There was a dark room that bed can be only seen, also you can only hear a beeping noise, while a doctor beside making an operation then suddenly the doors open by a man, It can't be distinguished because of darkness. *creakkk* (sound of a door opening).
Doctor ???: what do you want this time? I'm busy…
???: I just want to give this to you sir. (passing the folder to the doctor)
Doctor ???: just tell what is it…
???: it's about number 7
Then the doctor stops on what he is doing.
Doctor ???: hoohh… interesting… give it to me.
The doctor read the report happily, but after reading for a few pages his face can be seen a fit of anger and hatred. Then he throws the documents to the guy then…
Doctor ???: you guys are f*cking failures!! Useless!!.. Get the f*ck out from this room!
???: ok sir…
Then the doctor looks at his patient and grabs a scalpel then he stabs it to the patient. *beep**beep**beeepppp*
In the island of the unknown we can hear a distinct noise of some metal being forge *ding!* *ding* *ding*. It's been a day since we have to prepare for our plans like making a boat, right now at somewhere at least 80-90 percent. I don't know if it's really effective against from the heavy storm and also if maybe gonna crashes any reef because they are rushing it, but Chris said that I should not worry.
I keep working like making a metal spear in afternoon and hunt at every morning and making traps at nights. We are so busy that we just talk in nights but it's kinda nostalgic in nights remembering from my past life since we got nothing to eat, father and my brother hunt some animals in the wild. Life can be beautiful but if things someone important to you goes away it makes a big scar in our lives.
It was night, day 2 cold wind can be felt through our skins. With the burning campfire can make us think that we were still alive and have the determination to live.
Christopher: we may able to finish it tomorrow morning…. What about you guys?
Aaron: already set up… we can do it anytime.
Jenn: I'm kinda nervous fighting a monster tomorrow, I hope it will work.
Me: this is gonna work guys, it's our last bet.
Arnold: man… since when did I last do this critical mission? 10 years? Someone said to me that always trust your guts whenever what you are doing, it gave us an act of courage to it no matter what is it. ( he took a fist bump on us) remember that!.
Elena: yeah!...
They sleep soundly, but I right now is very nervous. If it's human our enemy I can run from it but this island? Then you have no choice but to face on them. I walk to the reefs near our camp and think about what will happen in our near future. While I was thinking about it, I saw Chris and says.
Christopher: can't sleep bud?
Me: yeah… I'm thinking about my mom. ( I looked at the sky)
Me: what do you think up there Chris? (I pointed my finger at the sky)
Christopher: uhh... dark? Mysterious? Ohh.. are you talking about constellation?
I rolled my eyes and said.
Me: I'm not talking about that, it's about the extraterrestrial or other life forms out there.
Christopher: mmm? I don't know? (He shrugged) there's still no one evidence that maybe there's a living life form out there.
There was saying it's easy to lie but it's hard to say the truth coming from our mouths. And right now I have so many things to say to them but I don't know what will happen if I tell them about our future like an alien invasion and other things.
Me: things might be going wrong in near future Chris... if we survive this island, media will flock us.
He sat down next to me and put his hands to my shoulders and said.
Christopher: sometimes bud you just need to learn to ignore people. Those guys on those high chairs might do something like flipping our tables and turn our lives into an upside down, but we just go with the flow bud.
Me: sigh... let's sleep will ya... we got a big job shop to do tomorrow morning.
We walk to the camp and sleep for a few hours. In the morning, a new fresh day, as same as always that we can felt it's cold wind coming from the sea. Even it is early in the morning we can see that there are no clouds can be seen.
Arnold: it's gonna be a hot day isn't kid?
Me: yeah... a good day to hunt some monsters... haha (I chuckled)
Arnold: so you're ready?
Me: yeah ... anytime...
Before I finish my sentence there's a shout can be heard.
Jenny: ahhhhhh!....helppp!!
Christopher: what the hell is that thing doing in here?
We saw the mutated ant trying to catch a human and that Jenny, I inspect what is its stats.
[Mutated Ant
Lvl: 4
HP: 27/27
MP: N.A.
STR: 2.7
AGI: 3.4
INT: 0.8
-Acid Spray: it's an AOT acid skill that will spay for 2 meters and can 3 damage per seconds.
Be careful of acid even it's on the ground for two days, it will still corrode anything who touches it.]
I draw two arrows immediately since it's focusing is on Jenny. whoosh *whooshh**Puchi!* .... kriiieee!! *Puchi*. The first arrow we're focused on the body while the on other one was decapitated the head by using PowerShot on it. Then the mutated Ant only screams once and it died.
[You killed a mutated ant: gain 100 exp, 5 gold]
Me: 'whoa that's a lot of gold there if I got unlimited mana and arrows I could hunt all day these creatures' (I thought greedily)
Aaron: you ok Jen? Elena?
Elena: Ye-yeah... hoo... thank God we didn't run that a lot of them.
Jenny: th-that was close!... what is this jelly...
Me: don't touch that!... it's corrosive you know!
Arnold: damn it!... this is bad, the ants are expanding their territory. Let's go guys... we don't have much time.
We set up all of the methane in the mini raft so I can shoot it away for few meters, that thing we used to make a bomb, we didn't test since maybe the ants or other mutated monsters out there.
[The System Update have been installed you may use the new features]
Me: Sweet!!...
guys!... endgame is coming!!!!! Is anyone excited about it?
The system is really sometimes annoying because of its accessibility, and also sometimes it gives me nonsense like the last time I used roulette that it give me a f*cking recipe, and if this system gave a trash skill like the third skill of techies [Blast Off] then it's really messing with me.
Since I got the system I never get a chance to see the features of the shop. I will check it later when we can get out on this island. Since the system stops its updates I can use the minimap so I can shot these spears to the Kraken. By the way, my spears got some decent stats.
[Metal spear
Damage: 4-10
Durability: 10/10]
Me: you guys ready?
All 5: yeah!.
I look at the minimap to see where it is.
Me: 'ohh... it's hibernating right now... wait no it's not, it's moving'... hooo... now here we go!
grunt all the muscle on the body right now is at the full extent of my capabilities I can use, maybe around 400kg plus added by the skill PowerShot, for me its gonna be able to pierce it. I think my body may numb or even injured because it's first my time to throw it like this. We can see that all my muscles are bulging that looks like it will explode in a matter of seconds.
Me: hahhh!...
whoooosshhh Booomm! the seawater made a big explosion after I throw the spear to the Kraken.
Me: hahh...hahh... that's one...
We are waiting for it for a couple of minutes come out but it didn't, we just only seen bubbles.
Me: come out you damn bastard!...
Christopher: are you ok bud?
Me: yeah let me rest a few minutes.
Chris definitely saw my hands shaking right after I throw it. Maybe my body didn't handle too much stress even I'm doing some workout, also added by forging and hunting for two days and it's still not enough. It's not I'm relaxing for a few minutes but I am waiting for the cooldown of PowerShot skill.
Me: just go, Chris... I got this just watch the show!...
Christopher: mm... (he pat my shoulders and left)
Me: so... your not coming out?... then here's your next one!... hah!!!...
whoooshhh Booomm!!.....
A few second the Kraken came out and it looks so very angry that its height is so frightening that it almost covers the whole beach from its shadow. I saw the spear near on its eyes and I didn't expect that Kraken skin's really hard that just half of the spear only pierce into it.
Arnold: Oi! Oi!... you gotta be kidding me... after those two shots can do only damage?
Aaron: just pray for old man if that thing is still alive if we bomb it.
I was surprised also, I inspect it's stats cause there must something wrong that it's unaffected by the last two shots.
HP: 110,000/120,000 (at first 1STR:10HP - 10STR: 1,000HP – 100:100,000HP)
zzMP: 1,070/1,070
STR: 120.0
AGI: 7.2
INT: 10.7
- True Gush: (active)
Summons a high pressurized gush of water to create destruction anything within its range, reducing their movement speed and armor. Lasts 40 seconds.
Cast Range: 1 meter
Wave Travel Distance: 10km
Wave Radius: 50 meters
Damage: 5,000
Armor Reduction: 30
Move Speed Slow: 400%
Duration: 40
Skill Description:
Gush's projectile travels at a speed of 250 per seconds {almost as the speed of sound which is around 343m/s}
-Kraken Shell:(passive)
Thickens Tidehunter's hide to passively block a portion of any incoming physical attack damage. The hide also removes negative status effects if the damage taken crosses a threshold. Does not stack with items that provide Damage Block.
Damage Block Proc Chance: 100%
Damage Block: 100
Damage Threshold: 200
Threshold Reset Timer: 3
-True Ravage
Slams the ground, causing tentacles to erupt in all directions, damaging and stunning all nearby enemy units.
Max Effect Radius: 25 km
Damage: 15,000
Stun Duration: 20s (depend on how much armor of the unit is, the higher the armor the lower stun duration and damage) ]
Me: your sh*tting me right?
THU 12:43 PM
Me: your sh*tting me right? That's OP skills of tidehunter but it multiple times stronger effects than the original(a strength type hero of DOTA).
gouahhhhhhh The Kraken moves and trying to do something.
Me: Oi don't tell me!... that thing is...
whiiiiiisssssshhhhh I saw the water forming into a huge waterball the tips of its tentacles where it is around 20 meters in diameter. After it forms into sphere maybe pressurized it making it smaller into maybe around 7-10? and after it's small enough as big as it's mouth and ate the ball of water. (similar to kyubi trying to eat the tailed beast bomb and shot it out)
Me: huh?
While I was stunned what it is doing, Ursa telepathically talks to me.
Ursa: Master get away from it!
Me: uhh... but didn't that thing just ate it?
Ursa: no it's...
Before Ursa completed its sentence, he suddenly came out and grab me as he sprints.
Me: Oi Ursa what are you doing?...
wheiiiiizzzzzz (like a fire extinguisher sound?)
Me: see!.... it just small-
BBOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!... (at first it will small but it suddenly explode into a massive thing, like a leak on pipes)
Me: Holy F*UCKK!!!
At the other side of island...
Christopher: wha-...
Jenny: Jesus Christ!!... how in the world!
Aaron: Ohh my God!!!
Right now the attack by that Kraken made the island split into half that cover around 50 meters wide and still unknown its length. The Gush is so strong pressurized water that even the mountains disintegrate in an instant. There was a thing that the strong water pressure it creates destructive and even split the hardest metal or is it. (I'm talking about vibranium)
This time I was so thankful of Ursa that we dodge that attack, there's one thing that I can theory that how did he know about it.
Me: you're sh*tting me... 'that's massive damage!' Thanks, Ursa!..that was nice timing you got there! By the way, how did you know that its a large scale attack?
Ursa: uhh... I can't explain it in words, it's like something's dangerous coming master! And my body acted on its own.
As expected on animal instinct. The Kraken suddenly moving towards us.
Me: it's coming!...come big boy!... just a little more. Since you used all your mana to your last attack I got nothing to worry now! hahaha (i chuckled)
A.N. : by the way guys the end game is so f*ckin awesome guys! kinda busy for job hunting so sorry about it, so here's new chapter... gamers! Peace out!!