66.66% Building my Kingdom / Chapter 5: Already 4 women

章 5: Already 4 women

II WARNING contains some link that is NSFW/Hentai read at your own discretion II

Two figure appeared in the Red light district of Toren, which usually is bright as daylight, but due to the stress of war, no one dares go out of their home, even for sex.

The Two stopped near the grandest Prostitute Salon, " The BlueFairy Salon"

As they went in, they saw two figure waiting for them.

[Clara, Roxy what are you doing here??]

[We were waiting for you Mistress ]

The Two Figure was none other than the Owner of the salon 'Jessica' her daughter Angelica caring a sleeping Arthur in her arms

[ Where are the others?? ]

Seeing that No ones else are in the Salon Jessica questioned the Two??

[ Mistress, we've received the king's order to abandon all mission and leave the kingdom and take care of themselves ]

Hearing that, Jesica was slightly surprised in the beginning but thinking back to the moment how much her brother changed, she thought that it's not that surprising anymore

[ Then why haven't you left with the others?? ]

Jessica questioned them, and looked at them with a stern face, as if, if their answers didn't please her she wouldn't hesitate to kill them, even though she has known them all her life, but her family matters the most at the moment.

The first to answer was none other than Clara, she is tanned and have short purplish hair, and has a rather small figure around 1m58, about A cup breast on the chest area, a small waist, however, to make up for her almost no breast she has one of the thickest and fullest ass.

AN/ for the body and face reference NSFW!!! : ( https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2566628 )

[ Mistress, you've picked me up from the street when I was a child, around the same age as young master Arthur, since then I've looked up to you as my mother and the salon as my family, for the last 20 years, I've served you and even though the times are harsh, I still want to serve you, at least as long as I'm alive I'd like to be at your service. ]

Hearing that Jessica didn't say anything, but looked at Roxy for her reason to stay.

Seeing as it's her turn to respond, Roxy cleared her throat,

Roxy has probably one of the largest figure in the salon, he has brown hair, packed with some huge breast and ass to go with, and due to her crude way of living her waist is slightly chubby, and since she loves some nasty sex, she keeps her pubic hair, and has some piercing located on her huge areolas, on her thick pussy lips due to intense use and not but least in her tongue.

AN/ for the body and face reference NSFW/hentai!!! : ( https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2037705 )

[ To be honest, there is nothing I like more than sex, Jessica you've know me for the past 60 years, your mother saved me from sex slavery from some Nobel, since than the only place I called home is this salon, but now that it is no more, I'd like to stay with the man I love….well the half man… kukukukuk.]

Hearing that both Jessica and Angelica raised an eye.

[ Who is that man you love ]

Roxy smiled, giving of the feeling of a girl in love, which totally contradicts her crude naked self

[ Arthur]

Hearing that all of them was shocked, specially Angelica since it's her son Roxy is talking about, and she was about to yell at the slut, but before that Jessica stopped her

[ You do know that Arthur hates when he sees his women with other men ]

[ Yes I know, he told me that he doesn't like it]

[ And you are ok with that?? ]

Roxy said without hesitation showing her resolve

[ I've thought… for a long time now, you know my past as a slave, and even as a prostitute/assassin there were moments when times were hard, but when I look at Arthur….it feels… it feels like everything will be ok, and other than your mother and you, the only person to have shown care to me is none other than Arthur… well maybe because he's still a kid, but what can I do, if I don't get a glimpse of Arthur I feel very empty ]

Hearing that all of them was shocked because they didn't expect such words from her, if Angelica could be called a slut then Roxy is probably the Goddess of slut, there was a time where she went to shady areas just to get raped

[ Roxy listen, here I don't have anything to say…. You have to let Arthur decide, and if he says yes, then you have to make a Blood oath that you'll never betray him or have sex with other men]

Hearing that Roxy feel happy since she already knew that Arthur liked her, and before all this, she had already decided to only have sex with Arthur, even though she has to wait till he grows up

[ Thank you Jessica… Thank you very much ]

Hearing her mom, agree to Roxy that easily Angelica didn't like so she argued.

[ But Mom!! She's a slut…. She's not good for my boy Arthur ]

[ ohh Shut up, Angelica, don't be a hypocrite… you're a slut yourself, in fact, every woman here in a slut, however, we all love Arthur and if we can compromise so can she, but it's not us to decide, it's up to Arthur and the girls he'll take… you can't always bind your sons with you all your life ]

Seeing as her mother didn't agree with her, she tried to argue more but stopped when she saw her glare.

[ And Clara… do tell me now if you plan of becoming a woman of Arthur when he grows up because let me get this straight, Angelica, Roxy and even I myself we plan of giving ourselves to Arthur ]

Jessica questioned Clara..

[ Mistress, I do like the young master, but… ]

Seeing as if Clara is hesitating… Jessica asked her again

[ Mistress… the one I lo…. L..O..V..E is You]

Hearing that Jessica just laughed, as if she's heard a joke

[Clara you do know that we worked in a prostitute salon, and being prostitute we serve both men and women…]

Hearing Jessica talking, Clara started to get nervous, scared to get rejected

[ Yes mistress]

[ Well if you loved why didn't you tell me sooner... I've always been mesmerized with that thick ass of yours, but I didn't touch you since I never force on other people ]

Hearing that Clara cried of joy as she ran toward Jessica and hugged up

[ Thank you, mistress... I love you… can I call you mother from now on?? ]

[ hahaha sure sweety… ]

With that they both hugged each other, however seeing as Clara being a lot shorter than her, her face in on Jessica's large breast while Jessica rest her hand of her huge ass, and grabs in tight and pull her short hot pant making Clara give out short moans and her pant crease in-between her pussy lips.

Hearing the commotion Arthur woke up…

Slightly rubbing his eyes in a very cute manner, causing all the girls here to have heart-shaped eyes, even the lesbo Clara, fell for it.

[ Mom, Jess, where are we?? ]

[ We are back at home dear, and now we about to leave for some fun journey]

Ange, replied to her son let him down as he suggested to stand on his own

[Where's is papa and Granpa?? Are they coming with us too?? ]

They all froze up hearing that since they knew what was about to happen.

[ Arthur, your father, and grandpa are not coming, they can't come]

Jessica kneeled down to Arthur's height and replied with a sad face, however not forgetting to smile at the end to sad Arthur

[ Why?? ]

[ Because they have things to do here.. ]

[ Will I see them again?? ]

[ Don't know… Don't know… ]

With that to change the subject, Jessica asked him about Roxy and Clara

[ Arthur dear, you know both Roxy and Clara wants to come too, and want to play with you ]

[ Really?!? That's soo fun!!!, But will they play with other men as well?? ]

[ Why don't you do and ask them]

With that, he turned toward them and asked

[ Will you play with other men too?? ]

Seeing how cute Arthur was Roxy came to him and hugged him

[ No Arthur, I'll only play with you… I love you… and I won't play with anyone but you… I promise…]

[ Me too Arthur, will you play with Onee-chan?? ]

[ Yes!! yes!! I will play with hhihihihihi]

With that Arthur jumped around happily.

Seeing him like that all the women, swore in their mind that no matter what happened they will always keep is smile from fading from those lips.


Elsewhere.. in a city 2 days away from Toren, a huge camp has been set, and inside the biggest tent with a huge black flag with a white hawk on top it...

???: How long till we reach Toren Agustus??

[ Commander, about Two days ]

[ Agustus, don't you find it weird that there hasn't been any army stopping us from advancing ]

[ Yes, now that you say it is weird, maybe they have given up after hearing the Empire backing us]

[ No, I don't think so… The Aldonian king 'Henry' isn't so simple, and to be honest if the Empire hadn't Back us we've have lost miserably against them, they even have the capabilities to go against the Empire and stay in a stalemate for 2-3 years before losing ]

(AN/ For some reason I never mentioned the King's name)

[ Then what do you think, sir ]

[ Maybe it's a hunch but, I feel like the King is planning something, but right now I don't know what it is ]

[Agustus, go tell them that we depart at dawn]

With that Agustus left the tent, leaving the tent to the commander as he kept thinking

[ What are you planning, King Henry... ]



and my characters are inspired by hentai and the credits goes to the image designer.

Please comment, rate, vote, and review..

Power Stone

Power Stone

Power Stone

Power Stone

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


