83.36% God succession system / Chapter 485: End of the First Round

章 485: End of the First Round

Hearing her name being called, Kokoa stood up from her seat as she said in a serious voice, "I'm going."

The girls all gave her their regards as she made her way to the door, while the Chatroom also exploded into hundreds of messages wishing her luck. Before she could leave though,

"Kokoa." The vampiress stopped with her hand on the doorknob as she waited to hear what Alex had to say.

"Win or lose, I'll make sure to give your ass plenty of love when you get back." Kokoa's entire body seized up as her butt cheeks clenched around the toy that wasn't currently in her ass at that moment, and she swung around suddenly as she sputtered,

"W-what does my butt have to do with this?!? Pervert! Molester! RAPIST!"

Shouting that as she slammed the door behind her, Alex chuckled as he said,

"She definitely loves it." With the girls around him nodding in agreement, none of them saw Kokoa on the other side of the door with a slight blush to her cheeks. But the next notification she received from the Chatroom blew all thoughts of Alex from her mind when she read it.

Moka: You're my sister, so I expect you to win.

Reading the words over and over again, a certain feeling began to bubble up within Kokoa, before she cried out in a very unrefined and undignified manner,


Ignoring the numerous people she surprised and somewhat scared with her shout, Kokoa raced to arena where the announcer and Sting were waiting. Applause greeted the vampiress as she stepped out onto the stage, which she cooly ignored as she focused only on beating up the faceless loser in front of her to impress her Onee-Sama.

Not knowing what Kokoa was thinking about him, Sting, the master of Mage guild Sabertooth, held out a hand to her while saying, "Let's have a good match miss Kokoa."

Coming back to earth when she heard her name, Kokoa looked at the outstretched hand and scoffed at it before turning away indifferently. Scratching his cheek awkwardly at her behavior, Sting decided not to mind it since Kokoa was rather infamous for her attitude.

And just as well, since at that moment the announcer cried out as their arena was decided,


As the announcement was made, the duo suddenly found themselves being transported to an eerily dark castle covered in menacing spires, and surrounded by thousands of corpses impaled on large stakes.

Swarms of screeching bats flooded the skies as Kokoa and Sting got their bearings, finding themselves on one of the expansive balconies decorating the exterior of the sinister castle. They had barely looked around though before the announcers voice rang out,


Both Kokoa and Sting quickly took their respective stances when they heard that, before he then declared,


As the match began a powerful holy aura began to radiate from Sting that started purifying the surrounding area, as a result of his White Dragon Slaying magic. He then entered an offensive stance as the holy power became concentrated on his hands, and stated,

"Sorry miss Kokoa, but I intend to wi-"


Before Sting could finish what he was saying, a massive mace struck him across the face faster than he could react, sending him crashing through several walls as he was sent flying into the castle's interior.

While his disposition as a Dragon Slayer ensured that Sting took next to no damage even as he smashed through numerous walls, he was still rubbing his cheek when he finally came to a stop where Kokoa had hit him at.

"What's with her?!" Sting asked himself due to the lack of any hesitation whatsoever that Kokoa displayed, before he noticed what kind of room he had ended up in.

"Rapier form." Kokoa then said with an eerily serious voice, prompting the giant mace in her hands to transform into a small and lithe sword with a pointed tip.

"Man, you really mean business." Sting said as he watched her approach, knowing full well that the rapier combined with her strength could shred his body despite his defenses, before smirking as he finished, "Well, so do I."

As he said that, Sting released a powerful aura of purifying energy that radiated throughout the room, blinding Kokoa while also turning her skin red like a sunburn. If it were only that then Kokoa would be able to tolerate the purifying energy with only some discomfort, but Sting had been smart when he used this tactic.

The room they were in was apparently some kid of lab, and was filled with hundreds of clear test tubes, mirrors, and other clear and reflective surfaces. With his purifying light being reflected and refracted by the materials in the room, Sting manipulated all of it to focus onto Kokoa on top of the light he was already radiating, essentially turning her into an insect that someone was burning under a magnifying glass.

The sound and smell of Kokoa's flesh sizzling immediately filled Sting's nose as he intensified the light, prompting him to finish the fight so that he wasn't prolonging her suffering needlessly, especially now that he had effectively sealed her movements.

"Time to end this!" Sting declared as he took in a deep breath.



Whatever he was about to say next never left Sting's throat, as Kokoa suddenly appeared before him with charred flesh, hair, and clothes, and buried her foot right between his legs.

Instead all that came out of the guild master of Sabertooth's mouth was a small squeaky groan, before Kokoa stated irritably as she copied her beloved sister,

"Know your place, trash."

Kokoa then mimicked Moka further as she raised her leg up high, seemingly unaware that she was flashing Sting and everyone who was watching her strawberry panties, before bringing her heel down onto Sting's head with enough force that he was sent crashing through the stone floor beneath them.




Smashing through floor after floor, each impact carried enough force that the entire castle shuddered until finally he came to a stop on the bottom floor, where he was left laying in a giant crater right in front of a giant and eerie throne.

"Nnnnnnnng..." Sting groaned painfully, though the pain between his legs far outclassed the rest of his body, when he saw a certain red haired vampires flying down at him with a giant hammer in her hands.

"Shit..." He uttered as she got closer, before Kokoa hit him with her hammer with enough force that the entire castle came crashing down around them.

As the castle came crashing down on top of them though, both Kokoa and Sting were transported out of it and back into the colosseum, where the announcer cried out,


Deafening cheers greeted them as Kokoa's body immediately began to repair itself with her healing factor no longer sealed, while Sting was carted away in a hurry after her last attack. And as her victory was announced, the calm and collected atmosphere that had been surrounding Kokoa instantly vanished as she cried out, "I DID IT ONEE-SAMA!"

Ignoring the amused looks and minor laughter from her antics, Kokoa was then surprised when she got a message on the Chatroom from her Onee-Sama telling her to come back to the VIP room.

Not hearing who the next match would be between, Kokoa immediately rushed to Alex's private room to see what her Onee-Sama wanted, passing Rana on the way who congratulated her, but Kokoa just ignored her too. She then threw open the door the moment she got there, crying out as she did so, "Onee-Sama!"

What Kokoa saw though was NOT what she was expecting, which was her beloved big sister being completely impaled on Alex's cock.

Facing the door so that Kokoa could see her when she came in, Moka had the entirety of Alex's cock in her ass as she laid back into his chest, while spreading her legs so that her pristine clam could be seen.

"Congrats Kokoa." Moka said, even as she stifled a groan from Alex fondling her breasts, making her cum slightly as her stretched bowels squeezed him tightly. Maintaining her cool, even then, Moka then reached down and spread her lower lips with her fingers, revealing the tender pink flesh within, and said, "Here you go Kokoa."

The younger sister didn't need to be told twice as she readily shot forward and got down onto her knees, before burying her tongue into her beloved big sister's folds, savoring the taste of her sweet nectar.

Alex smirked as he watched Kokoa go to town on Moka's cunt, which was having an effect on the elder sister, even if she retained her usual calm and collected demeanor. With Alex filling her ass and teasing her tits while Kokoa eagerly ate her out, it was a miracle that Moka was able to maintain her composure as well as she was, but it was only a matter of time until that too collapsed.

Even as he played with the two sisters though, Alex turned his attention back to the arena as Rana stepped out onto it, along with her opponent.


The announcer cried out as the projections focused on the Tibetan girl, along with the short former monk. Krillin then held out a hand to her and said,

"Nice to meet ya." Rana smirked as she took his offered hand and replied,

"Likewise." The two shook as the arena they'd be fighting on was decided, before the announcer cried out,


The duo then looked up at the projection to see the image of the location they'd be fighting at, which showed spires of stone standing hundreds of feet high with a dense layer of cloud below them. Alongside the image was the icon indicating that flight would be restricted, meaning that if they weren't careful they could be eliminated by falling into the cloud layer below.

In an instant they were both teleported to the arena, both of them ending up on different spires that were a short distance from each other as the announcer cried out,


In an instant Rana and Krillin rushed each other at their top speeds, shattering the spires they were standing on from the force of their acceleration. On Krillin's face was an expression of intense focus, while Rana's was one of excitement as she closed in on her opponent before shouting,

"Tempest Turn!"

The next thing Krillin knew, he was surrounded by twenty Rana's that all began to shower him with powerful punches, before one kicked him with enough force that he'd been sent flying into another spire.

"What the hell...?!" Krillin uttered as he recovered and tried to figure out what he had just experienced, as every cloning technique he knew of divided the users strength by as many copies as they made. That meant that either Rana used a technique that didn't divide her strength, or that was her strength divided by twenty, neither of which were good for him.

Krillin's thoughts and recovery were cut off though when Rana suddenly appeared in front of him with a crazed smile, and calmly placed her fist against his abdomen.

"Burning Fang!"

A torrent of thermal energy suddenly entered and assaulted Krillin's body, wreaking havoc on his internal organs as he was blasted through the spire he was currently lodged in, and through the air to the next one.

"AND ANOTHER DEVASTATING HIT FROM RANA LINCHEN! CAN KRILLIN MAKE A COMEBACK?" The announcer cried out to the audience as they watched the one sided beating taking place, while one person in particular was watching the match with a knowing smirk on her face.

"That's right Rana, show them the power of the Pandora." Chiffon Fairchild uttered as her closed eyes never left the projection, a feeling of pride welling up within her.

Ever since they had arrived at Asora, after suffering the abuse from 'that man', Chiffon had noticed that many of the Pandora had grown complacent and slow in recent years. While the ones who had joined the ranks of the Combat Maids had been pushed far beyond their limits by the head maid Grayfia, many of those who joined the Valkyries and other groups were slowly becoming complacent, not pushing their strength further.

As what could be considered a 'true' Pandora, Chiffon could not accept them falling behind the numerous other tribes and groups that were flocking to join Asora in recent years. So she intended to use this tournament to show everyone the strength of the Pandora, and to remind her former comrades of the pride and strength they once had.

"As I thought..." She suddenly uttered to herself as she watched Rana fight, before finishing with a smirk, "You two are much more deserving of the title of 'monster' than I am..."

As she said that, another person flashed through the 'Unmatched Smiling Monster's' mind, one with long blonde hair and her own moniker that made her feared by all when they were at West Genetics academy.

But her moment would come, and this one belonged to Rana.

And at this moment Rana was reminding all of the Pandora who were watching the match of what they were capable of. Yes, Rana had been trained above and beyond by Grayfia. But she still represented what they were able to achieve with enough work and dedication.


The announcers declaration tore Chiffon's attention back to the projection, where she saw Rana flying backwards from Krillin as he was clad in a deep red energy.

Every eye was on Krillin as the red energy encompassing him dissipated, leaving him ragged as he breathed deeply. Rana meanwhile had been lodged directly into he middle of a large spire, giving Krillin time to try and catch his breath after using the technique.

"Man....we really need to give Goku credit for using this as much as he did..." He uttered to himself, while also smiling in a self deprecating manner.

Back in the colosseum though, the Grand Supreme Kai frowned as he watched the skill Krillin used, before saying into his mic,

"I believe that skill was the Kaio-Ken." The other three commentators looked at him curiously at that, while Azazel asked,

"And what is the Kaio-Ken?" The Grand Supreme Kai was silent for a moment in contemplation, before finally saying,

"It is a skill in which the user forcibly multiplies their own energy for a brief but drastic increase in strength, but when used it severely drains the body while also damaging it. It requires extremely precise energy control and a supremely strengthened body in order to utilize properly, and even then the drawbacks are nearly impossible to mitigate."

As the Grand Supreme Kai trailed off, everyone turned their attention back to Krillin on the projection, which proved his statement about the drawbacks of using the Kaio-Ken. On top of the extensive damage caused to him by Rana already, Krillin had damaged and worn himself out even worse in order to land a single hit on her.

That one hit had caused quite the damage to Rana as well though, as Krillin had multiplied his strength by five times when he used it.

Catching his breath after using the technique, which he learned over the last several months while training with King Kai since he was one of the only ones in the group not to do so yet, Krillin leapt over to the spire Rana had been lodged within as he stood on top waiting for any sign of her emergence.

The countdown hadn't began yet, so that told him she wasn't down. And Krillin's suspicion was proven correct a second later when a sharp crack echoed in the air, before he felt the spire begin to move.

Dumbfounding Krillin, the entire spire began to rise up several feet even as he stood on it, as Rana lifted the entire thing from where he had lodged her inside it. The spectators on the other hand got a closeup of Rana as she lifted the spire, meaning they all saw her crazed expression and transformation.

"I'm gonna kill him!" Rana snarled as digital lines started spreading up her neck and cheek, while six matching wings sprouted from her back to go with them.

She then channeled energy through her hands to use her Burning Fang on the spire itself, superheating it instantly as the entire interior turned molten after several seconds of continuous contact.

"HOOOOOOOOOOT!!!" Krillin cried out as his foot accidentally broke through the rock surface, allowing some of the molten stone to splash up onto his foot.

Realizing what was happening, he quickly leapt off of the spire, breaking more of it in the process, onto the next one as Rana sent it flying at him. Quickly leaping to the next spire after that, Krillin turned back and watched as the one he had been standing on at first broke its hardened outer shell, allowing the molten rock to spill out and cover the other spire in a hauntingly beautiful glow.

There was no time to admire the the slowly flowing molten stone though, as Rana quickly rushed Krillin with her previously amicable expression gone, and replaced by one that seemed closer to insanity.

Pivoting on his foot, Krillin knew he had to try and end the match then and there before she could land anymore hits on him, even if it meant using the Kaio-Ken even more.

"Kaio-Ken..... Times ten!" He cried out as Rana got close enough, enveloping himself in the deep red aura once again right as Rana's Burning Fang fist connected with his own.


And explosion echoed from the connection as both Krillin and Rana were sent flying backwards, the former into another spire, and the latter, unfortunately, straight down into the fog below.

And as she disappeared into the fog below, Krillin just barely retained consciousness long enough to hear the announcer cry out,


Immediately after hearing about his victory Krillin passed out from the accumulated damage he had taken, both from Rana and himself, so both of them appeared unconscious in the middle of the arena, where a group of medics came to take them to the infirmary.

As Rana and Krillin were both taken out of the arena to get treated, with the latter being given priority since he'd have another match soon, the announcer cried out,


A deafening roar of cheering and applause met his demand, as everyone celebrated the exciting match they had just witnessed where it was almost a double knockout. However soon the announcer signaled the applause to finish, and as it died off he said to them,


As he said that, the announcer pointed at the projection showing the list of the participants of the first bracket, of which Kimari, Gas, Surtr Second, Sting, Rana, Jackie Chun, and Heracles all had their names greyed out, leaving only the seven victors of their respective matches, and the last two who were about to have their showdown now.


As the audience cheered the two aforementioned contestants stepped out into the colosseum, and slowly made their way to the arena.

In the front was Bardock, who was completely cool and calm under the lights and the adoring fans, while Granolah followed behind him, glaring at the Saiyan's back with murderous intent while seemingly indifferent to their surroundings. Bardock could feel Granolah's piercing glare of course, but chose to ignore it.


The announcer shouted as the list of different arenas began to light once again, flashing between the hundreds of locations before settling on a certain one.


That was the last thing Bardock or Granolah heard before they were transported to a wooded region filled with massive trees, and incredibly thick fog.

Granolah smirked as he examined their battleground, as a region like this perfectly suited his people with their special eyes, which, combined with their unique equipment, made them all the best snipers in the universe... Or they had been.

So when the match officially began, Granolah's first move was to leap backwards in order to fade into the dense fog, removing him from Bardock's line of sight immediately. Seeing this, the Saiyan in question just smirked as he recalled the day they wiped out the Cerealians, and the way they fought.

Thinking about it, Bardock realized he could have very well been the only person in the universe who had real experience fighting the Cerealians left. And this came into play when numerous small intense blasts of energy came out of the fog at every single one of his blind spots.

Even as the deadly attacks approached him, Bardock's smirked never wavered. He wasn't the same Saiyan that had attacked planet Cereal all those years ago.

While before he needed his scouter to be able to detect energy, Bardock had long since learned to sense it like his son and his friends could. So without even budging from his position, Bardock raised his hand and effortlessly deflected every single blast directed towards him.


Numerous explosions rocked the misty woods as the condensed and powerful blasts of energy hit many of the trees surrounding Bardock, blowing the trunks to pieces as the rest of the trees them-self came crashing down around him. Even as one started coming down right on top of his head, Bardock didn't budge as he simply held a hand up, and caught the giant tree effortlessly.

"Here's a present." Bardock said with a bit of humor, as he tossed the tree in the direction he could feel Granolah's energy coming from, surprising the Cerealian when the saw the massive shadow swiftly approaching him through the fog.

"Shit!" He exclaimed while hurrying out of the way as quickly as he could, before the sound of the bark scraping and wood shattering echoed as the tree crashed through the woods.

"Saiyans do not mess around..." The voice of Granolah's long time partner, Oatmeel, said in his ear, to which the Cerealian nodded as he looked in the direction Bardock was in.

With the special trait of his right eye, combined with the assistance he received from the lens in his eyepatch, which was also where the Artificial Intelligence Oatmeel resided, he was was able to see right through the fog to locate his target. Except, Bardock wasn't there.

"Above you!" Oatmeel exclaimed suddenly, drawing Granolah's gaze upwards where he saw Bardock, flying above the tree canopy with dozens of spheres of energy beside him.

His urge to flee triggering, Granolah was about to try and book it out of range of those energy spheres when he saw Bardock's lips moving, forming the words,

Sorry kid, but I don't intend to play hide and seek.

Bardock had barely finished speaking before the spheres of energy started hurtling down at he ground, causing massive explosions over and over again as he carpet bombed the arena while focusing on where he could feel Granolah's energy. Soon,


Immediately after the announcement rang out Bardock found himself transported back to the colosseum, alongside an unconscious and horrendously wounded Granolah. Thankfully though he too was taken to the infirmary along with those who had also sustained injuries too serious to be healed instantly when they returned.

Bardock only stayed long enough to watch Granolah being taken away, before he too turned and left the arena, deaf to the applause and cheers he was receiving.

He was a Saiyan, and Saiyans did not fight for prestige or adoration, they fought for the thrill of the battle and the desire to win. Wether the audience hated or adored him meant nothing to Bardock, only that he emerged victorious while his opponent fell.

That didn't mean he was devoid of emotion though, as Bardock already planned to visit the infirmity once Granolah woke up to have a chat with him.

Back in the arena of the colosseum, when the cheers that Bardock had been receiving finally died down, the announcer declared,


At his cue, the list showing the eight remaining contenders began to flash as it cycled between them, before eventually coming to a stop on the names of the first two fighters to appear in the quarterfinals.




1. Son Goku

2. Bardock

3. Mil-tan

4. Jackie Chun❌

5. Sun Wukong

6. Kimari Ronso❌

7. Rana Linchen❌

8. Krillin

9. Gas❌

10. Granolah ❌

11. Pikkon

12. Sting Eucliffe ❌

13. Kokoa Shuzen

14. Caulifla

15. Surtr Second❌

16. Heracles ❌


Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C485
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


