"Your kind never knows true power. Power beyond human. Yet, you walk into the devils' den despite knowledge of your betters!" Dark Lord Potter slashed his wand, casting multiple transfiguration and animation charms at once.
The first of the tentacles pushed the stunned devils aside before they started darting towards the Maou. In return, she wove her glittering staff, topped with a star, turning some of the tentacles into ice and shattering them.
But they kept on coming.
Every devil in the room, but the main characters, were completely stunned. Just like his battle with the actual Dark Lord that he drew his inspiration from.
Harry smirked and added some slime to his newly formed tentacles, one of them got a grasp on her staff arm, but it quickly shattered as well.
"You'll never win, the power of love cannot be stopped by such erotic, evil magic!"
Finally, a tentacle wrapped around her mouth, shutting her up, as another grabbed at her thigh.
"Mmm, mmm!"
"Love will not save you today, girl!" he roared as he pulled her arms and legs stretching them like a starfish, hung in the air. The tentacle around her mouth froze and she started screaming, thrashing in horror.
Of course, the Leviathan could have gotten out at any time. Hell, with his liberal use of animation charms, Harry was sure that even Issei could break out without the use of his boosted gear.
The tentacle around her mouth shattered, but the others remained as they were.
"You haven't won yet!" the star at the end of her pink staff started to glitter as her hat fell off her head, setting her dark locks free. "I still have my-"
"No you don't," the deep, dead sounding voice echoed out as the Dark Lord pulled with his left hand and the staff started flying towards his empty hand from a wandless summoning charm.
Somewhere in his mind, Harry thought he heard the sound of people begging them to stop, but he was getting into it. Maybe a little too much.
When the Magical Girl staff hit his hand, Harry forced his Phoenix fire to light from his hand.
"Aaagghh!" he screamed, clutching his arm as he hissed in Parseltongue. His sleave started to burn before he quenched it, leaving his skin beat red. That part actually took some look-changing devil magic to accomplish, but Harry was proud of himself. A Magical Girl staff should hurt a Dark Lord if he touched it, right?
He glared at the staff on the ground in mock anger. Maybe it was going too far? However, Serafall looked like she was worshipping his display though, and Harry couldn't help but grin a little at the fun he was having.
He used all his strength as a devil to form miniature craters in the ground with every slow step forward. The Dark Lord reverently held his wand and 'reveled' in the 'fear' from the 'hero' before him. He stroked the Deathstick like Tom always loved to do.
"See what the power of love can do for you? I am immortal and YOU!? You all, of all people, come to my lair to slay me!"
"You torture innocents and twist the power of love to your evil means! Someone had to stop you!"
"Mmm," he forced the tentacles to stretch her arms out more and he pushed his wand against her neck, sliding it across. "Obviously, that someone is not you."
"I called for backup, they won't take long!" she tried to fight it, but was completely trapped!
"Backup you say? But, you've seen my power," he stated as if it was a question. "And, as you can clearly see, the power of love has failed you. Why don't you give up?"
The Dark Lord leaned closer and whispered in her ear. He ignored how good she smelled, "Join me. Together, none will stop us."
"NEEEVVVEEEER!" she yelled out with pure conviction.
"I think," he pulled back a little. "I think you are wrong. I have something to trade. To trade for your allegiance. You will finally see a reason to embrace the dark side and cast aside the foolish trappings of... love!" he spat out as if cursing God.
Serafall quivered. Was she... panting? It took all Harry's control not to look to her crotch. He wouldn't know what to do if she was actually getting off on this.
"My minion has what I want, Dobby!" he forced the tentacles to lift up her legs, closer to her core. The core that Harry couldn't help but imagine how wet it was. Harry-no, the Dark Lord-couldn't help himself. Damn devil instincts! Harry forced himself to regain control!
"Yes, Great and Powerful Master H-"
"Dobby!" he cut him off. Can't have him saying his name and ruining the moment. At least he was dressed in a black suit. The top hat and giant handkerchief were... typical Dobby-like, but it still fit the part of a loyal minion close enough.
"Bring me the blackmail folder for Sona," he felt the world tighten around him. Those were the wrong words to use. He should have shown her the pictures before he used the word blackmail...
His soul felt like it was being crushed, and the cold...
His power over death felt warm and comforting compared to the chill that burned his very thoughts. Only the fact that he winked at her and started mouthing that it was 'okay' saved him from an early death. One that would definitely be a closed casket funeral.
With a couple pops, Dobby was back with a manila folder in his hand. Harry tried to catch his breath as fast as he could. Serafall didn't look regretful that she acted in defense of her sister, but she certainly looked afraid.
It reminded him of how he felt when Dean told him he wasn't sure if he murdered Cedric to win a stupid tournament. Back then, he was afraid that all of Hogwarts, his only home, thought that of him. He wasn't a person, he was a symbol.
Her body was slumped forward and her eyes were dull like they were before. The tentacles that held her were still in place, but they were now glistening, completely encased in ice.
Not that anyone else in the club room noticed. They all were pushing themselves back against the walls. Issei and Saji though, both had blood coming from their noses. Personally, Harry hadn't thought that it was possible to get a bloody nose from arousal before. OR maybe they were just afraid of the show of power? The rest of the devils were all shivering with wide eyes.
It wouldn't let Harry stop his act though.
The Dark Lord put his wand underneath one of the rulers of the Underworld and lifted her chin.
"These, treasures of mine were collected after years of effort and countless deaths of my powerful minions. I believe that you can discard your humanity with these. The true Evil Pieces!"
He flashed the photos he took of Sona last night and her sister squealed with glee, breaking the tentacles to grab them to get a closer look.
Harry returned to his natural look and felt a soft, happy smile on his face before Serafall wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing her head into his chest.
"Kawaii! So-chan is the cutest ever! I'll do anything for you now, thank you, thank you, thank you! She's so precious!"
As the Leviathan's body swung back and forth, hanging on to Harry, the other devils looked at the scene like they saw a monster. Only Rias was the exception. It only took her a few moments to shake off the stupor. She often had to deal with Sirzechs after all.
"I mean it, thank you," a whispered sound reached his ears.
The words that only he could hear made it all worth it. And deep down, he knew the power he needed to strive for. To help Valerie, he would need to reach the point where he could survive against that power. A power that he wasn't even able to breathe under the aura of it alone.
Maybe they could find another way to steal the piece of the Sephiroth Graal than to kill Rizevim?
"I couldn't help myself really. I don't think it's near as much as your situation, but being the Boy-Who-Lived and all, I guess I recognized the look you had when Sona talked to you," Harry explained before he took another drink from his smoothie.
After the devils calmed down from their display, Serafall demanded he talked to her about what his plans were for So-tan. It took him almost 45 minutes to get her to believe he wanted nothing from her until she finally asked him why he played the bad guy.
The uncharacteristically serious face of Serafall Leviathan fell into a small frown, "Yea, we don't hear about the wars there often, but everyone knows the Fallen don't help it. Some people think they try to make more conflict for fun since it's the Church's backyard."
Harry sighed, "I guess. I never understood why they have control. I just-I feel responsible for them since I grew up there and all."
"And since you used to be human and all?" she winked at him.
"H-how did you know? I thought that was supposed to be a big secret!"
Serafall laughed, "Bel-kun needed to get a set of Evil Pieces, of course some people at the top know. You're supposed to go to the spot before you can get any and have to prove your status. I have no idea how he got it done, but you're a weird case anyway, Rii-kun!"
That nickname hurt his masculinity a little, but Harry tried not to wince at it. It was hardly the first time he used it.
"Whatever. I really did have fun with your sister and her friends last night though. Actually, I believe it may have been the best time of my life. I don't think I ever had that much fun before. I would have loved to invite you too if I knew about it too," Harry winked.
"It wouldn't have been the same if I was there..." Serafall trailed off.
"Look, I don't know how long it takes, but I have no doubt your sister will come around eventually. Maybe after she finished high school or has some difficulties with her peerage. With how they treat you like they did, despite what kind of people they are and how you obviously wanted to be treated..." Harry rambled.
"They should have seen you as Sona's older, fun sister, not the Leviathan on business. That's another hat, not your Magical Girl one," he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.
"Sorry, I'm rambling, but I felt it was a little personal because of how I used to be treated and acted a little," he blushed awkwardly. "...spontaneously."
Serafall just looked at him. She didn't say a word.
Harry was about to say something again when he felt her hand grab his arm and the familiar sensation of teleportation hit him.
"Wha-" he was about to ask when her lips crashed into his.
They continued and undressed each other, but Harry felt... awkward. He had been sleeping by Valerie's side for a while now and with how Akeno acted with them the previous night... Harry had a hard time focusing on the woman in front of him.
He felt... used. The way they acted together, the day had been going so great, but now? Harry felt a little horrible in the pit of his stomach.
Serafall got off of him and turned around with a dead stare. One that looked as if she wasn't even alive in the first place. Even Valerie's stare with a broken soul looked like it had more life than Serafall's.
"There. You have the Leviathan as a notch in your belt, you got what you wanted by playing a week girl, I've seen it before, it's not like this is my first."
The room became slightly chilly, but it wasn't a harmful cold.
'This was all wrong,' Harry thought to himself. He knew he was a fairly passive person. He didn't make a move on Valerie in the past because he was fine with just going with the flow unless a life was in danger. But he had to do something. He couldn't let Serafall walk away like this.
Harry knew that she didn't want reassurances or platitudes, so he animated tentacles, told her that he was a right bastard and brutalized every orifice like how Issei described hentai like. Personally, Harry would never watch something like that, but he got the gist of how it would work.
They continued. Harry was basically a virgin as his only other encounter was a drunken blur. But, he had a devil body, magic to stop himself from acting prematurely, and Parseltongue to charm her.
After they stopped being rough, they settled into something... different.
Harry didn't know how it happened, but the hours were ignored as the sun passed over their heads while they were confined to the room. Needy, raw, and tender lovemaking continued between whispers of sweet nothings and bouts of silent cuddling.
He fell asleep with his arms wrapped around her, the both of them in complete bliss.
The devil King later woke up alone and confused. What the hell was he thinking, the Leviathan, really?
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