45.97% The Wish of the Dragon / Chapter 78: Chapter 77

章 78: Chapter 77

When Rosseweise heard Gurigura words she becomes completely stupefied.

What did she say? Hyoudou? Ise-nii? She automatically ignores the part where Gurigura said that she's one of Issei's wives because that doesn't matter to Rosseweise, what matter for her right now is about Issei himself.

Rosseweise - W-What did you just say? D-Did you say your last name was H-Hyoudou?

Rosseweise asked with a voice tinged with hope because she is feeling afraid if she just misheard Gurigura words.

Gurigura - Hnn? Yup! Ise-nii allowed me to use his last name.

Gurigura affirmed her words.

Rosseweise - ...Are you really telling the truth? Can you really bring me to Issei's place?

Gurigura - Uh huh, I never lied before.

Rosseweise - Th-Then take me to him, please! I beg you!

She instantly begged Gurigura even though the latter is clearly younger than her.

Rosseweise knows what she's doing is extremely stupid but she wanted to see Issei so much that she almost went mad from her desire to meet Issei once again.

The moment she heard Issei's name she totally let her guard down, and if Gurigura is not who she claims to be then Rosseweise might be in grave danger. But thankfully Gurigura is telling the truth.

Rosseweise doesn't really care about anything else at this point, she's truly desperate wanting to meet Issei and tell him what she wanted to say after all this time. To say that she loves him and will never leave his side nor even betray him, unlike Rias and co.

Gurigura - Sure!

Gurigura smiled at Rosseweise who seems so desperate to meet Issei once again, she thought that Rosseweise is indeed a good girl just like she thought from hearing Ise-nii story about her... Well, and also from the information they have gathered so far.

And soon both Rosseweise and Gurigura disappears from Issei's old room. It never crosses Rosseweise mind to leave a message or anything else for that matter because she doesn't care about anything else but Issei at this point.


After Rias and co finished hearing about Irene true identity, they become totally dumbfounded.

"Haaa..." - Sairaorg sighed and looked at everyone.

"Well everyone, it has been a pleasure seeing you again. But I need to train!" - His voice had some unknown strength. - "It seems that this Tournament is going to be quite difficult! No... Extremely difficult!"

He lifted the briefcase, swung it across his back, and began walking towards the stairs.

Everyone stared at him as he waved back at them without looking back.

Rias then decided to do the same as Sairaorg. The <ECH> company and that Lady Irene they just talked about gave her a very bad feeling.

"Well everyone, we need to leave!" - She said as she cleared her mind from all of those thoughts. She said her regards towards Sirzechs and co and then she created the magic circle to leave this place, the same as the one they used to come.

All of them was silently trying to digest the information, so they mechanically walked towards the circle. Rias could understand them, a powerful enemy was inside the Tournament and she gave all of them an impending sense of Doom.

They never thought that woman they just met before is a Dragon, a Queen of Dragons so she claims... But thankfully from what Sirzechs and co told them, she won't be directly participating, so they still had a chance. Or so she thought...

Sirzechs doesn't tell them that Irene peerage members will be as strong as them, the 4 factions leaders, because he doesn't want to make Rias and co feeling depressed more than she is now. Another mistake made by Sirzechs, he spoiled Rias too much... Unlike how Issei spoil his wives, the way Sirzechs spoil his little sister is the bad kind of spoiling. Complete opposite on how Issei spoil his wives...

Rias just couldn't understand why she felt uneasy at the mention of the Dragon. Was it because of her own missing Dragon?

(...Issei...) - She thought as she looked at the lab's ceiling.

After some seconds the magic circle flashed with intense light and they all left the top floor of the building. Deciding to go back to Issei's Home.

When they arrived back at Issei's home, there's someone sitting on the sofa with a serious face on her face. Kiba can be found standing nearby that woman.

That woman is a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, long black hair with split bangs, and hazel-gold eyes with cat-like pupils. She wears a black kimono but unlike the old kimono she used to wear, it covers more skin this time around.

The person who becomes surprised the most is Koneko because the woman who has been sitting on the sofa is her elder sister, Kuroka...

Kiba at this moment only closed his eyes and even though there are some bandages around his arm from the spar he had with Rosseweise, he still looks calm enough.

Ryuji and co once again become captivated seeing another stunning woman, they thought it must be their lucky day for being able to see one beautiful woman after another. But that Lady Irene just now is out of their reach so they instantly forget having any ideas about her.

When they were about to ask Rias and co just who is this beautiful woman is they heard her speak first.

Kuroka - ...So what I've heard is indeed true... Is this your choice, Shirone?

Koneko - K-Kuroka-Onee-sama...

Koneko body trembled slightly feeling Kuroka's gaze on her. Kuroka is being very serious right now that even her usual "Nya" at the end of her words can't be heard at all.

The whole room becomes tense from the glare Kuroka's giving Koneko right now. Even Ryuji and co don't dare to speak at this moment.

Rias - I-It's good to see you again, Kuroka, what brings you-

Kuroka - Quiet, Rias Gremory. I'm talking with my sister right now.

Rias tried to break the ice hoping that they can break the current tension which made all of them feel very uncomfortable. But before Rias was able to finish her words, Kuroka instantly cut her off.

Rias flinched slightly hearing how cold Kuroka's voice right now and that manages to shut her up good.

Kuroka - ...I'll ask again... Is this your final choice, Shirone? You choose this... boy, over "Him"?

Kuroka asked Koneko once again and the latter body started trembling even fiercer after hearing Kuroka's question.

Koneko - I-I... I'm not... I'm not choosing Hijama over "him"...

Koneko answered with a stutter.

Rias and co know what Kuroka meant by "Him", is Issei himself. They all averted their face downwards feeling ashamed and guilty because Kuroka question is indirectly directed at them as well.

Kuroka - Oh? Then tell me... Why this boy have your special scent all over him?

Koneko - ...I-I-I...

Koneko doesn't know how to answer Kuroka's question. Is she supposed to say it's because she keeps hugging him all the time?

Rias and co might not know this but a nekoshou can emit a special scent to mark their territory or to mark the opposite gender they're interested in. And Hijama body reeks of Koneko scent so Kuroka can tell right away that their relationship is anything but normal.

Kuroka - ...I've heard enough... I'm indeed your big sister but I have no rights to directly interfere with your life... You've already grown up. You don't need my protection any longer, you can make your own choice... If this is indeed your choice... Then so be it.

Saying so Kuroka calmly stands up from the couch.

Kuroka - ...You all seem to forget what "He" has done for all of you... But I will not... I will only choose "Him" and only "Him" in this life of mine... I hope you all are happy with your current choice. Goodbye and have a nice day.

Every word Kuroka said felt like it stabbed directly into the depths of Rias and co heart and they all started tearing up soon after. They don't have anything to say in return because they indeed forgot what he has done for them all... They can only hope after Issei heard their explanation he can understand and forgive them in the process... Knowing him, he must be able to understand, Rias's thought inside her mind.

Kuroka then used her teleportation magic after giving them all one last look of disgust and disappointment she then disappeared from Issei's home.

When Kuroka disappeared Rias instantly glared at Kiba but before she can speak a single word out, Kiba already beat her to it.

Kiba - I swear that I have nothing to do with this, Rias-Buchou... Kuroka-san just suddenly appeared in here and has been silently sitting at the sofa ever since, and she also won't tell me just what is her purpose for visiting... Then if you'll excuse me, I'm still tired from the spar I had with Rosseweise-sensei.

Kiba bowed towards Rias and co and excused himself from the room. He indeed doesn't have anything to do with any of this, Kuroka just appeared and accidentally met him when he's about to return to his room. She asked him where's Koneko is, then he told them she's out with Rias to get her <Evil Pieces> at the underworld.

After that, Kuroka just sat down at the sofa in the living room and waited on until Rias and co came back home.

Rias got nothing to say once again because she knows that Kiba is not that kind of person. They can only get even more depressed after being reprimanded by Kuroka especially Koneko who appeared to lost half of her soul when Kuroka left.

Her eyes look hollow and she keeps looking down while shedding some tears.

Hijama and Ravel tried to cheer her up but to no avail... She's unresponsive towards everything and before long she started walking to the direction of her own room...

Ryuji and co asked the girls just who was that just now and just who was "He" she was talking about. Then Rias started explaining Kuroka identity to them but they kept about "Him" a secret saying it's just someone they knew...

They still don't realize that Rosseweise has already left them as well to reunite with the man she truly loves.

-Back at Kuroka-

She appeared at somewhere unknown but she's not alone... There's someone else is waiting for her over there. It's a tall and extremely beautiful woman with red hair and slightly tanned skin. Her body is also very voluptuous as well. At this moment she's standing in front of Kuroka with both of her hands crossed behind her back.

??? - So, do you think I'm telling the truth now?

That person asked Kuroka calmly when she appeared in front of her once again.

Kuroka - ...Yes, I totally believe you now... It's hurt to admit it but it's true... My little sister forgot the man who loves her dearly and repeatedly saved her time and time again just like that... He even reconciled our sisterhood but this is how she repays him? *Sigh*...

Kuroka's face went downcast right away even her cat ears slumped down after knowing the ugly truth. She remembered the gaze Ryuji and co giving her and feels disgusted because she knows that gaze wherever she went, it's the greedy and lustful gaze of a man.

Sure Issei also a pervert himself but his gaze doesn't include lustful greed in it... It's mostly appreciation and she likes that side of him a lot... While most men she met before only tried to get inside her pants.

She can also tell that boy named Hijama is a complete coward... The only thing he got going for him is his face and that's about it... He looks like a complete pushover as well. Sigh... Just what did her little sister sees in that boy... So stupid, Kuroka thought to herself. She's extremely disappointed at Koneko...

??? - Then? Your choice? Will you be coming with me or will you choose to stay? It's completely up to you... I'm only ordered to inform you about your sister and to offer you if you're willing to come with me.

Her face is still calm while she's asking Kuroka once again.

Kuroka - ...I'm coming with you... What you've been telling me so far is already proven true, and you clearly have the strength to instantly subdue me if you ever wished to... So I don't see any reason why you will be tricking me to come with you... Please take me to "his" place.

??? - Hmm... Good choice. My lord is indeed not wrong about you... You are clearly more loyal and smarter compared to your little sister... Although your current strength is kind of weak, it can be fixed with some intensive training.

The woman smirked at Kuroka, she appreciates Kuroka a little because from their investigation about Kuroka, the report said that she's improving herself so she can stay by her lord side. And as for that woman named Yasaka and her daughter Kunou... They're practically in the bag already at this point from their investigation on them...

While regarding the woman named Serafall and Gabriel they seem pretty decent from their investigation so far, the same goes for that girl called Le Fay Pendragon.

Kuroka - ...Thank you for your compliment... Then may I know your name now? You never told me when we first met after all.

??? - ...Very well. My name is Millet Hyoudou a <Black Dragon>, I'm one of my beloved lord wives. And my lord name is Issei Hyoudou, the current <Supreme Overlord> of the <Netherworld> and also the <True Crimson Dragon God of Domination>.

(AN: <Netherworld> is the name of Forzelotte's world. I decided to call it that. And I've decided to make Issei the crimson dragon instead of the red dragon. It's very suitable considering the company name.)

Millet smiled proudly at Kuroka after introducing herself. She's very proud of who she is after all.

Kuroka becomes dumbfounded because she never thought that the person she just met recently turned out to be one of Issei's wives. And she said Issei is the current <Supreme Overlord> and also a <True Crimson Dragon God of Domination>? It seems that her beloved Ise has been busy nya~

Millet appeared a day ago at Kuroka's room in Kyoto and informed her of Koneko's wrongdoings during these past few months. And when she first heard it she obviously doesn't trust Millet but then Millet told her to see it for herself if she doesn't believe her.

And Kuroka does just that... The moment she smells Koneko's special scent on that boy named Hijama she knew what Millet has been telling her before it's all true all along... She's very disappointed towards Koneko but there's nothing she could do since it's her own choice... Sure Rias and co might've influenced her a bit but in the end, it's her own choice...

Millet - Then let's go. We better not waste any more time than needed, I still need to train so I can serve my lord better.

Kuroka - Um, agreed.

They both smiled at each other because they have the same mentality which is to become much better so they can stay at Issei's side.

Then both of them disappears from the spot soon after. Kuroka isn't too worried about Yasaka and co looking for her because Millet has already told her that she will be able to return here whenever she wants.


At the moment, Issei is inside his working room, he's signing the paperwork that needs his approval.

By his side, there's Meryl which was one of Forzelotte trusted aide before, now she's one of Issei's aide who helped him handling some of the paperwork.

At first, she was skeptical with Issei because he's suddenly come out of nowhere and replaced Forzelotte. The other aides also felt the same way as her.

But when they saw Issei's strength and capabilities they totally accepted him as the new <Supreme Overlord> without a single objection. They totally submit to him... Well, Tojo who was appointed to help Issei when he was a kid already knows Issei but he still doesn't know his capabilities back then.

Forzelotte trusted aides consist of Tojo, Meryl, Goran, and Rakia.

Goran is a beast demon with a big frame. And he's quite straightforward, he just wants to see Issei's strength and when Issei easily defeat him he fully submits to Issei. (AN: https://rei.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/5688-1953465140.jpg)

Tojo is more humanoid compared to Goran but he has 2 pointed horn on the side of his forehead. And he only needs to see the fight between Goran and Issei to know that Issei is obviously stronger than him. (AN: https://rei.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/5688-862044223.jpg)

While Rakia is quite special compared to the other 3. She's a beautiful woman with curled light-purple hair and pink colored eyes, there's a beauty mark under her left eye. She's wearing a custom made maid outfit, it's dark blue colored with white apron and frill around her dark blue shirt. Her ears are also quite long just like the other demonkin. (AN: https://rei.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/5688-1064542365.jpg).

Although she's working for Forzelotte, she's also working for the <Gunguskar> company which is the biggest company in their world. And her standing on the company is the chairman itself.

Her requirement to accept Issei as the new <Supreme Overlord> is that Issei needed to beat her in the business world which is her most mastered field. And Issei did just that, although he took some time to learn business management and the likes.

Rakia is probably the hardest one for Issei to make her completely submit because of her requirements. She's also a very strong woman, she was called the strongest woman in the <Netherworld> right after Forzelotte herself after all.

She admits that Issei is stronger than her in strength power but she still needs to see if he has the brain for the <Supreme Overlord> position. In the end, Issei manages to pass her requirement with flying colors.

Ever since then Rakia completely become devoted to Issei because he's the first one who manages to defeat her in this field. Even Forzelotte herself never defeat her in this area, they only compromise with each other before this.

Her vow when she's still one of the <Overlord> back then was she will only marry someone who's able to defeat her both in strength and intelligence field. Until now, there's no one ever pass her test except for Issei. She retired being a <Overlord> because she enjoys being the chairman of the <Gunguskar> company more.

And she's also got her heart stolen by Issei's prowess, she's not that moved when she saw Issei's devilishly handsome face since she's quite the realistic woman after all. What use are a powerful strength and pretty face if they got no brains to back it up?

She won't just judge someone by their face, that's one of the biggest principles she always follows. "Never judge a book by its cover". And she becomes extremely successful by following that principle.

She also becomes one of the most respected women in the world. Her influence and standing only below Forzelotte herself.

She's been waiting for a man with a caliber like Issei for a very long time, and she has finally found one.

Meryl is standing on Issei's left side while Rakia is standing on his right, they both are watching his every single movement with undivided attention, they said when men are working seriously they become much more charming and it is indeed true, they both thought.

Issei also made Rakia and Meryl into her women when he saw how devoted they are towards him and Forzelotte herself told Issei to accept them because she's been preparing Meryl ever since she was small just for him.

As for Rakia case, Forzelotte approves her capabilities without a doubt so she sees no reason for rejecting such an outstanding woman. At first, Issei wasn't sure if he should accept them or not because he doesn't want any false love but after spending some time with them he's finally able to fully accept them as well.

On a side note, the saintess trio from the Eve world, which is Silent, Burst, and Laurent has also finally succeeded in gaining Issei's love. Silent is the most ecstatic of them all because her dream has finally come true, which is having a threesome with Croix and Issei.

Both Croix and Issei sweated seeing her having a massive nosebleed during their lovemaking session. She even still has her poker face on when she's having that nosebleed although her cheeks blushed deeply...

Laurent also felt really happy while Burst might be feeling a little afraid during their first time but after a while she finally able to enjoy the pleasure as well. Burst's still a bit lazy but it's better compared to how she was before, even Silent thought so as well.

The three of them also became a Dragon at some point. They along with Croix and Jeanne are called <The Crimson Dragon Holy Saintess>. Jalter chose to be called a Witch instead of a Saintess so she refuses to be included in the Saintess party even though she also has <Holy> element inside her.

After a while, Issei has finally finished signing the paperwork.

Issei - Are there any more paperwork that I needed to sign, Meryl, Rakia?

Issei asked both Meryl and Rakia.

Meryl - There is none, Issei-sama.

Rakia - Un, that is all of them, Issei-sama.

Both of them answered with a gentle smile of their own. Then they carried their respective paperwork from the table.

Issei - Um, if there's any paperwork that needed to be signed just come to me, no need to be hesitant... After all, Forze has already retired from doing this kind of stuff.

Meryl & Rakia - Hai, Issei-sama.

After that, Rakia gave the paperwork to her subordinates.

Meryl excused herself while Rakia stayed by Issei's side like always.

Rakia has basically become Issei's personal maid at this point just like how Grayfia seems to be around Sirzechs all the time.

But of course, if any of Issei's wives are present and they wanted to spend some time alone with him, Rakia will excuse herself until she's needed once again.

Although Rakia is Issei's personal maid she rarely serves any food for him because of Kyou and Kinou requested her not to. They both saw themselves as Issei's personal chef after all. It's fine if Rakia serves some beverages or food once in a while when they're not available at the moment, but that case rarely ever happened because they often had dinner together as a whole family.

The only time they weren't available is when they are searching for exotic food ingredients or when they are training.

Rakia of course obeyed their request because she saw herself on lower standing compared to Semiramis and co. Although they already told her not to mind the standing but to no avail... So they can only give up, they still see Rakia and co as fellow sister though and Rakia and co are feeling grateful and respected them even more because of that.

(AN: Rakia and co = Rakia, Meryl, the <9 Divines>, etc. In other words, they're not Issei's official wives or they just saw themselves as his concubines at most. But it's just themselves who view it that way while Semiramis and co still see them as fellow sisters and Issei also saw them as his wives.)

Issei closed his eyes while sitting on his chair, and Rakia quietly moved behind him and started massaging his shoulder. Issei smiled gently feeling her gentle massage.

It's not the first time she has done this and Issei appreciate her dedication a lot. They both enjoyed the calming and soothing atmosphere in the room.

Finally, after a while, Issei opened his eyes and stand up from his chair.

Issei - Thank you as always, Rakia.

Rakia - It's nothing, Issei-sama. It's my job to take care of you.

Issei smiled at Rakia then he pulled her into his embrace and gives her a gentle kiss.

Rakia doesn't resist him at all and closed her eyes to enjoy the gentle kiss Issei's giving her.

*Knock* *Knock*

Yunyun - Ise-san, we're ready.

There's suddenly a knock on the door and Yunyun voice rang outside the door.

Issei - I'll be right there... Then, I'll be off, Rakia.

Rakia - Un, take care on your journey, Issei-sama.

Issei - Ah.

After giving one last peck on Rakia's forehead Issei went off to Wiz and Yunyun world. Rakia sends Issei off with a loving smile.

He still needs to tell Yunyun parents after all, and from what the information that had been gathered so far it says that Yunyun village or the Crimson Demon Clan is a great alchemist and the likes. So he thought it will be a perfect chance to have them working for him as well.

He will discuss the details with Yunyun father herself later on.

And he found the solution for the Demon Lord on that world as well so Wiz doesn't need to be too worried in case the Demon Lord suddenly decided to launch a full-scale attack towards the humans.


Issei, Yunyun, and Wiz arrived at Konosuba world once again.

Yunyun and Wiz feel nostalgic because it's been a while ever since they returned here. Issei still has some reservations being here though... He doesn't really want to handle most of the people here.

The most normal person in this world that he knows of is only Yunyun and Wiz. Well, maybe Luna as well if her desperate attempt to seduce him isn't there...

Yunyun - Why is the mansion seems empty? Where's Megumin and the others?

Wiz - Now that you mention it... It does seem very quiet, I can't sense any lifeform around as well...

Issei - Hmm, I sense a disturbance at the city entrance. Let's go check it.

Yunyun & Wiz - Un.

Then the three of them teleported themselves to the city entrance.

When they arrived at the scene they saw many adventurers gathered around in front of the city entrance.

Issei - What's going on here?

Issei asked one of them.

Man - Oh? You don't know? There's 1 of the Demon Lord general attacking the city right now, man. His name was Beldia or something if I recall correctly...

The man who saw Issei who's wearing some dark looking mask doesn't find it weird because almost the whole adventurers in Axel is a weirdo. And because he's a newcomer in the city he doesn't recognize Issei the infamous <Tyrant>.

He does become stupefied after seeing both Yunyun and Wiz though because they're the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. He even thought that they're a Goddess descent.

Yunyun and Wiz became much more beautiful when they turned into a Dragon after all. So it's no wonder anyone who saw them now would feel enchanted after looking at them now.

Issei released a tiny bit of his bloodlust towards the man and the latter body started shivering after feeling Issei's bloodlust on him, so he hastily averted his head after apologizing at them.

Then he ran away from the crowd...

Issei - Beldia?

Issei already hid their presence so only the person they interact with can see or hear them.

Wiz - Beldia?... Ah! I know that guy!

Wiz at first felt familiarity after hearing Beldia's name and after a few seconds, she finally recalls it.

Issei - Hm? You know him, Wiz?

Wiz - Hai... The thing is...

Then Wiz told Issei about how she came to know Beldia...

When Issei finished hearing her explanation he became speechless. Even the Demon Lord army in this world doesn't seem normal it seems... That Beldia guy threw his head under Wiz just so he can see her panties? Ok... He's dead.

Wiz smiled wryly because she knows that Issei would feel angry towards Beldia because she already knows that Issei is quite overprotective towards them(his wives). She loves that though... All of them does.

They calmly walk through the crowd and they can see Beldia which is a headless undead knight clad in dark grey armor who rides a headless horse. But they also saw someone they know nearby him.

It's Kazuma's party... And for some reason, they feel a bad premonition about this whole incident...

After hearing the contents of their talk Issei's party knows that their premonition just now is true.

In short, after moving into his base of operations near <Axel> he would work alongside his grunts repairing the various damages to it caused by Megumin's explosions, showing a tolerance for it at first (dismissing it as nothing but a "test of courage"), but eventually reaching a breaking point and assaulting the town, something he had not planned originally.

Yunyun smiled wryly at Megumin while Issei's facepalmed thinking how troublesome they are.

Issei would've left them be to deal with their own problem if Yunyun wasn't here... He knows that Yunyun would want to help her "Ex-Rival"... Why "Ex" you say? It's because the current Yunyun can easily take on Megumin with ease or perhaps the Demon Lord itself for that matter.

Yunyun herself knows that so she doesn't saw Megumin as her rival anymore, call it arrogance or anything you'd like but it's the truth. After all the training she has done her mindset changed for the better and she's also not that desperate looking for friends any longer because she has a lot of sisters already... a LOT!

Issei - Let's just get this over with...

Issei sighed tiredly and planning to get their business here over with as fast as they could.

And that day, the Demon Lord lose one of his General... There's a loud commotion all across the kingdom after knowing that one of the Demon Lord General got done in by a supposedly <B-Class> Adventurer.

At first, they don't believe it that a <B-Class> adventurer able to defeat one of the Demon Lord General but after finding out that the one who did it is the infamous <Tyrant> their attitude turned 180 and believes it a lot easier.

Even though Issei has been missing around 1 month but he's still quite famous. They do wondering just where did he went after all this time but they don't dare to question Issei about it...

Luna is the one who's most curious just where did Issei go. The moment she saw Issei once again she instantly bombarded Issei with a lot of question. Issei can only smile wryly at her...

Luna - *Sigh* With that said... Congratulations, Issei-san for defeating one of the Demon Lord General you are rewarded with 1 billion Eris!

She smiled very brightly towards Issei and she just won't let go of his hand for some reason.

Issei - O-Ou, thanks...

The whole guild clapped their hands at Issei and appalud him as well.

Luna - I've heard that you seem to have 2 girlfriends already, is that true, Issei-san?

Issei - Err... Yeah...

"2" is an understatement, but of course Issei won't tell her that...

Luna - Then if you have any idea to have a 3rd girlfriend be sure to tell me, okay?

Issei - I-I will keep that in mind...

Issei's feeling a little afraid when he saw the gaze Luna currently have. It looks extremely serious and there's almost no light reflected in her eyes and her smile is pretty chilling as well... Only after hearing Issei's words she genuinely smiled once again.

Finally, after a while, Issei's able to make Luna let go of his hand and he hastily returned to his mansion.


Issei - So, what do you have to say for yourself...

When Issei arrived at the mansion he immediately asked Kazuma's party. Yunyun and Wiz sit down beside Issei while smiling wryly at Kazuma and co who's at the moment are on kneeling position on the floor.

All of them are feeling afraid right now when they're questioned by Issei... Except for Darkness who's for some reason keep exhaling hot sigh, Issei automatically ignored her.

Kazuma - I-It's Megumin's fault! She's the one who keeps using her <Explosion> spell on the castle!

Kazuma immediately blamed Megumin.

Megumin knows as well that she's the one at fault here so she kept quiet.

Issei - Is that so?... Then why don't you stop her? And as far as I know Megumin won't be able to do it alone, so she must have an accomplice for it...

Kazuma body went perfectly stiff the moment he heard Issei's words because he indeed helped Megumin to do it. Megumin won't be able to move after she cast her <Explosion> spell after all... And even though she has some loose screw in her head she's not that stupid to cast her <Explosion> spell alone without anyone helping her.

Aqua - Why do I also have to kneel... It's obviously that hikiNEET and the explosion maniac girl who are at fault here...

Aqua tried to express her dissatisfaction about the whole thing because she's indeed are not involved with Kazuma and Megumin. As for Darkness, Issei never told her to kneel in the first hand, she just suddenly joined Kazuma and co kneeling on the floor...

Issei - I heard from Luna that your debt is still not paid... If anything it got even bigger. And why is that I wonder?... And if I recall correctly I also left some money behind before at my room, so why is it gone now?

This time it's Aqua's body who's stiffened. The reason for that is obvious... She kept going in debt to buy her booze. Their level also doesn't advance much for that matter...

As for Issei's money its needless to say that the 3 of them are the culprit for its disappearance. Kazuma and co body twitched after hearing Issei's words. Only Darkness seems clueless about it.

Issei - *Sigh* I wonder if I should just sell you all to slavery.

K/A/M - Iyaaaaaaaa!!! Forgive us!!! We made a mistake!!! Please forgive us!!!

The 3 of them screamed while crying and holding at Issei's leg the moment he finished his words.

Only Darkness who's started shivering in delight after hearing Issei's words, she even drooled a bit... Issei who saw them being like this started to seriously think to just sell them off...

Yunyun - Umm, Ise-san... I think Megumin knows her mistake already... Let's just forgive her, okay?

Yunyun pleaded for Megumin.

Issei - *Sigh* You're too soft towards her you know that, Yunyun?

Yunyun - Eheheh.

Issei sighed gently and rubbed Yunyun head in the process. Yunyun giggled after feeling his touch.

Only now that Megumin and co noticed Yunyun and Wiz sitting at Issei's side.

Megumin - Y-Yunyun? I-Is that you?

Megumin almost couldn't recognize Yunyun because of how beautiful she is right now. She even looks much more mature to be completely honest. The same goes for Wiz as well.

Darkness also becomes taken aback after seeing both of them.

When Semiramis get both of them she altered the memory of Kazuma and co so they thought that they went with Issei on a journey. Aqua being a Goddess doesn't help at all considering how weak she is compared to Semiramis herself, so she also got her memory altered pretty easily as well.

Kazuma - W-Woahhh...

Kazuma becomes completely captivated after seeing them.

Aqua - ...H-How comes both of them look more beautiful than me who's an actual Goddess?!... And that Lich is not a Lich anymore? How's that possible?!...

Even Aqua admit defeat even though she's known to be quite narcissistic. Issei knows that she's really a Goddess but he often neglects it because of how useless she is...

When Aqua saw the current Wiz she notices that she's not a Lich which she used to be, so it's completely normal for her to be taken aback after seeing that.


Issei - Hm? A cat?

There's suddenly a black cat appeared with bat wings and red cross-shaped marking on Its forehead. It has stubby legs, big round head, and yellow oval eyes.

When that cat saw Issei, it instantly jumped at him.

Issei - Oh?

Issei reflexively caught it with his hands.

Megumin - C-Chomusuke!

Megumin instantly screamed at the cat, it seems that she recognizes the cat.

Issei - Chomusuke? Is that this cat name? But it's a female though... And do you know this cat, Megumin?

Issei felt something weird with this cat aura, it's clearly not a normal cat since it has wings and to top it off, it has a huge magic power inside it for some reason. Although it seems that its magic power is currently sealed. And why the hell would you name a female cat with "Chomusuke"...

Megumin - She's my familiar! Chomusuke, hurry and get off of him! Can't you see how scary he is!

Issei - Oi.

Chomusuke - Nya~! Nya~!

Chomusuke ignored Megumin's call and rubbed her head on Issei's hand comfortably.

Megumin - C-Chomusuke...

Megumin felt shocked seeing her trusted familiar getting very chummy towards a stranger she just met.

Wiz - It seems like it took a liking towards you, Ise-san.

Issei - You think? Hmm...

Issei stroked Chomusuke chin and she purred in ecstasy. Megumin tried to tell her to get away from Issei but to no avail...

Yunyun - By the way, Ise-san. When will we go meet my father?

Issei - Oh, maybe tomorrow.

Issei was planning to go right away when he just arrived here but because of the Beldia incident, he decided to postpone it for tomorrow instead.

Megumin - Why do you want to meet Yunyun's father?

Megumin asked out of curiosity.

Issei - Hm? I wanted to ask him to give us his blessing of course.

Megumin - What blessing?

Issei - Well, I'm going to make Yunyun my bride so I need her father's blessing and I also want to discuss some business proposition with him as well.

Yunyun - Eheheh, Ise-san~

Yunyun's becomes giddy with happiness and proceed to hug Issei's arm in the process.

K/A/M/D - ...Eh?... EEEHHHHHHHH?!

Megumin and co become completely stupefied after hearing that and then they screamed out loud...


Rosseweisse arrived in front of a giant floating fortress that manages to steal her breath away. The sheer size and how exotic and beautiful it looks completely awed her to the core.

Gurigura - Heheh, what do you think? All of this belongs to Ise-nii you know? Amazing, isn't it?

Rosseweise could only nod slowly after hearing Gurigura words.

??? - Rosseweise? Is that you nya?

When Rosseweisse's still observing the flying fortress she heard a familiar voice. She looks towards the source of the voice and saw Kuroka nearby along with a woman she never saw before.

Rosseweisse - Kuroka-san?

Kuroka - Nyahaha, so it is you. So you're also brought here by one of Ise's wife nya?

Rosseweisse - U-Un, you too?

Kuroka - Yup.

Kuroka pointed towards Millet.

Gurigura - Hi, Millet-nee! You've also succeeded in bringing your target with you?

Millet - Um, she's quite cooperative. And I see that you've also succeeded as well, Gurigura?

Gurigura - Un!

Kuroka is quite surprised after seeing Gurigura and she even thought that she's also a Nekoshou just like her, but upon further inspection, she notices that Gurigura is not a Nekoshou but just similar to a cat overall.

Millet - Hm, then let's go and meet the others.

Both Kuroka and Rosseweisse nodded at Millet and then they went inside the <Hanging Garden of Babylon>.


Inside the fortress, they are greeted by the angels and devils Kalar alike. Rosseweisse and Kuroka became even more baffled seeing that. They never meet these angels and devils before and they look kind of different to the one they know.

Ekate - Welcome back, Gurigura-sama, Millet-sama.

Especially this woman who just greeted them, she has 2 pointed pink horns on top of her head and her wings looks like a fallen angel wings but completely different at the same time. Sure she only has 1 pair of wing but they know better that this woman in front of them is even stronger than them both combined.

Gurigura - I'm back Ekate-nee!

Millet - Um.

Ekate - May we do a quick check on both of our guests?

Millet - Go ahead.

Ekate - Then, please excuse me.

Ekate does a quick search on both Rosseweise and Kuroka. After she finds nothing suspicious with them she nodded to herself.

Ekate - Sorry about that, we don't want any mishap to happen. Even though we all know that nothing will able to endanger Issei-sama, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Why he doesn't include Millet and co you might ask? It's because Issei wanted to be the one who protects them. The moment there is any sign of danger on them, Issei will instantly take notice of it and get to the scene ASAP and he will bring hell to whoever dares to bare their fangs at his wives. Just like those Celestials before.

Rosseweise & Kuroka - Y-Yes.

Millet - Um, good job as always, Ekate.

Ekate - It's nothing, it is our job to ensure Issei-sama safety... Even though he doesn't need one in the first place.

Millet - Don't worry, its the thoughts that are matter. I'm sure milord appreciate all your hard work as well.

Ekate - Un! Issei-sama is very kind after all.

Gurigura - Yup, that's right!

The three of them nodded together, the angels and devils around them also echoing their agreement towards Millet and co words. Rosseweise and Kuroka are wondering just where did this all angel and devil came from.

And it seems that their Ise truly becomes someone really important, they thought. They wanted to ask them about it but meeting Issei takes more priority in their book, so they might as well ask Issei personally later.

Finally, they arrived at their room destination which is the private living room for Issei and co.

When they entered the room they saw a lot of beautiful women observing them immediately. They are obviously Semiramis and co.

Semiramis - Hoo, are these two the one dearest talked about?

Scathach - Hmm, not bad indeed, they have good potential if I say so myself.

Forzelotte - One of them seems to be a Valkyrie? And as for the other one... Demi-human? No, a demonic beastkin perhaps?

Ramius and co only choose to silently appraise both Rosseweisse and Kuroka, but the latter felt kind of nervous being observed by so many observing gazes. Especially after sensing the gaze from Semiramis and co, because they can tell that they are extremely powerful.

Ophis - Hello, Kuroka, and Valkyrie who never has a boyfriend...

Lilith - Hello.

Both Ophis and Lilith who are eating some sweets made by Kyou and Kinou waved their hands at them. Gurigura who saw that instantly join them.

Rosseweise & Kuroka - O-Ophis, Lilith?!

They both never thought that they will saw Ophis and Lilith here as well but they become much more convinced that Issei is truly here after seeing both of them being here.

Jalter - All I care about is will they betray master just like those Gremory sluts!

Jeanne - Hehe, don't worry, I'm sure they're different compared to them.

Millet - Um, from our investigation so far about them it's all good so far, they seem solely dedicated towards milord alone.

Jalter - Hmph! Just so you know, if you decided to do the same thing as that Gremory sluts I will personally have both of you staked and burnt by my flame!

Jalter hissed at them while there's some flame coming out from her mouth.

Being the doubtful type Jalter obviously wanted to know the answer to that question the most, she has finally found someone she could truly trust with her body and soul so she won't let the same incident with Rias Gremory happen once again to her beloved master.

Just when both Rosseweise and Kuroka are about to answer that they won't ever betray Issei they heard a voice coming from behind them.

Irene - Fufufu, don't worry, I can guarantee that both of them are nothing like Rias and co because they're clearly more experienced than those brats, am I right, both of you?

Irene appeared right behind them and that manage to startle both Rosseweise and Kuroka because they never sense her presence in the slightest. What Irene meant by being more experienced here is about being in a relationship or seeing the true nature of men.

They both are wondering just who is this newcomer, she seems to know them quite well and she seems pretty familiar as well for some reason... Irene who saw their questioning gaze grinned slightly.

Irene - What's wrong? Can't recognize the little old me when I'm not at Ise's left hand anymore? Perhaps you both might recognize me better after seeing this...


Irene put her hand forward and there's a <Boosted Gear> appeared on her arm and that once again completely stupefied both Rosseweise and Kuroka completely that their eyes went wide open.

Irene - Now let's have a little chat, shall we?

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C78
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


