
章 5: Chapter 5

Danny had a dream of becoming an astronaut and exploring space but when the rocket got through the planet, he was greeted with a face smiling at him.

It covered his view and sent chills down his spine as he looked at that grin of the demon.

"Well hello there Danny, how about a mission?"

"AHHHHH" Danny screamed in horror at those words and screamed again as his body hurt so bad when his eyes opened in the real world

'What have i done to deserve this torture?' Danny felt his heart breaking at the thought of his future being a slave to a demon

"Enough wallowing in despair, we got long way to get to the real thing."


"Nothing, i was saying relax. I have given you a gift for your hard work and plan to reward you from now for every successful task."

Danny was suspicious about it as he definitely heard something dangerous but in his sleepiness, he hadn't registered it.

But hearing the things about rewards got his interest as he knew Naruto was magical and knowledgeable. He was wise and smart like a monarch but a complete bastard of a man.

"Close your eyes and think about the fighting skills i taught you yesterday."

With his suggestion guiding his thoughts, Danny found that he could remember each move clearly and couldn't help but smile as he stood up from bed and went through some combos before realizing that his body was incapable of following majority of them in this state.

Without any finesse, he fell to the floor and hit his chin against the hard boards beneath his face.


Naruto was disappointed even though he had no expectations from this student of his, 'Hold it in or he might die soon.'

"You are going to fix that personality flaw of yours or you will sooner or later. What if there was knife on the floor? You would have died in such a stupid way.

Forget it, i will give you task points for each success and the amount depends on the difficulty of the task. Jogging everyday will give one point everyday while the event clearance will give you 5 points at least."

"What can i get for one point?"

"Air, you need at least 5 point for something. I can give you many things from money and equipment to knowledge and experience."

"I thought you were going to give me the equipment regardless."

"Very smart Danny but I was planning not to reward you in the first place as being my student was the ultimate reward. But since i found you sad and pitiful, i graced you with a skill so don't think of eating free lunch and contemplate on how to earn it."

Danny had learned at least one thing from doing the mission yesterday and his long life of getting bullied.

He could read the mood after a while, which most of the time useless since people weren't patient but since Naruto was taking it easy on him there was a warning bell.

"Okay, i am getting up. Any other task, i need to do."

"That's the spirit. Keep it up and you will be in my good boy list."

"Thanks" Danny rubbed his face awkwardly as he ignored the mention of list and didn't want to know more about it

"Of course you are going to get a new mission. I got the right one for you and it is going to be so fun." Naruto smiled at the thought

Danny felt his heart go cold at the tone and wished to dig a hole.


"SAVE ME!" Danny screamed as he ran through the empty street in the early morning while a medium sized dog of brown color chased him down while barking and baring its sharp teeth

"Don't be a wimp boy. I was wrestling bears the size of a car when i was 11 and look at you so damn disappointing."

'I am human.'

"A coward is what you are. With the skill i provided you with just a few minutes ago this doggy shouldn't be a problem as basic martial art covers all kinds of creature's not just humans. The only thing keeping you from finishing this task is your own nature."

'It's too damn scary. I might die, please.'

"Danny, i will see you up there."

Danny felt his stomach hurt from the stress and his body was aching from the pain, his breathing was becoming difficult while his heart was going wild.

The sound of his steps and the dogs barking rang out in the empty street as he finally decided to climb up a pole nearest to him.

With his speed, he managed to jump high enough to stick to the street lamp and climb up slightly with difficulty as it was slippery while he didn't have much strength.


Danny heard as he slipped down the pole and felt the sharp teeth bite into his ass. He felt the pain of almost losing a pound of flesh before he was relieved and stared at the white ceiling in relief before he heard the angry voice.

"You will remember today the consequence of failing to follow through. Nobody refuses me."

Danny shivered as fear set into his body and pain, the pain was unimaginable.

'I am sorry' Danny knew he had made Naruto angry this time and heard the sigh

"Only this time, i will take it easy on you. Get used to the pain and increase the tolerance, this is practice as well." Naruto muttered as he kicked the dog aside before it ripped off his ass and gazed it with killer intent scaring the living shit out of the poor thing that it almost of died of heart attack

Leaving the shivering animal, Naruto walked back home while his body cooled down and basked in the morning's fresh air.

He was giving him extreme workout so that Danny would become strong faster and become somewhat independent or Naruto would have to do everything.

Naruto was already working in the background and even controlling the body down to the molecules to shape Danny to the extremes of human capacity.

It required workout and a lot of nutrients, which was torture to normal humans but by the end of one month he would be packed with muscles.

Beautiful and strong muscles that would get the appreciation of any guy and girl.

Naruto wasn't really used to cowardly students like Danny since all his had been high class and talented while Danny was normal.

Seeing such actions annoyed him slightly even after his warnings, it seemed he had become prideful and actually looked down on others.

'Need to remove that mindset but the action was right since i had given him the rules. If i didn't follow through, he would continue to rely on me.'

Sadly this body was unable to digest natural energy to grow and he didn't want to make the chakra system as he had seen that Danny will get different powers in his vision.

Naruto didn't understand what they were but they were powerful enough to replace his chakra ability, which saved him from the hassle of extra in humane training.

Lucky Danny or he would have drowned in the river of bloody tears


Arriving home with an aching body, Naruto took a quick shower with hot water and came down to get some breakfast.

Maddie Fenton, mother of Danny and a genius in the fields of science with beauty to boot along with Jack Fenton, his father and a very careless man filled with creativity that kept overflowing mostly into stupid things.

Following that was his genius sister, Jazz, sitting at the table having breakfast while being engaged in the topics of the supernatural.

"Good morning Danny, i am so happy to see you work hard." Maddie said as she looked at him with a happy smile since she had seen Danny come back from the jog

"Of course, he is my son. He will definitely become strong soon so don't hold back and ask this old man for help." Jack ate a mouthful and spoke with enthusiasm like always

Jazz looked at him briefly and nodded, she was happy that her little brother had finally shown some change.

Naruto smiled and sat down as he filled the whole plate with meat and fruits, eggs, honey and other good stuff.

This caught everyone by surprise and increasing the shock factor was that he shoved it down at blinding speed.

"Danny, what are you doing?" Maddie asked in a worried tone

"Mom relax, i just feel so hungry that i need more. Look nothing wrong" Naruto replied as he continued to eat

"This has to be work of an enemy ghost, to bat cave." Jack exclaimed as he took off to find some gadgets

"I never thought this could be real." Jazz watched with wonder at the anime like scene of her brother devouring food meant for three people

Naruto didn't hide the weird things from Danny's parents so they would get used to the small changes in their son and not cause him problems.

The food entered his body and was quickly handled in a perfect manner so that the energy was utilized for specific purposes, none going to waste.

He could feel his body regain some energy and his body strengthening slowly since the food was low class stuff. If he had gotten one beast from back home, he would have surpassed the human level easily.

'I could order some tiger's and such large animals for food to gain some strength.' Naruto thought but he still needed the practice or the body would be unable to digest such large amounts of energy

As such these low level meals were fine for now and large beasts would be for later when Danny had grown stronger.

"Well reality can be stranger than fiction sis. How's everything going for you? Need help getting a boyfriend?"

"Dan, i will slap you."

"Chill sis, i am actually serious since i love you so much. If we weren't siblings then i would have taken your hand for sure, those brutes out there are blind."

"I am impressed at your new skill but flattery won't get you anywhere with me. Besides it would be pointless taking help from lonely devil."

"Sadly, i got flower on both hands." Naruto smiled and looked at her proactively



"That's not a true challenge, show me if you can get another girl to accept your words then come back to me."

"You are just letting your pride get in the way. It won't hurt to follow my plan."

"Okay, hit me with it."

"I will date you for a week and let you understand things about boys in detail, and how to make them dance to your whim."

"You are betraying your kind."

"I was never one of them."

"Fine, i will buy you ps3 if you get it done."

"Deal, let's start from tomorrow since i am busy today."

Jazz looked at him curiously as he was really too different and talking to her so confidently that she had almost forgotten he was Danny.

'Really makes me want to check what's got him occupied.' Jazz wouldn't care usually about her brother's antics but this one was making her intrigued as he had changed too much from yesterday

"Okay, take care at school and don't get bullied." Jazz said as she stood up left since class would start in an hour and she needed to leave


After Jazz left, Danny also walked out and saw Sam waiting for him outside while hesitating to come closer and knock on the door.

"Hey there beautiful, you just made my day wonderful with your presence in the morning." Naruto said as he hugged her from behind and breathed in her scent, giving her a kiss on the neck and enjoying the warmth

"Hya" Sam felt embarrassed at the weird noise slipping through her lips and then felt happy at the close contact

"I feel the same and couldn't wait to see you." Sam replied as she felt content with this position but wanted to see his face

"We got great chemistry so of course our thoughts will match. Did you sleep well or had some naughty dreams?" Naruto spun her around and asked with a teasing smile

"A good dream"

"I knew it, you naughty little minx of mine." Naruto muttered as he gave her kisses on her lips since she loved this type of contact

He could feel the jealousy role over him in waves from a certain someone.

'It won't be long before he realizes his attraction to Sam.' Naruto knew that deep down Danny did find Sam attractive and even had flights of fancy about her before but that changed some years ago

Naruto felt that Danny's taste was just bad, a condition that most teenagers suffered since they only saw the beautiful cover.

But he wasn't going to impose his will and was okay with letting Danny have fun without making too much of mess with girls.

With Danny's current state, he would most likely accept any invitation to sensual activities by a beautiful girl and Naruto didn't mind as it was process of learning.

Only choosing his partners that where he would get involved since it will affect his future.

Pauline could be useful if trained, she had the money and connections from her father's side.

Sam was also loaded and smart with good quality as she was loved by nature.

Batgirl was an option and Naruto preferred her over the rest since she knew how to fight and had a great connection with Batman.

'Now it's time for school, Danny. Go and beat up one of your bullies today. Use the weak one and utilize some creativity, your father is fountain of it so you must have got something.'

Danny jolted back into his body and felt some strange feeling as he held Sam's hand; he wished to experience the kiss.

He had been watching his body do it but the feeling never reached him. Looking at Sam's reaction it must have felt wonderful but he didn't have the guts to initiate the kiss.

Plus hearing the mission content made his legs weak as he remembered that today was going to be piñata day and he was it.

"God mercy on my soul"

"What happened?"

"Nothing, just praying for our success." Danny smiled forcefully

If it was the normal Sam, she would have seen something suspicious but for now her cognitive abilities had lessen because of the love sickness.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

How is the story till now?

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


