71.59% Path of Creation / Chapter 63: Righteous calling

章 63: Righteous calling

Instead of going to this apartment they were assigned the duo returned to their yacht.

They couldn't find any information about Gè Míng but they did have something from him which they figured since they were Gè sect now he shouldn't have too much issue with them going through his bag he left behind.

In his duffle there were many cultivation scrolls of various techniques although most of them could only be used in the later stages but there was one advanced training method for absorbing energy from the surroundings that was well beyond what they had been training in.

It involved purifying the Qi through a painful process but resulted in a higher form of energy that pushes on the dantian forcing it to grow fast yet didn't harm it as the excess would immediately dissolve into the organ to strengthen its sides.

This method was called "the righteous calling" and it's practice depended on self sacrifice towards a noble purpose. Not that those who simply self sacrificed could practice it but it only provided it's full effects on those with selfless ideals using them as the impetus to purify the Qi.

There were scrolls that provided further methods to train down this path as well as offensive and defensive techniques to use the refined energy but they could only be used in later stages.

The two quickly sat down to meditate on this method which took most a while to get the hang of but which they started to refine that higher energy their entire meridian network felt like it was on fire while the dantian wildly protested to this new Qi as it surged against the walls to evaporate into the organ with a burning intensity.

Darick likened it to the potion only instead of external suffering of being boiled alive it felt like his insides where in a microwave being pressured constantly on the edge of popping out.

Their bodies sweat profusely while it purged whatever was unnecessary from the pores. Despite the extreme pain neither of them stopped as they were determined to rescue their friends from those that always seemed to be stronger then themselves.

They spent the whole night like this leaving them utterly exhausted. "So this is what Gè Míng has been doing constantly for years even while training or fighting. I really must congratulate that little punk for his determination when we find him" Darick commended as he had trouble standing up the next morning, he was much more worn out then Tral was who needed little sleep as a vampire.

They made their way back to the tower with Darick chugging down Energy-Mutilator drinks to stay awake while Tral had some blood mixture that he bought in the tower before.

The blood they provided was far from the quality of even the poorest fresh blood but he had worked out a deal to get a sample from people he defeated in the ring and was hoping to use that to learn better combat styles.

When the pair got to the fiftieth floor they were greeted by quite the commotion as it seemed to be where newly sponsored fighters were brought to be tested.

Darick was up first against a lanky old man who's muscles seemed like stretched iron cables. Darick still tired and wanting to get his fight over with went in for solid punch but the lanky man was having none of that easily dodging the strick to land a series of blows on the forearm, under the armpit followed by spin kick to the abdomen with precision and elegant speed which knocked Darick back two steps waking him up to the situation he was in.

Darick responded to this by taking up a boxers stance with his arms up ready to throw quicker jabs once his opponent got close.

The opponent however seemed confused as if he didn't expect such a recovery "You maybe a solid one but how come that arm is unaffected by pressure points, I've made bigger men have their arms go dead and even endurance powered get some effect so what the hell are you made off?"

Darick smiled at this while he carefully moved forward "Oh I'll show you what I'm made of if you you want to feel it." He says right before throwing a one two punch combo which the old fighter dodges before ending his combo with a side kick.

The opponent leaps into the air to do a short handstand on Darick's leg before grabbing his head with those wiry legs using Darick's own motion to flip him head first into the ground.

Darick quickly reacts to this to roll back onto his feet without any sign of pain from his face meeting the floor as his opponent distances himself again trying to gauge him to figure out how to deal with someone who doesn't seem to receive injury.

They pace in a circle around eachother before meeting up again to clash as Darick tries to charge in with a shoulder check only for the combatant to dodge then using his arms to spring off the ground with a double kick into Darick's back to push him towards the edge of the ring.

He tucked to roll spinning his body around sliding on his hands and knees to stop himself right by the edge. He looked up that the agile enemy with frustration from being unable to land a blow.

He gets an idea and kicks off to charge his opponent again with his arms out wide. The opponent readies to dodge again but before Darick gets close he surges all his collected Qi through his arms to clap which exploded out into a shock wave of energy knocking himself back as well as sending his opponent who couldn't dodge flying from the ring into the opposite wall with enough force to cause him to cough up blood.

Darick was a little stunned by his own move while his arms felt residual pain but wasn't hurt as usual. He quickly stood up to give Tral a thumbs up while the rest of the onlookers where absolutely shocked by his display.

Tral chuckled at his friend "you know that move would likely have blown anyone elses arms off you crazy cultivator." Which Darick only shrugged to before flexing his arms in a cocky manner.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C63
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


