_ Two days, you disappeared for two days. Where the hell were you?
Maria was looking furious at Victor sitting in the chair with her eyes downcast.
_ I was at home. I'm starting to remember things about me. About my life.
_ This is great_ I interrupted what would be a reprimand of Maria_ Remember what happened to you?
He shook his head sadly.
"I still can not remember how I died." He looked disappointed.
_ What a pity. I'm really sorry_ I was supportive.
"I do not feel it." Maria caught my attention, still annoyed that it was she who went out hunting Victor without being able to find him.
_ Maria...
_ No, forget it. Anyway, she went to Victor and told him to get up. I'll tell you something that will help us find your body. Is ready?
Victor shook his head. We were in my office and I did not really want the two here. I had things to do. How to start getting the papers in this really annoying case. That demon or whatever it was was still loose and we did not know what to do about it.
Maria was waiting for a message on the subject but there was still no response.
There was bureaucracy even in the world of the dead. Waiting for the answer to arrive seemed more time consuming than the queue for the health post near my house. Not that I really could blame them, they were dead. Time was relative. I sighed and joined the two of them standing. After all, I thought, finding his body was also part of my job.
_ Listen_ Maria started_ You are dead ...
_ Of that I already know.
_ Yes you know it_ She went on quickly_ But what you do not know is that you still have a link with your body.
His eyes widened with hope.
"So that means ... that I can go back?"
I shook my head in pity. They all hoped they could come back. But unfortunately once dead, it remains dead. You can not go back.
"You can not go back," I told him, "the link between your spirit and your body still remains because it is impossible to break it completely. After all, you and your body were one for 28 years.
"So this is not worth anything." His loud voice came out irritated. Her spirit shook to gray. The chair behind him trembled.
That was no good. Maria must have thought the same as I did because she put herself between me and him. A good ghost sometimes becomes something else when you spend a lot of time on earth. They become vengeful. Their thoughts get distorted and they become dangerous. Anger was just the beginning. We would have to resolve this case soon because Victor does not have much time left.
Calm down, kid. This may not be good news for you, but for us? "" It's a gesture for both of us - that's great for us. For his family too, at the mention of his family, he seemed to shake again. Her colors became clearer. "You were a doctor," she continued. "You know people feel better when there's something to bury. So they can move on.
_ I understand.
An uncomfortable silence followed.
_ How can I find my body?
Thinking about him, I instructed you to imagine yourself in your body. Try to get into it again. Become one with him.
He frowned.
_ But you said that I can not enter it again.
"And you can not. Your body is dead for days. It is decomposing. As a doctor you know ...
_ Your cells are open, decomposition is a process that starts minutes after death. Soon after your heart stops beating, the temperature of your body will drop by almost 10 ° C in an interval of one hour until it is at room temperature. The blood becomes more acidic, which causes the cells to open and send all their enzymes to the tissues, which begin a process of self-destruction.
_ That_ Mary pointed to him_ once your body is in this state it is impossible that you can go back to it. But for a short time you can own your own body.
_ Like a ghost owning someone else?
"More or less," Mary replied.
"It's not that simple," he interrupted. "Possession is difficult, not even ghosts can do it right. If a ghost has some poor bastard his spirit rejects him and the two fight for control of the host body. As the host can not survive with two souls .....
_ Or the emotional or physical exhaustion with the fight of two souls_ Maria adds.
The body dies, he concludes.
_ This is very interesting. As a doctor I never thought spirits or anything like that could happen.
Maria and I smiled convinced.
"Well, knowing the truth is only for the chosen ones," Maria boasted, smiling with conviction.
"Are you ready?" I asked.
He took a few deep breaths.
_ Yes. I can do that.
I picked up a pad and pen and got ready to write fast if I had to.
_ Stabilize your breathing and let yourself go. Imagine your body. Remember what it was like. If he let himself be taken to him, Maria advised him to breathe deeply with him. When he felt the pull he did not fight him. I let it go.
In front of me he began to float. His spirit became totally weightless and his arms opened a minute later he was sucked out of the room like a hook pulling a fish he disappeared.
"I hope he comes back," I told her.
_ Will come back_ Mary sat down on the couch without worries_ as soon as he finds out where her body is. It's gonna be okay. We just have to wait.
Eloisa knocked on the door and entered.
_ It's already lunchtime. You're going to stay here or you're going out to eat.
"Let's stay," Mary answered for me, but of course Eloisa could not hear.
I rolled my eyes.
_ Let's stick around and ask for something.
Eloisa made a funny face.
_ Let's go? Type plural? More than one person?
_ Maria and I_ replied laughing softly.
"Is she still here?" She asked. "I thought she had a job, do you know?" Being a reaper of death. It was not for her, I do not know, reaping souls?
_ What was a little girl? Do you want me to pick up your soul?
Eloisa turned white and soon after blue then I realized that Maria had spoken for her to hear.
Obviously he did not respond quickly walking backwards and almost tripping over his own feet. "I'm going to have lunch outside." He closed the door behind him as he spoke. I heard hurried noises and then the door slammed.
"You're so mean," I told her shaking my head.
"It's so easy to scare her," she laughed, amused by the misfortune to read. "And it's a lot of fun.
_ Clear.
I went to the phone and looked at her still lying on my couch.
_ What will you want?
_ Anything for me is fine.
I called Mama and ordered delivery food. Mama was a small restaurant that was two blocks away. The food was the best and they delivered.
I started packing things up on the table and making reports. Updating the facts of the story and the profiles of dead men.
I remembered the woman crying in the hospital and wondered again who she was. What about that thing?
I looked at Mary. His scythe had not been very useful this time. Of course he was injured but he was not stopped.
The food arrived and we went into the kitchen we sat preparing ourselves to eat. When we were with our mouths full Victor appeared. Breathing with difficulty.
_ I know where my body is! And I remember everything that happened !!!
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