78.04% God succession system / Chapter 454: Pangea

章 454: Pangea

As they passed through the portal for the second time that day, the group found themselves in a rather peculiar place.

"Where are we?" Future Bulma asked, as she stared out into the pitch black endless void before them.

"We're at the outermost edge of Universe Seven, where there is nothing but the endless void for as far as you go." Everyone sans Alex whirled around at the voice, which belonged to someone none of them had ever met before, except for one person.

"Who are you?!" Goku demanded as he put his guard up, alongside his father and brother. One Saiyan however had a completely different reaction, as his expression paled and and his hands began shaking.

"L-l-lord Beerus! What are you doing here!?!" Vegeta Sr demanded with obvious fear in his voice, alerting everyone else present as curiosity regarding this new face increased.

Beerus however didn't mind the new people who were acting hostile towards him, instead focusing on Vegeta Sr as he casually approached him and sneered,

"Well if it isn't King Vegeta? Been a long time since I last saw your face, and it appears you forgot what it means to have manners in that time." Without any hesitation Vegeta Sr dropped in front of all of them and pressed his forehead to Zenith's deck, shocking everyone present as he pleaded,

"Please forgive me my lord, I meant no disrespect!" Beerus' sneer widened as he raised his foot, and said as he was about to step on Vegeta's head,

"That sounds better Vegeta....!" But before he could though, something else appeared right below Beerus' foot, surprising him and Vegeta both as they looked up to see Alex standing there with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"I'll ask you not to torment my subjects Beerus, or I might have to personally get involved." As he said that Alex's aura began to increase in intensity, which began to clash with Beerus' own aura as his too began to increase.

Though the Dragon Team couldn't actually feel Beerus' aura due to its divine nature, they could still feel the intensity rising between him and Alex as they clashed. While they were clashing though, Beerus cocked an eyebrow as he parroted,

"'My subjects'? Alexander, you never told me you took over as the ruler of the Saiyans!" Alex rolled his eyes at Beerus' comment while Vegeta Sr looked between the two of them confusedly, not yet aware that they had already met, albeit it had been a mere few hours ago.

"Never seemed relevant to our conversation. But, if you want to harass them, then that means picking another fight with me." As he said this Alex was smirking confidently due to his eagerness to truly test out Nika's power, though he had just gotten it.

He wasn't the only one though, as even Beerus was raring for a second round against Alex now that he had eaten and was ready to go.

Before either one could throw the first punch though, the top of a certain scepter was thrust in between their faces while the wielder tutted at them.

"Tut tut tut, to think the two of you would act in such a way on sight. It's like I'm dealing with a couple of children here." Whis stated woefully as he caressed his cheek with his free hand.

With his interference both Alex and Beerus backed off immediately, before the former helped Vegeta Sr up off the floor. When the former king was on his feet once more, he immediately asked Alex,

"My liege, have you...met lord Beerus before?" Alex chuckled at the question even as everyone else looked at him, including his wives since they hadn't heard how his meeting with Beerus went yet. Alex then surprised them all by saying,

"Actually we had a 'little' sparring match earlier and fought to standstill." If anyone was surprised before, then every single person was completely stunned when they heard that.

On one side was Alex's wives who couldn't believe that there was actually someone who could match the current him, and then there was the former king Vegeta, who had been one of the many people within the universe who had been struck with the fear of Beerus' might, and forced to submit to him. Goku and the others meanwhile didn't know who Beerus was, but since he was someone Alex acknowledged then there was only on thing going through Goku's mind.

"If even Alex couldn't beat you, then you must be REALLY strong, right?" He eagerly asked the Destruction God, to which Beerus cocked a brow before looking at Alex and asking,

"Is he serious?" Alex smiled wryly as he gestured to the two of them and said,

"Beerus, Goku. Goku, Beerus." Goku happily reached out at the introduction to shake hands with Beerus, but the Destruction God ignored it as he continued looking at Goku with narrowed eyes. He then asked after apparently deciding to completely ignore Goku,

"So what did you bring me all the way out here for Alex? Surely not for a reunion with the former king Vegeta, or to meet some weak Saiyan." Alex shook his head before gesturing out towards the endless void, and saying,

"We're here for THAT." As if to respond to him, the void suddenly began to shimmer before seven actual planets appeared out of nowhere, all covered in barren rock or other space debris.

Then, before anyone could ask what the planets were for, two figures suddenly appeared that immediately attacked Alex as they clung to him.

"Darling! I missed you so much!" Kurumu cried out as she leapt into the air and wrapped her arms around Alex's head while her legs wrapped around his body, leaving his face firmly planted between her breasts.

"Ah miphhed ooo ooo..." Came Alex's muffled voice from within her bosom, while his hands went to her butt to support her.

Before Kurumu could get her fill though, a certain mischievous cat pulled her off by the nape of her neck while saying,

"Back off, I'm first as Alex's 'Queen'~Nya!" Then, literally throwing Kurumu over Zenith's side into the empty space, Kuroka quickly pulled Alex's head down into her own massive bust. Her head then began to nuzzle the top of his own, while the sound of her purring spread out over the deck.

"Who the hell are these two?" Beerus asked irritably, during their reunion, to which Whis explained,

"I do believe they are two of Alex's wives, alongside the rest of those young women over there." Pointing to the rest of Alex's gathered peerage, Beerus merely glanced in their direction dismissively before noticing something interesting.

"Oh?" Beerus uttered as his gaze focused on a certain Crimson haired devil, who looked directly back at him as he began to approach her.

"You there! I sense the power of Destruction within you." Beerus said to her suddenly, surprising Rias momentarily before she smiled wryly.

"It's the specialty of my mother's family." She said before proudly summoning a mass of destructive energies. However Beerus appeared disappointed at the display as he questioned,

"What is that?" Rias looked at him with confusion as she stated,

"It's a mass of pure Destruction." Beerus however appeared unimpressed as he stated,

"No it's not, that's just an energy based attack with destructive properties." Shaking his head disappointedly, Beerus went to rejoin Whis while leaving the stunned Rias behind. She then directed a pointed glare at Yue, when the petite vampiress began to snicker at her expense,

"....fake Destruction Goddess..." Rias was going to show her just how 'fake' her Destruction naturally was, when Beerus suddenly asked with a sharp look,

"What does she mean by 'Destruction Goddess'?" Looking back at him, Rias stated irritably,

"I'm regarded as the Goddess of Destruction in Asora." This time Beerus was truly shocked, before an angry expression formed on his face.

"So 'this' is what passes for a Goddess of Destruction where you're from?" Feeling even more insulted by Beerus with each passing second, Rias puffed out her chest proudly as she declared,

"I AM! and I've pushed my power of Destruction farther than anyone else that has possessed it in my entire family's history! Now I can even Destroy an entire planet!" In response to her declaration though, Beerus just looked back at her like that was most idiotic thing he had ever heard.

He then stormed up to her, and seized Rias by the front of her shirt before snarling,

"When we are done here you ARE coming to my planet, and there I WILL beat the true path of the Destroyer into you! I refuse to have a being as pathetic as you calling yourself a God of Destruction! And if you can't prove yourself capable enough, then I'll Destroy you myself!"

Leaving no room for argument, Beerus then practically threw Rias back as he stormed back to Whis' side, and the rest of the girls went to make sure she was alright. Alex meanwhile had been keeping an eye on the entire situation, even as he was being smothered by the fighting Kurumu and Kuroka, and said as he approached Beerus,

"I have no problem with you teaching Rias, but if you ever tried to Destroy so much as a single hair on her head, then I WILL come down on you with EVERYTHING I have Beerus." Though he ain't exerting any energy this time, Alex was deadly serious as he would never allow any of his wives to come to real harm if he could help it.

And with several cards still up his sleeve that Alex didn't use in their earlier fight, he had no doubt that in a true fight to the death between them, he'd win. Beerus however just snorted as he stated,

"If she's anywhere as capable as she believes, then you have nothing to worry about Alexander." For a moment no one said anything as Alex and Beerus directed one last glare at each other, before someone suddenly appeared between them as she stated,

"Alright! That's enough already! You didn't bring us all the way out here for a point dick-measuring contest, did you?" Present Bulma stated as she tried to defuse the situation between Alex and Beerus this time, prompting them to give one last glare to each other, before Alex finally said,

"No I didn't." He then turned towards the seven planets that were floating before them, all of which had been gathered from throughout the twelve universes where they had been scattered.

Shaking himself out, Alex then confused everyone by biting down on his thumb.

"Less shee if thish worksh." He then took in a deep breath through his nose, one large enough that his chest began to visibly expand to the point that both Kuroka and Kurumu were shocked.

"Gear, third!" Alex exclaimed before he began blowing air directly INTO the bones in his hand.

If his spectators were shocked before, that was nothing compared to the shock they felt watching Alex's hand literally blow up like a balloon.

"What....the fuck.....is that?" Kuroka demanded with dead seriousness, to the point that she even forgot her verbal tick, to which Grayfia explained,

"Alex ate a Devil Fruit that turned him into a rubber man." When they heard that both Kuroka and Kurumu looked at the rest of the girls around them as if they expected someone to shout 'just kidding!' But no one did.

And even if they wanted to deny him gaining such a stupid ability, the truth was right there before their eyes as Alex literally inflated his hand like a balloon. Then, once he inflated it to the size he wanted, Alex proceeded to maneuver half of the air now inflating his hand down through his arm, back into his chest, down the other arm, and finally into his other hand so that both were inflated.

"Giant....." Alex began as he then thrust both his enlarged hands out to the sides, which stretched both of his arms to the extreme until they could stretch no further. Then, Alex's entire hands became completely black as similarly colored lightning began to cover them.

"....CLAP!" Alex cried out as he brought his hand together with as much force as he could muster, creating a shockwave of energy and black lightning that buffeted the seven planets before them with a force that even Beerus couldn't help but to be impressed by.

Then, as all of the seven planets were engulfed in the massive shockwaves, the debris and rocky terrain began to fracture and break apart to reveal a golden smooth center.

"No way..." One of the Bulmas uttered in awe as she and the rest of the Dragon Team gaped at what they were seeing.

And as the air deflated from Alex's hands(thankfully he didn't shrink like Luffy did when he used that technique), he proudly declared,

"Presenting, the origin of every set of Dragon Balls in existence, THE SUPER DRAGON BALLS!" As he said that Alex gestured at the seven planet-sized orbs as they floated there in a cluster, each one with its appropriately numbered star.

"These are.....the origin of all Dragon Balls...!" Krillin repeated dumbfoundedly while present Bulma hurriedly pulled out her Dragon Radar that could detect the faint energy signature given off by the Dragon Balls.

"I can't believe this..." She uttered as the radar confirmed what Alex told them, that all seven of those planets were in fact the magical wish-granting orbs they had all grown familiar with over the years.

While the others also made comments of awe and disbelief, Alex was nodding slowly as he said,

"Believe it. These are the most powerful Dragon Balls in existence, which scatter throughout the twelve universes after a wish is made. And unlike the Namekian or Earth Dragon Balls, they truly can grant any wish without any restrictions." That part also got everyone attention, as each time they had tried to use the Dragon Balls in the past there had been rules or restrictions that they typically had to try and find ways around to get what they needed.

As everyone else was gaping at the Super Dragon Balls, Alex decided to work on the first part of what he wanted to do before making his next wish.

Warping onto the surface of the one star planet in an instant, Alex used Creation magic to manipulate the substance of the planet itself. Pulling some of the mysterious material away from the planet, Alex soon had a baseball sized orb of his own with a singular star in the middle, exactly like the planet he was currently on.

Quickly warping to the rest of the planets, Alex soon had the seven orbs he needed to complete his own set of Dragon Balls to establish in Asora. After he stored them in his personal storage, Alex returned to Zenith's deck where everyone else had been waiting for him.

"Where did you go?" Yuna asked curiously, as only a select few could have sensed what Alex was doing on the planet sized orbs.

"I had a little something to take care of, but it's all good now." Then, clapping and rubbing his hands together excitedly, Alex asked them,

"Alright then, who's ready to see the Super Dragon Balls in action?" Immediately everyone voiced their agreement due to heir excitement to see the dragon that would be summoned when these balls were used.

With everyone ready, Alex then shouted as loud as he could into the void,


Though he earned himself numerous weird looks due to the last part of the password, everyone's attention was immediately on the Super Dragon Balls once again as they began to shine with a bright light.

"Back up Zenith!" Alex exclaimed as the Super Dragon Balls activated, before Kuroka instead instantly warped them all away from the increasingly bright light, which was growing to rival even the brightest of stars."

"Good heavens." Whis casually remarked as he tapped the butt of his staff on Zenith's deck, forming a protective bubble around all of them as he did so.

His intervention couldn't have come at a better moment, as the light from the Super dragon Balls suddenly exploded outwards like a supernova before condensing to create one truly massive golden form. Even after Kuroka warped them the length of an entire solar system away from the Super dragon Balls themselves, none of them could see the entirety of the golden massive being before them.

All any of them could truly make out was a portion of its head as the being began to open its glowing red eyes, which were much more massive than even a planet was. Then, surprising everyone present, they were suddenly transported into an entirely different space where a much smaller projection of the dragon appeared before them.


The dragon boomed at them in a much louder voice than Porunga had, though, only Alex, his peerage, Beerus, and Whis understood what he said due to speaking in the language of the gods.

"What did he say?" Goku asked curiously, to which Alex cut off both Beerus and Whis by stating,

"He told us to make our wish, but like the Namekians there's a certain language that we need to use when making it. Thankfully I don't need to worry about that." When he said that Alex stepped forward to make the wish he wanted, while Beerus and Whis muttered to each other behind him,

"It appears we're unneeded here lord Beerus." Whis said as if he were distraught, to which Beerus replied,

"Who cares, at least we don't need to do anything ourselves now, though I am curious what Alex is going to wish for." As he said that everyone focused their attention on Alex, curious as to what he wanted that they needed this particular set of Dragon Balls for it.

Surprisingly though, Alex asked for something that none of them were expecting.

"I wish...." Alex began normally, though it was being translated for the projection of the dragon. "....for a planet."


Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard that, as why would Alex want a planet when he already had Asora? Within which they had even stolen Mars from the universe Moka, Sun, and Kurumu came from before terraforming it. Ignoring them though, Alex continued,

"I want it to be a habitable planet larger than any other in the twelve universes, filled with the most dangerous flora and fauna that can be found throughout all the universes. And I want it to be located within Universe Seven."

For a moment nothing happened, but then the projection of the golden dragon reared back and unleashed a mighty roar, before booming back at them,


The next thing they all knew they were back where they had been a moment before, and with a final flash of light, the seven Super Dragon Balls shot out in every direction as they were once more scattered throughout the twelve universes. With everything settling down once more, Beerus looked at Alex and said,

"Interesting wish, but why would you wish for a planet like that?" With everyone else looking at him questioningly, Alex smirked as he said coyly,

"Shouldn't we go to see it before you judge it?" Narrowing his eyes at him, Beerus remarked,

"Ok then, but if this appears to be a waste of my time I'll have you make up for it in other ways." Shaking his head at the Destruction God, Alex flicked his wrist to produce an entire buffet table of goodies that both Beerus and Goku immediately jumped into.

"It's like we have a second Goku..." Piccolo uttered as he watched Beerus eat, to which Alex shook his head as he replied,

"Not really. Goku's just a glutton, while Beerus likes to experience new tastes." The Destruction God then proceeded to throw his thumb up into the air, as if telling Alex the food was excellent while he made his way to the helm once again.

"Now then, onto our third destination!" Alex exclaimed as he used both the magic compass and Skeleton Key, which both Whis and Beerus paid attention to, before opening yet another portal to go through.


Once through the portal they could see a world that looked nothing like any other planet any of them had ever seen, including Beerus.

Firstly the planet itself was nearly the size of a star, which it would need to in order to dwarf any other planet within all twelve of the universes. And secondly, even from space, they could all notice entire sections of the planet that differed from the others to match the numerous foreign habitats and environments that were needed to support the creatures that lived there.

"Hmmm how interesting." Whis remarked as he used the gem at the top of his staff to analyze the planet, after a moment of which he said,

"Indeed, this planet is in fact home to both flora and fauna from all across the twelve universes, and as a result it has the most diverse habitats and environments I've ever seen, to the point that even the gravity differs by region depending on the actual gravity from the original world. Also, there doesn't seem to be any 'intelligent' life anywhere on the planet."

While everyone else was paying close attention to Whis' report regarding the planet, one person in particular seemed to get excited as he exclaimed,

"So this world has different levels of gravity and the most dangerous creatures from all over the universes on it? Then it must be a really great place to train!" As one, everyone looked in Goku's direction as he said that, before they all collectively face palmed as Moka uttered,

"Of course. It's a world to use for training, isn't it?" Alex nodded with a broad smile as he said,

"Yep, a world unlike any other that can be considered to have the most hostile and dangerous environment there is. A primal world if you will, that I think would suit the name Pangea." Everyone mused on that for a moment, though the true meaning of the word Pangea was lost on those who hadn't come from the cookie-cutter modern earth, there was still something they liked about it.

"Now then, let's land on Pangea!" Alex exclaimed as he directed Zenith towards the new world, before adding,

"Whis, can you find a place for us to set down that's relatively safe?" As the angel had been analyzing the planet since earlier, he quickly replied,

"Of course! I believe I already found a suitable place over here that appears to be the safest region, and even has the same level of gravity as on earth." Nodding in affirmation, Alex guided Zenith in the direction Whis indicated on the massive planet.

As they got closer to the surface of Pangea, everyone on deck began 'ooh'ing and 'aw'ing at the alien sights of the freshly made world. From the vibrantly colored plants, the completely alien animals that looked nothing like what any of them had seen, to the completely new environments and natural wonders.

There were stone spires that rose up miles into the sky, creating a world of their own as vegetation sprawled out between them, winding rivers wove around them even in midair, and creatures went about their business as they all fought for survival.

"I believe those are the octa lemurs and grapple gliders of Universe Three." Whis commentated as they passed a group of alien monkeys with six arms, and then a flock of large bird-like things with barbed hooks on their wings.

"Oh wow! Animals from another universe!" Lala exclaimed excitedly, before proceeding to take numerous pictures to send to her little sister, Nana.

What followed was an ongoing commentary as Whis named each creature they passed, while everyone admired the scenery and Alex piloted Zentih, until they began to get attacked by some of the animals.

"Wow, you weren't kidding about some of the strongest creatures in the universes..." Krillin grumbled as he and Tien returned to the deck after fighting off some creatures that tried to turn them into lunch, a massive monster centipede this time that had an nearly impossibly hard exoskeleton.

"That one took seven Destructo Disks to take down!" Krillin bemoaned as he slumped down with his back against the railing, closing his eyes as he tried to catch his breath.

"Dude..." Tien uttered next to him, making Krillin open his eyes as he looked to see what Tien was talking about.

"What the...?" He too uttered in disbelief, as they watched four of Alex girls utterly dismantle anything unfortunate enough to caught in their path.

On one side was the ponytailed girl who introduced herself as Shizuku, who was currently clad entirely in shadows and had a dog-like appearance, as she readily slashed through the swarms of lesser creatures that tried to attack them with scythes made of shadow. Then there was the girl dressed in armor, Erza, who wielded hundreds of swords as if they were extensions of her own body, as anything that tried to attack them from the skies was instantly shredded.

Then, down on the ground, was the combination of Shia and Moka. They were the ones who made the most impact on the Dragon Team, as they single handedly slaughtered anything unfortunate enough to cross their path with overwhelming power. Shia would twirl her giant hammer around her at high speeds to turn anything that got close to her into paste, while Moka's legs moved with deadly precision to either smash apart her opponents, or send blades of blood to eviscerate anything they hit.

As the Dragon Team watched the four girls viciously slaughter their opponents with ease, Piccolo grunted,

"To think, there were people who fought like this..." He then glanced over at the rest of Alex's girls, who hadn't made a single move since the moment the animals around them began to attack.

Instead, they had set up a picnic table and were calmly enjoying themselves with snacks and beverages while taking in the sights, while the silver haired maid and girl with white hair attended them. Even when a serpent large enough to rival Shenron appeared and was about to swallow them, none of the girls even reacted before Shizuku sliced its head off with one of her scythes.

"Hey, don't let them get so close next time~Nya." Kuroka stated irritably, to which Shia shouted back,

"Then maybe YOU should come out here yourself you lazy cat!" The teacup Kuroka was holding shattered when she heard that, before she slowly stood up with an ominous aura surrounding her body.

"It's far past time I taught you to respect your 'Queen', you stupid bunny. Prepare yourself!" Kuroka declared without her verbal tick as her body immediately vanished, before she reappeared right next to Shia and thrust an open palm directly into her abdomen.

Shia's body was then blasted away with an unprecedented force that sent her flying clear out into space itself. Then, with a wave of her hand, Kuroka bent space itself to put Shia right back next to her for another attack that sent the rabbit-girl flying in the opposite direction her body was going before.

"Wow, that cat-girl looks tough." Bardock observed from Zenith's deck, taking the chance to study the way Alex's wives fought.

"Well she should be. Despite her attitude, Kuroka IS our 'Queen' after all." Sun said as she leaned against the railing, drawing everyone's attention due to her melodious voice before the sounds of Kuroka and Shia's battle drew their gazes back to them.

"So does being the 'Queen' mean she's the strongest out of all of you?" Future Bulma asked curiously, which earned her numerous sour looks from the rest of the girls, though none of them could argue it when Sun continued,

"Well, it depends on the circumstances. But I would have to say that she is since Kuroka is able to control both Space and Time as if it were natural, plus she has mastered many types of magic, and is one of the most powerful users of any energy manipulation techniques there is."

"Energy manipulation?" Master Roshi asked curiously, to which Sun ticked off one by one,

"Firstly is Senjutsu, which allows its users to directly attack a person's own internal energies and even their life force, along with several other uses such as healing, reading their opponents movements, or even directly influencing the opponents bodies. Then there is Youjutsu, which is a type of magic that typically involves manipulating your surroundings with numerous types of techniques, such as poisons, barriers, illusions, and elemental manipulation.

"Then there is Touki, which is used in attacking and self defense similar to your and Alex's use of Ki, though not necessarily in those big and flashy blasts you all like to use. Then on top of the purification techniques she uses, Kuroka has also studied the numerous types of magic and techniques that she's encountered from the world's she's been to.

"Creation magic, Gravity magic, Spatial magic, Regeneration magic, Spirit Magic, Evolution magic, Alteration magic, Conception magic, the numerous Youjutsu techniques that she's learned from the Dark Lord, Touhou Fuhai. All of these make Kuroka truly a force to be reckoned with, and someone I would never want to have to fight seriously."

As she finished listing off all the reason Kuroka would be a tough opponent, the fight between her and Shia had finished as the rabbit-girl lost decisively due to the numerous techniques at her disposal, even if her actual physical strength was far below Shia's.

"And is this how people fight where you're all from?" Piccolo asked her with narrowed eyes, but before Sun could reply Alex interjected,

"There's so many different ways to fight, that it'd be stupid to try and criticize someone for the path they chose to pursue strength. Not everyone is able or willing to use the cookie-cutter style that you all like in this universe. I mean, screaming your head off to raise your powerlevels is fine and all, but it definitely limits what you're able to do. Well, you'll all see during the tournament."

Leaving the conversation at that, Alex finally directed Zenith's bow towards the ground in the area Whis said was 'relatively' safe. A pastoral region with rolling green hills and fields, as well as stretch of ocean right next to them.

Meanwhile Kuroka and Shia rejoined them, the former with her nose high in the air as she gloated with her 'superiority' over the latter.

"This..." Alex began as he leapt off the side of Zenith and planted his feet on Pangean soil for the first time. "... Is where we'll set up our base of operations in this universe!"

The girls were all immediately alert as Yuna asked,

"You're not going to place the gate to Asora on Earth?" Alex shook his head as he explained,

"No. I plan to make Pangea the home of any who seek strength in this universe, a planet who's very existence is to encourage those who live on her to grow. We'll make this area the only safe place on the entire planet, and even host the tournament here while also establishing a city to act in support for those who seek strength! We can even establish smaller gates leading to worlds all over Universe Seven, allowing the people who wish to to travel here whenever they want!"

As Alex continued on with his plans for Pangea, the girls just smiled wryly as they listened. A few however, Rias and Grayfia, were already contacting teams in Asora in preparation to make Alex's intentions a reality in a matter of a few short days, while Anne was also notified so that she could start collecting samples of the flora on this planet for her work as well. Hajime and the Grigori would also need to be notified so they could prepare the gate on this world for travel between Pangea and Asora, as well as a hundred other things that would need to be done.

First of all though, was making the region safe enough for them to work in. A fact that stared every single person in the face as the sea near them began to roil and churn, before a massive slimy head with glowing red eyes rose up to glare at all of them.

"Let's get to work." Alex said as he personally prepared to deal with the sea creature.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C454
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


