91.42% God succession system / Chapter 532: Aftermath

章 532: Aftermath

"Hah hah hah!" Hestia moaned as Alex plunged his dick into her incredibly wet and hot hole, which squeezed him so tightly that he was pretty she'd have crushed him if it weren't for both of their current rubber consistency.

On top of being tight, Hestia's insides also felt like a furnace to Alex as he pressed her into the bed and plunged deeper into her, not unlike his other Hestia, Brigid, and Ravel.

"Kiss me!" Hestia demanded, and Alex did just that as the room grew quieter without her moans, though one could still hear the smacking of flesh as he fucked her.

Even as Alex bedded the formerly virgin goddess, off to the side was a certain duo who thought they were peaking unnoticeably, though Alex had noticed them from the moment they first arrived.

"I'm so jealous..." Haruhime whined quietly as she watched Alex and Hestia, rubbing her thighs together as she did so.

Unlike all of her 'clients' from Ishtar's brothel, Haruhime was not blacking out from seeing Alex naked, even as he bedded her new goddess. Aisha had even informed her shortly after joining their new Familia that Haruhime was still in fact a virgin herself, despite having long since believed otherwise.

"..." Lili meanwhile was silent as she watched the two together, as complicated feelings filled her small frame.

She wasn't sure what to feel as she watched Alex and Hestia together, or how she felt about the fact that Alex would more than likely try to 'collect' her as well given his track record. After all, he had already bedded and claimed THE Ais Wallenstein, who was the most sought after woman in the entire city.

Lili could still recall the incredulous reaction after she killed the OEBD earlier that day, and everyone learned what it was Alex had done to her.

Apparently Ais possessed the blood of a spirit through her mother, Aria, and while they were 'together' Alex brought out her dormant power while also changing it to make her stronger. Now Ais was a Divine Spirit, a spirit that drew her power directly from the god she served, which was now Alex.

Needless to say the gods were not particularly happy.

At every turn Alex was proving himself far too powerful and dangerous for their liking, and Loki especially had been pissed upon realizing that Alex had erased her Falna to put his own on Ais' back. Surprisingly, Alex stated that had been a complete accident, and that he'd had no intention of replacing the trickster goddess' Falna when he fucked Ais.

The mere fact that he could remove a Falna made him more dangerous, but the fact that he could actively empower those he granted his own Falna was something that made all the gods begin to fear him.

Of course, if they saw what Alex's wives were also capable of, they all probably have an aneurysm at the sheer outrageousness of them. Even Lili had a hard time believing it, and she had access to see it all firsthand.

Even now, right at this moment, she pulled up the Chatroom to see that several of the women on it were 'streaming' what they were currently doing.

Putting aside Shia vaporizing a mountain on accident, or the ridiculous scale of Erza and Mirajane's battle, even several of Alex's 'weaker' wives were doing outrageous things at the moment.

Lili watched as Tracy carved herself a path through the Hoelscher empire straight to her father's throne room, where she effortlessly defeated someone who she learned was considered the strongest human of that world. And she wasn't the only one.

Altina, Francesca, and Tio were all taking over their various people with relative ease. Tio just strolled right in and took over, as her family had been the original rulers of the dragon kin anyways, while both Francesca and Altina merely needed to display a fraction of the power they possessed, and they readily took over their respective faction.

And they weren't even the really impressive amongst Alex's wives!

Lili couldn't help but worry about what was going to happen next.


Sitting in her chair overlooking the city from the top floor of Babel, a certain goddess was swirling a glass of wine while completely lost in thought. She was so out of it, that she didn't even realize she'd been holding the same glass of wine for the last three hours.

"I finally found him..." The goddess uttered with a voice full of longing. "I found my Odr."

Her Odr.

Her destined partner.

It wouldn't be a stretch to say that Freya had been searching for her Odr for the entire length of her existence, and now she had finally found him, with that midget bitch in his arms!

And not only her, he also apparently had numerous other bitches at his beck and call, when all her Odr needed was HER!

But that thought also made Freya pause, as she recalled Alex's numerous children that she saw earlier. Each and every one of them had brilliant, blazing souls unlike anyone else she had ever seen, barring Alex himself.

But one in particular had caught her eye, a little girl with golden hair and a matching monkey-like tail.

Freya didn't know why, but the little girl with golden hair, small Lance, and tiny buckler-type shield stirred something within her. Something Freya had never felt before.

Whatever it was, Freya knew she needed that girl along with Alex.

Setting the wine glass down, Freya stood and gracefully made towards the door. When she opened it though, a certain figure was standing outside waiting for her.

"Is there anything you need, lady Freya?" Ottar asked her attentively, though Freya only felt disgust upon seeing him. She recalled all too well how Ottar and the rest of her Familia had been utterly powerless in the face of Alex's might.

No. They had been less than powerless, actually prostrating before him due to the difference in their might.

"I don't need anything from the likes of you." Freya sneered at him disdainfully, before marching right past him as she considered making a few changes to her Familia.

Thankfully there was still someone she could rely on. Someone Freya KNEW had a connection to Alex. And she began to head there now as her form began to shift.


At the same time there was someone else who was lost in deep thought as she looked over several items she had bought recently.

Hephaestus twisted the knife in her hands slowly as she looked it over in awe, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

It was a knife she bought from Hestia, 'forged' by the 'husband' that she had been going on and on about for the last few weeks. But it was just one item of the several Hestia brought to her to sell, and each item was utterly ridiculous.

Every single one was an item leagues above what any mortal smith in this world was capable of producing, and Hephaestus herself would require her divine power in order to replicate them. Naturally she readily bought them all up to prevent them from getting into the hands of anyone who shouldn't have them.

But Hephaestus was dumbfounded when Hestia told her these were Alex's 'rejects', as they could put even the (in)famous Crozzo blades to shame.

"Alex..." Hephaestus uttered as she thought of the man in awe. The man who was not only a powerful warrior, but apparently also a godly smith.

He was also the man who somehow managed to woo Hestia, the woman famous for refusing every single man who tried to court her in the past. As well as Hephaestus' best friend.

While things had been strained between the two of them after Hestia descended and mooched off Hephaestus for several months, the fact was that she was her closest friend. And that would always be the case.

But now Hephaestus couldn't help but to think of the man her closest friend had chosen to give herself to. A master craftsman, a powerful warrior, and apparently a horrible ladies man considering he'd bedded the Sword Princess so quickly.

"Alexander Morningstar..."


"Sir, what are we going to do?" Asked a cloaked figure who's features were completely obscured, except for the their skeletal hands.

"..." The God in question however was silent as he was in deep thought regarding the current situation.

"Lord Ouranos?" Asked the cloaked figure.

"I heard you Fels, I was just thinking." Ouranos answered, having not come across such a conundrum ever since he descended to the mortal plane.

A part of Ouranos believed Alex's power and authority was just what they needed to push a new age of heroes in the world after their recent stagnation. The sudden growth of the Sword Princess was enough to show that he had the capabilities, along with the sudden growth of Liliruca and Haruhime of the Hestia Familia.

But at the same time there were still so many unknowns regarding the Dragon Emperor and his intentions. All Ouranos could reliably conclude involving Alex's intentions was that he was fond of women, a seemingly harmless pursuit if it weren't for the fact that there even been numerous wars fought over a woman throughout their history.

But what if he was putting up a facade for something more sinister?

A part of Ouranos wanted to consider such a theory as nonsense due to how strong Alex was, and that he didn't need to go through such motions. But the main reason the gods had descended to the mortal plane was out of boredom, and Alex was at least as strong as they were.

He could easily merely be 'bored' or that malicious and want to toy with them before showing his true colors.

Dozens of such scenarios played through Ouranos' head as he thought about the Dragon Emperor, each both extremely unlikely and entirely likely at the same time.

And then there was Cara.

Cara Bean, The Amazon. She knew about the Dragon Emperor and the possible threat he posed towards them before anyone else. Even as everyone mocked and criticized Hestia for her 'delusions', Cara had instantly believed her and acted.

Rather than relieving Ouranos, this worried him.

Cara had an exceptionally average life before joining Loki Familia as far as Ouranos was aware. She was born outside Orario and traveled to the city when she was old enough to become an adventurer.

But then she caught Loki's attention when she cleared the first few floors of the Dungeon in a single day, without a falna.

It usually took weeks of work for adventurers to make it to the next floor of the Dungeon, yet Cara was strong enough that even going down to the tenth floor wasn't an issue for her right off the bat.

Since then Cara had destroyed every hurdle she had come across, bringing the Loki Familia even more fame and prestige until they rivaled that of the Freya Familia, before defeating even their strongest fighter, Ottar.

Originally Ouranos considered her a prime candidate to become a 'hero' that would raise up those around her in preparation to fight the OEBD. But now, he couldn't help but wonder about her with the appearance of Alex.

"I don't think we CAN do anything Fels." Ouranos eventually said with a defeated tone.


"That little fucker!" Snarled a certain goddess within the confines of one of the most majestic manors in the entirety of Orario.

"I'd say there was nothing 'little' about him." Commented a certain elf off-handedly, earning her a glare from her goddess that only made her shrug since she'd merely been honest.

Loki then looked back to the bare back of the girl in front of her, who had shifted her golden-blonde hair to allow the goddess access to it. But no matter what Loki had tried, even using the item 'Status Snitch', which would allow one God to update the status of a child belonging to another god's Familia, she could do nothing to Alex's Falna.

Instead, the golden lettering upon Ais' back appeared to be taunting her as she glared angrily at it.

But at the same time Loki couldn't help but to be in awe of what she was reading. According to Alex's Falna, Ais was now a level one all over again, with all of her attributes reset to zero, but the feats she had performed earlier were very much the kind of thing a level one would never be able to do.

And then there was Ais' new race.

While Ais was originally a plain human, according to her at least, now she was apparently a divine spirit of fire and wind. And Loki didn't doubt it after seeing was Ais was capable of earlier, singlehandedly taking on the OEBD and defeating it as if it were child's play.

Loki knew of spirits of course, they were the race the gods adored the most when they first descended, but she had never heard of a DIVINE spirit before. Based off of what she had seen and heard from him though, it appeared that Ais now definitely possessed a small spark of divine power imparted unto her by Alex. Yet another point that showed that he was actually a god alongside the fact that he created a Falna.

The entire situation irked her tremendously.

Not only was Loki having to deal with everything that happened to Ais, but she was also short three other members of her Familia at the moment. Tione, Tiona, and Cara.

Cara was the one Loki was least worried about, as she was her strongest 'child' and effectively immortal. However she was still pissed at Alex for sending her so far down the Dungeon, and then using his magic to close it back up with her still down there. He had been considerate enough to wait for his kids to leave though.

Tione and Tiona were the ones she was worried about the most.

She had questioned Alex about where he had sent them, but his response was just that they were put into 'stasis' somewhere until he had a chance to talk to them, along with ALL the Amazons that had been present in Orario. Barring Cara of course.

She still couldn't believe the fact that he had somehow managed to turn on ALL the Amazons in Orario at once.

They were a female only race that would seek strong men that could best them in combat, regardless of the race. And if they were defeated, then they often devoted themselves to said male. Tione was a brilliant example of this, as she was STILL devoted to Finn after he beat her years ago, despite Finn having rejected every one of her advances.

The fact Alex managed to turn on every single Amazon in the city without even laying a single finger on them spoke volumes about the sheer power he possessed, not to mention his clash with Ouranos.

"How are you feeling Ais?" Riveria asked the girl who's back Loki was scrutinizing, drawing her from her thoughts as she looked to Ais as well.

"I feel...fine." Ais said after a second of thought, before a small smile graced her lips that left Loki speechless from how beautiful she looked.

Riveria however appeared unaffected, merely nodding her head in understanding as she said,

"I thought so. You look, more lax than usual. As if a weight had been lifted from your shoulders."


Though she said nothing, Ais thought on Riveria's words as she did feel as if there was less stress in her body than usual. She had devoted herself to sling the OEBD dragon for so long, that she had constantly been in a state of tension that prevented her from ever truly relaxing, only ever thinking of getting stronger.

Of course, Ais was a bit of an airhead. So the majority of the heavier thoughts went right over her as she just realized that she body did feel lighter than usual.

"Maybe it's just cause she got laid." Loki joked, though there was no humor in her squirted eyes, instead, she was a pot of seething, burning, jealously at the fact that someone aside from her had been the one to take her beloved Ais' purity.

And while she was calm outside, Riveria was experiencing a great maelstrom of emotions as well after the day's events. From their battle with Alex, his defilement of Ais, who Riveria thought of almost like a daughter, the battle against the OEBD, and then the magic Alex had displayed.

The man was like a walking middle finger to the laws of everything regarding the natural order. His strength, his magic, ALL of him.

Riveria STILL couldn't get the image out of her mind of the moment after the battle where Alex had repaired the city and the Dungeon below them. A simple wave of his hand, and everything was repairing itself as if tie were flowing backwards.

No. It went BEYOND that!

Alex didn't just repair the city, he returned ALL of the buildings within it to their original state. Buildings on the verge of ruin before the battle now appeared as if they had just been constructed, while Alex also stated that he threw in a little bit extra in enchanting the ENTIRE city itself to be more durable.

And then to avoid the numerous questions everyone would have for him, Alex promptly vanished into thin air with Hestia and the two(non Amazon) girls in her Familia.

With each passing second Riveria wanted to know more and more about the man known as the Dragon Emperor. And not only that, but there was something about him that made even she, the princess of the High Elves, a race known for their sense of superiority, feel subservient towards him.

When she got a chance, Riveria intended to learn every single one of Alex's secrets.

"All jokes aside." Loki suddenly said, making Riveria realize she had zoned out from thought, to the point she hadn't even noticed Ais putting her shirt back on while Finn and Gareth had both reentered the room.

"Tomorrow morning I'll go to that runt's place, I have no doubt they're there, and Riveria and Ais will come with me. Ais to try and get this damn Falna off her back, and Riveria because she knows the most about magic. Finn and Gareth on the other hand will prepare the rest of the Familia in case he tries to do anything to us.

"Ouranos called another Denatus tomorrow after everything that happened today, and if we are delayed for whatever reason, then I want the entirety of the Loki Familia to descend upon that runt's place to kick his ass."

"""Yes!""" The others cried out in response to their goddess' orders, though they all couldn't help but to wonder in the back of their heads how they were supposed to kick Alex's ass.


"That mother fucker!" Cara snarled as she stormed her way up through the Dungeon, utterly pissed off and completely naked by this point.

She had been fighting nonstop ever since Alex sent her crashing through the ground into the Dungeon, and then down to the eightieth floor. As if that weren't bad enough, she was then swarmed by hundreds of stupidly powerful Juggernauts that considered her the one who was attacking the Dungeon itself.

If Cara weren't immortal, she'd be dead already.

"When I get my hands on him, I'll wring his neck like a chicken! I'll beat the shit out of him before pushing him down and fucking him into-NO!" Cara shouted as she shook her head to try and get rid of the intrusive thoughts pervading her mind.

But it was impossible with the unquenchable thirst, and unbearable heat that was filling her ever since her battle with Alex.

'Don't you think that to your race, Saiyans would be the ideal mate?'

Alex's words rang thorough her head yet again as another wave of desire surged through Cara's body, sending another wave of fluid down her legs.

Cara TRIED to suppress the rampant thoughts and arousal with thoughts of all the horrendous things she'll do to Alex when she reached the surface, but every single time they quickly shifted to scenes of him making her his bitch in some way.

"There's no way this is just because of me being an Amazon..." Cara growled, as she decided that Alex MUST have done something to her to make her feel this way.

"WELL I REFUSE TO GIVE IN!" Cara roared right as a poor monster rounded the corner, only to be instantly turned into a smear on the walls as she killed it in her rage.

"Whatever you did to me, I'll undo it and get my revenge a thousand fold!" Cara snarled as she tried to hurry to the surface. To KILL Alex she kept trying to remind herself, NOT to fuck him.


"Ha ha! That was amusing~!" Laughed an elderly looking man who was drinking out of a coconut this time, his smile wide as he recalled the earlier fights.

"If you say so sir. But who should we consider the official winner of this match?" Asked the servant at his side.

"Well the little boy of course! Even if that girly does try to get a rematch, she can't go against her own instincts. She had her chance, and blew it completely." The old man exclaimed before taking another swig of his drink.

"Let's hope that little lizard does better though. It'll be boring if all the fights end the same way." The old man said after a moment of thought.

"You can just look to see what'll happen right now, can't you sir?" The servant, Simon, asked him.

"Bah! Where's the fun in that?" The old man snorted in disinterest.

"This game is the most fun I've had in the last few trillion years! I'm not going to spoil it for myself!"

"You're just enjoying the fact that you're not working while it's going on, sir." Simon stated without any hesitation whatsoever.

"Guh! T-that's not true at all!" The old man denied vehemently, to which Simon just shook his head in exasperation.

"Oh! It's happy hour at my favorite titty bar!" The old man exclaimed as he hurriedly tried to change the subject.

Simon just shook his head even as the two of them faded into the void, with none of the mortal's or 'gods' around them being the wiser. Not even the Dragon Emperor, who was currently jack hammering into a certain goddess to make her scream in ecstasy.

(A.N. Sorry for the recent delay in chapters. I've been busy preparing for winter recently by cutting firewood, as well as other work such as putting up a fence today. I've also been putting a bit more attention into my other series, Pokemon: Arceus' Champion.)

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C532
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


