74.09% God succession system / Chapter 431: Experimenting

章 431: Experimenting

"I've got a hundred Argent credits!"

"Well I've got a hundred Open Air credits!"

Rikku and Paine both cried out as they rushed down to the numerous games that were being held below, while Alex and Yuna calmly walked behind them.

Unlike when she traveled through the Calm Lands two years ago, now the wide open plains were home to a number of fun attractions and games for people to play. They were all built by the rivaling companies, Argent and Open Air inc, who were always working to one up the other.

"This is actually kinda nice." Yuna said with a smile as she admired the attractions around them, which were all surrounded by numerous families with smiling faces. The games ranged from things like Sky Slots, Lupine Dash, Reptile Run, Feed the Monkey, and several other interesting and unique games. Through them people would be able to bet and win or earn more credits for each respective company, which would allow them to buy several unique and lucrative prizes.

"Last one to the Travel Agency is a rotten Chocobo egg!" Rikku cried out as she raced down to the exceptionally large building that sat directly in the center of the open expanse of plains, followed closely by Paine while Alex and Yuna slowly followed behind them.

Her earlier embarrassment temporarily forgotten, Yuna was happily admiring the sighted around them while simultaneously comparing the scenery to that of how the Calm Lands looked two years ago. The biggest difference was of course the many attractions and hordes of people like it was some kind of festival, but the Travel Agency itself also looked different than the last time she saw it, being several times larger in order to accommodate the increase in business it was receiving.

"So are you going to play any of the games?" Alex asked as they walked across the grassy plains, with the sun beginning to set on the western horizon. Yuna shrugged her shoulders as she replied,

"I don't know, I'll keep an eye out for any that look fun to me." Alex smiled wryly at Yuna's reply, before chuckling as he saw both Paine and Rikku arrive at the first game, only for both of them to immediately change into their Lady Luck Dressphere to boost their chances of winning.

Alex and Yuna however just slowly wandered amongst the stalls and crowds, taking their time as they drifted towards the Travel Agency while simultaneously ignoring the looks they drew. All of Spira knew Yuna of course, but Alex's face was also becoming widely known due to the interview he gave in Luca, drawing numerous people's gazes to them as they walked.

Yuna began fidgeting under the intense gazes she was receiving, and nearly jumped in surprise when she suddenly felt someone touch her only to look down to see Alex's hand wrapping around her own.

"Everything ok?" Alex asked her with concern, making Yuna blush as she looked away shyly, her earlier memories suddenly returning, and answered,

"No, nothing." Even as she said that though she didn't try to free her hand from Alex's grasp, and her head became filled with thoughts of how big and soft his hand was. What she didn't know was that Alex actually took good care of his hand's softness in order to properly care for his women at night, she didn't need to know about that just yet though.

Eventually they finally arrived at the Travel Agency to find yet more people there as well as families prepared to turn in for the night, while the Agency was also surrounded by a veritable sea of tents due to people camping out since the area was considered safe from fiends. As Alex and Yuna arrived, Rikku and Paine reappeared right behind with their winnings right as someone called out,

"Here there pretty ladies!" The group looked at the man who called them over as they approached, before Yuna asked,

"Are you talking to us?" The man eagerly nodded as he said,

"Yep I am! I was wondering if any of you fine ladies would interested in marrying my son, the heir to my fortune and company!" As he said that the man pointed to someone seated behind him, a boy who appeared to be in his late teens with the majority of his body covered in numerous veils and cloths to protect him from the sun.

As he glanced at the three girls the visible parts of the young man's face turned completely red as he looked down shyly, and his father continued,

"As you can see, he's really shy and a real homebody, so I'm worried for his future if this keeps up." Even as the father pleaded his case though, all three of the girls shook their heads with varying reactions towards the sudden proposal, before Alex said,

"Sorry, but these ladies are already a part of my harem. They're not available." The moment they heard the word 'harem' both the father and the son gaped at Alex in shock and awe, while the girls began to sputter as Rikku demanded,

"E-e-e-EXCUSE ME!? Since when did we join your harem buster!?" Paine nodded next to her as she added,

"I don't recalling having joined your little army of wives." Alex however shrugged at their rejections as he said,

"Maybe not yet, but I've already decided to claim the three of you for myself. It's only a matter of time." Alex's words made EVERYONE around them gape at his shamelessness, before Rikku asked him with an incredulous look,

"How can such a shameless man have so many wives?" Alex seemed to seriously consider Rikku's question before ticking off on his fingers one by one,

"Well let's see, first I crashed Rias's engagement party and murdered her fiancé in front of everyone by burning him to death, then I kidnapped Rias to make her mine as I ravaged her for the rest of the night.

"Then Kuroka came to me wanting to get knocked up with the baby of powerful being, only to become addicted to the Mighty Dragon Dong after she got it. I then stole Grayfia from her husband after he sealed himself in a separate dimension, and also possibly his son.

"After that I gained Yue's eternal loyalty when I freed her from her three hundred year long imprisonment deep underground in a dungeon. Then I killed a group of soldiers that intended to enslave Shia and her entire clan, before brainwashing said clan to turn them into my personal cult of murder hobos and Shia herself into my very own Bugged Rabbit.

"Shizuku on the other hand asked for my Evil Pice, due to the fact that she wanted the strength to defend those she cared about. However shortly afterwards I did send her first love to Magical Girl Island to get turned into a splendid magical girl himself.

"Then Kurumu joined me after I protected her from a creep, only to become addicted even more than Kuroka after I pulled her into my bed. Sun on the other hand rejected my initial offer to join my peerage, though she did join after seeing Asora for herself.

"Moka was one of the hardest ones though, since her pride prevented her from saying what she truly wanted. In the end I had to beat her within an inch of her life, chain her down, and then torture her until she finally broke down and begged for my cock.

"In Yami's case I also beat her up and forced her accept my Evil Piece even though she wanted nothing to do with me, while I made Lala accept it soon after despite the fact that she loved another man. Lucy we brainwashed, Mirajane we tricked, and Erza came to me like Shizuku due to her need of strength.

"Then aside from my peerage members there's hundreds of other women that I've used a variety of methods to get them to join my harem." As Alex finished giving a rough outline of how his wives joined him, everyone around them that had been listening in only stared at him with a mixture of horror and shock.

Of course, the girls were more shocked than anyone else considering they'd spent the last few days with Alex, and couldn't actually imagine him doing some of the horrific things he casually mentioned. However a single voice sounded out in the stunned silence,

"Why is it you always TRY to make yourself look like the bad guy?" A woman that drew the eye of every person present stepped forward, her long Crimson hair flowing slightly in the breeze.

As Rias looked at him with half closed eyes, Alex shrugged and said,

"What? It's not I was lying or anything." Rias only sighed as she shook her head. She had been nearby when she sensed Alex enter the Calm Lands, and came by to see him as well as finally meet the trio of girls he'd been traveling with.

Ignoring everyone that was staring at her hair and breasts, Rias directed her attention towards the Gullwings and said,

"I'm Rias, and did he also mention how my 'fiancé' was arranged and I wanted nothing to do with him? Or how my older sister, Grayfia, was essentially left behind to deal with a world of politics that was directly going against her after her husband, my brother, was sealed away?"

One by one Rias went through and listed the details Alex omitted earlier, like how Yami had been borderline suicidal when he forced her to find a new reason to live, or how Moka herself was the one who arranged for their match specifically so he could force her to submit due to her pride, and how Lucy had allowed herself to be brainwashed so she could approach Alex. She even went over how Alex had saved hundreds of women who had been sexually abused and forced to watch their loved ones die after falling to 'that man'.

By the time she was done numerous people were looking at Alex with incredulous expressions, none of them understanding why he would willingly omit such details to make himself look bad. Alex however just shrugged under their gazes as he answered the unasked question,

"I just hate being looked at like a hero." There were numerous eye rolls at him as the bystanders returned to their business with the show pretty much over, while Rias walked right up to Yuna and the others for proper introductions.

While they were doing that Alex glance back at the father/son duo who called out to them earlier, who were both just staring at him like he was some kind of God after hearing of his exploits. Eventually the father looked back to his son and said in as serious a voice as possible,

"You better give up son. You'll never be able to compete with him..." Alex chuckled when he heard that before walking over to Rias and wrapping his arms around her from behind.

"So what brings you here Rias?" Alex asked her.

"I was just in the area and felt you nearby." Rias said as she leaned back into his chest and closed her eyes in contention, creating quite the contrasting image to the picture Alex created earlier of a man who killed someone and kidnapped their fiancé.

After a moment of the contact though, Rias then said to him,

"Since it's already getting late and you'll be heading home soon anyways, let's go back to Asora together to see Ryoto." Alex slowly nodded in agreement before looking at the trio and saying,

"I'll be back later, goodnight." After receiving a fairly awkward farewell from them for the night, Alex wrapped himself and Rias in mist that obscured their vision for a second, before clearing to reveal Asora.

Releasing Rias and stepping forward, Alex then said,

"Before we go home I want to stop by the Grigori institute to check on their progress." Rather than respond Rias stepped up to Alex's side, taking his hand with her own before snuggling up to his side. Even though she wanted to go see Ryoto she wasn't going to say no to monopolizing Alex's attention for even just a few more minutes.

As they walked the streets people readily greeted them, wether they were residents or travelers from DXD or Earthland, their faces showing genuine smiles as they greeted the esteemed Dragon Emperor and one of his wives. Stopping only long enough at one of the stalls to get something to snack on, Alex and Rias made their way to one of the grandest buildings in the Capitol, the Grigori Research Institute.

As they got closer the variety of races around them turned mostly to Fallen Angels since they were the main workforce in the Institute, though there were a few people from other races occasionally that had joined them. The moment they stepped through the main doors though, they were immediately greeted by a certain man as he cried out,

"Alex! To what do we owe the honor?" Alex smiled warmly as Azazel approached them, and replied while shaking his hand in greeting,

"Azazel, I came to talk to Hajime about something and check on a few things." Nodding, Azazel quickly led Alex and Rias through the halls and up an elevator until they reached the floor that he and Hajime worked on.

While Hajime wasn't actually considered a part of the Grigori Institute, as he preferred to work alone, he did come to cooperate with them enough that he even had his own office and workshop on the same level as Azazel. Having once gotten a brief look at some of the plans the two were drawing up together, Alex shuddered at the possibility of what they would make in the future.

The entire time they were walking though Azazel was going on and on about the various different types of Machina they had received from the people who had gone to Spira, which he was enjoying taking apart and examining. He also mentioned some of the samples and plans they had received from Lala, who both Hajime and Azazel considered their ultimate rival due to absurdity of some of the things Lala would create, and the speed in which she'd make them.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that it was pretty much some kind of Law that Lala's machines would have some kind of(hilarious or embarrassing) mishap, Alex didn't doubt that she'd be able to wipe the floor with the entire Research Institute in every category. He also knew that the members of the Research Institute were also secretly glad that Lala didn't have an interest in making some of the same things they did, instead typically making absurd creations that no one else would even consider.

As they finally arrived at Hajime's workshop, the group halted when they saw Hajime focusing intensely on something. After a minute or so though he finally seemed to finish what he was doing, and said to them,

"Yo, what can I do for you Alex?" Walking towards Hajime, Alex said to him,

"I wanted to make figure there's another gate ready for instillation, we'll need it in a few days." Hajime nodded as he said,

"Yeah. Now that I know exactly how to make them, I created a magic circle that will automatically build them for me after I supply the materials. On top of that I even have a few stored away for when they're needed." Alex clapped Hajime on the shoulder when he heard that and said,

"Good, it's still a few days until we'll need them though. On a different topic, how do the Haulia like their new gear?" Hajime smiled evilly as he pulled up some footage and said,

"They love it of course, and now your murder rabbits have air mobility." Alex also smiled evilly when he saw the footage of the rabbits using their new equipment, which gave them a whole new level of combat compared to before.

Alex then spent a few more minutes discussing various this and that's with Hajime and Azazel, including some other side projects he had them working on, before leaving with Rias at his side. As they left though Hajime resumed working on the project he'd been focusing on when they arrived, turning his attention back to a workbench that held a small golden key with a type of crystal imbedded in it. Alongside it were several other golden keys, all of which had crystals of their own that Hajime had carefully harvested from the Fayths in the temples of Spira.


Meanwhile, as Alex and Rias returned to Asora, Yuna, Rikku, and Paine were thinking on what Alex had told them, and their sudden meeting with another one of his wives.

They were seated at a small table with their dinner sitting before them, however the food looked as if it had barely been touched as the girls ruminated on different things. Rikku in particular was feeling troubled as she recalled what Alex said about some of his wives being 'addicted' to him, making her recall the day he violated her with his tongue while Paine and Yuna watched.

Though she'd never admit it out loud, the things Alex did to her had felt so good that she'd been lashing out at him ever since because she was essentially scared of how she'd react if he got his hands on her a second time. Paine on the other hand was wondering what to do, as she'd never had a man try to 'claim' her before, and was wondering how to react to such a thing. Yuna meanwhile was feeling the most confusion as she recalled earlier when she and Alex had been kissing in his car, making her feel conflicted due to her lingering feeling for Tidus.

"AHHHG! I give up thinking about it! I'm going to play some more games to take my mind off of this!" Rikku declared as she stood up and stormed off, once again equipping her Lady Luck Dressphere as she went to play some of the games that were operated at night.

Watching her go, Paine similarly stood up as she said,

"Rikku's right, I'm going to just enjoy myself for right now. Coming Yuna?" Looking back at her questioningly, Yuna shook her head as she said,

"No thank you. I'm going to go try and get us a room so I can just take a shower and go to bed." Paine nodded in acknowledgement as she too transitioned to her Lady Luck Dressphere, and said,

"Ok then, we'll try not to wake you when we come up." Yuna said her thanks as she too stood up, but went in the other direction from where Paine and Rikku went as she headed towards the Travel Agency.

There she was given the key to the newly added VIP room, which Yuna tried to protest but the receptionist refused to listen. Instead, Yuna was pretty sure she heard something about advertising their Travel Agency using her name as she walked away.

Ignoring it, she made her way to the top floor of the Travel Agency, where she found what was probably one of the fanciest rooms she'd ever stayed in. While normally Yuna would be interest in exploring the room, she instead just flopped down onto one of the beds while sighing loudly, her heart filled with confusion and turmoil.

"What am I supposed to do...?" She uttered while staring up at the ceiling, before one of her hands came up to softly brush her lips as she recalled the kiss with Alex earlier. She also recalled the feeling of his hands as they held her close to him, the heat she could feel from his body, and how soft his fur was as she combed her fingers through it.

As she recalled it a feeling she'd never felt before welled up in Yuna's body, making her legs fidget as she recalled what Alex said about some of his wives being addicted to his touch, and wondered if that was happening to her now as well. Yuna also recalled Rikku, or more specifically how she reacted as Alex used his mouth on her 'down there', and wondered if it truly felt as good as Rikku made it seem.

Reaching down towards her groin, Yuna brushed one of her fingers against the fly of her shorts experimentally. She had never considered sexual pleasure before, having spent her entire life with the intention of becoming a High Summoner like her father, and losing the only man she loved once they finally achieved that goal.

As she thought about it for the first time, Yuna realized she had no idea what it was supposed to feel like or what was supposed to happen. She'd been taught the basics of sex education of course, plus she'd seen Alex in action already, but she never had any hands on experience or felt sexual pleasure before. All Yuna new was that it was supposed to feel good.

After a moment of hesitation Yuna practically leapt off of her bed before going to the door to make sure it was completely locked, and then entering the bathroom. Though she paused slightly at how big and grand the bathroom looked, Yuna put the distraction out of her mind as she quickly began to strip off her clothes.

Once she was naked as the day she was born, barring the cord she kept braided around her ponytail, Yuna glanced at herself in the mirror as she scrutinized her nude figure for the first time. Her breasts weren't very big, especially when compared to someone like Rias, but they were firm and filled Yuna's hands when she ran them over the mounds, shuddering slightly at the foreign sensation.

"Is that what it's supposed to feel like?" She muttered to herself curiously, having never felt something like that whenever she touched them in the past. She quickly learned though that the more she thought about such things, the more sensitive the mounds seemed to become, while the light pink tips that were her nipples slowly stiffened to the point that it was almost painful.

Yuna then turned her attention downwards, with her hands following her gaze as they traveled down her tight belly, towards the sacred garden below. There she was completely bare of any pubic hair whatsoever, leaving the pale lower lips incredibly smooth as her hand seemed to glide over her skin.

"Ah!" Yuna gasped as what felt like an electric current ran through her body at the touch, making her shudder even more. When she pulled her fingers away from down there though, she noticed a sticky fluid that coated the tips.

"I think I need to take a shower!" Yuna declared to herself, feeling filthy all of a sudden as she turned the water on.

Yuna didn't know how long she let the hot water wash over her body, only that the part of her body she was most concerned about getting 'clean' was the place between her legs. When she finally did step out of the shower though, Yuna barely dried herself off before grabbing a smaller portable mirror and returning to the bedroom.

With pain and Rikku still out playing, and the door locked up tight, Yuna carefully laid a towel down on the ground before sitting on it, and placing the mirror right in from of her. In it she got a perfect view of the places on her body she had never seen before, even including a little bit of her butthole, something that made her even more embarrassed.

Eventually Yuna slowly reached down towards her lower lips once more as she watched everything in the mirror she brought, placing her fingers on either side of the slit before slowly parting it.

What greeted her was the pink inner flesh of her labia, which was moist with her own arousal and experimentation. At the top of it was her clitoris, which looked like a small pink bead that was mostly hidden amongst the folds.

"This is really my....." Yuna trailed off as embarrassment overtook her, making her unable to say the rest.

Curiosity soon got the better of her though, as one of her fingers began to trace her folds as it explored the previously uncharted territory. Yuna covered every inch of her labia with her fingers while watching the whole thing in the mirror, before slowly moving one towards the small hole within.

Once she found it, Yuna slowly began to slid her finger inside since it had already long since been covered in her juices, which she learned were making this easier for her.

"Ah...!" Yuna gasped as she felt the tip of her finger going inside of her body, before unconsciously clamping down on it so that her finger was trapped by the tight embrace of her own vagina.

The entire time she was exploring she felt a near constant stream of electricity coursing though her body, but now Yuna felt as if she were quickly reaching a breaking point as her insides massaged the tip of her finger, while her other fingers rubbed her outer folds.

"S-somethings coming!" Yuna cried out to herself as she felt something building up within her, growing closer and closer to the breaking point until it seemed like she was just teetering on the edge.

All she needed was just one more push to send her over.

It was then that the image of a certain someone appeared in Yuna's mind, making her recall once more the sensation of his hands on her body, and his lips against her own.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Yuna cried out as she experienced her first ever orgasm.

Yuna's entire body tensed as if she were experiencing a mild seizure, her toes curling as she involuntarily rolled onto her back and began to pant. As the seconds ticked by her breathing began to slow as the high of her first ever orgasm left her, leaving her feeling drained and tired.

"Alex..." Yuna muttered involuntarily, briefly wishing he were present.

"You called?" A voice suddenly said, making Yuna jerk upright to see Alex standing there, staring down at her naked and glistening figure.

"A-Alex!? What are you doing here?!" Yuna cried out as she tried to pull the towel up to cover herself. Alex however chuckled as she slowly began to approach her, his clothes slowly disappearing as he said,

"No matter where they are, if a woman in need calls out to me then I'll be there."

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C431
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


