Li Qin Yao head over to the hospital once she heard the news of the accident.
When Zhang Jing noticed that there was something wrong with his granddaughter-in-law, he had taken the phone from her and talked to Qi Zheng calmly. Knowing that Li Qin Yao was not able to drive in her condition, Zhang Jing had asked Assistant Huo to come over and drive her to the hospital.
The little princess was put under Auntie Wu's care as both Zhang Jing and Li Qin Yao head over to the hospital.
On their way, Li Qin Yao had browsed through some news portal on her phone and saw the news regarding her husband's accident. It was reported that a drunkard had accidentally mistaken the accelerator as the brake. The car lurched forward and slammed against the car which Zhang Yu Han and Qi Ming Wei were in.
According to the news portal, four people were involved in the accident: Zhang Yu Han, Qi Ming Wei, and his driver and the person who slammed into their car.
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