
章 30: Chapter 1 (new fic)

If you could choose a place to live in the entire multiverse, where would it be?

Many would ask for some outlandish places, like planet Vegeta in Dragon Ball or something along those lines, but I would tell those with such fanciful thoughts that they should go and check-in with the asylum for the insane as they must have quite a severe brain damage.

If it was up to me I would prefer a small city in the middle of nowhere and that nothing much special happens. Live a quiet life, bang some of the local girls until I find one that I actually like, and from there I would simply go on and get married to the one that I fall in love with, and later on die in my sleep with an aneurism that kills me painlessly.

Clean and simple, an uneventful life.

And yet, why?

Why am I in this place?

I died and was reborn in DxD... Yes, that DxD.

It is the world that has Gods, Angels, Devils, Yokais, Heroes, and all sorts of other supernatural beings all over the place and people can power up based on emotion and 'oppai'.

And as to why I know this is DxD, it is very simple.

Getting out of bed I raise the covers and see a scene I was already expecting but was still somewhat irritating. I was reincarnated as the cousin of one Isane Hyoudou, who I can only assume is the female version of Issei Hyodou, the Red Dragon Emperor mostly known as the Breast Dragon Emperor. Despite being a girl she was likely just as much a pervert as the Issei on the history I know of, the number of times I have seen her trying to peek at the boy's changing room is simply absurd.

And this said girl was now lying in my bed sleeping, a perverted grin on her face. Her clothes are all messed up and she had her hands between her legs. Seeing the wet spot formed on that place in my bed just made me more pissed off.

"Hey, perv cousin!" I shout in anger.

She slowly opens her eyes, looking down at her state of dress she puts her hands to cover her chest and says.

"Kyaah!" This was such a fake word that it just made me more irritated as I went ahead, a hand went straight to her ear as I pulled her out of the bed. "Wait, wait, this isn't what is supposed to happen right? Shouldn't you attack when you find a defenseless sexy maiden in your bed? Are you even a man?"

"Yeah, I am a man, and this is my room. Learn basic decency first, stupid cousin." I say as I basically throw her out of the room and lock the door.

This may seem like an exaggeration for most, but this girl really has no limits. I lost count of the times I've seen her trying to spy on me bathing, of the times she stole my underwear, took pictures of me changing, and this entering my room in the middle of the night happens at least twice a week at a minimum since we were 12.


This is 5 years with her acting this way, how can I simply roll with it? I have only my memories from the age of 10 onwards, before that it is a bit of a blur due to whatever reason, and I have lived with this little perv since I can remember. And I can honestly say she likely doesn't work well in the head if this is how she acts all the time.

However, I must admit, Isane Hyoudou, despite her overly disappointing personality and ways of acting, is still an extremely beautiful girl... as long as she doesn't open her mouth or do anything besides standing still. Being about 1.69 meters tall she was rather tall for a girl, her dark brown hair was kept short on a messy ponytail, brown mischievous eyes, her breasts were honestly quite big being E cups (on the top 10 biggest in school) and with her small waist, bubbly ass and supple tights she was a thing of beauty. If not for her usual antics she would likely be able to get several boyfriends as easily as waving a hand, but she ruins herself quite spectacularly every time she opens her mouth. Even I would be tempted, but her way of doing things is just a big turn-off for me.

Of course, some of the male students still try sometimes as they think she would be easy prey (which honestly I think she likely is), just wanting to take advantage of her. Of course, as her cousin, I make absolutely sure that anyone trying to take advantage of her and that are only after her body, well, they would have some problems with their bodies to compensate.

Already sent at least a good few kids to the hospital over the years, mostly dislocated bones and broken jaws. Until today I had to do this about 58 times, more than 10 of the cases of beatings were in the perverted duo (I guess rats can learn through pain but these vermin are incapable of it, go figure).

Anyway, considering I am cousins with the main protagonist of the story I knew off, and considering she has the Boosted Gear, I am quite confident problems will find me one way or another. And even if they don't find me, I would find them as I refuse to let that stupid pervert go and get killed by some random megalomaniac idiot with illusions of grandeur... or Vali.

And what I have obtained during this time? What do I have from my time in this world after awakening here?

Well, I have the potentially best and also most useless power out there. The Merchant Essence.

Essence of the Merchant

*You are able to assess the value of anything you see. Any object, living being, or even a concept such as a person's emotions. This value can be equated to any other kind of value, whether it be a physical currency, energy, mana, etc.

*By paying the value, you can gain ownership over that thing, or cause an effect, such as spending mana to cast a spell.

*You can sense, get in contact with and appear to or summon any entity you would like to bargain with.

*You can negotiate any sort of transaction with ease, with knowledge of loopholes and clauses.

*You can establish contracts for favors with other living beings in order to waive or reduce the value paid for the desired effect. This can include supernatural beings such as demons.

*You may also act as a mediator between two parties, creating similar contracts and overseeing their execution impartially.

*Once a contract is signed and sealed, you are linked to the other party or parties, and will know when they are fulfilling their end of the bargain. This link lasts until the contract is fulfilled or all sides agree to break it off (should you include such a capability in the contract).

*Things obtained from other worlds can be stored in a personal dimension temporarily.

It sounds great on paper, but tell me one thing.

What exactly could I truly sell at that point? I need to sell something that me and the other party can agree on if I intend to make a deal and obtain something. but how much could I get before this point and what could I sell?

The answer, not much.

I had this Essence since I could remember. If I make any sort of deal then it must be fulfilled by both parties no matter what, so I always have avoided making any sort of promise during my life.

My Essence was also quite inconvenient in some aspects. To be precise, I had a Sacred Gear and some magic potential at the start, but I had to sacrifice things to an extent if I wanted to make any deals with other words. When I did a sacrifice for the Essence, I would be able to make deals with one word but which world was completely random. As I had few other choices at the time I sacrificed my natural magic potential and my sacred gear, both would be locked away for a certain amount of time and in exchange I would be able to make deals with two random worlds.

The two worlds I got from this sacrifice ended up being Kimetsu no Yaiba and the second was Senki Zesshou Symphogear.

But, what could I sell when I was so young that would be worth something, and who to sell it to.

My answer had come to me one night as I was thinking. I started with Demon slayer, namely made a deal with Tanjuro Kamado the father of Tanjiro, the protagonist of Demon Slayer.

What I could sell, that was simple enough.

Life span.

My Merchant Essence let me buy and sell things and make absolute contracts, but I am just an ordinary human so even if I wanted to my life span/vitality is rather limited so I couldn't make any exchange of life span with someone with an extremely powerful body or anything like that as not all lives are worth the same. For instance, someone like White Beard or Goku's level is much higher than mine so 10 or 20 years of life span may not help them for more than a week or less.

That is why he was such an ideal target for an initial deal since, despite his knowledge, Tanjuro was just an ordinary human in the end and he was dying from sickness with his life span reaching its end.

I offered ten more years of my own life span to give to him, it was rather funny as the man and his family thought of me as some sort of deity when I made this proposal. As for what I asked, it was the 'dance of the fire god' that he knew as well as exchanged his sense of smell for mine. In exchange for sharing that knowledge and making that exchange, I would transfer to him 10 years of my own life.

He was extremely hesitant and wanted to refuse several times, but in the end Tanjiro and the rest of the family convinced him to take the deal as they already had a successor in the form of Tanjiro who already knew the 'dance'.

Instead of passing to me simply the information of the breathing method, I received the entire experience of Tanjuro regarding this method as well as his experience in training it as well as the know-how for 'dancing the entire night' as the 'dance' was intended. This directly shortened my time to learn this huge margin, so I was quite satisfied since this breathing method directly would let me increase my physical parameters considerably.

After receiving the knowledge from Tanjuro my life span was directly reduced by 10 years, my Essence transferring this instantly between us, I personally didn't feel any difference but at that time the time I had to live naturally lessened by 10 years directly.

Feeling that I might as well take advantage of this opportunity I decided to give the Kamado Family some information. Namely, I explained to them what the 'Dance of the fire God' was all about, how it was a breath style made to fight demons, as well as explained to them about demons, their weaknesses, and the demon slayer core.

The sense of smell, in particular, was a huge gain since the Kamado family's sense of smell could even detect the emotions of others as well as if there is anyone of other races around. It was the sort of thing that could prove invaluable in the right circumstances and I fully intend to take advantage of it.

Besides this deal, I also made a deal with Kagaya Ubayashiki, five years of life span for a Nichirin blade and the training equipment as well as training methods for demon slayers as well as records regarding the other breath styles. He was a bit reluctant to take this deal, but when I explained I was from a different world and my world also had monsters that needed exterminating, he accepted the deal thanks to the assistance of his wife and the Hashiras that were with him.

I even convinced the Hashiras to help me by trading away a few captured demons for more life span to Kagaya, each demon increasing for another month of life span with any Lower Moon going for six whole months. They were doubtful about this sort of deal, but it wouldn't really cost them much at all for this level of deal and they were glad to take this sort of deal anyway if only to let Kagaya-san live a while longer.

But why did I do something as 'useless' as taking away some captured demons as propriety? Well, that is because of the second world I have unlocked.

Senki Zesshou Symphogear.

That world has plenty of very interesting things I can trade with, but those who have them would hardly want more life span as the stronger forces with things to sell are either immortal, quite young, or complete lunatics. But, there are two groups that I could trade with there if I had the right 'chips'.

Carol, the mad alchemist, and the Bavarian Illuminati. Those groups are alchemists who dabble deeply in understanding the world, a whole new unique species with such unique aspects like the demons from Kimetsu no Yaiba? That is irresistible for them.

With that, I traded those few demons that only cost me three years of life span for the knowledge of alchemy from both Carol and the Bavarian Illuminati as well as their tech in how to make artificial Noise.

I don't personally need that, but who knows who might be interested in an anti-humans tech that is easily controllable? I can sell it later. And would the villains from Symphogear knowing about demons and possibly being able to reproduce them make things harder for the symphogear girls? I don't really care, I only sold what there was in demand, what happens next isn't for me to take care of. Worst comes to worst, I can always sell Nichirin Blades for the people in Symphogear... for a hefty sum of course.

It was also a nice bonus that after a trade the other party could enter in contact with me about other viable trades, none did yet but who knows about the future.

Beyond those, I didn't really manage to open other worlds for trade. To open any world for trade you must either pay a price of your own body or pay a price in money, and I sold what I could with my natural magic potency and sacred gear being sealed for the last few years and only recently the 'seal' in them being released.

Well, that was years ago and, after that, I just did small contracts in town and some other places. Nothing big or anything, just simple work here and there where I asked in exchange, say, one-fiftieth of the other party's body fitness, a week of their life span, and some money. People took it as a joke, no normal person measures their fitness precisely every day anyway and no one knew how long they would live so it was seen as just some sort of nonsense, but I still got my side of the deal.

After several years of accumulation I had more than made up for my lost life span, got a good amount of money, and got much, much more physically fit. It was a bit of a shame that I never got to face a supernatural being since I had no contact with the devils and there aren't exactly all that many stray devils roaming about at all times, but I still have accumulated some money and plenty of life span.

After these years I also trained my thunder breath to perfection, fully integrating all the knowledge and experience of Tanjuro who could use the Breath of the Sun for the whole night while using the 'dance' even when he was sick and in snowy winter. My body was also several times stronger than a normal human, and using the Sun Breath my overall skills with a sword in hand, or even without one, were quite nice. Now all I need is to find out how I actually compare with a supernatural being.

It is really a shame that for these years my magic potential was sealed so I couldn't practice much with Alchemy, but I can do it now so it is not all bad. During this summer I practiced enough with my alchemy and started fusing it with my Sun Breath to release actual flames when fighting, those 'effects' from the manga turning into reality in my hands now.

It was way too cool to be able to do that.

And with me now in my second year together with Isane, it shouldn't be long before danger starts so the stronger I can become, the better.

Raynare should pop up soon enough, and I will definitely cut her down. Well, partially cut her down. I have uses for her AND all her cronies. I am quite sure there are many people in the multiverse who would be interested in weapons specifically targeted at night creatures like the lightsabers and guns the exorcists use and people that would be willing to pay a lot to study beings who basically never age like Fallen Angels.

I would have to prepare a new sacrifice to open another world for business, but it will be well worth it if I get good enough results and, worst comes to worst, I can always sell these fallen for the government in Symphogear in exchange for a hefty sum of money I can unlock new worlds with.

Regardless of thoughts of future profit, I finish to style my hair, put on my uniform, and go to the dinning room as normal. On my side was my customary sword, yes I always have it by my side even at home.

"Morning." I greet my uncle and aunt with a wave as I sit down for breakfast.

"Good morning, Ace-kun. How are you today?" Miki Hyoudou, my aunt, questioned. She probably heard the commotion in the morning that me and Isane caused.

"Well enough, the same as usual." I said, glancing at Isane who was trying to act normal.

Miki turned her gaze to her daughter and sighed.

"The usual, huh. What did this daughter of mine do this time around?"

"She entered my room at night and got under my covers, she also likely masturbated in her sleep so my bed is all wet." I said simply, making Isane wince.

"You didn't need to add that part." She said with a glare that I answered instantly.

"I don't want a repeat of that time when you did something like that and I covered up for you, only to have your parents thinking I pissed in my pants during sleep."

Again, living with a raging pervert was by no means easy.

Goro, Isane's father and my uncle, sighed at that.

"Sorry, Ace-kun. I don't know how we failed so badly with this daughter of ours, but please be patient with her. I am sure she can learn... eventually."

I shrugged my shoulders, unfortunately, used to Isane's antics.

Probably wanting to change topics, Miki speaks up.

"So, you two are starting your second year now. Excited?"

"Yes, it will be fun. So many new kohais, hehehe." Isane said with a perverted grin while I frowned. This year, I will have to work my hardest.

In this one year alone, I must make sure that Trihexa is not released and so many other disasters don't happen.

"I will survive this year." I said simply, making the others look at me weirdly from my determination, not understanding the weight of my words.

That is fine, they don't need to know about it anyway. As long as I know, it is enough.

After finishing breakfast in this awkward atmosphere, we set off to school.


"So, have you decided which one you intend to approach?" Sona asked as she took a sip of her tea while looking over at Rias who looks conflicted, as usual.

Rias is a beautiful young woman with white skin, blue eyes, and a buxom figure that looks like it couldn't possibly be natural. Her most distinctive feature, however, is her long, beautiful crimson hair which she inherited from her father, that reaches down to her thighs with a single hair strand (known in Japan as ahoge) sticking out from the top.

Meanwhile, Sona was a young bespectacled woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut, and violet eyes. Her eyes had a mesmerizing aspect to it and, while she lacked the sheer explosiveness of Rias' body, she still was one of the most beautiful women in this entire town and had a lithe but halthy figure with a unique charm to it, as well as a considerably great backside that was even more attractive than Rias.

"... I think I will approach Isane, after all." Rias admitted after a short while. "She seems like he would be much easier to manage considering she would certainly become a devil of lust, who are amongst the easiest to handle. Ace is much more greedy in comparison, he would certainly be a devil of greed and those are the hardest to manage, besides, if I chose Isane I wouldn't need to fear Koneko turning out fat this way."

Sona chuckled at the last comet, knowing exactly how her friend's rook would sometimes follow Ace around like a lost puppy wanting food. That was something of a normal costume at this point where he usually had a lot prepared for her and the stoic girl would eat them all with a light smile and almost purr while eating it was a clear sign of how much she likes them. Of course, he always said he wanted a week of life span for meal, but as devils, they lived for thousands of years and it was not like Ace was actually able to deduce someone's life span. It was more a joke he liked to say when helping others... as far as Sona could tell anyway.

After returning to her calm serenity Sona answered back.

"Very well, then I will approach Ace. Honestly speaking I was leaning more on approaching him anyway so it is a win-win for me."

As Sona said that she elegantly took a sip of her tea. Sona could see how more serious Ace was and she could feel that while he apparently lacked a Sacred Gear, there was something about him that just screamed power to her and Rias. They once wondered how valuable he was and he was worth at least five pawns, which meant he was at least Rook level, maybe Queen material.

Isane, meanwhile, was harder to measure as if her potential was unstable, so it was more of a wild bet to take her.

Rias, hearing Sona's pleased tone about her getting first shots at taking Ace into her peerage, pouted a bit. It was selfish, but she honestly preferred if Sona would not approach Ace at all since Rias desperately wanted him to.

Both Rias and Sona are high-class devils with peerages and, as such, want to find people to fill in their respective peerages. Rias, in special, needed it urgently since she was going to be facing a considerable challenge soon in the form of Riser and she may have him beat in quality since most of his peerage was just eye candy and horny women, but she only had three usable servants as of right now and a fourth she couldn't even try and use thanks to his powers being uncontrollable as of right now

She needed numbers, and she needed it fast.

The Hyoudou siblings were perfect for it. First, there is Isane Hyoudou who was already extremely driven by her own desires, if this was coupled with devil biology and the fact that she had a sacred gear (she found that out a while ago) then there is a good chance that the final result would be a powerful family member for her. Then there is Ace who, despite not showing an ounce of magic energy, showed that he was extremely competent in combat and had some considerable potential. If he were to become her peerage member then he could perhaps become a great help for her.

This, however, leads to a problem. Just as Rias wanted the two of them, Sona too had some interest in them. She too was trying to complete her peerage and Rias couldn't really blame Sona for wanting it too. As such the two entered an agreement that they would both choose one each and try and recruit the person, if they fail then the other one can try as well.

"Very well, with this set, we should move to try it soon." Sona said and Rias nodded, internally however she was having some cold sweat fall down her back, she has never really invited someone to her peerage, the people she invited had pretty much no other choice than to say yes to her, after all.


Ace's P.O.V.

Getting to school I was just about to enter the gates when the usual nonsense started.

"Stop right there." Tomoe Meguri, a devil of Sona's Peerage if memory serves me right, says as she waves for me to stop.

Turning to her I raise an eyebrow as she approaches.

"Why did you come to school with a sword again, Ace-kun? It should be pretty obvious you can't do that and we already told you last year to not do it."

"And I already said that there are no rules against carrying a sword, just against using one in public unless for self-defense. I checked, there are no rules in school against this." I said easily.

Of course there wouldn't be any rules against the port of weapons in this school, a stickler for rules like Sona always tried to follow the rules and her peerage likely had weapons of their own as well, how could she just let all those weapons at home? It was a tiny loophole she likely left for herself, and I am taking advantage of it.

Tomoe looks irritated and I smirk at her. Irritating others is always quite interesting in my eyes, especially cute girls who always try to act nice like Tomoe. Breaking their 'perfect nice girl' act is always fun.

"So, you wanted to actually say something or was just missing me, Tomo-chan?" I said with a cheerful tone that was extremely fake.

This girl and the rest of the student council were quite irritating for me anyway. Last year they would constantly complain to me about missing classes and how I didn't enter a club as was the norm. It was so much that I ended up accepting and entering the kendo club, I only show up every once in a while and in tournaments but they let me do as I please since me being around doesn't help much. The difference in ability is just too large between me and the rest of the club, me normally just going there every once in a while to teach the others and to talk with some friends I got over there.

Tomoe looks at me for a bit before sighing.

"The president wants to talk to you after class, I just wanted to inform you of it?"

"Well, fine I guess. Avoiding you guys would be more a nuisance than actually accepting, so I will go there." I said with a shrug before waving her off and moving to class.


I knew it, I just knew it. Looking down at the cup of tea in front of me I groaned as I wanted little more than to just go and take my nap instead of being here.

"Ace-kun, for a while now I have been meaning to talk with you about some matters that are of considerable importance." Sona said while I keep glaring down at the offending teacup.

"Sure, sure, but don't you have some coffee here? I don't particularly like boiled water with mashed leaves." I told her, appreciating the slight squint of the eyes she shots at me and the similar look Tsubaki is sending me.

Small victories.

"No, I don't have that on hand nor do I want it inside this room. The smell of it is simply something I wouldn't appreciate tainting the odor of this place." Sona said and I shrugged.

"Suit yourself." I answered.

"So, as I was saying. I have been meaning to talk with you." Sona continued, trying to pretend that I didn't interrupt her. "I wish to ask you if you would be interested in joining the student council."

"Hard pass." I answered instantly and she froze for a moment.

"... Care to enlighten me as to why you were in so much of a hurry to refuse my invitation?"

"Because I have better things to do." I answered easily, picking on my ear since it was a bit dirty right now.

"... That is not much of an explanation." Sona said and before I could answer someone else spoke up.

"It is because of this, Kaichou." Momo, a white-haired beauty that worked in Sona's peerage said as she presented Sona with...

Oh well, fuck.

"So, care to enlighten me with more details about this whole thing regarding this 'Odd-Jobs Ace'?" Sona said with an infuriating smirk and I groaned.

The school had a regulation regarding not allowing students to do part-time jobs, something that would be far more of a problem than I care to deal with.

... I guess this is as good a time as any to do this. I mean, I would need to reveal myself at some point, and, perhaps, I could use this chance to see if it is possible for me to learn magic. My sacrifice of the natural magic potential was already dealt with so I have it back, and trying to act all mysterious is stupid anyway.

The supernatural is the best place to get money and other things I need if I want to do good exchanges, me not revealing myself to Sona or Rias the previous year was simply because I feel no desire for attracting attention earlier and potentially kick-starting events earlier than expected. Every possible moment gained is a moment longer before shit hits the fan, but there is just so long before what should be the plot starts anyway so delaying it now is pointless.

"Sure, but first could you explain to me why a group of devils lurking in human society is complaining that I have a job?" I answer back and Sona instantly froze. Her eyes became sharper and everyone turned to me with serious gazes, some of the others here even having magic circles already on the ready to attack me.

Sona regained her composture and spoke up.

"How did you find out? Are you a stray magician or belong to some other faction?"

With a wave of my hand, I spoke.

"Not at all, I just know you guys are devils because of the smell."

"Smell?" She asks.

"Yes, you all have a unique smell that is unlike that of normal humans. I felt it once when I found a disgusting monster while I was young and my teacher explained to me the basics of the supernatural world." I gave half-truths and half-bullshit.

She looks intensively at me before speaking.

"If you knew of us, why have you never said anything?"

"Because I never needed to." I said honestly. "I am not associated with any organization and don't have any supernatural power besides the sacred gear I have yet to unlock and unique ability of mine. Why exactly should I go and declare to you or anyone all I can do?"

Sona reclines in her chair and after a moment she waves at her peerage members to lower their hands. After thinking for a bit she speaks.

"You enjoy money, correct?"

"Yes, it is in my top favorite things." I said easily. With enough money and my Essence, there is literally nothing I cannot buy, after all.

"Then, how about joining my Peerage?" she says with a light smile. "House Sitri pays handsomely and you can use your free time to make money as you wish. We also have many connections that you can use, and being a devil is simply better than being a human. We have life spans that are near-infinite as not one devil has ever died of old age, out bodies are naturally stronger, and we have access to magic. Not a bad deal, wouldn't you say so?"

I put a finger under my chin at her words. Honestly speaking I seriously think about joining either Rias or Sona's peerages, not for anything else but because they would be sure to be at the center of the storm that can make or break the world moving forward. Being solo is good and all, my freedom being as much as I want, but it has its limits, especially in obtaining more lucrative deals that I will be needing in the future.


"I can accept under three conditions." I say easily. She raises a brow but motions for me to go on. "First, if I accept you must do your best to let me become High Class as soon as possible. Use all connections available if needed to push it to where I can become high class sooner rather than later. And you also cannot create difficulties in me rising in social status nor allow your family to do so in your instead intentionally. If I am to become a devil I would rather become the best out there, and having my 'master' pulling me down wouldn't work for me."

"It is somewhat hard, but doable." she admits. I don't want to be like Issei that needed to face Gods and a bunch of other things over and over again for a full year to finally become High Class.

I honestly think that Sirzech was trying to avoid Issei reaching High Class as to let such a powerful person be there to protect his sister constantly, so I am having none of that. If I make a contribution to devil society, I will have it known and credited fully to become high class as soon as possible.

Pretty sure I can get High Class by the time of the end of the Peace Treaty if we consider that I fully intend to defeat Kokabiel, a leader of the fallen angels, as well as help, protect the leaders of the three factions. How doing this can NOT make me high class is beyond me when any schmuck doing simple back rub contracts can get High class after a while?

"Second rule, you cannot intervene on any deals I make as long as they do not endanger your life in a more direct way. I won't be having you stoppind me from making deals all the time and explaining myself like you are my master and I am a slave doing errands."

"... Much tougher for me to accept, and I would need to know what deals you make to be sure it doesn't negatively affect devil society."

Rolling my eyes I compromise.

"Fine, if I become a member of your peerage I won't take deals that DIRECTLY affect negatively affect you, your loved ones, and your house. I won't just say devil society since, as far as I know, it includes Stray Devils and the Old Satan faction and I have no quams about hurting those groups. And it must be directly since I cannot always know if me doing something can indirectly harm your loved ones or you in some way." I say and she thinks for a bit before nodding reluctantly.

"We can discuss this later if we enter a deal. What else?" Sona said, surprisingly understanding. But, I think she is at her limit and this will certainly go beyond that said limit.

"The final rule, I want to be paid whenever you need me for something. If you need me to defend you, pay, if you need me for a rating game, pay, and if you need me to take your dog for a walk, PAY. I won't be seen walking with Saji for free, after all." I said with a smirk at the only male in the room who glares at me with venom.

Yeah, yeah, you hate me for pointing out you are her willing pet.

As long as anyone agrees with my terms, I won't mind becoming a devil. Any deals I make are absolutely binding, if someone actually agrees with my terms then they are obeyed no matter what. With these terms, I gain the benefits of being a devil while not gaining mostly any drawbacks, at most the only big negative is that the church would want me dead but I don't care about that. As long as I join Rias or Sona I would be right in the middle of the storm and be able to actually do something about it, and if I am being paid extra for it all the better.

Sona frowns at my terms after a bit and speaks up.

"That is far too much, I can't accept it."

"Wait, wait, wait. Before you say anything, how about a demonstration? I will fight your knight as well as miss Rias' knight, after seeing my performance whoever accepts and is willing to pay more as a begginer bonus I will become its peerage member." I said with a smile.

Honestly, my terms are quite harsh but I don't care. I won't just become someone's slave just like that, this level of freedom is something I desire and, after reaching High Class, there is little chance that my 'master' can order me around that freely.

"Rias?" She says in question, so I explain.

"She has a stronger smell than the other devils, much like you. I only figured you two were the kings because your smells were the strongest and she actually still called herself a 'Gremory', which is a dead giveaway for anyone out there." I explain, making her nod while massagging her forehead.

After a bit, she speaks.

"I will call for her then, how about we have this little duel in, say, one hour?"

"Fine by me, I will go to the Kendo club during this time then. Murayama and Katase would likely enjoy a chance to show off their skills anyway." I say as I waved them off and got going.

Now, will Rias and Sona take the bait or not?



How did you guys like the first chapter of the new fic? It is under the name 'Trade for survival, a Merchant's way of wining in this crazy world', I hope it is to you guy's liking.

Before anyone complain about the MC joining Rias or Sona's Peerages, the deals he makes are absolute and with these terms he is not much different from just a mercenary in their peerages.

Want him to participate in something, pay up. Want him to fight in a rating game, pay up. Want him to help deal with someone's problems? Pay up.

He also would have the freedom to do deals as he sees fit, use their house's connections to expand the viable deals, AND the king has to do his best to push for him also to become High Class.

Question, should the saving two heiresses from the attack of a Cadre Fallen Angel AND defeating said fallen warrants become high class? Yes, it definitely should warrant it. Especially if this also stops the explosion of the great war all over again.

Anyway, I decided to go with the Merchant Essence in the end as it is the most versatile, but also very complicated. He can make deals with people from this world of another, if a deal can be reached or the value can be paid then the deal is completed. I literally don't know what will happen next since I made a list of names from worlds I can see some form of deal being possible, assigned them a number each, then used random number generator to decide which should the next world be.

Quick question before I go. I want you guys to decide what should be his SG as well as decide, should Ace be a Rook, Knight, or Pawn? And, if he actually becomes high class, how would you guys think of him having Katase and Murayama as Pawns with both having trained in Breath Styles from Kimetsu no Yaiba and already belonging to Ace (they were quite cheap, being only humans without SG and already thinking him attractive).

And yes, if he has already bought them he can and do have sex with them, next chapter likely including lemon with those two.

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C30
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


