Tad hesitant to explain about his Magic to a stranger at these times of practiced slaughter amongst people with Magic, simply tried to change the topic. "I'm Michael, what brings you here?"
Noticing how he inevitably ignored her question, Alama kept her tone casual as she cited. "King Zar sent me here. He wants to strike a deal with Gaster Kingdom to use the Port!"
Struck staggered, one question came to his mind and he did not fail to ask it out loud. "Why use the port of Gaster Kingdom when he can use many ports through the main river?"
A bit confused at first how this man hasn't yet heard of the news, Alama slowly but surely deciphered. "I guess the word of mouth is slow here. Zar left the illustratian alliance, banned the illas and took down their Chapel too!
Seeing that Michael doesn't really appear convinced, Alama added. "Zar declared that illustratos and ignites will live equally. Quoting, "Status shall be declared by work experience and not by the colour on one's skin."
Still sceptical, Michael queried. "Interesting, but is it a good idea to trust a illustratio? This could be just another scheme to gain more power!"
Considering that part too before, but using logic to her aid, Alama counted. "No one would risk going against an entire Continent for a small fortune. He is even building new houses and giving them away for free in exchange of a 40 Gold Coin tax."
Not wanting to believe this for a while, or at least taking time to get used to, Michael offered. "I need to check this myself soon but please, let me escort you to the Castle. This place is not safe for anyone anymore."
Seeing that the man is very well mannered and he literally just saved her life even though he could have joined the rapists, Alama decided to follow Michael.
He's walking in front leading the way while Alama is on the back with her hand on her battle axe handle just in case any other guy has any funny ideas.
She will not make the mistake of having her Guard down again in this disaster of a domain.
But when she couldn't be focused on her surroundings for a second or two, it was because of Michael's hair.
It is unusual for her to see a man with such beautiful hair. They appear so thick and filled with life, it gives a strong hint that this man washes them everyday.
For people here or even in Crutal Kingdom, one is considered clean if they took a swim down a river or ocean once in 2 to 3 weeks. Yet this man's aroma is a blessing from above, from the divines. No stench is to be breathed in coming from this fine man.
His manners are something even the rich and royal have trouble competing against. What is he doing in this crap hole?
After what seemed to be an eternity, they've reached the Castle in the middle of the Kingdom. They didn't exactly walk far but the Kingdom's appearance in general is too unsettling, making it feel similar to a long walk. As if time slowed down.
Arriving, Alama pointed out. "Oh you don't have to go in there with me Sir Michael, I can handle it from here."
With no aims to leave, Michael explained. "Oh trust me, I have to be here at the moment."
Jerking her left eyebrow up, Alama asked. "Do you work in the Castle?"
Trying to break it down slowly, not a fan of fancy titles, Michael weighed in. "Not exactly but I do work for Gaster Kingdom."
As they walked in, the King's Throne room is visible across their grasp of view. Or King's hallway, both terms acceptable.
They walked towards what seems to be an empty Throne at the other side of the room, pointing that the King isn't here. Perhaps eating lunch?
Basing it on the overall acts Michael had, Alama itched to know. "So what do you work exactly? I'm thinking that you are the King's assistant!"
"Well you are close but not exactly." Slowly spoke Michael as he sat on the Throne and continued. "Now tell me, what deal does King Zar have for me?"
Staggered, Alama couldn't help hollering. "You are the King? But how!? Ignites can't be Kings!"
Since stereotypical pieces of work are syncing in as a topic, Michael butchered. "Need I remind you that we were kicked out from the illustratian alliance long ago."
A smirk across his face arose as Michael also weighed in, "It doesn't just prevent us from getting support from the illustratian alliance, it also makes us independent."
"Meaning their rules don't apply here." Alama became vigilant to catch on, no doubt. But also asked. "What about the illas? Do they have influence here?"
Cocky a tad bit since the illas failed a semi-foul fate on this side of the Continent at least. He slowly described the blissful disaster, "No no, they departed long ago. I didn't even have to force them out as they've got deprived of financial support from the people they used to kiss boots of."
Adding another key fact that came along with the alliance's abandonment, Michael mouthed. "Without their influence, illustratios and Ignites are able to coexist better now."
"Yes, I did notice that half of the rapists were Ignites. This place is a hellhole. No offense to you of course, your highness!" She giggled with a followed bow, sarcastic obviously.
Enjoying her giggle no doubt, he went an extra mile to defend the domain he rules. "We met an economical collapse, many people left to Pameres Kingdom for a better life. All that are left here are low lives, bandits, and people under extreme poverty."
Spotting that the conversation stands serious, Alama offered. "Look. I'm here for business but apart from that, this is just one job the King sent me too doo. I'm free to come here and help you form your Kingdom to its former glory. If not anything I can bring bickering skills to the table."
Flinching his eyebrow, unfavourable towards the situation, King Michael confuted. "That offer is most generous miss Alama but I can't afford to pay you. The Kingdom has no financial income at all, even the Guards are only paid with free fish."
"I do not need a payment, just give me a small empty room and free food. When I manage to help you gain Income, we can talk about payment!" Alama is willing to help, but her businesswomen instincts kick in as well. Time is precious and should be spent with a reward.
Having it hard to fight her enthusiasm, he cut it short. "I suppose I am desperate for opportunities. Now let's get to that business offer."
Realising how far off topic they've ventured, she got a small blush on her cheeks but was quick to fight it off. "Certainly. King Zar wants to sell his weaponry to another Continent, to the Zamerians more precisely but he needs to use your port for that."
"And the deal is?" Michael is losing his patience just a little bit because no matter what, his first question is still not yet answered.
Ready to answer this question, having it repeated in her mind countless times already, she immediately answered as if singing a poem. "For every sale Zar makes to the Zamerians or anywhere basically through the usage of your port, you get 10% out of it."
Not sure if Michael knows how percentage works, she decided to give a couple of examples too.
"If he earns 300 Gold Coins, you get 30."
"If he earns 3,000 Gold Coins, you get 300."
To further encourage the King, she added. "It's not a huge profit right now, not going to lie but Zar is constantly recruiting. His Income will increase over time and if you strike a deal now, you will earn big in the future."
if yk yk
Eric and his group plus the 10 Guards have spent quite a few weeks to put their task into motion and now they are close to Gaster Kingdom.
To their luck, they've met with a piece of flatland that no other Kingdom is close too which inevitably provided a blind spot for a good few days.
Given the opportunity, they walked through that clear land which cut off at least 3 days of their travelling time.
That piece of land wasn't used because it is obviously too near the big forest. Farmers can't risk planting crops there because wild animals will rush in the scene and eat portions of the farm bit by bit everyday until the farm runs out of business.
So the Gang traveled through that clear land for 4 days until they met a branch of the large forest again, forcing them to punish their feet across harsher but yet covered lands.
But that branch didn't consume much of their time, they went through it in 2 days. It would on average take longer but they were hyped that they almost reached the Kingdom so they had the motivation to walk faster.
By the time they were no less than 100 yards away from Gaster Kingdom, Alama was already halfway to Pameres Kingdom after striking a deal with King Michael.
What happened though, is something they did not expect. Once spotting the potential enemies, noticing the unusual, King Michael sent a messenger towards the Gang.
The Guards of Gaster Kingdom, after seeing large men from a distance, instantly contacted Michael for an order of attack or basically any order at all.
They're shocked by the sight, It is not an everyday thing to see 10 foot tall men, otherwise they wouldn't ask for the King's assistance.
The messenger arrived towards Eric and the Gang, fearing the 10 foot tall men behind the normal Humans, shaking while he spoke. "My King requires to know what is your business here in Gaster Kingdom?"
In war, when a messenger is sent, the enemy isn't allowed to kill the messenger. It would be a war crime punishable by death or 10,000 Gold Coins and the party who committed the crime has no choice but to pay or execute that one person who did the crime.
"I'm the Electus, I came here to free this town from your kind. You aren't to enslave Ignites any longer!" Hollered Eric in a rough tone while everyone else was giving the messenger a murderous eye.
Racist at best but the demand and intent has been made transparent.
Shocked and confused, the messenger answered. "Slavery? There is no slavery in Gaster Kingdom!"
Not wanting to debate about this, Eric yet again yelled. "Of course there isn't. Am I supposed to believe that? Tell your King to surrender or else I will burn all of you into dust!"
Understanding how stubborn this child is, the messenger murmured. "Understood!"
And ran his way back to Gaster Kingdom. He got so relieved to leave the scene alive that he ran 100 yards in about 15 seconds.
Running towards the group is an Ignite this time. He seemed to have ran here with so much joy and enthusiasm that he was even faster than the illustratio who ran away.
As he reached Eric he bent the knee right away and shed light, "I'm King Michael, it is an honour to Welcome you here sir Electus."
"You are the King? But you are an Ignite!" Shouted Commander Alia in confusion.
Standing up and giving a long look at Alia's face, Michael weighed in. "I remember you, Amesa! A lot has changed since your last visit. I claimed the Throne and slavery is not to be spoken off, the illustratian alliance has no word here."
"You can't be telling the truth. If Xakro found out that you have been treating Ignites equally, he would burn everything to the ground." Pointed out Eric, raising his hand for Michael to keep his distance.
Confident with his own words, Michael started conflicting the Gang's feelings with vital facts. "I assure you Xakro knows and I assure you he didn't do anything but sending down a few empty warnings. Gaster Kingdom is a place he wouldn't waste soldiers on!"
Pointing at Gaster Kingdom, Michael offered. "Please join me."
"I do not trust you. You could just be a paid fool." Holleted Mogranius and had the dignity to tease, "Right Amesa?"
Wanting to kick the man, but obviously not appropriate in front of the enemy, she gave a loud whisper. "Shut up. I didn't need to tell my actual name."
Michael released fire out of his hand, not to shoot at anyone but just to prove a point.
He started playing with the fire, such as forming it into a circular form and deforming it into a wilder one, changing forms over and over as he is speaking. "I have control over this Kingdom, I even disposed of a few rapists a few days before your arrival."
Striking them silent, King Michael feels confident to add. "I do not intend to threaten one of my kind but I am willing to fight for my Kingdom if it is under attack. But before you choose to attack or not, why don't you join me and see everything for yourself."
With entitlement common in between this group who wants to attack, Michael used it to tame the tides. "I'm sure that an Electus wouldn't hurt the innocent! And I'm sure all of you can handle 100 Guards if you are to be attacked!"
Feeling a bit guilty, sick in the stomach actually. Woldemir encouraged a different point of view, "Let's see what this Kingdom has to offer!"
It's not that I believe him, the illustratian's confused face convinced me more.