She explained her views , which everyone can easily understandable, her thoughts are rebellious which makes one to think deep of it. she explained her views by a story of ' a religious river in India called Ganga one's believed that by taking a bath in this river they can wash their sins but now if they do so they may land up in many infectious diseases.,it is due to dumping of plastic inorganic and organic wastes in it. What kind of environment given by our ancestors to us and what kind of environment we are going to give to our descendents? It should not be that one day for which we have to clear the forest for dumping the plastic.Promote recycling encourage rag pickers and educate people thae hazours caused by plastic . Thank you...she ended . Every one applaused the demonstration is just simple awesome . Then the teacher appreciated her . After it she felt very happy and confident she closed her eyes and thank her father . She then back to her desk after all presentations the class got ended. She looked for Kaira who stays always with her but that day she is nowhere to see but she noticed her bag.She then went to washroom looking for her where she noticed Kaira was crying .Riya asked what happened why are you crying ? Riya tried to make eye contact with her .On seeing Riya she cried a lot .Riya gave time to Kaira to settle down her self,later she consoled her and asked her what happened? Kaira looks at Riya and says.
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