2.17% A Hero's Journey / Chapter 1: The Beginning
A Hero's Journey A Hero's Journey original

A Hero's Journey

作者: SlyOW

© WebNovel

章 1: The Beginning

I sighed looking at the numerous reporters before me and waived my hand to the side. A member of my team nodded and said loudly" The press conference has now begun!"

With that said everyone raised their hands, each one competing to ask their own questions. I randomly selected someone in my head, and pointed at him. The chosen one was a young reporter that seemed to be less than 20.

The young man excitedly stood up and asked with fervency" Sir, some may find this question dumb but I will still ask as I believe many are interested… What do you do in your free time?" Everyone in the room looked at him in shock.

As for me I laughed and raised my hand with a smile to stop the security from dragging him out. I looked at the flying drones, then turned to the young man again and said" Honestly I haven't had free time for quite some time… But in my younger days I spent my days on a few things."

I showed my right hand around and raised a finger" First I would try to learn new things and become better in what I did." I raised a second finger and continued" But other than that, I would do other things to steam off.

I often read comics and manga, but did not get out a lot. I didn't really have a lot of friends when I was younger. Being in the same class as people seven years older than you is not that good you know…" The audience laughed and I pointed toward someone else that was a bit older, hoping for a better question.

The man in his forties got up and asked" Sir, why did you ask for this press conference? Did you create something new?" I shook my head and replied" Unfortunately I didn't. If I made all of you come it is because I have important news to announce. Can someone guess what it is?"

I was surprised to see there were hands risen. I picked a girl in her twenties and she asked" Did you finally find love?" I smiled and shook my head" No, I didn't. If I made you come it is because I am dying."

I could see that everyone was shocked, I swear all those faces, it was really funny to see. I had asked those questions because I wanted to shock everyone, and I was not disappointed. After a few seconds of silence everyone in the room, including my team, began yelling, the reporters furiously writing notes.

I smiled seeing the chaos and departed from the room. I got out of the building and got in the car awaiting for me. I got in the driver's seat and quietly went home, not putting on the radio or anything. After I got back home I did not went to my lab as usual at first, but seeing I had nothing other to do I still headed there.

I got on my computer and looked at all my projects. I began humming happy reviewing my life. I began reading all my files, reading about projects I had shared to the world, and ones I had kept to myself.

Before I knew it I had fallen asleep. I opened my eyes and yawned, sleepily looking around. I went into alert when I saw I was not in my lab anymore, but seated in a completely white room, with an old man in front of me.

I tried moving and was surprised I could. I wondered if I was in a dream but the fact I could think of it meant I am not. I frowned and looked more clearly at the man in front of me. He was a kind looking man with long white hairs and a long beard, making me think of an old magician like Gandalf.

He was dressed in a long white robe and was reading a book. I asked" Where are we? And who are you?" The man did not look up and replied" You are an intelligent man Mason, I am sure you can guess."

I looked around and after two seconds replied" Well I woke up in an unknown place, but I am not bounded and you do not seem dangerous. I doubt anyone could kidnap me without making a big mess with my security so I wasn't kidnapped.

I am dying and will probably die the same week I made that press conference. So I think I am dead and you are some kind of strange entity, most certainly god or a being outside of my comprehension that comes from the fourth or higher dimension and took that appearance to let me process what is happening."

The old man smiled and glanced at my face for the first time, before returning to his book and saying" You are indeed very intelligent Mason, you have an extraordinary mind. You are right in your hypothesis, you are dead.

And this indeed isn't my true appearance. I am what is the closest of what your world call God. Do you have any questions?" I nodded and asked" Are you omnipotent?" God nodded and said" I am. I am in fact the physical incarnation of the Universe you are in."

I nodded and asked" Then why am I here? Do all mortals come here after they die?" God nodded and replied" Yes they do, and this is the judgment room. In this book are recorded every action of everyone."

I sighed and asked" Then?" God chuckled and said" Mason Tunt, born the 5th of March 2000, and died the 27th of August 2036. Claimed by everyone as the greatest mind mankind has even seen, you led a life filled with hardships and pleasures.

You have greatly contributed to the prosperity of your species and have earned the greatest amount of Karma ever. You can now use your karma to ask for anything you would like, and I mean it when I say anything."

My heart began to beat like crazy over my excitement. I grinned and asked" I want to be reincarnated! With my memories! And within a fantastic world, the one of Marvel, pick which one. I would like to be born the same age as Peter Parker."

I realized I began panting due to my over excitation. After calming down, I asked" Is it too much?" God closed his book and replied with another kind smile" Of course it isn't. You have to understand I can do it with no effort at all. You can even add other things if you want."

I grew curious and asked" I don't want to sound ungrateful, but why?" God looked at me in the eyes and said" Your life was very interesting to watch. You have to understand that I lived since the beginning of everything and anything, so with the tie I became bored. But your life was fun to watch. Moreover you helped a lot humans, something I put a lot of effort to create."

I nodded and said" Then I think it would be all for my wishes." God shook his head and asked" Are you sure? You need to be a bit more specific, or anything would be random. Like in what family you will be born into, you could be a new existence but also take the place of someone, like reincarnating in Thanos, Tony Stark or whoever you want."

I nodded and said" I want to be born in New York, have my parents put me in the same school as Peter Parker until I can choose by myself. As for my family they can be poor or rich it doesn't matter, I only want them to be alive and in good health.

I don't want any sibling. As for my body I want to be handsome but I will let you choose how handsome. Finally I want my genes to be better than other humans and to be able to adapt faster than other's. I don't want to be physically or mentally impaired."

God nodded and said" I only need one final thing before sending you. What do you want your X gene to be? And when do you want to awaken it?" I grinned and said" It can't be to overpowered like Franklin that can mold reality as it would be boring.

I want an ability that will grow with me, as my goal in that new life will be to become a super hero… I wish to have the Haki skill from One Piece, the three kinds, and I want it to be awakened at my birth. But I don't want Professor X to discover it until I become a super hero. Also make it so that nobody except me can access my memories from my previous life without my accord."

God nodded and waved his hand. Next thing I knew I felt intense pain all over my body, and suddenly everything was feeling cold. I panicked but guessed it was my birth so I cried. I could not open my eyes yet so I waited for a few seconds before I felt a warm thing around me.

I guess it was a towel and stopped crying when I felt someone hand me to someone else. I could nor hear clearly voices yet but I could hear one that soothed me, like the voice of an angel. I quickly fell asleep under the mesmerizing voice.

Since that day years passed and I learned and did many things. First I was born the 5th march again, but in 1994 this time. My parents were a happy couple with a single child, me. Our family is pretty rich as both my parents are known surgeons.

My mother specialize in heart operations while my father deals with neurology. As for me I am their only child. I had a good childhood. I was deemed as a genius at an early age, but fortunately I did not show my intelligence to the two or they would have been scarred to death.

After all in my previous life I was the most intelligent man that ever lived, so this may be another world, they can't hold the candle. Other than that my parents were very good to me and did not put that much limits on me because I am more mature than others of my age.

But life was still eventful until I turned 16. I have enjoyed the past sixteen years in calm but still did things I deemed to be important. First I showed my intelligence to my parents and made them accept it. They knew and acknowledged that I am already one of the greatest minds of Earth.

But fortunately they kept it to themselves and did not spread the information like wildfire. Other than that I became friends with Peter Parker aka Spider Man, and Harry Osborn, son of the Green Goblin. But most importantly I made researches about the world.

I could not yet know in which universe I am, but I found that the events about Captain America did not change, and that despite being sixteen Iron Man still didn't began. That means I am not in the MCU as Spiderman is only around ten when Tony Starks get abducted.

On another note in those sixteen years I had a lot of free time as I entered in school only at twelve because I needed to "develop social skills". I swear my parents can be oppressing sometimes… But as I was saying, I had a lot of free time, so I learned martial arts.

I did not want to be hero that would only rely on brute strength. It turned out that I am a genius in combat too as I mastered quite a few of them, including but not only Judo, Taikwendo, Krav Maga, and a lot of others.

But in all those years the thing I worked the most on is my Haki. For my first 36 months where my movements were limited I only had this to do all day, and since then I took a habit in working on it whenever I could.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


