90.19% A Cheap, OP Brawler / Chapter 184: Chapter 180: The Eccentric Tenko’s Aftermath

章 184: Chapter 180: The Eccentric Tenko’s Aftermath

After Toshino dropped that bomb, whatever face Yukino was making, the former must have found it hilarious with how much she laughed. Finding that she didn't have anything else to say, Rowling ordered the guards to get the convicted Kitsune into the prisoner carriage with the corrupted old bishop.

<It appears that was the last time Yukino saw Toshino. Looking ahead in her memories, I didn't see any sign or hair of that crazy Tenko since then,> Nyra informed me as the manifestation of Yukino's memories faded into black. The purplish-black miasma that made up the improvised television shrunk down and returned to the tanto before I brought the blade back into its sheath. Yukino, the owner of these memories, didn't look to be disturbed enough to wake from her slumber throughout that presentation.

"Raiza, the embodiment of Hell, itself, huh?" Ume asked as she looked to the side in thought, her reptilian claw to her chin further exemplified how much she was thinking it over, "I have to say, that is some theory that female came up with after all her studying into [Holy Magic]."

"You're pretty much a master in [Holy Magic], right, Ume? What do you think?" I asked her.

"I have indeed read the texts and history that came with the study of [Holy Magic], which includes the existence of other realms that the Immortals reside in, as well as the realms that Familiars such as Mametama come from. Heaven and Hell were also described, so I'd imagine those also exist somewhere we can't reach. Still, it seems Toshino's intentions of researching it are entirely different from my own," Ume said while shrugging, "Her approach to the subject and thought process to come to that theory goes beyond what I can imagine. I'd have to speak with her in person and find what grounds that brought her to that conclusion in order to make a little sense of it."

That really says a lot, considering Ume's a Dragon who's lived longer than any of us combined. In fact, her emphasizing 'we' was referring to her own kind, so the Dragons must have some magical means to travel between realms, and yet they can't reach Heaven and Hell despite their near almighty powers and [Ancient Magic]. Then again, she's never left her home before now, so maybe this is the first time she's come across someone with such an outlandish viewpoint.

"Before Milord may ask, even if it seems unrelated, I am limited to what I can discuss in our home realms," Mametama added, "Even I, during my time as the Queen of Perseverance, have no such authority to disclose that information, to those in my faction. You would need to speak with my Goddess of Perseverance, or one of the other Immortals to get some answers, but I'm unsure how likely getting that information is."

"It's probably because I'm not that smart, but I can't wrap my head around it, either," Tyvera said, "When I think of 'hell', I think of a horrific place where everyone's totally miserable. While it's true that I was living a pretty crappy life, despite my current circumstances, I'm having more fun now since I joined Chief's party."

"Hearing you say that means a lot, Tyvera," I said while placing a hand on her cheek, "I know your enslavement's part of a punishment, but I don't intend to give any girls in my party mistreatment, regardless of their social standing. On the contrary, I'd rather you speak up about any complaints or concerns you may have, and we'll work together to get those resolved."

Tyvera's tanned skin reddened as she smiled and held my hand against her face, relishing the touch, "Mm, I'll keep it in mind. Thanks, Chief."

"... Selling off family members into slavery is common in the Demon-Kin's and Human-Kin's Territories. The reasons for why vary," Sue suddenly said with her eyes locked onto the sleeping Yukino, her expression dark, "I get that they're so different, and yeah, Toshino's actions may be questionable, but … I don't like this outcome, not one bit."

"Sue?" I asked, but she didn't seem to register my call.

"Toshino … respected Yukino as a sister, right?" Sue asked to no one in particular, "Throughout those memories, not once have I ever seen Toshino acting superior to the other Kitsunes, including Yukino, because she's a Tenko. I'm sure that's part of why she was revered by the other Kitsunes in their village, at least until that day. To have someone of her own flesh and blood, someone who she respected and admired betray her like that … she was putting up a bright smile while speaking so frankly, but I wonder how hurt she really was."

<Wow, so that's why Sue's been so full of sadness and anger at Yukino for a while. There's a hint of fear lingering somewhere in her, too,> Nyra reported, <Wonder why she's so vested in the sisters' relationship?>

An idea was whizzing in the crevices of my mind, and I forcibly repressed it from leaking any further. I couldn't, no, I really didn't want to think about it, and I'm sure Nyra already knew, but decided to keep quiet out of consideration.

Just as I was keeping my thoughts from straying, I saw Sue was tugging her ear, silently giving me the tell that she wants to talk through [Telepathy]. I'm sort of relieved at the suggestion, as I'd need to focus my mind in this conversation and not let anything slip.

<What's up, Sue?> I asked her. I had Ume also connected in this talk so she could listen in.

<Just checking for confirmation, but do you still want Yukino to be your slave once this is over?> Sue asked, <Because if so, once I report this to Her Highness … I can guarantee that she won't be the same person after receiving her punishment.>

I raised a brow, <Yukino selling out Toshino really set you off, huh?>

<I'd want nothing more than to off this bitch right here, right now, but this isn't the time and place for that,> she spoke honestly while glaring at Yukino's sleeping form, her fingers dug into her arm like they could pierce through the skin at any time, <Whatever you decide, one way or another, she's going to die.>

I shuddered at the resoluteness from Sue's inner voice. I wasn't planning to, but this pretty much confirmed I shouldn't follow Yukino's example and betray this disguised Devil down the line. That aside, I feel partially responsible for giving Sue a reason to get so hostile toward the Kitsune that wasn't even the main instigator of the coup. I searched through her memories out of curiosity for Toshino's current circumstances, and while I got what I wanted, it sparked something terrifying within Sue that I wasn't intending, at all.

Sure, Yukino's still a bitch, but after seeing her upbringing, I couldn't help but pity her for the situation she's now in.

I tried to think quickly of how to lessen her punishment, <... Come to think of it, she likely wouldn't even be a part of this coup if Konjiro didn't coax her into it. She's been working so hard to become a worthy wife for him, I get the feeling he knew that, and he used that to his own advantage. Maybe her falling for my seduction was finding some means to temporarily escape the harsh reality she's in and receive some needed affection. Other than her … abrasive words towards us, I don't think she really did anything too harmful that would warrant a death sentence.

<Since I'm the one that pulled her into this mess, I'll take responsibility and look after her during her enslavement. With that said, you think you could convince Her Highness to not be too harsh on whatever punishment that needs to be done on her?> I asked. I glanced over to Ume, and she only gave me a wry smile.

Sue gave an exasperated sigh through her nose, the grip of her fingers digging into her arm let up, <... If Toshino really was right about this world being the embodiment of Hell, then you're too good to be here, Jinma. Very well, I'll bring your request to Her Highness and see if she can be merciful towards Yukino when it's time for her punishment.>

<Whatever you can manage, I'll be grateful. Thanks, Sue,> I said.

<Honestly, I must agree with Sue that you're too soft on her, Jin,> Ume said while crossing her arms, <Despite whatever punishment Yukino receives, I hope you won't let her off easy and really put her to work. She must take responsibility for the choices she's made.>

I nodded in understanding, <I know, I'll try to come up with something when that time comes.>

<What about Toshino? Are we going to do anything about her?> Nyra asked.

<Well, since the two of them will be on equal grounds and that Yukino will soon lose a high-ranking husband, I doubt she'll have any reason to act superior,> I said, <If we come across anything that could lead us to where Toshino is, I think we should bring them together and see if they can make amends, maybe even redeem her to be part of the group. If she doesn't want to join, that's fine, but I'd like to give Yukino a chance to redeem herself with Konjiro not influencing her choices.>

<In that case, shall I send a request to the Dark Wind on finding intel of Toshino's whereabouts?> Sue asked, <If she's still part of the slave industry, I'm sure they can find some sources that could help track her movements.>

<That would be great, but is that okay? This seems pretty meager compared to what the Dark Wind usually does in the shadows, isn't it?> I asked.

Sue nodded, <Not to worry, since they've been keeping an eye on the nobles in this kingdom, knowing their connections, I'm sure finding an individual like that won't be hard to accomplish.>

<Well, if you could even get one person to look into it, that should be plenty, but that's after we get the coup settled. I can't really give you an excuse to contact your colleagues right now under these circumstances,> I said.

<But of course.> With that confirmation, I cut off the telepathic connection

{Despite me saying that, though, since this is Sue's [Clone] I'm talking to, I'm sure the original has some means of keeping in contact with her without me knowing. If she's eager, she could be arranging a message to the Dark Wind as we speak.

{Well, whatever, I'm getting rather tired of this drama, and I haven't properly given my love to the other girls yet, so let's have a bit of fun before hitting the sack.}

<Hell yeah! Let's pump them up good!> Nyra exclaimed.

{Still, wherever Toshino is right now, I hope she's managing herself. Though, as violent and eccentric as she has shown to be and how much stronger she likely is now, I worry for her current master.}



Throughout the dinner celebrating Liss' revenge being fulfilled, as well as our confirmed 'friendship', we got to know each other a bit. Well, it was more like Liss and I got to know Shino, since she voluntarily told us her life story that brought her to being enslaved. Aside from when I came to this world, neither myself nor Liss got a chance to tell more of our past because of how Shino took hold of the conversation. We were too tired to say anything when she finally finished, so we then went back to the inn and started settling down for the evening by taking a bath.

That was when I came across my first troublesome problem for the night.

"Pleeeeeeeease?" Shino begged with puppy dog eyes.

"No," I turned down with a furrowed brow.

"Oh, come on! We've established a friendship tonight! I told you how I became a slave! Couldn't we have some skinship to soothe the woes caused from my past?!" Shino asked.

"Honestly, I'm even more wary of you touching me now after hearing about your dissections since childhood, and now you transitioned from Monsters to people?" I asked with a raised brow.

"I'm better at that now!" Shino argued, "I only dissect our enemies! I would never do such a thing to my two dearest, closest friends! And besides, this isn't for the sake of my research, I've just been dying to get a feel of your beautiful, clean, fit body since I first laid my eyes on it! I want to properly worship it where it's due by washing you! I did it all the time with Big Sister!"

My glare hardened, "Your true intentions leaked out there, and I'm starting to question whether your sister made the right choice in selling you off."

"How cruel! You know I don't intend this to be a one-way thing, right?! I was going to let you feel my body, too, you know?!" she rebuked.

I was going to shoot back with a rebuttal, but then I got a closer look at Shino's body. Up to tonight, I would take my bath separately from my slaves, or when push came to shove, I would settle for using [Clean] on myself and call it a night. I didn't really take a close look at either of their naked forms until now.

Liss and Shino from the beginning were quite malnourished when I redeemed them. After feeding them enough food along with our physical labor that came from being adventurers, their bodies filled out with a healthy amount of meat. To summarize, their bodies were nothing short of a model's back on Earth, even with their beastly limbs as Werepanther and Kitsune. Their mature, womanly curves were superb, stomachs were toned, and their chest and butts were big enough to jiggle with each step they took. On top of all that, their contrasting dark and near white skin tones made them stand out from all the other Human girls. It's a relief there weren't any in the bath with us, or they'd likely glare daggers at them.

"Hoho, did that catch your interest?" Shino teased as she bunched up the large breasts in her arms with a cheeky smile, "I haven't let any male get a touch of this, you know? It's a part of a Shrine Priestess' duty to keep their body chaste and untainted by anyone aside from their spouse, you see, and not even my ex-fiance has seen me like this. Since I've become a slave and you are my mistress and close friend, Yoko-chan, this body's all yours to do as you please. Doesn't the thought of exploring such a pure body excite you? I'm. Open. For. Any. Thing. You know?" She then made her tits bounce in her arms while wiggling her ass and tail, her eyes narrowed with glee, and her smile grew wide.

The sight of it all annoyed me. Komi-chan teased me like this back home, as well, as if she was showing off how better her 'womanly goods' were than mine, and how well she could put them to use for Jin-chan's pleasure.

"... Liss, wash my back, will you?" I asked as I turned and walked away.

"Yes, Yoko," Liss obliged as she followed me.

"GUHACK?!" was the peculiar sound Shino made as I could hear her dropping to all fours in defeat, "As expected of the Cold-Slaughter Princess, to shoot me down and leave me in the cold, like a Yuki-Onna deserting a starving traveler in the mountains under a harrowing blizzard. And yet, the look of disgust on Yoko-chan's face is also a treat. Gochichousama-deshita."

"Quit it with the weird act and clean yourself already, or I'll cut you up and really leave you out in the cold," I warned as I sat down in one of the bath stools and Liss got right to work by washing my back. Out of the two of them here, I can trust Liss to do this much, at least.

"Yes, Yoko-chan …" Shino drawled before dragging herself to take the bath stool right next to me and started washing herself.

"A question, Shino, but do you really believe Raiza is the 'embodiment of Hell', or was that just a way to scare your sister for what may come once the two of you meet again?" Liss asked.

"Oh, no, if there's one thing I'll never lie about, it's the findings in my research, and that theory is not only the truth from me, but it's becoming more of a fact after getting to know Yoko-chan here!" Shino exclaimed with her fox ears and tails perked up. I guess she's at her best when explaining the findings in her research.

To be honest, I had to agree with Shino's theory, too. According to what she read in religious texts, amongst the Immortals that govern this world are represented as the seven deadly sins and the seven holy virtues, coming to a total of fourteen Gods and Goddesses right there. There are some other Immortals that represent something, but these fourteen seem to stand out the most. Not only that, but it was the Immortals representing the seven sins that greeted us and gave us our blessings, or cheats of overpowering gear and abilities, after our bus explosion incident. I was trying to race through the procedures to get to Raiza and vent my emotions, but thinking back on it now, it's a wonder how nobody else questioned how trustworthy those Immortals are if they represent the 'great evils' on Earth.

And this is a bias of mine, but being here without Jin-chan everyday was already a personal hell for me to begin with. Even if I was in a cramped dumpster full of mold and other questionable items, I would be in heaven if Jin-chan was there with me, alone, with both of us getting filthier than the trash that was surrounding us. Ah, but then I wouldn't get a good grasp of his masculine scent if my nose is distracted by that very trash, nor would I properly taste his bodily fluids. Let's just write that as one of the many 'don'ts' of places I want to be with Jin-chan.

"I'd rather you not divulge into the details of how you came to that conclusion for now, but any plans on how you'll exact your revenge on your sister and ex-fiance?" Liss asked.

"Hmm. Well, I was planning on dissecting their bodies and neuter my ex-fiance, but I'm not as bent on doing that now than when Yoko-chan brought up the question after redeeming me," Shino said as she washed herself, "Aside from when we worked together as a party, I tried to get out of their way as much as possible so they can be lovey-dovey as a couple, and yet they still weren't happy. After looking back on that now, I doubt that much has changed since I left, so I wonder if me taking revenge on them is really worth it at that point if they're already suffering without me. I guess if anything, I'd like to see how they're doing and show off how happy I am now after meeting you two. Showing how much better I am now than I was with them, won't that serve as much of a revenge for them?"

"Hmm … not sure if I really understand that viewpoint, but this is you we're talking about, so I wonder how likely it is to understand that much?" Liss asked.

"Jinma would usually leave annoying bullies off with damaged, broken bodies and a warning back home. They'd come back for revenge repeatedly after that, though, so if it's anything like that, I'd rather kill them off permanently by that point," I added with a shrug, "Your 'revenge' seems to carry the least amount of damage, as well as the likeliness for them to get back at you, so if it's to reduce annoyances, I'd think that's a fair reason to go about it that way. If they do still come after you despite that, though …"

Shino smiled wistfully, "Yeah, I guess I'd follow your example and kill them off then, too. Still, putting Konjiro aside, Big Sister and I are still family, you know? Even if I can't live in the village again, I'd still like to see how she's doing, at the least."

"Well, now that Liss' revenge is fulfilled, we can seek out that sister of yours after we confirm Komiwa's location in Alluga," I said, "First thing tomorrow, though, I've heard churches provide services that summon Familiars. Have you been trained to do that, Shino?"

"It's been a while since I last attempted it, I'll need the proper text as a refresher to summon Magical Beasts from the Holy and Cursed Realms, as well as the proper tools and space to pull it off," Toshino said.

"That shouldn't be a problem. I found some tomes regarding summoning practices in Mondar's safe, and I'm sure I can get the necessary tools from my bracelet," I said.

"Are you planning on summoning a Familiar, Yoko?" Liss asked.

"After learning who we're up against in the White Rapture, it doesn't hurt to have an additional loyal ally to help us out. I'd still like to keep our numbers small for ease of travel, so are you both alright with only me attempting the summon?" I asked.

"I couldn't be more okay with it!" Shino exclaimed, "You're the most powerful in our group, after all, so your potential must be just as strong! I'm looking forward to seeing what may heed your call!"

Liss nodded, "I agree. I think having a Familiar will be fitting for a leader in your image, Yoko. What kind would you want, if you don't mind me asking?"

I looked up in thought, {Well, I guess it would be nice if they're cute and share values in how we express our love like I do for Jin-chan. If we're talking love, considering how 'different' mine is, I doubt someone representing chastity from the Holy Realm would come to my calling, so that just leaves lust from the Cursed Realm?}

"... Not sure. Guess we'll have to wait and see," I answered.

Orange_Rain Orange_Rain

Whew, this turned out longer than I thought. We’re going to do a few more perspective changes before going back to Jinma and the crew. Don’t miss it.

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