71.69% God succession system / Chapter 417: Sir Bonkers

章 417: Sir Bonkers

"Can we explore Spira too daddy?!" Edith asked excitedly while the rest of Alex's older children looked at him expectantly, to which he could only smile wryly at them.

Alex had just finished explaining the details of the meeting they had just returned from, as well as telling his family about the next world they were going to visit. Naturally the children wanted to explore it as well. For a moment however Alex displayed an expression that seemed as if he might refuse their request, before ultimately saying,

"I suppose, but you'll all have to be very careful and promise to run away if it gets too dangerous." Of course Edith and the others eagerly nodded, all excited to get to go on their very own adventure soon, while their mothers directed a very pointed look at Alex for agreeing to end them out on adventures. Alex however mentally told them,

'Don't worry, I'll make sure they're properly looked after while they have fun to make sure nothing happens.' A noticeable look of relief spread through the gathered wives as Alex promised that the children would be properly looked after, even if they themselves would be unaware of it.

They then spent a while discussing more about Spira and some of the people that lived there, like the serious and stoic Ronso, the funny looking and speaking Hypello, as well as some of the creatures that lived there like the Chocobos and Shoopuffs, and even one of the more 'mythical' creatures called Moogles. Of course the children hung onto every word, their excitement growing with each word until Anna let out a long yawn.

"I think it's time for bed!" Gabriel said as she scooped Edith into her arms, while the other mothers did the same thing.

"But I'm not tired yet momma!" Edith whined as Gabriel carried her towards the space-time orb, however Gabriel replied with,

"Good little Saiyans get plenty of sleep, otherwise they'll never have the energy to fight the monsters and bad guys." Though she still grumbled and pouted in dissatisfaction, Edith didn't argue out loud any more as Gabriel brought her away with the rest of the children being brought along as well.

As they departed Alex bid each of his children good night, promising to join them within the orb by the time they woke up in the morning. The moment they all left the room though, he directed a pointed and provocative look at Hestia that made the goddess' heart skip a beat, while her cheeks became a very slight pink.

Hestia was one of the only people living in the manor who didn't enter the space-time orb regularly, due mostly to her hearth being located within the manor itself. So if Alex was staying behind for a bit while everyone else was entering the orb, it was most likely to spend some 'private' time with her, something she was admittedly looking forward to.


After many, many, hours of passionate lovemaking, thanks to Alex altering the flow of time within the room he and Hestia were in, he finally entered the space-time orb for the night. By this point all of the children had already been put to bed, except for one who was busy training herself as Alex arrived.

"Working hard?" Alex asked her, startling Myuu from her training regimen as she noticed his presence for the first time.

"Papa! I didn't see you there!" She exclaimed in surprise, making Alex chuckle as he lectured her,

"Being aware of your surroundings is one of the first rules of combat." This made her pout as she complained,

"But I'm not in combat papa..." Alex kissed Myuu on the top of her head before he told her,

"Maybe not, but remember that could change at any given moment. That's also why it's important to get plenty of rest so that you can stay alert." Though she was contently enjoying her papa's touch, Myuu's expression turned tense as she said,

"But I need to get stronger, like Edith and the rest! I need to train more!" Alex only shook his head before saying,

"That may be, but resting is just as important as training when it comes to getting stronger. And you can't constantly compare yourself to Edith and the others, Saiyans like them are naturally gifted at fighting and increasing their strength, while Dagons like yourself are able to do things that they will never be able to."

Though Myuu knew what her papa was talking about, as she was able to breathe underwater and move in it more naturally than anyone else could on land, that seemed inconsequential compared to the gifts that the others were born with.

Alex of course knew what Myuu was thinking, as it was practically written all over the little girl's face as she tried to think of a way to reply to him. However he already had several ideas in mind to help her become more talented at fighting, but they would take a while to realize, and would ultimately depend on Myuu herself. After all, it was never good to just hand someone power they didn't earn.

Of course Alex didn't tell her he had ideas for her, and instead comforted Myuu until the exhaustion from her training overtook her, and she fell asleep in his arms. He then took her to her own room within the space-time orb, and tucked her into bed for the night.

As he was leaving her room, Alex found himself face-to-face with Myuu's mother, Remia, who said to him,

"Thank you. I've been trying to get her to go to bed for a while, but she simply refused in order to train." As she said this Remia directed a look of blame at Alex, as Myuu's recent attitude was technically his fault.

Scratching his chin awkwardly, Alex said,

"Don't worry, she'll grow out of it eventually. Myuu just feels frustrated right now because she keeps comparing herself to her siblings is all." Though she retained her look of blame for a moment, Remia eventually sighed before approaching Alex as she leaned into his embrace, and rested her forehead against his tattooed chest.

Shifting a strand of her emerald hair out of her face, Alex gently lifted Remia's chin upwards as he sealed her lips with his own, initiating a prolonged, but love filled, kiss that lasted for several minutes. When Alex finally separated from her though, Remia had to take a moment to catch her breath, a humorous notion considering she was a Dagon, before he suddenly swept her off her feet and into his arms.

"What are you doing?!" She hissed at him, lest she wake Myuu from her sleep. Alex however smirked as he replied,

"Isn't it obvious? I'm sweeping you off your feet." Remia glowered at Alex for his joke, but it didn't last long as he whisked her to his room, where the two spent some quality time alone for the rest of the night.


As daybreak approached the villa within the space-time orb, several sleepy Saiyans were awoken to begin the day.

"Five more minutes~Nya." Mai complained as Alex tried to get them up, earning a chuckle from him as he reached his hand under her covers, and seized one of her ankles.

"NYAAAAAA!" Mai cried out as Alex lifted her up into the air by her ankle, dangling the feline Saiyan upside down until she was fully awake.

"Put me down dadnya!" She cried out, less than thrilled at being woken up in such a way.

"You're taking more and more after your lazy aunty, aren't you?" Mai's only response was to stick her tongue out at her father, prompting him to delver a crisp, and playful, smack on her behind.

"NYAAAAAA!" She cried out once more as Alex carried her to the bathroom to freshen up, and get ready.

Once all the children were dressed in their training clothes and gathered downstairs, they made their way towards the magic circle that had been inscribed to transport them directly to the island Alex created for their training. Before they left though Alex said to them,

"I've some things to do so I'll arrive later, I trust that none of you will slack if I'm not there." As he said that Alex's tone turned somewhat stern, and Myuu readily said,

"I'll make sure everyone trains properly papa!" Alex nodded at the little Dagon, who seemed chipper than she had the night before, and turned around to take off while they went to do their usual morning routine.

After departing from the villa, Alex flew in a specific direction for several minutes until he found the place he was looking for. Ahead of him was a mountainous floating island covered in all types of colorful and lush flora, while small animals ran around chittering as they tried to find a partner.

When he touched down on the island Alex felt as if he was suddenly enveloped in the warmth and freshness of spring itself, the scent of flowers filling his nose while light musical tones wafted through the air. Around him bushes and trees were either blossoming or bearing extremely large and heavy fruits that weighed the branches down, only to be consumed by any of the numerous herbivorous animals that called the island home.

The only incongruity in the otherwise serene atmosphere was the distant sound of metal hitting metal, which Alex knew was coming from the base of the island's mountain. Stopping only long enough to grab an overly large peach from a nearby tree, Alex then began to weave his way through the underbrush towards the metallic banging, using magic to disrobe himself as he walked.

After several minutes he finally arrived at the source of the incongruous sound, a small cottage nestled at the base of the mountain that was surrounded by numerous gardens, content farm animals that wandered freely, and a forge that was the origin of the metallic banging. The cottage looked very old fashioned as it's walls were made of random stones picked up from around the island, while the roof was actually carefully maintained grass that soaked up any precipitation that resulted from the island's regular spring showers.

Though his intent briefly wandered into the cottage to check on the child still peacefully sleeping within, Alex himself headed towards the forge where he knew his quarry was at, Brigid.

The beautiful goddess had a serious expression on her face as she used a heavy hammer to pound the metal she was working on into shape, seemingly not noticing Alex's presence as he leaned against a nearby wooden beam. Of course the goddess was naked as the day she was born as she worked, preferring to feel the heat with her own body with minimal to no discomfort due to her authority over fire. Alex then watched as Brigid, seemingly dissatisfied with whatever it was she was working on, used her bare hands to pick up the still cherry red slab of metal and place it back in the fire, before using those same hands to scoop live coals from within the forge to cover the metal within order to heat it even more.

Once finished she finally directed her attention to Alex, a smile blossoming across her face that would put even the prettiest of flowers to shame as she said,

"Welcome my lord husband~. If I'd known you would be visiting me if have cleaned up a bit first." As she spoke Brigid gestured to her nude figure, which only had the soot from the nearby fire on it that had accumulated as she worked.

Alex however chuckled as he approached her and said,

"Don't worry about it. I like watching you work the forge, the expressions you make as you mold the metal, the pride you have in your work, and the way your ass and tits jiggle with each strike of the hammer." Brigid giggled melodiously at Alex's praise, and his joke, as she leaned back against the burning hot stone that lined her forge, spreading her legs slightly as Alex approached her.

It was obvious to both of them what the other wanted, and both were more than ready to give it to the other. But then, right as he took the goddess into his arms and began to kiss her, Alex noticed something through his 'Domain' that made him break off the kiss.

"Heads up, we got company." As he said that Alex quickly killed his rising erection with all of the expertise he'd gained from years of having the 'Endless Sexual Stamina' skill, while also equipping a pair of shorts while Brigid similarly made sure there was nothing 'suspicious' about her.

"Good morning daddy!" A little girl's voice cried out just as Alex finished making himself proper, which he turned towards with a wide smile as he replied while scooping her up into his arms,

"Well good morning Aife! How's my little firefly today?" The little Saiyaness beamed like a living ray of sunshine as she began to excitedly tell Alex about all the exciting things she'd seen or done since she last saw him, her mother giggling melodiously once more nearby.

Like her mother, Aife had bright red curly hair and piercing green eyes, the former as if it was made from fire itself, while the latter was as green as the vegetation around them. Curiously though Aife possessed a tail that match her hair color, which Alex beloved was related to her divine heritage since Nocta and Freydis were the same way, pitch black and golden blonde respectively. Not only that, but due to their divine bloodlines the trio of girls were also maturing both physically and mentally faster than their siblings, something that admittedly saddened Alex since they would definitely grow up too fast.

Aife then cut herself off as she seemed to remember something in the midst of her of her extended recounting, and said as she squirmed out of his arms,

"I almost forgot! I made you something daddy!" Curious, Alex watched as Aife rushed to her own little workshop that mirrored her mother's, where she dug through the bottomless storage chest that Alex gave her to store all her supplies in.

Glancing at Brigid, the goddess just smiled knowingly but kept silent as their daughter continued digging, until she finally found what she was looking for.

"Ta-da!" She declared while happily holding up what looked like a club, carved from the branch of a nearby tree with leather wrapped around the base for a handle, and rounded metallic rivets covering the part that was obviously meant to hit people with. Smiling brighter than ever, Aife continued,

"It's a bonking stick! I made it so daddy can use it to bonk all the monsters and bad guys with! Do you like it?" With a bit of a nervous undertone creeping into her question, Alex scrutinized the club carefully, looking over every inch of it as if he was appraising it. Eventually he looked back at her with a serious expression, and said with a sudden shift in tone and expression,

"I love it." Aife brightened considerably when she heard her father loved the weapon she made it, before Alex added,

"You know, a great weapon like this deserves a name...." When she heard that the little girl immediately adopted a serious thinking look as she tried to think of a good name, before Alex said,

"Since it's a 'bonking stick', what about, 'Sir Bonkers'?" The little girl beamed at the 'brilliant' name, while Brigid tried to hide her smirk at the side, knowing full well how much her daughter would come to regret that name in the future when she was older.

Instead, she simply picked the little girl up and told her,

"Now let's go get dressed while daddy tries out his new toy, then afterwards we can go have a picnic while we eat breakfast." Though she appeared upset at first, when Aife heard about the picnic she got excited again as she then proceeded to leap from her mother's arms, and race towards the little cottage.

"My my, I wonder where she gets all her energy from?" Brigid said with a teasing tone, earning her a smirk from Alex before she too headed towards the cottage to wash up, her lovely ass swaying with each step.

Though he never regretted spending time with his children, Alex couldn't help but to lament the missed opportunity from earlier. To take his mind off of it, he then turned his attention to his new weapon.

Of course he intended to use it in the future, especially since one of his beloved children went out of their way to make it. However, Alex couldn't help but have a couple concerns about Sir Bonkers.

"Let's make a couple changes..." Alex muttered to himself, before he used Creation magic to make those very changes to the new weapon, the first being that he made it significantly more durable, to the point of indestructibility. The second change Alex made was to prevent the club from actually 'smashing' anything he hit with it, namely because he didn't want his daughter to see him using it to smash people's heads open like watermelons with it.

Like its new name suggested, Sir Bonkers was entirely for bonking.

Satisfied, Alex then spent the next couple hours enjoying a relaxing breakfast picnic with Brigid and Aife.


When Alex finally returned to the island where the rest of the children were training, it was almost lunchtime and they had moved on from the warm ups and general exercises. Now they were instead doing their sparring training, with Edith and Alec being the ones sparring at the moment while the others either watched on, or chucked water balloons at them.

The idea behind this was to teach them to always be aware of their surroundings even as they fought, and to also let some of the other kids have fun at their sibling's expense. Alex apparently had arrived just in time to see Alec suddenly duck, allowing the water balloon that Anna had thrown to safely sail over his head and hit Edith square in the face.

"HA!" Alec cried out as Edith got drenched, leaving himself open to another water balloon that slammed into the side of his face.

"Always be aware of your surroundings!" Myuu shouted at him, parroting what Alex had told her just the night before. Alec however just smirked with all the confidence children his age have, as he declared,

"I don't need to defend myself, BECAUSE I'LL BE THE OMNI-DRAGON SLAYER!" When they heard that the rest of the children either cheered excitedly, or simply shook their heads at him. Alex however chuckled at his son's declaration, while simultaneously feeling sorry for his future enemies.

When Anne taught Alec and Anna about her slayer style magic both children thought it was amazing, but, while Anna seemed to be more interested in nature and the Druids style of doing things, Alec didn't like the idea of staying focused on one element. As such, the little Saiyan decided that he wanted to become a slayer of every element, an 'omni-slayer'.

He wasn't the only one though, as most of Alex's children that had elemental or magic proficiencies that they inherited from their mothers started developing similar techniques and fighting styles as a slayer, as it could be considered the most compatible fighting style with a Saiyan's strength. This was possible due to the demonic magic system they inherited from Alex, which allowed them to be able to mold their magic powers based off of their own imagination.

Of course, Alec's declaration wasn't just for show. As he and Edith prepared to fight once more his right hand was suddenly enveloped in brightly burning flames, while his left crackled with arcs of lightning.

Edith however responded by bringing all of her bloodlines into play, her golden hair already standing on edge due to her SSJ transformation, six golden wings sprouted from her right shoulder blade while the same number of leathery black wings sprouted from the left side. Her eyes turned into reptilian slits as several golden scales began to form upon her skin, and a halo popped into existence atop her standing hair, wreathed in demonic purple flames.

For nearly a minute nothing happened as the two who were unanimously the strongest amongst Alex's children prepared to face off, before they suddenly rushed at each other.


"Times up!" Myuu suddenly called while ringing a bell, making both children freeze mere inches away from the other, before they both canceled their transformations.

"Awww... I'll win next time Edith!" Alec declared while puffing out his chest, to which Edith replied,

"Maybe, but I'm the big sister, so I'll always be the stronger one!" The duo then gave the other a fierce look showing their determination to overcome the other, regarding each other as their 'rival'.

Alex of course wasn't bother with his children competing with each other, as one of the best drives to become stronger and better was having a rival. Though he would definitely step in if things started going too far, but that didn't seem to be an issue as the children began to laugh and decide who was going to spar next.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C417
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


