In this universe, we don't call tiers of hell "circles" we call them phases, because circles are just POINTless, phases are more tolerable. Anyway, the first phase is not that scary, the only thing is anoying is the constant pimples and oils on your face, because this phase is all about people who didn't take their promises seriously, and take it for granted, and is always late on a date or on a meeting and make a dumb excuse about traffic or something dumb about their car being broken or something, this circle's punishment is rather mild, but annoying for people who have OCD. The punishment is to have to watch a missplace thing or something that isn't on the center of the table. For people who doesn't take their words seeiously, they are left out by their friends and are constantly FOMO everytime, and they are forced to watch photos of their friends excluding them. And their constant FOMO leads to constant hate comments on their IG or their youtube account and lots of people are unfriending them because their posts are not on schedule anymore.