1.04% Killer of MC’s / Chapter 1: A deal with the devil
Killer of MC’s Killer of MC’s original

Killer of MC’s

作者: DemonGodHiatus

© WebNovel

章 1: A deal with the devil

Alex was a man of many things, a good man, strong willed, otaku, but a killer isn't one of them.

As he was shopping for ingredients on a nice day, he was about to pay for them, until he heard a loud bang.


The sound was no other than a man shooting a handgun through the roof.

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR!!!" The masked robber said.

This shop was not big nor too small, but it did have other customers here as well as current employees.

Alex who heard the man yell, crouched down fast as sweat started to drop from his forehead as his heartbeat got faster by the minute.

The lady at the cashier quickly got to the ground as well, not before hitting the silent alarm.

Some people screamed and were terrified out of their wits, but they still got down on the ground before the masked man shoots any of them. The fear of being killed by an armed robber made some of them wet their pants.

The masked robber walked at a very quick pace towards the woman at the cashier.

"Get up!" Ignoring Alex who was on the ground. The man pointed his handgun at the lady, and signaled her to get up.

"Open the cashier!" The man said as he pointed the gun at blank point at the lady's head.

The lady was trembling with fear, as you could see snot and mucus dripping down from her face. It's clear that she is very afraid, as she could potentially die if she screws up.

The lady typed in a set of numbers to open the cashier. Once it opened, the man pushed the lady against the floor and proceeded to take the money as fast as possible.

He could tell that the lady was very cute looking, but he couldn't afford to do anything to her as there is a huge chance that the police are on their way to the store's location.

However, as the man was quickly packing up the money in his pockets, one of the customers slowly reached for his pants, and took out a small handgun.

This idiot was not Alex, our MC, but just a random person who thought that if he were to take this guy out, he would be mildly famous for being a hero.

Alex saw the man, and he shook his head furiously, because he knew that nothing good would happen if there were to be a gunfight here.

The man ignored Alexander. He stood up quickly and aimed his gun at the man.

*BANG!* the man shot once, but barely missed the masked man.

The robber didn't have time to react so he carelessly aimed his gun at where the man was, then he shot without taking aim. The idiot was unlucky, because that shot went through his chest, and hit his heart. He died instantly.

The idiot dropped his gun, and plopped to the ground dead. However, the gun he bought was not in good condition, as the idiot bought it illegally from a back alley.

The idiot was an idiot from the start, as he never noticed that the person he bought the gun from ripped him off. The small handgun was very sensitive, and it doesn't need a trigger to shoot.

Once the gun hit the ground, it shot another bullet because of its terrible condition.

The barrel was unfortunately pointing directly at Alexander, and he shot him dead. The bullet went through his brain, killing him instantly as well.

If the idiot had listened to Alexander, then both of them might still be alive.

After the bullet went through his brain, Alexander saw nothing but total darkness. He did not feel any sort of pain at all.

(For those of you who think this is stupid, I think it is more likely to die from an accidental gunshot, than getting killed by lightning, truck kun, or any other cliche deaths.)

Alexander opened his eyes. Now normally in this type of situation, a bluescreen should appear before him saying "The gods have made a mistake and wanted to give you some wishes blah blah blah."

But no, the first thing he saw was what you could only describe as hell.

The entire place was covered in fire, surrounded by demons with black holes for eyes, a mouth as big as a basketball filled with razor sharp teeth and fangs. Dragging their dead tired corpses around the field.

Alex also saw countless amount of souls screaming in agony and pain. Some were in a pool of lava, as their bodies were being scorched and burned by the burning lava. Their bodies were being healed just as fast, but that made it worse as they could not die and would only continue to feel pain no matter how many times they tried to escape.

Some others were dangling naked from the air, with chains pierced on their feet and arms. These little black demons found it in their liking to pierce the bodies with spears, as well as torches or whatever else they could think of.

The sight was too cruel to continue to explain. But just imagine watching the Emoji move while listening to the song 'Friday by Jessica Black' then multiply it by cancer and Hitler.

(Wow. That's worse than the pool of lava.)

Alexander felt a strong push from his back. He turned to see a 7 ft tall Asian woman kicking him. The Asian woman was very tall, but her face was pale as snow, her eyes containing no ounce of life, as if somebody had pulled out her pupils. She was terrifying as well without a doubt.

The woman didn't say anything but continued to kick him harshly with her long legs.

Alexander got the message, and stood up hurriedly. He saw a huge line of souls walking straight into wherever it is they're going. The line is so huge that no one could see the end of the line.

Alexander continued to watch the horrific events. He hopes that this was a dream, but the pain he felt from the kick earlier proved that this wasn't a dream. He was in fact in hell.

He remembered that the bullet killed him instantly during a robbery, so he knew he died.

Alexander was a young 18-19 year old man. He lived in a cheap apartment with his friends. He worked at a burger joint, completed high school but never had a girlfriend. His life was completely simple... for the most part.

As they walked for days without a break, Alexander somehow got used to the cruel images of hell. No matter how long you travel, there are always people getting tortured in many ways.

He started to think why he was in hell. He never killed an innocent person, robbed or did anything wrong in his life, so why is he in hell and not in heaven? Because if there is a hell, then there is heaven.

The Asian woman that kicked him did not follow him, but there are other demons that were just as scary, that were making sure that the line was intact. Some were short and red, those had whips to hurt the souls, some breathed fire, some shot poisonous needles, etc.

As Alexander was daydreaming, a few chains appeared from underneath him, and swallowed him deep to the ground below

Alexander did not have the chance to even yell out for help. Even if he had yelled for help, no one would help him.

He got dragged deeper into hell. He found himself kneeling down on the ground carved with fancy stone tablets.

He looked up, and saw a man with a long black beard, long black hair, sitting on a fancy black throne, carved with the bones of people and other demons.

The man wore a long black robe, and had a face that could be considered handsome. This man was none other than the devil himself. What stood out from him, is that he is eating a McDonald's burger on one hand, while reading a manga with his other hand...

(I don't mind going to hell if there is a McDonald's there.)

The manga he had in his hand was none other than the seven deadly sins. (I can't help but point out that this is very ironic.)

The devil noticed Alexander long ago, but continued to read the latest chapter of the seven deadly sins. He paid no attention at all to the poor guy in front of him.

As for Alexander, he did not move or speak at all. Not because he didn't want to, but because there was a hidden force that didn't let him do anything but kneel in front of this guy.

Unlike the hell he was in, this place felt very cold and was very quiet. Out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't see anything but total darkness. There isn't another soul present besides these two. The area he was standing on was the only lit area in the room.

The guy finished his manga. He crumpled up the piece of paper that came with the burger. Instead of throwing the paper into the garbage, he set it on fire on his palm, and threw the ashes to the ground which scattered around the area.

The devil looked at Alexander and inspected him very carefully. After a while, he raised his hand slightly and said.

"Stand up." he said in a low tone.

As if the weight of the world left his shoulders, Alexander could finally move and breath. It did not take long before the devil started talking again.

"I can see that you are not aware why you're here, so let me show you." the devil pointed behind Alexander. Alexander turned around, and was shocked. What he saw was an illusion, when he was just 14 years old.

Alexander knew what this illusion was about, as it was the last time he saw his parents.

5 years ago, he was a sad boy. His childhood was terrible; from a drunk dad who beat him up every night, to a mom who assaulted him and tortured him by not feeding him, stabbing him with a knife, and so forth.

He spent the last 14 years living as a slave for these people. He never had siblings as his mother or father aborted them, or gave them up to an orphanage. They only kept Alexander because they wanted someone to clean up the house, cook for them, and just to relieve their anger and stress.

Alexander's dad was the worst human being in the world. If the weather was not like he wanted, he would beat Alexander up, Whenever his favorite football team would lose or tie, he would beat him up and so on.

However, on the last night, when Donald Trump got elected as the president, he tried to kill Alexander. (I am sure if Hilary Clinton were to have been elected at that time, it would have been the same result. I am not a Hilary or Trump supporter as I do not care, and I don't even live in the states.)

Alexander only put up with them for so long because he did not have a place to stay. But when his father was very drunk, high and angry on that night, he decided that anywhere was better than that house.

Alexander managed to escape his father's grasp, but not before shooting him in the head with a shotgun that his father kept in a closet. If his mother was there too, then he would have shot her too, but she was out partying and getting high with other men.

Alexander grabbed whatever clothes he could find, and brought every penny he could find. He left that house running, not even looking back. Of course, he had struggled a lot during the first few years, but he was somehow lucky to make it alive for so long.

The devil took away the illusion. He then said.

"You broke the fifth commandment, honor your mother and father. Killing your father with a shotgun is not honoring the commandment."

"But-" Alexander was about to speak up, but found himself unable to, as if his mouth got stitched.

"Your father is a huge prick without a doubt, so I do not blame you. Your 19 years of experience have made you very strong both mentally and spiritually. If you had let him kill you, you would be in heaven by now. That is why I am gonna offer you something that you and I will both like." the devil said as he released Alexander from the invisible force.

Alexander once again was able to talk and move again. But he still dared to talk back to the devil.

"What the hell do you want from me?" Alexander said in a soft tone.

"What I want is simple. However, it depends on your answer. I shall give you the opportunity to travel worlds that you could only dream, such as the manga you saw me reading."

"Wait, you want me to travel to anime worlds like in the light novels?" Alexander couldn't help but ask.

"Precisely." The Devil answered.

"But why? And why me?" Alexander couldn't help but say this.

"Unlike those novels you read, I am not bored out of my wits to sent a lowly soul to another world, nor do I owe you anything." He said as he walked closer to Alex.

"I want you to travel to those other worlds, and kill for me, and bring me their precious souls."

"I do not follow." Alexander asked confused. So much has happened today, that he has no idea what is going on anymore.

"Listen, as the king of the underworld, I cannot eat the souls of the people who have been damned to hell. I can only make sure that they rot in the underworld. The underworld is like a prison, if you have sinned then you can only do your time and reincarnate back to the cycle of life.

However, there are those fools that are willing to sell their souls to me, for a cheap price, like talent, love, fortune, etc. So the number of souls I eat are very limited." the devil gave a brief explanation to the lowly human soul.

"So… you want me to deliver you souls from other worlds, because you are limited by the amount of souls you eat?" Alexander asked to be sure.

"Yes." the demon responded.

"Why can't you do it yourself?"

"It's funny that a lowly human such as yourself dares to question the king of the underworld." he only gave a chuckle to this human trash.

"Were it not for my restrictions, then I would have done that a long time ago. That is why you will be the one to bring me the souls of the main characters of every single series I can think of." added.

"And what if I say 'no?'" Alexander asked.

"Then you will suffer the punishment you would have received. This is an example of what will happen to you if you don't agree to my deal." he snapped his fingers, and then he summoned more chains from down below, which dragged Alex even deeper to hell.

Alex could not break free from the chains no matter how much he tried. He was sent deep below, where the people that have broken a commandment are sentenced. And let me tell you, you do not want to be in these parts of hell.

He was soon in a hell where he would be shot consecutively by small imps. Each bullet that pierced his body would come out of the other side. That hole would soon regenerate, then the cycle would go one.

Alex could not speak, as his mouth was stitched up. His limbs were bonded by chains, while the small imps created holes in his body as if he were cheese.

The pain he felt was unbearable, but you couldn't even pass out from the pain, as hell thought that it would be too easy for anyone.

After what felt like centuries have past, the chains pulled Alex up high and back to where he was before.

He found himself on the devil's knees again.

"That was only 500 years worth of torture. Would like to go for 50,000 years?" The Devil smiled mischievously, he clearly enjoys inflicting pain onto others.

"I give. You win. I'll do it." Alexander had no other choice but to agree. After so long, he could finally speak again, he couldn't even scream if he wanted to, and that was a punishment of its own.

He did not want to go back there, especially for another 50,000 years. Just 500 years almost broke him. Were it not for the fact that hell gave you a strong mind, then he would have lost his mind on the first day.

"Good answer. Now, which world do you want to go?" Demon king asked him. There are so many worlds he could go, but he could only choose one at a time.

"Whatever world is fine by me." Alexander said.

"Very well then." The devil grabbed the hairs of Alexander, and threw him into a portal he had opened.

Alexander once again saw nothing but darkness. Until a bright light almost blinded him.

It's been 500 years since he has seen the sun, so he was very sensitive to light right now.

After a few minutes, his eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light. He found himself in the spacious room, which was very luxurious and big. From his bed to his clothes, everything here looked very ancient, and yet very expensive.

The sun came through an open window.

Alexander could see everything, and found it hard to believe that this was real. After 500 years in hell, this was heaven.

"Is this... heaven?" Alex asked.

"Well you're not exactly wrong." The devil said from behind Alexander.

He was startled by his sudden appearance, but later composed himself.

"Where am I?" Alexander asked, not very familiar with where he was.

"This is a light novel that I had recently taken an interest in. I am sure you have read it before."

"You are in the world of 'Dragon king's son-in-law'" he said.

"That name sounds rather familiar… oh. I remember now." Alexander said as he finally remembered this light novel. Before he died on that accident, he only made up to page 555, as the other chapters had yet to be uploaded to his favourite Webnovel.

(And also because he couldn't afford spirit stones. Sad.)

"In this world, there is a mission you have to accomplish, and you cannot fail at any cost. Your mission is to kill the MC of this world, otherwise known as 'Hao Ren' the future dragon king's son-in-law."


And that is the end of this chapter. Now before you go to the comments section, I have to say a few things.

First of all NO HAREM!!! It's not like I hate harem, but I literally see harem in 90% of Fan-fics. And even I got sick of it, and that's saying something.

There will be only ONE wife, and no more. I want this to be an original fanfic, and not those typical fanfics that I read almost everyday.

This novel was inspired by 'cool anime system' if you haven't read that fanfic, then you have no idea what you're missing out on.

And also, the MC has nothing to do with anything religious, like the Alexander Anderson from Hellsing ultimate. I only picked his name, because he is one of my favourite characters, especially in the abridged series.

I have no idea if I will also be doing ATG, TODAG, and other lightnovels. Don't get me wrong I like those novels, it's just that I will have to re-read them all, as I don't remember jack shit on those. I literally forgot almost everything there is to those novels.

But I will be doing other types of anime like Naruto, onepiece, seven deadly sins, and so on.

If you have any ideas on what world you would like to see slaughtered by the MC, then leave it in the comments below. If by popular demand you want to see me do a work on TODAG or anything like that, then I will have to read it all over again. It might take a long time, but I can do it.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


