69.12% God succession system / Chapter 402: Divine

章 402: Divine

The next several days were some of most hectic Alex and the girls experienced in recent memory, which was saying a lot.

First on Alex's list was waking Sona and Serafall's father from his coma, which anyone with Spirit magic was able to do, but it was unanimously decided amongst his wives that Alex doing so himself would create the biggest impact. Naturally after awakening the Lord Sitri's brief relief turned to mild annoyance when he learn that Alex had taken both of his daughters, which changed to full blown irritation when he learned that neither daughter intended to follow in his footsteps and accept the mantel of the lord of Sitri house from him.

Of course that all changed the second he saw his granddaughter, Lizzy, who immediately lit up at finally getting to meet her grandfather after her mother and aunt told her so much about him. In an instant the Lord Sitri became a completely different person from the serious and irritable man he appeared to be, to a warm and doting grandfather.

He had also been impressed after his daughters showed him everything they had been doing in Asora, from the Devils that were living there, to Sona's academy and the hospital that Anne ran, which was something the Sitri territory was known for. Eventually, though he acted annoyed about it, the Lord Sitri relented in resuming his lordly duties so that his daughters could focus on their own duties in Asora; something that earned him a kiss on the cheek from both, and a 'big' hug from Lizzy.

After that came the seizing of the the Bael family's territory and wealth, the former of which totaled to an area of land that was even greater than the combined size of Europe and Asia. By the time Alex was done with them though their territory was only just barely the size of the country of Germany, making it smaller than a number of other noble houses.

When it came to their wealth though, Alex had to make an effort to keep his entire face from twitching when the doors to the Bael family vaults were opened, and he saw what exactly laid inside. As well as the literal mountains of gold, jewels, and various other treasures one would expect to find in a vault, there was also almost every artifact that had gone missing throughout the centuries stored within as well.

Amongst them was not only several powerful weapons or armor's, but even legendary artifacts like the Arc of the Covenant, and the Shroud of Turin. Alex then ignored the protests and outrage that many of the Bael family ancestors displayed at his plundering of their vault, and proceeded to loot almost everything within, leaving only a small pile of gold and jewels left for them.

What Alex did next stunned everyone in the Underworld, as, instead of keeping the treasures and artifacts for himself, Alex returned the stolen relics to their rightful owners as a gesture of good faith, keeping only the truly dangerous ones to make sure they weren't misused. He then divided all of the remaining treasures and wealth amongst various groups that needed it in the Underworld, human world, and the Church, mostly orphanages and other charitable groups that would help those who needed it.

When asked why he didn't keep all of the treasure and artifacts for himself, Alex simply replied that he didn't need any of the wealth and treasures for himself, so why not give it to those who did? As for the powerful weapons and artifacts, Alex could literally create all the powerful objects he wanted with Creation and Conception magic, so why bother?

What he did take though was a small portion of the land he seized from the Bael's, which he then used to build his own palace in the Underworld in case he needed to receive anyone there, or simply to stay in for a few days. In the former case, the castle already got quite a bit of use as numerous individuals came to pay their respects to Alex early on, despite the fact that they were annoying him quite a bit by doing so.

Meanwhile Alex wasn't the only one busy as Rias prepared to take over as the Gremory family head from her parents, to which they were exceptionally grateful since they had been waiting to retire ever since Sirzechs was chosen as one of the new Maou. Of course she intended to do things a little bit differently than them, such as running the Gremory family mostly from Asora, and because she'd also have almost complete control over the inter-dimensional gate since it was located in the Gremory territory.

Then there was Ravel, who had already issued a challenge to her older brother, Ruval, for the right to inherit the position as the next lord of Phenex house. Normally such challenges would be resolved in a Rating Game so that the two could show off their leadership skills as well as their strength, however Ravel was already known for her skill as a tactician and ability to successfully run things such as businesses and households. So instead, the duo would go head to head directly in order to show off their own personal strength, to which Ruval declared that he wouldn't hold back, even against his own little sister.

They weren't the only ones of Alex's wives who were busy though, as Anne as well had her work cut out for her as there just as many, if not more people who wanted to meet her due to the fact that she was Alex's 'main' wife and Empress. While most of her attention was on trying to turn the area around Alex's castle into another garden, where she could grow any plants that could only survive in the Underworld, Anne was similarly being constantly distracted by the continuous flow of guests who wanted to meet with and talk to her.

Then there were several other members of Alex's harem who were hustling back and forth, doing this and that, helping either Alex, Anne, Rias or Ravel, while Gabriel and Irina were constantly going back and forth between Asora and Heaven, helping Michael prepare for Alex's arrival.

When he did arrive in Heaven to fulfill his promise to Michael, Alex paused as a slight sense of awe briefly overtook him at the sight of the cloudy landscape, and the great golden gates before him.

"Beautiful..." He uttered to himself, to which a new voice replied,

"Isn't it? Thousands of years pass, but not a day goes by that I don't appreciate what our father created." Alex turned to see Michael standing before him along with Gabriel, Irina, and the rest of the Seraphs as they gathered to greet their new Emperor. And as he looked at them the Seraphs bowed and chanted,

"""Greetings to the Dragon Emperor!"""

Alex simply nodded lightly to their greetings while directing a genuine smile to Irina and Gabriel, both of which rolled their eyes at him humorously. With Michael also giving him a wry smile, he then said,

"Please, we will escort you to the seventh layer of Heaven." Nodding, Alex silently followed Michael's lead as they departed the first layer of Heaven, which was the residence of the lower leveled Angels, as well as Heavens first line of defense.

After that was the second layer, where Heaven's prison resided, the third layer, where the souls of their followers went after dying, the fourth layer, which contained the garden of Eden, the fifth layer, where their research institutes were located, the sixth layer known as Zabel, where the Seraphs lived, and then finally the seventh and last layer of Heaven. It was here that God of the bible resided when He was alive, and where the systems controlling Heaven and the Sacred Gears were located.

Now Alex beheld a grand manor that looked to have been made entirely from solidified cloud, which still swirled and moved as if it was still floating through the skies instead of being used as walls. Then, as if reacting to his demonic presence, Alex watched as the white and tranquil clouds turned dark and violent before flashes of angry lightning began to arc across its surface.

Contrasting the temperamental and violent mood the manor had apparently taken, surrounding it was a beautiful garden of various plants that Alex had never seen the like of before, which more than likely came from the garden of Eden that they passed on the way here. Smiling wryly at Anne's reaction when he'd return and tell her about the 'Heavenly' garden, Alex turned back towards Michael and the others as the Seraph said,

"This was the residence of our lord, but as the current ruler of Heaven it, along with the entire seventh layer, belongs to you now." As he said that Michael bowed again in respect towards Alex, to which the rest of the Angels with them followed suit.

Resisting the urge to shake his head at them, as Alex recognized that he'd just have to get used to the Angels basically worshipping him since he was technically their new 'God', Alex asked Michael,

"Did you live here after God's death?" This time it was Michael who smiled wryly again as he replied,

"I did not. Personally the idea of taking our Lord's quarters as my own felt too overwhelming since I never truly intended to take His place, only to keep what He had built from crumbling. We did however keep the entire grounds maintained in order to prevent His personal sanctuary from going to ruin, and made sure to touch everything up for its new resident."

Nodding slowly in affirmation as he took in his surroundings through his 'Domain', Alex then looked to a point far off in the distance where he sensed something. Realizing where Alex was looking, Michael quickly said,

"That is where the systems governing Heaven and the Sacred Gears are located." Alex's expression became serious as Michael confirmed what he already suspected, and, wanting to start on what he had planned, said to them,

"I'll go deal with them now, wait here." Without giving anyone a chance to respond, Alex then used Spatial magic to bring himself directly before the two systems, leaving Gabriel and the others behind.

'Are you ready?' Alex asked mentally, to which Lauren replied,



Michael and the other Angels could only blankly stare at the place Alex had been standing at mere seconds before, before a violent shudder ran through all of their bodies of the Angels.

"W-what was that?" One of the Seraphs, Metatron, demanded anxiously, but no one had an answer for him. Instead, all any of them knew was that 'something' within them was reacting to whatever it was Alex was doing, along with every other angel that was tied to God's system.

As the seconds passed a a sense of fear began to grip the hearts of the Angels as the sensation only grew progressively worse, until they were all doubled over from pain.

"What did you do Michael?!" One of the Seraphs angrily demanded, now believing that Alex was causing irreversible damage to Heaven's system, and to them. Michael however could only gasp while Gabriel and Irina both glared at the Seraph in question, neither one believing that Alex would ever intentionally do something to hurt them.

Before anyone could say anything else though, they immediately forgot about the pain and discomfort in their bodies as the distance lit up with a brilliant and divine scarlet light, which slowly dyed their surroundings in the same brilliance as Alex's aura washed over them. Slowly the discomfort they were feeling began to fade and was instead replaced with a warmth that seemed to be filling them from the inside, while the divine red aura warmed them from the outside.

With the pain fading, Michael led the other Angels as they rushed to the place where God's system was located to see what exactly Alex was doing, only to see him standing there before the system. With the red glow surrounding him fading, Alex slowly turned towards the gathered Angels while some briefly lingering red light shone in his eyes, and said,

"I finished modifying the two systems."


Later Alex was seated in his new manor with Gabriel and Irina at his sides, while the rest of Seraphs continued to gape at him in awe. With all of Asora having seen Alex's God form before the two girls weren't surprised, but the rest of the gathered Angels were still trying to wrap their head around a being that wielded both divine and demonic powers.

Alex however was calmly sipping some tea that had been made for him, before saying,

"Now I'm in complete control of both the systems governing Heaven, and the Sacred Gears." While Michael and the others started slightly at the sound of Alex's voice, Gabriel looked at him and asked,

"So what does that entail?" Alex smirked as he explained,

"I bound them to my own unique system and powers, meaning that I have a general control over them, but the systems themselves are still mostly autonomous. The only difference is that I altered the system of Heaven to overlook Angels engaging in sexual acts so you can reproduce without the fear of 'falling'. Of course if they tried to r@pe or otherwise force someone to have sex with them, or become over indulgent, then they can still fall."

When they heard the latter half of Alex's explanation the Angels directed a series of pointed looks at him as, if anyone was over indulgent in sexual activities, then it was him. Of course he didn't mind their looks as he continued,

"And then for the Sacred Gear system I modified it to prevent potentially harmful Gears being granted to certain hosts." When they heard that Dulio, who had arrived later to investigate what was causing so much trouble in Heaven, looked up in uncharacteristic alarm as he asked,

"You're sure you fixed it?" Knowing that his fellow Longinus user had intended to use the wish from the Azazel cup to fix the Sacred Gear system, Alex nodded and said,

"It'll take a while to make sure that there's no remaining kinks or issues, but hopefully now children won't be given Sacred Gears that'll be detrimental to their health." When he heard that a look of relief filled Dulio's expression as he eagerly grabbed one of the prepared snacks, which Alex had brought from Asora.

Realizing that Alex had already fixed everything he had promised to within a matter of minutes, Michael couldn't help but ask him,

"So what now?" As Alex was essentially their new 'God', Michael was hoping Alex would tell them what they were meant to do now that the Angels no longer had to focus on just sustaining what they had left. He was surprised though when a maniacal smile spread on Alex's face as he replied,

"Now, I get to go toe to toe with the gods of various factions!"


As Alex planned to 'attack' the first faction later that night to give them time to prepare, he decided to spend the time until then the same way he did before every major battle, having a massive orgy in the space-time orb.

Currently he had Mirajane sitting on the edge of their dining table, her legs wrapped around his waist and her claw-like nails running up and down his back as he violently fucked her tight snatch. Even after all the sex he had, Alex had yet to understand how women seemed to turn their nails into the deadliest claws that existed once they got their hands on his back.

Meanwhile both Lisanna and Levy were bent over the table on either side of Mirajane, their eyes rolled back as Alex managed to eliminate any strength in their hips and legs from two of his fingers drilling their soaking wet cunts, and his thumb buried in their asses. With his fingers moving at speeds and in ways that put even vibrators to shame, it was unsurprising that both girls seemed to have lost their consciousness, only to weakly groan in protest if he tried to remove his fingers from their bodies.

While Alex gave attention to the three women, all around them was the image of lustful indulgence as the girls readily pleasured or flat out fucked each other. Lucy was similarly sitting on the dining table with her legs spread, while her summoned spirit Virgo eagerly ate her out as Cana fucked her up the ass with one of the specially made strap-on dildos.

On the side was was Yami experiencing a dual attack from Mea and Nemesis, the former having her head buried in Yami's crotch, the latter with her head buried in Yami's ass, both of which were using their Transform on their tongues to expertly attack all of her weak spots. They had both at one point suggested using their Transform to mimic Alex's cock to use on some of the other girls, but the idea was immediately shut down as, while they didn't mind using strap-ones or didlos shaped like his cock, the girls refused to have someone elses actual dick inside them, female or not.

Instead they simply made due using their transform on things like their tongues and fingers to help bring pleasure to Alex's women, something the upright Yami would never do.

As the sounds of pleasure surrounded them, Alex sealed Mirajane's lips with his in a very passionate kiss that involved lots of tongue, and a fairly 'mild' amount of biting. They then separated as Mirajane flung herself back onto the table she was on, allowing her bountiful breasts to shake back and forth violently each time Alex 'cock punched' her cervix. Seeing her fun-bags shake, Alex would've been really tempted to grab and play with them if his hands weren't otherwise occupied at the moment.

He instead opted to watched the hypnotically moving tits until he finally trusted into Mirajane one last time, and filled her burning hot cunt with his even hotter seed.


Mirajane could only issue a silent gasp as she felt the hot fluid filling her, any concerns about getting pregnant far from her mind as the most powerful orgasm yet wracked her body. Smiling in satisfaction, Alex pulled his fingers from the girls at his sides, who could only weakly groan in protest, before leaning over Mirajane and giving her another, significantly tamer, kiss.

"Do you still think it's such a 'burden' being my servant?" He teasingly asked, referring to the day she first joined and acted as if she were being sacrificed to him, to which she teasingly replied once she managed to catch her breath,

"Of course it's a burden, on my body that it." Alex smirked with pride as he stole another kiss from the white haired demoness, before slowly backing out her as he glanced around for his next 'victim', with his gaze settling on a certain scarlet haired knight.

With Erza simply standing there awkwardly to the side in full armor, Alex smirked as beckoned her over and said, "Come here Erza."


"So this is how our great Dragon Emperor spends his free time?" Someone said out loud while Alex was busy fucking Erza from behind, as she cleaned Mirajane's cunt of his oozing seed.

Unlike the rest of the girls around them though, Erza was still wearing her suit of armor and skirt, which Alex had simply flipped up over her rump before shifting her panties to the side to get access to her own burning hot hole. Though she twitched at the sound of someone else's voice, Alex and Mirajane didn't allow Erza to move from her position as he turned to look at the speaker behind them, only to see Venelana along with the ladies from the houses of Sitri and Phenex.

"Oh? Did you ladies come for your share of 'fun' too? I'm sorry but I'll need to finish with my own wives before tending to someone else's." Leaving the three milfs to gape at him in shock, Alex then proceeded to continue plowing his 'Knight' right in front of them, while Mirajane held Erza's head down between her legs to keep her from 'escaping'.

It was only when he finally cream-pied Erza and left the 'cleanup' to Mirajane this time, who pouted when Alex made her return the favor to Erza, that Venelana said in an irritable tone,

"We didn't come here for 'that'! We originally came to see our grandchildren, but they're asleep. So we came into this orb to discuss some important matters with you." Cocking a brow at her, Alex then gestured at the dining table for them sit while talking before taking his usual seat at the head of the table.

The three women looked pointedly at the spot where Mirajane had been sitting no more than a minute prior, before pointedly taking their seats on the opposite side. While they did this Yue and Mavis both raced to Alex in order to stake a claim on their most coveted prize, using his lap as a seat.

Against the master of illusion that was Mavis though, Yue suffered the rare defeat as the former just barely placed her shapely buttocks on Alex's legs a mere second before she did, leaving Yue to sulk until Alex made it up to her later. Mavis then situated herself on Alex's lap so that she was facing him with their bodies pressed together, while his cock acted akin to a backrest for her as it pressed against her back and butt.

Alex then asked in between the light kisses that she tried to shower him in,

"So what did you want to discuss?" With Venelana and the lady Sitri dead-panning at Alex and the girl's behavior, and the lady Phenex looking at his exposed cock with interest, Rias's mother finally said,

"We wanted to discuss what you planned to do-"

Alex maintained eye contact with Venelana as she spoke, and he proceeded to flip Mavis around so that her upper body was on the table this time and her spread legs in his lap.

"-regarding the various divine factions that refused to submit-"

Alex then held up his two index fingers pointedly before using them to poke, prod, and otherwise tease Mavis while Venelana continued speaking.

"-to your supreme rule, and the challenge they dared present to yourself."

Mavis then had to clap both of her hands over her mouth to muffle her moans, as Alex expertly dug his fingers at her tiny pussy and butthole to find each every one of her pleasure spots with expert precision.

"The entire Underworld is always ready to move at your imperial command-"

Tears then started forming in the corner of Mavis's eyes as one of Alex's unoccupied fingers discovered her tiny bead, and then proceeded to flick it lightly in time with when he stimulated her G-spot.

"-and I'm sure that Heaven will similarly be ready to move against a differing divine faction-"


Mavis suddenly cried out in a voice so loud her throat hurt afterwards, as one of the most powerful orgasms she ever experienced surged through her body, cutting Venelana off as the brown haired milf directed a look of anger at her and Alex for ignoring her.

"Perhaps we should come back later..." She uttered while sheathing with anger as Alex then proceeded to lift Mavis up by the backs of her knees, and impaled her tiny body in one swift movement on his stall towering cock, making her eyes role back into her head.

"No no, I've been paying attention. Heaven and the Underworld helping me in the battle and so on." Alex said dismissively as he continued moving the limp Mavis up and down his cock, his movements seeming incredibly slow due to how tight she still was despite the foreplay. He then followed up with,

"Thanks for the consideration, but they won't be needed." Alex then stopped paying attention to the three milfs as Mavis recovered herself just enough to start moving by herself, allowing him the chance to start playing with her nipples, leaving the three of them stunned as Venelana uttered,

"Excuse me...?" Alex didn't even glance up as he said,

"I said none of them will be needed when I fight the other factions. If that was all then the three of you are free to leave or join in, it's up to you." Alex then proceeded to ignore the trio completely as he devoted all of his attention to the petite women in his lap, who was struggling to maintain her consciousness as Alex forced her to suffer wave after wave of intense pleasure.

Seemingly indignant at being ignored this way, Venelana then demanded,

"What do you mean you won't need any of our or Heaven's forces when you fight them?! They're some of the strongest factions to ever exist! Not just one or two gods, but entire pantheons that consist of hundreds of them, and they've been increasing their numbers for centuries! What kind of plan do you have for that?!"

As Venelana said, while each faction could be said to be in a state of decline until they joined the alliance, the various divine pantheons were different from Heaven, the Underworld, or the Grigori in that they didn't suffer from the same leadership or repopulation issues they had. Instead many of the gods had continued siring and birthing demigods throughout the centuries, no where near the strength of their predecessors during their faction's height, but still exceptionally powerful compared to normal humans, even before adding Sacred Gears into the mix.

Alex however seemed mostly indifferent in the face of Venelana's outrage, the only change being that he seemed even more excited even as he reluctantly explained,

"My biggest promise to my people is that I won't force them into any battles if they don't want to participate, and that goes for anyone who's sworn allegiance to me. The only ones who'll fight in the upcoming battles between the factions will be me and possibly my peerage, and if we need help even then there'll be Sairaorg and Vali. Besides, I've already sent Olympus a letter of challenge stating I'll be attacking them later today."

Though she appeared surprised at everything else Alex said, Venelana was stupefied when she heard the last as she quietly uttered,

"What did you say?" Alex genuinely had to fight not to roll his eyes at Venelana's question, as he turned towards her and repeated,

"I said that I already sent Olympus a letter of challenge stating that I'll challenge them later today, that should give them just enough time to prepare their fighters before I show up." Venelana's entire face twitched as Alex revealed his lack of intention to use any kind of tactics whatsoever, and instead apparently already told them when he was coming so they prepare as much of a challenge as possible for him.


Gripping the table with enough strength that she eventually crushed part of it, Venelana then proceeded to storm off while saying,

"Fine then! Maybe you'll grow a brain after you see firsthand how bad an idea it is to face an entire pantheon of prepared gods firsthand! Let's go!" With the last part directed to her two companions, the ladies Sitri and Phenex both rushed to catch up to the angry Venelana as they fought the urge to giggle at her expense, as it was very rare to see Venelana lose her cool like this.

As they were about to leave though, a certain duo that were completely naked except for several types of sex toys and dress up approached them, both smirking lecherously as the one with her brown hair tied up in pigtails quickly said,

"You look a little stressed there miss, perhaps you'd like to test a certain product that we hope to expand into the Underworld~!" Though Venelana was almost tempted to blast the duo in her anger, she managed to forcefully calm herself as Aika Kiryuu and her newest partner, Momioka Risa(Suzu was hiding from Venelana after the party incident), revealed a series of certain dubious sexual objects.

(A.N. If it's not one fucking thing it's another. We finally started slowing down at work so I thought I'd be able to write more, but now I have the fucking covid! The good news is that I'm under quarantine so hopefully I'll be able to write more, but you know how that goes by now, and I'm still experiencing the symptoms of it. Here's hoping I'll be able to post a bit more often, and thank you for the continued understanding!)

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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