she looked down. "To make lots of lifelong friends. To get to know them and do cool things. To be able to have fun together and care for each other. It's kind of silly to be honest I would be happy to have any friends at all."

Sighing I stood to my feet and walked closer to the fountain. "Is something wrong?" She asked.

"Yeah something is wrong, saying you don't have any friends, you do. I am your friend and I don't give a damn what anyone else thinks. I care about you Asia and I will do whatever I can to help protect you."

Asia looked shocked but hid her face. "We can't, we can't I care about you to but it's forbidden and I don't want to cause you any trouble."

"Screw that we are friends and nothing is going to change that." Walking over to her I gently grab her hand and smile.

"Really? She asked with a small blush on her face. "Thank you, Zach."

"Isn't that so sweet?"

Freezing in place I slowly turned around, I knew that voice and it couldn't be true but it was. Standing in the middle of the fountain on top of the water was Yuuma, crossing her arms across her chest she smiled at the both of us. "Black winged chicken bitch."

"Lady Raynare." Asia gasped in shock, looking back to Asia I was confused before I realized that Raynare was Yuuma's real name.

"So, the rumors about your downward spiral into the wickedness into devils is true, and I had such high hopes for you. Don't even try to run Asia." The fallen angel glared at the small nun.

"Be gone I want no part in the evil you and the other angels are up to." Asia said with such conviction that it shocked me. "I ran away I am sorry I couldn't stand to be around them anymore." She said looking up at me.

Smiling at the blond I pushed her behind me."I figured you did, you're so no need to apologize to me, I'm glad you ran you're too good for them. You shouldn't have to be around those no-good trashes anyway." Turning back to Raynare I kept my eyes on her but I wasn't sure what to do.

"You know Zach we could finish what we started." Raynare said as she summoned a spear of light.

Glaring at her I summoned my sacred gear. "No thanks I rather like my stomach where it is."

Looking at me for a moment the fallen angel began to laugh at me. "Is that really all you got That is sacred gear is pathetic all it can do is boost your power twice and you don't even know how to use it yet, you might as well be fighting me with stick and stones. To think I wasted my time with word from the higher ups says you're a devil to watch out for, they said your sacred gear was a force to be reckoned with, that is why I put on that disguise and went out with you thinking you could be a threat but really that is all you have?"

Shaking violently, I couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth." You ended my life because of faulty information?" Oh yeah, I am so going to make her pay.

"You two dated?" Asia asked looking at me confused.

"No, just one date." Shaking my head, I forced myself to focus. I held out my sacred gear and felt something pulling from it. "Come on damn it gives me your power!"


A bright Crimson light escaped from the gem, I felt a surge of energy flow from the gauntlet into my body. It felt like I was filled with power of destruction, I felt like I could destroy the planet in one hit, it felt like Destruction should be caused, everything felt lighter, I felt stronger and more powerful. Raising her arm Raynare threw her spear of light at me, as it soared through the air I could see the bolt coming as if in slow motion. Grinning I Punched the spear shattering the weapon in one hit.


"How do you like me now bitch!" I shouted and my body unconsciously released an Aura of Destruction, causing an earthquake with the strength of a 6.5 Magnitude one as a Dark Crimson aura surrounded me while wings which seemed to be a fusion of Dragon and Devil Wings that came out behind my back.

[Control it kid.]

"What's this power! I need to kill you now or else the you would be a great threat!", Raynare screamed crazily while launching another spear of light.

Grinning, I then launched towards her while realisng my Aura of Destruction. "Now let's try this again shall we."

"Damn it! I have to leave and report this to the higher ups! Asia! Come with me now! I need your power!"

"I knew it! You're only interested in me because of my power." Asia said, summoning even larger spear of light Raynare decided to bargain. "How about we make a deal come with me and I won't murder your friend."

"Screw you bitch, Asia isn't going anywhere with you. And what do you mean by murder me? You can't defeat me you bitch.", Zach said. Asia looked shocked but nodded. Getting angrier the fallen angel leapt into the air and launched spear at the both of us, throwing Asia out of the way I jumped into the air with my sacred gear aimed for the spear.


The moment the spear and my sacred gear made contact the spear exploded sending Raynare flying back by over 20 meters.

"I spared your life on purpose, if I really wanted to I could have delivered a fatal blow; you would have shattered into a million pieces." Zach leaned down to whisper into Raynare's ear while giving me a pointed glare.

"Damn you! It's all your fault! You should have died and our plans would have succeeded by now!", Raynare screamed.

"Maybe later sweet heart but- "Turning to face Asia, Zach smiled. "You'll have to die for your sins now.", chocking Raynare with my left hand, I released my Aura of Destruction and focused it onto my left hand.

"Explode Bitch.", I said while smiling evily.

"Noooo!!! I swear I'll ki-", before she could finish what she said she then exploded into bits while shielding myself and Asia from her disgusting blood.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


