Chakra Spider (Naruto X Marvel X DC) Chakra Spider (Naruto X Marvel X DC) original

Chakra Spider (Naruto X Marvel X DC)

作者: EternalBliss4U

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1

In a world filled with uncertainty and craziness where people moved along with the flow as events passed them by.

A world where peace was an illusion that most had embraced as was the nature of humanity. A world where majority looked past the darkness around them because it had not encroached on their territory and ignorance was rampant even with all the resources available.

It seems humanity was cursed from the beginning to never overcome such faults.

But that was just the normal world filled by the majority. There was also the world of heroes and villains filled with beings that were beyond the scope of humanity.

These beings were powerful enough to make humanity nothing but some of them were good natured, and this god nature was what kept humanity safe from destruction.

Heroes and villains weren't something new, they had existed since the 80's or even before that. Humanity had a hand in the creation of many of those villains itself and the heroes through unethical means.

Truly it was luck that the world hadn't collapsed yet.

To accommodate the change in the setting, the world had put in laws for these special circumstances. Heroes were not public employees but free people fighting for what was right, meaning they didn't have the law on their side as they couldn't justify any action as self defence.

The government changed the laws to allow them to fight for the good of the country, even put up a financial and other kind of support for them once they realized it was cheaper to let heroes handle the problem.

They were even allowed to kill in the case of emergencies where villains like Dr. Doom. Magneto, Loki and such were involved.

Even though all of this was good, the government still kept a watchful eye on these heroes and continued the dark path of human experimentation and corruption.

In this world of wonders, a special young man exists and he wondered why the heroes would put their life on the line for strangers and for no benefits.

His uncle and father had believed that with great power came great responsibilities but Peter Benjamin Parker didn't understand this thought process.

If he has the power than why should he use it for others? Did these others help out when he needed it?

Peter Benjamin Parker was born in Queens to CIA agents Richard and Mary Parker, who were killed by the Red Skull and framed for treason during a mission. Before their deaths, however, Richard and Mary had another child unknown to Peter, a daughter and Peter's younger sister, Teresa.

Following his parents' death, young Parker was adopted by his uncle and aunt, Ben and May Parker, moving in with them at their residence in Forest Hills, New York. After their adopting of him, they became his surrogate parents and raised him as if he were their own son. Over the years into being a teenager, Parker grew to be a prodigy in multiple scholastic subjects at Midtown High School and achieving high honours among his classmates. However, his reserved nature and enthusiasm for knowledge often made him a target for bullying, primarily football star Eugene "Flash" Thompson.

Peter was a skinny and weak guy with bad eye sight. He was the clear example of having high mental stats and low end physical stats.

His looks were average but his clothing style made him look worse.

Peter didn't have confidence issues as he was the superior being among these low class buffoons but he was a coward when it came to it.

He had been bullied since High School by Flash because of his weak look and intelligence, made worse by the fact that he had tutored Flash's girl as he was lacking money.

Lack of money was a great issue in the family as his parents weren't rich as Aunt May worked as a nurse and Uncle Ben worked at a store.

Both of them were older than his parents so most would never guess they were like this and would assume they were his grandparents.

Peter loved them more than anything in this world. They were the world to him so he always tried to lower the burden on them.

He studied most of the time and when he had the opportunity he tutored people from his class for cash to buy things he needed.

Peter wasn't an arrogant person or ignorant person but he was a shy kid as people had isolated him because of his intelligence.

He just sucked at communication and ended up talking about the interesting topics that no one liked to hear about after class.

Regardless of the bullying that got him some bruises and lost him some money because Flash was very good at intimidation tactics, Peter found life bearable and saw a bright future ahead since he was a genius.

All his teachers said so and even the great Professors he had met said so.

They had all offered him a place to join their research projects and Peter was delighted and honored by their words.

Now he was 18 years old with a height of 178 cm and weight of 58 Kg, and finally a first year at University where his life could become great.

He was enrolled into Empire State University on a science scholarship and finally found people like him.

"Hey Parker, how's life treating you?"

But the demons of the past kept up with him and even in this haven he was still tormented by Flash who had entered the university on a sports scholarship.

Peter was sitting outside with his notes when the giant man came with his friends, two guys and his girlfriend Liz Alann.

"Hello Flash, it's going well. How can I help you?" Peter answered keeping his voice under control

He had thought maybe he would be free now from this horrible man. He thought he would be able to stand against him now but seeing him only brought bad memories.

Flash wasn't scared of getting expelled and if Peter dared to snitch, Flash knew where to get him. He had warned him clearly what would happen to him if he ever dared to step out of line and Peter had imagined the scene clearly with his active mind.

"Haha that's my Parker, we will be needing help with our assignments so don't forget to make time for it." Flash chuckled seeing Peter acting so submissive, he really couldn't understand pussies and their thoughts.

This guy was smart and his future was bright but look at him acting like a slave.

Even his girl had some interest in the bookworm so he had to remind her of the reality.

In the summer holidays after graduation, Flash had matured a lot so he wasn't going to actually go out of line like before. He wasn't interested in becoming a criminal.

He was doing well in football so that was his goal now and getting caught doing illegal shit was not what he wanted but simple things like this were fun and he didn't have to deal with boring shit.

The surrounding and experience make the man, and Flash was born in a terrible setting. His father was an abusive alcoholic that beat his family and his mother was a submissive woman that didn't dare to run away from him.

This abuse led to his mind being so warped and he bullied people weaker than him but really he was also just a coward that didn't have the balls to fight the man.

This all changed after graduation when his father was about to rape his little sister and in a fit of rage, Flash snapped and hit the bastard with vase on the head.

From there all things spiraled out, the bastard was suspended from police duty for the crimes he had committed and his mother moved out from the house with the little sister to her parents house.

Flash decided to live with his girlfriend and these changes made him softer, and see the wrong path he had been walking.

It was the same destructive path that his bastard of a father had probably walked. He was changing but things take time and it wasn't like he was doing any harm to others, he was just pushing them to man up and if not they could help out for free.

Peter's hands were sweating and he bit his lips, "Flash, I can only make some time. Is that okay? You know I am very busy now."

Flash looked at Peter with surprise and laughed as he patted his back, "I don't have problem with that but I want my work finished."


"Good, wanna join us for a drink for our first week of our new life."

"Thank you but I don't like to drink."

"Parker, let's go" Flash held his hand

Peter heard that voice and shuddered before he caught the hand and stood up.

"Okay guys, let's enjoy our time and drink for our futures." Flash said with an excited tone, usually he wouldn't think about drinking because of his father but this time he had broken his childhood trauma and wanted to taste it to finish all of it.

Unlike Peter they were all 19 or 20 years old, making him the youngest among the group and the weakest even though there was girl among them.


Peter felt like this was going to be another waste of his time. He did think Flash had changed somehow but not much in his eyes since he was still being forced into this bullshit.

But reality ended up being far from expectations as he was forced to drink by the guys and even Liz that caused to speak out against them.

He let out all his frustrations and humiliated them in the worst possible ways that almost got him thrashed by Flash.

"It would be better if you had this much gust when sober Peter. Grow up already or life will always beat you down if you are just a pussy."

Peter couldn't believe such words came from the retard Flash before they let him go after having him drink some water and wash up.

'My head hurts so much.' Peter felt terrible and his stomach was also queasy now

It was already past 7 P.m and it was getting cold, the streets were filled with people like always and they avoided him.

Peter decided to catch his breath before he went home or he might get mugged. Leaning against the wall of a building in the alleyway, Peter looked at the opposite wall filled with nonsense.

He was feeling angry, angry at Flash and himself for being so weak.

Why couldn't he just stand up to him? Just act a little crazy and he might get scared.

Peter had such thoughts but he was worried what Flash might do if he ever tried such stupid actions. He wasn't even strong enough to beat Liz in a fight and Flash would knock him out with a single punch.

The guy was 2 m tall with 90 kg weight he was football champion and even took boxing.

There was no logical way for him to beat the guy unless he got a gun but that was too much, he didn't want to end up like those sick fucks.

"God, what do I do now? Should I just go with the flow or try to fight against him little by little?" Peter muttered quietly when suddenly he felt like something had dropped on his shoulder

It was a creepy crawly bug, most people would normally curse and throw it off but Peter was used to handling such things so he didn't react violently.

Looking at his shoulder, Peter saw a small spider with a black and white color. He had never seen such a spider in his life.

It was completely different from what he had learnt and understood that it might be a mutant species or an experimental product.

The spider didn't jump off when his hand approached with a handkerchief and seemed to stare at him with its glowing golden eyes.

'Golden' Peter wondered as he felt his curiosity get to him and desire him to capture it but the spider seemed to have noticed his intentions.

It jumped onto his neck and bit him.

Peter felt untold terror at that moment and quickly brushed the monster off.

'Please tell me it's not poisonous.'

Peter thought as he took out his phone to call the ambulance but felt dizzy.

'Shit, it got to me.' Peter felt regrets and guilt towards his parents as he tried to struggle against the feeling but crashed to the cold hard floor.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

It will be a mix up of Spiderman animated, xmen, f4, avengers and some things from the comics.

Naruto will play the mentor role and won't participate much. Just give advice.

I know the law is 21 but it used to be 18 when the comics started. And so the law stayed the same.

This is a harem story but just like always it will be slow and i will develop the characters.

This will be a lot different than the normal spiderman story as here he will make his own team, not just the spiders.

He won't give up Venom here.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


