52.26% A Cheap, OP Brawler / Chapter 104: Chapter 102: Secrets and Messages

章 104: Chapter 102: Secrets and Messages

[Author's Pre-Chapter Note: Thank you everyone for being patient. I'm still dealing with the cold while getting my stuff together for the move, so updates will still be slow for the next month. Until I'm fully settled in my new place, I'll try to get at least one chapter out a week, two if I'm lucky, if not on the scheduled days, it will be the day after those. I'll keep you all posted if something else goes on.

[Thank you again for your understanding and enjoy the chapter.]

I learned many things over the course of the evening. First off, the Vampires of this world can eat regular food like humans do and their tastes for it are similar going by what I saw Lady Krauss ate, but their taste for blood is different from ours and they get the most nutrients needed out of it in order to live. That said, meals that contain more blood than others like liver and onions as an example are an exquisite delight for Vampires. Going by what I know from my Cookbook skill, I could come up with some excellent dishes that could send Lady Krauss melting from the taste if I play my cards right. This is so I can be in better graces with her and up my chances of meeting with the Demon King through her family's influence.

The next thing I learned is that Vampire fangs are actually more powerful than I thought, being magically enchanted to pierce anything in existence. They're probably on the same level as Chaos Ore, the same stuff that makes up my tanto that Nyra last crafted.

"We can even pierce the hide of Dragons if we wanted to, it has been proven to be possible according to records in our race's lineage, but we would not be able to suck much blood out of them with how thick they can be." Those were Lady Krauss' words, and with Ume being a Dragon herself, that comment sent shivers down her spine, understandably enough.

It was definitely good news for me, though. I was worried my stupidly high defenses would make her attempts to wound me null and void, but if she can bite me despite that, then one of the things on my bucket list that I was most curious about since childhood can possibly be fulfilled soon enough.

Not that I have a biting fetish as Nyra joked about, mind you, I just wanted to see what getting bitten and sucked of blood would feel like if it brings such fear to people as depicted in some fictions. I always thought they were as bad as getting hit with two flu shots at once. The best part is that I wouldn't be turned into a Vampire servant/slave from a bite alone. Apparently, there is a ritual that 'True Vampires' must perform in order to conform humans—and only humans as it was proven it doesn't work on other races—into one of their own, and that would result in not only an increase in power but also a longer life span while maintaining youth. Like slaves, though, they'd have to follow every order given by their 'contractor' without any argument.

This was long before slavery became an industry and particular requirements need to be met to enslave people of any race in the way Ms. Carmen showed us earlier today. For Vampires, it was more convenient to just spend money to redeem them than to go through the ritual themselves. Lady Krauss was actually going to enlist the help of a particular Vampire acquaintance in the industry to help with Tyvera's enslavement before I brought up Ms. Carmen. The ritual is only still around today as a means of punishment for human violators who had done them wrong, and there aren't any drawbacks for the contractor after it was complete, so they could make more if they wanted to.

I momentarily thought what it would be like if I wound up being Lady Krauss' servant for some reason. Following orders against my will would definitely suck, sure, but if it was for someone like her, I probably wouldn't mind, and I could live longer while still looking the way I do now.

Anyway, Lady Krauss was very cooperative in answering questions I had of her Vampire culture that included what I had just explained, plus some myths about garlic, being under the sun, and whatnot.

This was if I explained some things about myself in exchange, of course. I couldn't tell her about me being a Champion, a person from another world, so I had to come up with a story of how I even wound up in the Demon-Kin's Territory on the spot.

"I had come from a far-away land that's very unlike this one, and I wound up in a cave due to some unforeseeable circumstances—"

"That's the vaguest and most suspicious line I heard from you yet, Jinma Kotori," Beelzebub interrupts my 'intro' while pointing an accusing finger at me. "If you can't be clear of your origins, then how can I entrust the safety of Lady Noire to such a sketchy individual?"

That 'vague and suspicious line' was the only thing I could come up with without making it come off as a blatant lie. Even with my maxed-out Deception skill, though I hadn't checked her stats with my Size Up yet, I have a feeling she also has Intuition at a high enough level to pick up on it like I can. I couldn't take any chances regardless of how effective some skills may be.

Ume's scaly fist that's gripping her silverware trembles in place, looking ready to use it as a weapon against Beelzebub for her accusation towards me at any moment. I place a hand on hers to ease the anger before turning back to Beelzebub. "I understand your concerns but I'm afraid the truth would make matters more complicated than they already are. It's harder to believe than you might think and if no one believes me on that, how would I know they'd do on everything else?"

"Lady Beelzebub, calm yourself," Lady Krauss says while lowering Beelzebub's finger. "There is no reason for us to force the truth out of him. Neither him, his wife nor any of his party—save for Tyvera who has already been punished—have ever done any wrong towards us since our first meeting earlier. We cannot make them think they are not welcome in our presence."

"But Lady Noire!"

"No buts and no further interruptions. Unless you want to spend the night with Gabriella and I call your assistant to bring you back to your office the next morning, then please, do tell us a legitimate reason why. Why I should not trust Jinma and his party to escort me in the dungeon without mentioning their races, ranks, and not knowing of their personal lives when they are in the same stance with mine. Depending on how you answer, I will take the necessary measures, Lady Beelzebub."

"… Tch." With a click of her tongue, Beelzebub sits back down in her seat and crosses her arms.

"I must sincerely apologize for that, Jinma. Please, do continue."

"Uh … sure." {Isn't Beelzebub the Minister of Agriculture in this territory? I guess with Lady Krauss' dad being the same of Defense and Weaponry, maybe his political standing is higher than hers?} I think.

<"Whatever it may be, I gotta give Fangs props for her shutting Buzzington up.">

<"I must say I'm starting to like this Vampire as well. I think she'd make an interesting addition to your harem.">

<"You hear that, Jinma? You got your wife's approval.">

{Not you, too …}

Nyra and Ume give their own approvals for Lady Krauss' qualifications to be in my harem before I internally sigh with that comment in mind.

I then went on with how my adventure in the new world began. Glock the Putrid, my stumbling into Lili's trap, how I got into Dondegarm as well as saving it later that same evening while meeting the companions who are with me today, and so on. I left out some of the details like Ume's secret (of course), my capabilities as a Brawler, my Devil Eyes, my goal to see the Demon King, how I went about my love affairs, and how the side-effects to Nyra's curse affected them to an extent. Lady Krauss was attentive to every detail from the way she rested her head on her hands with a smile, like a kid listening to an exciting bedtime story.

I was having an oddly fun time doing it and I saw Lady Krauss more appealing as I spoke and stared at her. Sure, she may have dressed herself a little over the top for the occasion, but if I were to lay eyes on her in a ballroom, I'd probably race over to ask for her first dance, even if I never danced in my lifetime. If there was a chance I could have her look my way for a brief moment, that was all the reason I would ever need to ignore looking a little stupid in public.

That is of course if we were meeting for the very first time in that ballroom and I was still single. I did overhear from my aunts from time to time how some men may look more attractive if they already have someone with them, girlfriend, wife, or otherwise. I don't know what the deal with that is, maybe it's some form of feminine pride, but I do question if Lady Krauss would show this much interest in me as Nyra said if I didn't have Ume or any of my party members with me. Could it be another factor of this Charm that's shown in my Innate Stats that affects the people around me? How would I know if her feelings by that point are genuine or not? The more I thought about it, the more I felt the need to talk to Ms. Obina about how this Charm thing affects my living in this world.

Before any of us realize it, it's gotten awfully late by the time I caught up with how my current journey has played out up to now. The Horned Boar ham dinner with faux-mashed potatoes, gravy, steamed vegetables, and casserole was exquisite, and the fruit tart we had for dessert was very delicious. Lady Krauss generously gave us the leftovers to share with the rest of our party.

"It is a shame that time can pass so quickly. I had a wonderful evening," Lady Krauss says as we were at her doorstep.

"We did as well. Thank you very much for inviting us over, Lady Krauss."

"Yes, I'm glad I got to be able to relax like this with Jin here. Thank you for this opportunity, Lady Krauss."

I give the comment and thanks for the evening first before Ume does the same and we follow it up with our respective bow and curtsey.

"Oh, no, the two of you have become quite the delight to be around. I insist that you address me as Noire from now on."

Ume and I look to each other with widened eyes. "Is that really okay?" I ask while glancing back to Noire.

"But of course! I would like to get better acquainted with the two of you and it is only fair that you address me the same way as I have with you without formalities."

"Well, if you say so, then we will happily accept that offer … Noire."

"And you may call me 'Mei' as well. It's in our culture that we address each other with a part of our names that resembles our closeness in relationships."

Slightly surprised, I still manage to call out Noire's name while Ume mentions how she'd like to be addressed.

"Ah, so 'Ume' is for your significant other to address you while 'Mei' is the next one down to closeness, like a nickname. How delightful! Very well, 'Mei' it is! Now, you both rest up and come back with your party after breakfast tomorrow so we can discuss each other's battle capabilities and how to tackle the dungeon. The guild masters will be with us as well."

"Sounds good. Until next time, Noire!"

"Goodnight, Noire!"

"Salutations, Jinma! Mei!"

With our plan set, we bid each other goodnight. With the boxed fruit tarts stored in my [Storage], Ume and I walk out the door and wave to Noire behind us. She stands there returning the gesture with a smile of blushing content.


The noblewoman stands there and watches until Jinma's and Umeiyon's backs disappear into the darkness. Noire sighs, shuts the door and walks over to where Jinma left his dessert, finished with his used fork still on the plate.

"I would like to state that I still have my doubts with Jinma Kotori," Beelzebub comments with crossed arms while Noire picks up Jinma's used plate. "His feats may be impressive, but there are secrets he's still hiding from us. He hasn't even told us his fighting class."

"Oh, I have been aware of that a long time ago, and that just makes him all the more interesting because of it." Noire picks up the used fork gazes longingly at it. "Did you notice, Beelzebub, that when I mentioned a Vampire's fangs are enchanted to pierce through any defenses, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes?"

"Like I'd be skillful enough in reading people to notice that much. If what you say is true though, why would he be excited?"

"That is one of his 'secrets' that I would like to know most of all. We all have secrets, Lady Beelzebub, and it is finding out by getting to know the person in question that makes discovering it all the more fun and memorable experience. Do you not also think so? I would not know what your true name was, otherwise."

"D-Don't just mention that out of the blue!" Beelzebub exclaims while getting flustered.

"Anyway, I will be taking my time in getting him to open up to me. I will take every chance I can get to get him to look my way more and more …" {And if he's as great as his harem idolizes, then maybe we can work something out for us to achieve our own happy endings. That would be the ideal scenario, would it not?

{I will be expecting many things from you, Jinma Kotori.} With that thought, Noire takes Jinma's used fork in her hand, cuts a piece of her own remaining fruit tart and places it in her mouth with reddened cheeks. Compared to what she had eaten already, she couldn't help but notice how different this one tasted. Perhaps it's because she knew the fork was in Jinma's mouth first before it went into hers. It's as if she's receiving a 'taste' of him on top of the sweetness in the dessert.

'Indirect kiss,' a term that she has learned from the many 'books' she has read, crosses her mind as she savors the fork more than the dessert itself with each bite, trying to lick it in her mouth to get every piece of him inside of her without looking so vulgar and unladylike in the process. She couldn't help but shiver at the thought.

Little does Noire know while being occupied in her own world that Beelzebub and the maids in the room are seeing it being done right in front of them with jaws agape.


Ume and I wordlessly agreed to take our time getting back to the inn while holding hands and keeping close. We walk the streets and take in the bustling nightlife Palocaesy has to offer.

"I think that worked out rather well, don't you think?" Ume asks.

"Yeah. The choice of attire was a little shocking, but she's really nice nonetheless. I can't believe we're already on a casual first-name basis with her."

"At this rate, I think she'd be happy to help us get an audience with the Demon King long before our quest ends, and that isn't much compared to when she wants to join the harem."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves here."

<"Aw, come on! She's obviously not happy with her engagement to Rowling—and for a good reason—she totally has the hots for you if she went out of her way that much to dress up just to have dinner, even Scalybutt here gave her approval in letting Fangs join the harem. What's stopping you from sweeping the lady off her feet now?"> Nyra asks me.

"Her nobility, for one thing. Noire's emotions may be occupying her logic and reasoning but what would her family say about letting a fellow Vampire having a relationship with a human, a lower-class adventurer on top of it? How would our association affect her family's reputation? What if the Demon King doesn't even want anything to do with her family because of it?"

"Haven't we been told the Demon King was fair to all races?" Ume asks.

"People's opinions can change at the drop of a hat. I mean, take that decree she made and revealed in such a showy, dramatic manner today." I pull out one of the notices I kept in my [Storage]. I thought picking up a couple on the way over to the inn would be good to have for scrap paper if I needed it. The lots that were made to assign rooms were made with scraps that same paper.

"She could have very well made this decree at the last minute because she got tired of the Champions that have been brought to her doorstep, or the last one left such a bad impression on her that it affected her perspective of the Human-Kin as a whole. If that were the case, then we need the Krauss' influence to help me get an audience with the Demon King now more than ever. To do that, I'll need to get in good graces with Noire while keeping her in arm's length, catch the attention of her father, the head of the family and the Minister of Defense and Weaponry, and then see if he can put in a good word for me. If I did something to his daughter, then I can kiss any chance of getting an audience with the Demon King good-bye.

"Hmm … I never really paid attention to this kind of stuff but it seems getting on good terms with those higher in the hierarchy is more complicated than I thought."

"Damn right it is, and out of everyone from my hometown, I may be one of the clumsier ones when it comes to brownnosing our superiors." I sigh and hold the paper up above me as we walk. "To think, we wouldn't be doing something this mentally exhausting if this hadn't … huh?"

"What is it?" Ume asks as I squint at the top of the decree while holding it towards the light.

"… There's something else written on this?" I ask as I lower it down and flip the paper over. It's blank, but I saw some writing through the light.

{Invisible ink? No … lemons?} With my Werewolf's Olfactory Sensing ability, I catch a whiff of citrus from the back of the paper. I recall something familiar as I look at this setting, something I did as a kid while playing with Hyo-chan.

A child-like way to write secret messages.

"… Ume, come with me for a bit and give me a light."

"Huh? O-Okay."

I lead Ume by the hand to a dark alleyway before she chants 'Create Light,' a warm yellow orb appears above her raised claw that illuminates some parts of the darkness. I double-check with my Insightful Mapping and Detection skills to see that there's no one nearby to see us. I cast [Soundproof] around us so our conversation isn't heard by unwanted ears.

I then chant 'Create Fire' to create a small flame over my finger like a lighter and hover it over to where I smelled the citrus scent on the paper.

"… Just like I thought."

"Whoa! What kind of magic is this?!"

"It's not magic. It's lighting up the citric acid to change color, revealing patterns that make up secret messages one can write with lemon juice. I did these a lot with a close friend of mine while we were kids."

"Wait, 'lemon' juice? Do you mean 'nolem' juice?"

"… Right, that." I forgot some items in Raiza differ in names than those from Earth, so we'll just call it 'faux-lemon juice' to save the confusion, as will all similar items.

"Anyway, what does the message say? For some reason, I recognize this kind of writing, but I can't read it."

"You recognized it because I've shown you a few characters of it before in my hometown's written language … this is Japanese."

That's right, what was written in lemon juice wasn't Padimonian, but clear, concise Japanese that even I can understand, and it reads like this:

[If you can read this, apply your mana into the paper.]

"Apply my mana? Like when I'm casting a spell or when Tyvera was using that Messaging Crystal?"

<"Just do it! This is getting way too freaky and I'm not sure how to feel about this!"> Nyra exclaims in our minds.

I glance over to Ume and we nod before I focus mana into the paper in my hand.


""Uah?!"" The sudden eruption of small flames startles both of us, but it doesn't burn the paper completely. Instead, it turns into a new message, a secret one that not even I thought would ever appear.

"Th-This is Japanese again, isn't it? What does it say, Jin?"



<"J-Jinma, what does this mean?"> Nyra asks shakily as the paper trembles in my hand.

I run my eyes through it over and over, but it's still the same, and there's even another Demon King's Royal Seal to mark her ownership. Even so, I feel a kind of fear I didn't think I could ever experience in my life as the new message states in bold characters in front of me:


Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C104
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


