75% Building my Kingdom / Chapter 6: Prophecy And The Upcoming Danger

章 6: Prophecy And The Upcoming Danger

The Enemy army has invaded the City of Toren, however due to no Resistance they didn't destroy anything in the path, since after talking over the kingdom they didn't want to spend any money and fix the damaged done by themselves, beside Toren is one of the beautiful city is the Human Continent, especially the inner city, since the once who live there are the Nobels, knights, and high classed soldiers, while the Outer City is habituated by commoners but most of them are rich.

Outside the Palace…..

There are no guards or servant guarding the palace, and there's not even a single sound as if the palace has been abandoned for many years, giving it an eerie feeling however seeing how clean and shining it is, makes it clear that it is not abandoned

(An/ damn it's so hard to find the right words to use to describe these things, please share your opinion and boost this noob writer's motivation)

Slowly they walked it the palace, once in they were mesmerized by its beauty, as they marched down the hall toward the king's throne room, either side of the Hall held portraits of all the Royal family from the 1st ancestor to the last child.

[Augustus, Have the soldiers break open the door ]

With that Augustus ordered the soldiers to break open the door, however when they approached suddenly the door opened and came a loud yet dominating Voice.

[ Hahaha, so you've finally come… took you long enough… were you all mesmerized by my city's beauty?? hahhahaha]

When they entered they saw the king laughing loudly sitting on the throne without any worry and next to him was this one and only son, seeing them so relax made the Arkland Soldiers very nervous.

[Hahaha, don't be nervous… I'm not gonna bite you.. hhhahaha]

[Father, what do you expect of them, they sold their pride to The Empire before they came here]

James Sneered at them, causing many of them to get any and lose their cool but they couldn't retort since it's all true, seeing them not even replying to his taunt James mocked more.

[King Henry, What are you planning]

The Enemy commander clenched his fist from shame however he questioned the king since found the situation very weird

[Nothing… just living my life, though I don't think it'll be long anymore before we Finish this Shit, Does the Arkland soldier have any honor left to answer my question]

Seeing the mocking tone of the king everyone got riled up and started making noise and some even cursed at the king, however, the commander shut them up

[If it is your last wish, ask aloud]

Hearing the dominating Voice of the Commander the king replied

[Sigh… I can't believe that a day such as this would come that I'd have to ask a commander before asking a question …. Ahh such humiliation…]

The King started to release his pressure, but then seeing the frightened face to the enemy, the laughed but kept his pressure but then…


Each word of the king had pressure enough to reduce a normal being to death while the soldier start couldn't stand from the pressure as they all kneeled, some even coughed out some blood.

[This pressure, don't tell me the king has broken to Great Sword Master]

Feeling the pressure even the commander had a hard time standing since he's still rank lower than the king.

Gathering up his strength the commander Clive, replied

[ It's because of a prophecy....]

The king couldn't understand what was happening.

[ what do you mean... Explain!!!]

[ We don't know much, but apparently, someone from the Dragneel family will come in the way of empire]

Hearing that, the king started thinking until, he remembered once when he was still a boy his father took him to a gathering of human empire, there they met a seer, who said one day a king will rise and unite all the races to do something... which he can't seem to remember what it was.

But now that he learned the reason behind the empire's attack, he could help but laugh, causing everyone to look at him weirdly.

[ To think that the great king would be from my family the Dragneel family... Hahahahahha... But alas I won't be alive to see that]

All the soldier looked at him weirdly, even his son... then the king explained to his son.

[ James you remember the story your Mom used to tell you to put you to sleep??]

[ The one about a king will rise and unite all races when the Evil returns]

The king hearing his son, saying something about the Evil ones made him remember the prophecy, as it goes something like this... "The day the evil corrupts the world, a king will rise and unite all race to defeat the evil..."

[ Father you don't mean... that great king is someone from our family]

[ I don't know... it is they, who are saying are saying this ]

As both the father and son were talking, Clive was lost in thoughts since he can't seem to understand what is going on, Evil… the great king.. uniting the races.. seeing as, if he thought some more his mind would explode, thus he decided to ask the king.

[Excuse me… Could you explain what is going on?? About evil… king… races??? ]

Seeing the enemy commander asking them question like this they found it very comical, since they were here to kill them, but they still thought about telling them something, because if what they say is true, the only one to live after them would be Arthur, and he still being a Kid, not gonna help him much, plus the fact that the Empire has the knowledge about the great king means the Evil has already returned and probably corrupted the empire, otherwise they wouldn't think of killing their hope against the Evil unless they are fool.

[ Well… seeing as how much you want to know, I'll tell you… many years ago the darkness tried to shroud the world… well to be precise by miasma, no one knew where it came from or why, but no matter what it touched, it would corrupt it, the livings would turn death in a matter of moments that would turn around and eat other humans, the dead would rise again and terrorize and the miasma would destroy the nature on its path as it slowly advance… One day a king was born uniting the 5 races, Human, Elves, Beast-men, Dwarves and the Demons, together they managed to seal the miasma, however not with a price since the king and his companion sacrificed themselves to seal it.]

Hearing that the soldiers were shocked since they've never heard of it.

[ Well if that is true, than how-come the races are separate nowadays and how come we've never heard of it ]

[ Well that is because... only the Ancient family knows of this… and the reason the races are separate nowadays is because of greed and war…]

After listening to the king, Clive started pondering when he asked

[OK… But if this miasma is as dangerous as you say and the prophecy is true then, why is the Empire trying to bury the only hope they have against this catastrophe ]

[ Well you tell me... Aren't you the one who is here to hunt us down??]

The King questioned them in a mocking tone.

Not Understanding the mocking in the king's voice, as the enemy soldiers were thinking about what to do now after hearing the story.

While they were thinking about what to do, The King and the Prince started whispering so that no one could hear what they are talking about

[Father if this is true, then doesn't that make Arthur the chosen one?? ]

[Yes my son, To be honest, I'm happy but sad and afraid at the same time… Happy because our Dragneel blood is the chosen blood..... sad and afraid because Arthur is just a boy and he has gone through all this trouble, face many obstacles in his path, and the worst thing... if history is right I'm afraid facing the miasma in itself will be the hardest part ]

Listening to his father James… started feeling afraid and sad for his son, who is barely 6 years old

[ But father, so far we haven't noticed any abnormal in the world and if this miasma is as dangerous as you say then, why is the empire so damn of killing us?? ]

[ To be honest, I do not know… however, I do have a thought... but just the thought scares me]

James seeing his father shivering, made his gulp his own saliva

[ Wha… What is it, father??]

[The miasma is being controlled… and to be precise by the empire probably ]

Hearing that as if a bolt of lightning had struck him, James shouted out loud, shocking the others…

[ What's going on?? ] Asked clive

Nothing we were just having our last talk, James said

[ Father, how is it possible?? Didn't you say it's corrodes everything on its path?? ]

[Yes, I did but franking we don't know much about miasma and the history can always be altered you know, I just hope for Arthur's sake what I'm thinking is not true]

[Then shouldn't we do something to help Arthur?? ]

[Yes you are Right… here eat this… ]

[What is this??]

[ Do didn't seriously think I'd die that easily, especially after hearing that the empire was behind this, at least not until I've had my revenge ]

Seeing that his father always had an alternative plan, shocked him as he was prepared to die.

[Then what you said to Arthur and the others was it all fake?? ]

[Ahh that no, it was all genuine, I didn't want to drag them in my revenge… however now the plans have changed, it's not only about revenge anymore, but we also have to find the truth and do our best to help Arthur all we can from the shadows]

After looking at each other, they nodded as they both took a pill, and suddenly causing a clone/dummy of them to appear just behind them causing the soldier in-front unable to see what is happening, with that Henry used his speed and took James and disappeared, but not before lighting the clones/dummies on fire, making it seem as if they burned themselves to death, and to make it more realistic James placed an Illusion on to the mind of the Enemies.

Seeing that the king and the Prince burned themselves to death, the soldiers didn't know what to feel like, since they were sent here to kill them in the beginning, however, after hearing everything they didn't know what to do, whether to kill or not to kill, however seeing they killed themselves made them feel slightly relieved but also felt sad, since they thought it was injustice.

However, when all the soldier was thinking of that, Clive felt something seemed off, but just couldn't put his finger into it.

[What happened Commander?? ]

[Nothing Agustus, I was just thinking of something… ]

[Well now that you mention of thinking, I was thinking isn't it weird that the king having such high cultivation died to flames…]

With that, the commander walked towards the ashes of the dead, where he found the remains of the medicinal product.

[ Commander this is…]

[ Yes… they used a dummy, they've escaped]

[Should we tell the others??]

[No!! Keep this between us… at least for now… if what king Henry said is true then, something is fishy with the Empire… ]

[Yes commander, I'll keep this a secret but won't be we betraying our kingdom by letting an enemy kingdom's king escape ]

[ Maybe… but the stakes are way higher now… so don't say a word about this to anyone ]

With that, The Arkland Soldier returned to their home bringing fake news that the Aldonia royalties have all died.


Please read the author's note it's important.

AN: Hey, guys, I'm sorry for the late release...

Hope you enjoy the chapter...

I was going to write another but lost my motivation, seeing a review, which I understand the reader didn't like, and I don't complain about getting a 1-star review however repeating that review and spamming it, is just shit man.

I even warned in the synopsis that it's gonna have extreme sex, and even then one 1 star review by the same guy I'd not complain and just take it and say that I probably did something wrong but spamming makes an author just feel bad and lose motivation to write.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


