13.4% Douluo Dalu 2: Heavenly Eyed Douluo / Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Changes

章 25: Chapter 25: Changes

"Yes, yes, yes! Finally! We're going to get Bing'er! Oh, my Bing Bing." Skydream's excited and horny voice loudly sounded in Huo Yuhao's mind, making his eye twitched. "It took you so long to decide! You've already reached rank 20 last month, why did you wait until now?!"

'Oh excuse me if I wanted to be overly prepared in venturing towards the extreme north known to have some of the most powerful ice-type soul beasts in the world, which, I might add, we're going after one of the emperors of it!' Huo Yuhao inwardly retorted as he stretched his arms, which was a bit hard to do so due to the fifty kilogram weights wrapped around his limbs, which looked like simple dark-blue bracelet rings.

And no, this wasn't some kind of punishment given by either Ancestor or teacher Zhou. Though he did asked for the bracelets from the latter, due to her connection with Fan Yu, and the chainmail they used during their running practice was probably made by him. The bracelets are some training weights to build up his muscles according to Ancestor's training regime.

It was to prepare him for the Eight Gates or something, he wasn't told much except to get buff.

And if he was being honest? Ancestor was right. Having a healthy and sturdy body leads to greatness! Especially...

'Ah, I still can't enough of this feeling.' Huo Yuhao closed his eyes and puffed up his chest, feeling the tight feeling in his abdomen, his lips spread across his face. 'Abs! A true symbol of a perfect body!'

"Yeah, yeah. You've got a great body, for a human that is. Now hurry up and get to class before you drown yourself, again." Skydream's grumbling voice sounded. "Seriously, I still can't believe you managed to do this with your current cultivation."

'Hahahaha! Be in awe of my power! As I,' Huo Yuhao stood up and turned to head back towards his dorm. 'walk on water.'

It was the early dawn, the sun just rose up so there wasn't anyone to witness this strange scene of a boy walking on water with a confident smile on his face, the sun's rays illuminating his figure.

"Oh Ice God, what the heck happened to the once shy and polite boy that I first met?" Skydream chuckled in Huo Yuhao's mind. "You've certainly grown into quite the confident young man."

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but grin at the comment. 'Well, I suppose meeting new friends and enjoying school did wonders to my personality.'

"Hmm. I can't tell if you inherited the clan's personality or not." Ancestor's blank tone of voice finally sounded in Huo Yuhao's mind.

'Huh? What do you mean by that?'

"Trust me, you don't wanna know. Just....don't fully darken your hair color and let it grow bangs over your eyes while thinking "life is meaningless"."

'Ugh. I-I don't know why but it's giving me goosebumps for some reason.' Huo Yuhao shivered as he reached the shore of the Sea God Lake.

"As I said, you don't wanna know."

'Right.' Huo Yuhao rolled his eyes as he fiddled with his weight bracelets. 'So, are you gonna tell me why you changed Brother Skydream's skills into what they are and what kind of foundation you built for my eyes?'

"You still haven't figured it out yet?" Ancestor sounded amused by Huo Yuhao's frustration.

'No and it infuriates me.' Huo Yuhao shook his head.

"Well, a young chick has to know how to fly on their own after all. And you are still a young chick."

Huo Yuhao was about to respond when he sensed someone coming up from behind him.

"Hey. Had a good workout, Huo Yuhao?" A soft and polite voice sounded out.

"Yeah, I worked up quite a sweat Ning Tian." Huo Yuhao said as he turned to smile at his friend.

Walking up to him was a tall girl, she was even slightly taller than Huo Yuhao who had gone through a massive change due to three months of arduous training and the two mystical pills he absorbed that he stood at 155 centimeters.

She had short golden hair, and is extremely nimble looking. Her large golden eyes have long eyelashes, and she has a few cute freckles on her cheeks. Right now she wore form-fitting sports wear that accentuated her athletic figure, revealing her blossoming chest and hips.

Ning Tian smiled back at Huo Yuhao, "I can see that. You're looking stronger every day. I'm glad to see all your hard work paying off."

Huo Yuhao chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "Thanks, Ning Tian. I can say the same to you as well. Did you get taller?"

"Who knows. With how short you are, I didn't notice." She playfully stuck out her tongue.

"Oh Haha. I see that your personality didn't get any better."

"Hm? Oh my, are you saying you want to see my responsible self more than my true self?" Ning Tian gasped, dramatically grasping her chest as if she was experiencing heartache. "Oh well, as it is the wish of the only male friend that I have in my life. I shall oblige. Huo Yuhao, please pardon my sarcasm. I promise to be the epitome of responsibility from now on."

"....You know what, never mind. Hearing you talk like that makes me feel goosebumps all over my skin." Huo Yuhao's lips twitched. "I think I prefer your true self. It keeps things interesting."

Ning Tian giggled mischievously, "Hehe. I know right? So be grateful to this lady for being friends with you."

"Pfft. Sure, whatever you say Princess."

When you see their interaction, you would think that they've been friends for years but in truth they've only known each other for two months.

Their first interaction was coincidental, unexpected and... normal. Ning Tian had accidentally entered Huo Yuhao's usual tree climbing exercise area, and they struck up a conversation.

Ning Tian is a determined and level headed young woman, incredibly intelligent, has a strong willpower and a strong sense of responsibility. Though in private she's a playful and witty person. Huo Yuhao has similar traits as her so they had become fast friends, their personalities complementing each other perfectly.

"Hey, you think about being free this evening?" As they were heading back to the dormitory, Ning Tian suddenly asked with a shy expression.

"Why? Is there an occasion?"

"No. Just wanna hangout," Ning Tian shrugged. "also, Wu Feng wants to eat more of that ramen noodles you make. Personally, I love the barbeques but still. I never thought, some noodles and roasted meat would be so delicious. You gotta take on my request Huo Yuhao."

"Not this again," Huo Yuhao rolled his eyes. "I told you Ning Tian, I won't be your chef nor would I spend my precious time teaching people how to cook. Also, you sure on bringing alongside Wu Feng? You know she hates me."

Ning Tian took a large stride forward to stand in front of Huo Yuhao, a small smirk on her face. "Oh I beg to differ."

"Oh yeah? And on what grounds?" Huo Yuhao crossed his arms.

"On the grounds that I'm her best friend, to which I know her the best."

"Last I recall, after our first spar against each other, she had held a grudge against me and would glare menacingly at me."

"So you noticed her eyes, but did you see her face when she did that?" Ning Tian asked, raising an eyebrow.

Huo Yuhao furrowed his brows, a puzzled expression on his face. "What do you mean? Did I miss something?"

Ning Tian chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Let's just say, her glare was more of a cover-up. She actually thought you were pretty cool."

Huo Yuhao blinked in surprise. "Seriously? Wu Feng found me cool?"

Ning Tian nodded with a smirk. "Yep, she just didn't want to admit it."

"..." Huo Yuhao stared before bursting out laughing. "N-No. I don't believe that. There's no way that man hater would find me cool. I think she was staring at someone else and lied about finding me cool when you asked her."

"W-What? How does that.... Okay, you're obviously in denial right now. I'll prove it to you–" Ning Tian was about to go on a tangent when someone in front of them that they hadn't noticed spoke up.

"Ahem!" Wang Dong loudly coughed, causing both Huo Yuhao and Ning Tian to snap their attention towards him. He was standing there with his arms crossed and a stiff smile on his face.

After three months, Wang Dong didn't look much different except being a little taller and his hair being a bit longer.

"Am I interrupting something?" he asked, his voice laced with irritation.

Huo Yuhao quickly composed himself and waved his hand dismissively. "Nah, it's nothing. Just discussing the deliciousness of my ramen noodles with Ning Tian."

Wang Dong raised an eyebrow, his eyes shining. "Oh? So I assume you'll be treating us to some of your famous noodles this evening?"

Huo Yuhao chuckled. "Looks like it. Ning Tian here has been pestering me about it."

Ning Tian tilted her head and hummed, her face showing indifference as she faced Wang Dong. "I think I misheard you. "Us"? When did I say I'll invite an arrogant sissy into our little barbecue party?"

A popping vein appeared on Wang Dong's forehead as he angrily stepped forward, "Excuse me?! Why I–"

"Excuse you, we only need a cook and a friend. Not a gigolo."

"I'm not a gigolo! You're just jealous because I'm more popular than you!"

Huo Yuhao felt cold sweat forming on his forehead as he quickly stepped in between the two, trying to diffuse the situation. "Alright, alright, calm down you two. This is not a competition, it's just a friendly gathering. Let's not ruin it with unnecessary arguments."

Ning Tian huffed and crossed her arms, shooting a glare at Wang Dong. "Fine, whatever. But if you ruin the barbecue with your annoying attitude, I won't hesitate to kick you out."

Wang Dong rolled his eyes but nodded in agreement. "Deal. Just make sure your ramen noodles live up to the hype, Huo Yuhao."

"He's not bringing any noddles to the party."

"Huh? Then why did you guys talk about it?!"

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but smile at the bickering between his friends.

Did he forget to mention that Wang Dong and Ning Tian don't get along well? He didn't know how it started, though probably when he introduced them to each other, that they started some sort of rivalry.

They then went on their separate ways when they reached the student dormitory. Huo Yuhao hurriedly went to shower and then changed into a fresh set of clean school uniform before heading towards the cafeteria alongside Wang Dong, Ning Tian and another girl with a head of short, fiery red hair and similar colored eyes. She had a delicate appearance but her eyes were extremely cold, as if she carried a perpetual aura of indifference. Her name was Wu Feng, and she was known for her strong and fiery personality.

"I still can't understand why we must walk alongside with....these two, Miss Ning." Wu Feng complained in a monotone voice, her arms crossed over her chest.

Ning Tian rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, sister Feng. It's just a casual walk to the cafeteria as always. Can't you put your grudges aside for one day? Also, it's just us here and Huo Yuhao can prevent others from hearing us. You can call me what you usually do."

Wu Feng scoffed. "Fine, sister Tian. I have no grudges, I simply dislike their presence."

Wang Dong snorted, "Well no one's forcing you to like us, so you can just keep your distance if you want."

Huo Yuhao sighed and stepped in between them, once again attempting to diffuse the tension. "Alright, enough you two. We're supposed to be friends, can't we at least act civil?"

Wu Feng huffed and looked away, while Wang Dong crossed his arms and stared off in the opposite direction. Ning Tian, on the other hand, smiled and leaned on Huo Yuhao's shoulder. "See, this is why I prefer hanging out with you. You're the only one who can keep everyone in line."

Huo Yuhao blushed slightly at the contact, but quickly regained his composure. "Well, someone has to do it. Otherwise, we'd all just be bickering all the time."

Wu Feng's head immediately turned towards their direction in a flash, her eyes wide in panic and anger as she immediately stepped in and separated the two. She then turned towards Ning Tian, "S-Sister Tian, you mustn't be so intimate with him! Y-You'll tarnish your reputation! The clan would–ah!"

"Oh relax Feng," Huo Yuhao raised his hand and karate chopped Wu Feng's head, interrupting her. "I got my Illusion around us as usual. So cool your fiery head."

Wu Feng stumbled back, her hand rubbing the spot where Huo Yuhao had hit her. Her eyes widened as she realized what he had just said. "An Illusion? You've been using it this whole time?"

Huo Yuhao shrugged nonchalantly. "Of course. It's a habit of mine to use my Illusion to create a barrier around us whenever we're having private conversations or arguments. I don't want anyone eavesdropping on our conversations, after all."

Ning Tian smirked. "See, sister Feng? You worry too much. Yuhao always has our backs."

Wu Feng's gaze softened slightly, but she quickly regained her stoic expression. "I... apologize for my outburst. It's just... I worry about your reputation, sister Tian. You come from a prestigious clan, and being seen so close to a commoner like Huo Yuhao..."

Huo Yuhao's eyes narrowed, a flicker of anger crossing his face. "Hey, Wu Feng, watch your words. Just because Ning Tian comes from a prominent clan doesn't mean she can't choose her own friends. And as for me being a commoner, I'll have you know that I won't let anyone look down on me or my friends."

Wu Feng stared at him, a rare spark of shock in her eyes. "Huo Yuhao... you're different from what I expected. I... apologize if I have offended you."

Huo Yuhao's expression softened, and he gave her a small smile. "Apology accepted. We're all friends here, let's not let petty differences get in the way."

Wang Dong stepped forward and let out a sigh, "Although I didn't want Ning Tian getting close to Huo Yuhao either, he's right that we're...friends. So let's not fight, okay?"

"I...I understand." Wu Feng nodded, her shoulders shaking but there was no mistaking the small smile on her face.

Just as the atmosphere was getting peaceful, Ning Tian stepped forward by Huo Yuhao's side and grabbed his arm. "So, we've all made up now? Sister Feng? Huo Yuhao? Sissy?"

Popping veins appeared on Wang Dong's temple and Wu Feng immediately focused on Ning Tian being close to Huo Yuhao.


'....Please, just when does the assessment start....' Huo Yuhao inwardly pleaded as he ignored the trio's bickering and entered the cafeteria first, dispelling the illusion around them, earning everyone's attention.


Edit: So, the update to the Webnovel app caused some slight problems and the latest editing I did to this chapter before the update disappeared. So when you read the chapter and feel something is off, it came from here. I tried reading and editing it as much as I can right now but I'm going to get busy making lunch and grind through some games. Fuck Gacha.

❄️Shout out to the greats! The Cultivators of my patreon, may you both reach the peak of the heavens and conquer the earth!


❄️A bigger shout out to the who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Orion Chung

Wanna read more chapters? Then head on over to my patreon to get the unreleased chapters!


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C25
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


