70.49% God succession system / Chapter 410: Training Begins

章 410: Training Begins


"WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING?!" Gabriel demanded with the angriest expression anyone had seen on her face, after Edith being kidnapped of course, while the table that was between everyone currently gathered was smashed to pieces in the wake of her fury.

Alex however, the source of her anger, simply sat there in thought even as Grayfia fixed the table, and Gabriel continued,

"Edith isn't even ready to start manifesting beams of light yet, let alone handling the power of the Super Saiyan transformation! What do you think is going to happen now that she can use it?!" As she paused to give Alex a chance to explain himself, he instead slowly said,

"I think, I'll begin training her a few others..." Shocked silence met his words, while Gabriel's eye began to twitch noticeably, before she said with an eerie calmness,

"I see, you say it's time to begin their training." For a moment nothing happened as Gabriel smiled at Alex, and he continued to sit there with his thoughts.


This time Gabriel threw the entire table so that it crashed against the far wall and shattered, making Grayfia's brow twitch this time as she set about fixing it once more, and Gabriel shouted,


The moment those words left Gabriel's lips though, she immediately realized what she said as she covered them with her hands, and this time Alex was the one who's expression began to morph.


This time the table shattered into thousands of pieces as Alex's fist came down onto it, even as he tried to force a calm expression on his face despite the anger coursing through him. Anything else Gabriel might have wanted to say to him was lost at that moment as Alex displayed genuine anger at her for the first time, and he growled,

"'Do I even care about them?' They have been the most important part of my life since the day they were born." Despite his deceptively calm demeanor and lack of expression, every single person there knew that Alex was completely furious at Gabriel's implication.

There were a thousand different things that the girls thought Alex might do at that moment, but instead he turned towards a certain rabbit eared berserker, and 'calmly' said,

"Shia, use your ability to look into the future for me." Shia jumped at his voice before asking,

"What am I looking for exactly?"

"Look for Super Saiyans based around my decision on wether or not I'll train my children." Nodding slowly, Shia then stood as she prepared to use her foresight ability.

When she first met Alex, Shia had only been able to use this particular ability once a day due to it consuming all of her magic power at once. Now however, with access to Alex's system, she had trained her ability so that it didn't completely drain her from using it once, and she was currently able to use it several times without issue. Unfortunately though, the way she activated said ability hadn't changed in the slightest.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Shia then began a very strange dance that involved flailing her arms about wildly while she chanted in a strange language. Watching such a spectacle, it became increasingly hard for anyone to keep a straight expression in the tense atmosphere.

"HAAA!" Shia then shouted as she completed the strange ritual required to use her powers, before she came back to them with a pale expression.

"What did you see?" Alex asked, her, to which Shia awkwardly replied,

"I saw Alec and Anna playing in the schoolyard..." Several people glanced at Sona when they heard this, as it meant that Alec and Anna had already started attending the academy.

"That's good, isn't it?" Gabriel said hopefully, however Shia slowly shook her head as she continue,

"Until a snot-nosed brat tried to take a toy from Anna and made her cry, only for Alec to turn into a Super Saiyan and turn him into paste by accident..." Dead silence met Shia's words as that very image appeared in their heads, until Alex asked,

"And what 'decision' was that vision based off of?" For a moment Shia said nothing as she anxiously glanced between Alex and Gabriel, before finally muttering,

"Not training them..." No one said anything for several seconds as Alex allowed that revelation to sink in, before he began,

"While one can technically attain a Super Saiyan transformation with different methods, the most effective is feeling intense emotions, usually anger. And the more powerful the Saiyan parent is, the easier it would be for the child to attain Super Saiyan." Still, no one said anything as Alex stood up and used his magic to project an image of Goku, before continuing,

"This is Son Goku, another Saiyan. Compared to the rest of the Saiyans that existed in this universe when he grew up, he was the weakest. Despite this though, within the span of a couple years he managed to attain what they considered to be the pinnacle of Saiyan might, the Super Saiyan transformation." As he paused Alex showed the image of Goku in his SSJ form, before continuing,

"After this the only other full blooded Saiyan that existed, a Saiyan prince named Vegeta, trained himself to the verge of death for several years until he too attained the form. Right before he did though, Vegeta conceived a child with relatively ordinary human woman, Bulma.

"While both were already adults with children by the time they attained their first SSJ form, Goku then rigorously trained his own son, Gohan, until he also attained it at the age of ten, before going on to master the first form soon after. Gohen was then the first to attain the SSJ2 form at the age of eleven, allowing him to surpass both of the other Saiyans that were more than double his own age."

Alex then paused once again as the image of Gohan disappeared, and was instead replaced by the image of two different children.

"These two are Goten and Trunks, the second son of Goku, and the first child of Vegeta. Being trained by his father since the moment he could first walk, Trunks managed to attain and the first Super Saiyan form around the age of seven or eight. Goten meanwhile was conceived when Goku had completely mastered the first SSJ form, and only received moderate training from his mother in his early years before achieving the first form at the age of five or six, purely by accident without even knowing what it was. And coincidently, his mother was only a bit stronger than the average human on their world."

Again, silence was all that met Alex as everyone took in what he said, until Anne asked,

"So what does that mean for our children?" Alex sighed as he contemplated for a moment, and said,

"Well, Edith is my oldest, and she was conceived when I was around the same level of strength as Goku when Goten was conceived. Add in the fact that her mother is a Great Seraph instead of just a normal human, and I'd say it's not too surprising that she would've made her first transformation any day now with the right trigger, even if I didn't goad her into it." Ravel then immediately asked,

"What about the rest of them though?" Once again, Alex sighed before finally saying,

"As the child born when I was at my 'weakest', Edith will probably be the one with 'smallest' potential as a Saiyan out of my children. The rest will probably begin transforming in the coming days and weeks, meaning that there'll be an entire group of mini Super Saiyans that have no idea how to control their strength soon." Realizing that there was quite literally no other choice than to let Alex train their children, Gabriel and the other mothers could only slowly nod their heads before she reluctantly said,

(A.N. He's not saying she'll be the 'weakest' of them period, just that Alex's other children would have more potential as Saiyans due to him being stronger when they were conceived.)

"Very well, just promise you'll go easy on them." Alex smiled wryly and said to her,

"That kinda defeats the purpose of training though." When Gabriel fixed him with another glare at his teasing, Alex relented, "I won't go too hardcore on them....yet."

Though his quip earned him another glare from Gabriel, neither of them said anything else as the meeting came to an end, allowing Alex to begin preparing how exactly he would train his children.


That night several people were very busy as they helped Alex prepare for the big step his children would take the next day, while the man himself had shut himself up in his secret workshop to prepare a little something extra for his children.

As the sun within the space-time orb began to rise the next morning, Edith, Mai, Alec and Anna were all suddenly roused from their sleep by none other than their eldest sister, Myuu.

"Wake up, papa has a surprise for us!" Myuu said, making the four of them bolt straight up as Alec asked,

"Really?!" Myuu nodded and gestured for them to follow her, which the four quickly did as they wondered what the surprise their daddy prepared was. Surprisingly though, the ones waiting for them wasn't their daddy like they expected, but were instead their own mothers.

"What's wrong mommy~Nya?" Mai asked as she walked up to Koneko, sensing that her mother was conflicted about something. Truthfully Koneko WAS feeling quite happy that Mai was starting her own training, but at the same time sad that that day had already arrived.

Kneeling down and wrapping her arms around her daughter to pull her into her impressive bust, Koneko emotionally uttered to her,

"Nothing...you're just growing so fast...." Sensing the fluctuations in her mother's energy, even as Koneko tried to calm them, Mai tried her best to endure the suffocating hug until Remia, Myuu's mother, eventually said to her,

"Now now Koneko, you're suffocating the poor girl. And it's not like she's leaving you, you know?" Releasing Mai from her embrace, Koneko nodded slowly while saying,

"I know....." For a moment no one said anything as every one of the mothers gathered had the same thoughts going through their minds, until Edith asked,

"So where's daddy with the surprise?" Coming back to reality at her query, Gabriel said to her,

"We're going to go see daddy now, so hold on tight!" Summoning her wings, Gabriel then picked up Edith while Koneko, Anne, and Remia did the same, though the Dagon mother was being supported by Anne's Telekinesis as well.

Out over the ocean they flew away from the villa at a startling pace, but, having gone flying with Alex practically since birth, none of the children were scared as they watched the waves pass by under them. For several minutes the children enjoyed the wind in their faces and the scenery below as they were flown through the air, until they saw what they were heading towards on the horizon.

"Oh wow!" Edith exclaimed in awe as she watched the great island steadily get bigger as they got closer, which had several mountains reaching up towards the sky, all of which were covered in a layer of misty clouds with dark greenery underneath. Any place that wasn't covered in either thick fog or dense greenery however showed giant creatures that slowly meandered across the grassy terrain.

Flying over the island, they soon approached a small walled located in the center, where their father was waiting for them.

"Welcome-" Alex called out as they approached. "-to Jurassic-wait, wrong series..." Though his joke went over the kid's heads as they took in their surroundings with awe, the mothers however rolled their eyes at him with wry smiles.

"What is this place daddy~Nya?" Mai asked curiously while she and her siblings continued to look around, which Alex answered,

"This is the place where I intend to begin your training, which was built last night." None of the children heard the latter part of Alex's words though, instead they only heard the first part as Edith excitedly exclaimed,

"We're going to train to be as strong as daddy?!" After a second of thought Alex began to slowly nod before carefully saying,

"If you train hard, then yes you could get as strong as me one day. But it'll take a long time, and it won't be easy." Despite his warning though, the children's excitement only seemed to grow as they almost literally began to bounce up and down in front of him. Smiling at their enthusiasm, Alex then said,

"Firstly though, close your eyes." Quickly they did as their father bid them, clamping their eyes shut as if their lives depended on it, while Alex snapped his fingers and a flash of light enveloped them. When it faded, Alex then told them,

"Ok, open them now." When the children opened their eyes they all gasped at what they saw, which was the new individualized uniforms he had made them to train in. Starting with Myuu's, hers was a dark green with golden trims on the edges, and Alex's symbol across the back. Edith and Mai's clothes matched Myuu's in almost every way, except instead of dark green theirs were white and black respectively with golden trim, while Alec and Anna had matching uniforms of pure gold with black trim.

For the moment these five were the only ones that Alex would start training, but in the coming days and weeks he suspected that Regal and Lizzy would also join their siblings in their training, with Yuki and Aurora joining them as well soon after. Until then though, Alex intended to focus on the group before him as he then told them sternly,

"Now remember, training isn't a game. Any fooling around could get yourselves, or your brothers and sisters hurt. And because of that, I have something else to help make sure you all stay safe." As he said that Alex held out his hand to conjure up the items he had been working on the night before, five simple looking golden bands.

"These will tell me if any of you are in danger, or if you are hurt in any way. I want you all to promise me that you'll never take them off." As he fastened the bands to their little wrists, each of the children declared that they would never take them off, which relieved Alex quite a bit due to the hidden functions he had added to the bracelets.

On top of alerting him and their mothers if any of them were hurt or in danger, they also helped to act as a limiter to the children's strength so that they could control it better while also helping their growth, and they also prevented them from accidentally activating the Super Saiyan transformation unless Alex allowed it, to prevent situations like the one Shia saw in her vision.

When they were all wearing the special bracelet Alex stepped back and asked,

"Ok then, are you all ready to start training?"

"""""YEAH!""""" They chanted back excitedly, before Alex then had them all following his lead as they began their warm ups.

What followed was a new type of training regimen that the mothers had never seen before, as Alex led them all in an unusual series of exercises. First they lightly jogged until they reached the top of a nearby mountain, and then Alex had them skip down the mountain until they reached a small lake, and then the next unusual exercise began.

This continued until Alex finally led them back to the area where they had began, a walled courtyard with several gazebos and small buildings within. Though the exercises they did, and distance they covered, would have been too much for any other first timer, as Saiyans each of Alex's children were able to at least complete their first real exercise, before collapsing from exhaustion as they returned to the courtyard.

And then there was Myuu.

"It's ok Myuu, you can grow stronger at your own pace." Alex tried to console her as he set her down at the courtyard, to which the little girl just pouted adorably. Before he could say anything else though, Remia approached them and gently took Myuu's hand as she said to him,

"Don't worry, I'll talk to her a little bit while the others rest." Remia then led the sulking Myuu away to talk with her, allowing Gabriel to approach him as she muttered with narrowed eyes,

"I thought you said you wouldn't go too hard on them just yet? And what is with this ridiculous training regimen?" Alex cocked a brow at her as he remarked,

"I'm not. And this portion of their training isn't ridiculous, it's to help build up their endurance and stamina." This time Anne was the one who cocked a brow as she approached and asked,

"But shouldn't it still be a little lighter for them?" Alex shook his head and stated,

"It may seem like too much now, but in a matter of days, a couple weeks at most, this will probably be nothing to them. Do NOT underestimate how quickly a Saiyan can grow in strength, our greatest talent is our limitless potential and capacity for combat." Though Gabriel and Anne wanted to say something else, they didn't get the chance to as Edith, Mai, Alec, and Anna all started getting up as they prepared for whatever Alex had planned for them next.

"We're ready daddy!" Edith said with determination, to which Alex flashed a smirk at Gabriel and Anne before approaching his children to direct them in the next part of their training, while Remia approached them with a newly determined Myuu at her side.


Meanwhile, in an entirely different universe, a man proceeded to disentangle himself from a pile of limbs as he crawled out of his bed, and wandered over towards the great window before him. He was devoid of a singe stitch of clothing, with the only thing on his body being the green, black and white watch on his left wrist, which had a diamond shape on its face instead of numbers.

As he reached the great balcony before him, the man sighed as he stared out at the view that stretched out below.

What he saw was an endless expanse of skyscrapers and metalwork extending well beyond the horizon, dotted here and there with massive statues that stood taller than any of the buildings around them. While each statue seemed to depict a different figure at first, all of the residents of that world knew that they were actually the same man, the very person who was staring down at them all at that moment from his palace that floated thousands of feet in the sky.

While he was taking a few minutes to admire his kingdom, and all of his willing servants, a voice suddenly said in his head,

'You're finally up.' He groaned internally before replying out loud,

"Good morning to you too Viktor. To what do I owe this lovely chat?" Viktor sneered at him before replying,

'Don't get snippy with me Markus, especially when I'm talking with you to give you a heads up.' This caught the man, Markus', attention, as he asked,

"Oh? A heads up about what?" For a moment Viktor didn't say anything due to Marcus' attitude, but he eventually said,

'I'm warning you that there's another reincarnator out there that can be a major threat to you.' Intrigued, Markus asked,

"Isn't it against your so-called 'rules' to tell me about other contestants?" Markus then had the mental image of what he thought Viktor looked like nodding slowly as he said,

'That's true, but I'm not giving you anything specific. Only giving you a heads up since he's already killed nine other reincarnators, and has two more on his side.' Markus' thought process slowed to a halt when he heard that, before saying,

"Are you serious?" Viktor nodded and replied,

'Yes, the first three he killed at once, before brutally slaughtering the fourth, and then he took on an alliance of five with one of the other reincarnators on his side. The last one he just butchered instantly hours ago, and each time he killed one he either gained several levels, or one of their powers.'

For a moment Markus didn't say anything, before a great smile spread on his face.

"So what?" There was suddenly a flash of green light around him and his relatively normal human form was replaced with one that was covered in fire, with plates of semi-molten stone underneath.

"For every power he has, I have a thousand." He said in a more guttural voice, before flashing again to reveal a red skinned figure with four arms and four yellow eyes. He then flexed each arm and declared,

"For every limb he has, I'll double it!" Then he flashed once again so that he was in his original form, but then power seem to start gathering around him as he began to levitate off the ground, and his eyes started to glow,

"And matter how much strength he has, it won't do him any good!" Then, to punctuate his point, Markus then proceeded to fire a blast of red energy from his eyes that tore through several of the skyscrapers below, causing them to collapse into a heap of burning rubble and metal. As he did this, Markus also grabbed the railing and ripped it out of the foundation it was in, and crumpled it into a ball of steel no bigger than a baseball.

"No matter what he has, I say bring it on!" He declared finally, waking up those who hadn't already been woken by the explosion outside.

"What's wrong my lord?" One of the women, a beautiful looking girl with purple skin and yellow eyes, asked with concern in her voice. Markus however looked back at her with an excited and eager expression on his face as he said,

"It's nothing, but the engineering department will have to repair the eighth district later. Now, where were we?" The gaggle of women, who were composed of numerous different species that had joined Markus and his intergalactic divine empire, then began to giggle happily as he returned to their bed.

Meanwhile, within his own private mansion that dwarfed even the grandest of castles in size and extravagance, Viktor leaned back as he cut off the sickening feed of his contestant. Instead, on his monitor were the images of Alex and Lauren, side by side.

"Soon Lauren, my 'puppet' will slaughter your contestant, and when he 'wins' I'll make you regret ever refusing and crossing me." His mouth then curled into a cruel and malicious smile as he thought of all the humiliations he'll inflict upon her in the future.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C410
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


