61.06% God succession system / Chapter 355: Side story 2- Darkness

章 355: Side story 2- Darkness

Shortly after Alex and Kuroka had bought the planet Mars into Asora's space, he was seen standing on its surface along with his entire peerage as they patiently watched one particular member in the middle, Yami.

The petite assassin was trying to activate her ultimate transformation, Darkness, which would give her enough strength to where she could even fight on par with the king of Deviluke that had conquered their entire home Galaxy. However, even after standing there for several minutes nothing happened, until Kuroka finally said irritably,

"Is anything even going to happen~Nya?" Of course the only response was a paper fan smacking the top of her head courtesy of a certain silver haired maid, while even Yami cracked open one of her shut eyes to give her a dirty look. With Kuroka rolling her eyes at everyone else, Yami shut hers once more and tried concentrating.

In her life she had only harnessed the powers of Darkness three times, the first being when she had almost lost her life, the second being when Nemesis tried recruiting her on earth, and the third was when she acted to defend the life of her first ever love, Yuuki Rito. Now she was learning to try and control it in the name of her new master/husband, the man that had 'forced' her to become a member of his peerage, Alex.

However as the minutes crept by, she was unable to activate the transformation regardless of how much she tried. Opening her eyes and looking down at her hands, Yami frowned and muttered to herself, "why can't I do it?"

Her muttering was heard by Kuroka, who smiled widely and said as she put one of her hands on Yami's shoulder, "What's that~Nya? You can't do it? Don't tell me Alex used one of his 'Pawn' pieces on someone defective~Nya?!" Though he knew Kuroka wasn't being serious in her taunting to Yami, Alex still shooed her away and said to the petite assassin,

"Don't worry about it too much Yami, we still have plenty of time before we change world's to get it down." Despite the fact that she knew Alex was just trying to comfort her, Yami still frowned and turned away from him before teleporting back to Asora without another word. With everyone being relatively speechless at her actions, Lala suddenly called out even though Yami was already long gone,

"You don't need to be so rude Yami-Chan!" Even as everyone present shook their heads at Lala's fruitless actions, they couldn't help agreeing with her to some extent. Most of all was Kuroka, who looked at the spot where Yami disappeared with a slight frown.

Despite her earlier teasing, Kuroka also wanted Yami to be able to properly use her powers as one of her comrades in battle. And so, she thought to herself that she aught to do something fitting her role as Alex's 'Queen'.


Later, back within the space-time orb, a certain duo watched as Yami slipped inside the baths while everyone else was still at dinner, with one of them frowning noticeably.

"It's worse than we heard Mea, Golden Darkness isn't acting the way she should." Mea nodded in agreement, though her expression was a bit sadder than Nemesis's glower. The dark skinned girl then developed a sinister smile as she said,

"I think I have an idea of how to 'help' her though." Before Mea could ask what Nemesis meant, she was then pulled down to her level so that the whisper her idea into her ear.

"I can't do that to Yami onee-chan!" Mea practically shouted in surprise, making Nemesis tut at her and say,

"This is all to help Golden Darkness Mea, or do you want her to continue wallowing like this instead?" Mea was silent as she looked back towards the baths where Yami had disappeared into, before looking back at Nemesis with determination in her eyes.

Meanwhile the girl in question was sitting at one of the many wash stations in the expansive bath, sighing in frustration at the recent events. Despite the fact that Alex 'forced' her to join his peerage, the fact that she was unable to use the Darkness transformation was making her unbelievably frustrated.

The worst part was being around so many powerful beings for the first time in her life, making her feel that if she couldn't master Darkness she would get left behind and abandoned. Though Alex would never do such a thing, Yami couldn't keep the dark thoughts from invading her mind as she sat by herself.

Suddenly, as Yami was lost in her thoughts, several tendrils of red hair coiled around her wrists and ankles before pinning her to the wall behind her. Though she was initially surprised as she slid down to the floor, Yami quickly recognized Mea's hair and demanded,

"What is the meaning of this Mea?" The red haired girl smiled apologetically before saying,

"Sorry Yami onee-chan, but there is a reason for this. Right Neme-chan?" Though her brows twitched at the way Mea called her, something Nemesis had never gotten used to ever since she left her service, she ignored it and said while looking down on Yami,

"Golden Darkness, you're shaming us transform weapons too much!" Yami's eyes widened at Nemesis's declaration, before she realized she was referring to what had happened earlier that day. Yami tried to look away when she recalled the earlier events, but found Nemesis's foot planted on the wall right in front of her face.

Looking back at the dark skinned girl, Yami briefly considered breaking out of her restraints even as she asked, "And why do you care Nemesis? Or did you actually come to like your new role as a maid?"

Nemesis's frown deepened when she heard that, before snapping, "Of course I don't like being a maid! But we should all have our pride as transform weapons, and you most of all as his 'Pawn'! But when you look bad then you make all three of us look bad!"

Yami snorted since she didn't share the same 'camaraderie' of transform weapons as Mea and Nemesis, she acknowledged and cared for Mea as a little sister, but that was about it. Her response however angered Nemesis even more, prompting her to state,

"I know this is all about that Yuuki Rito! He's dead, just get over it and move on!" Not just Yami, but even Mea had been stunned into silence at Nemesis's words, before,


"I'm sorry what was that?" Nemesis taunted at the murmuring that escaped Yami's lips, before the golden haired girl looked at her with fire in her eyes and shouted,


As she shouted cracks started spreading in the stone as her hair began to move as if it had a life of its own, poised and ready to attack.

"Neme-chan, maybe we're taking this too far..." Mea muttered quietly as she began loosening the bindings holding Yami in place, not wanting to also earn her older sister's ire. Nemesis however didn't falter as she declared,

"No we're not! After all the reason she can't use Darkness now is because she's torn between her remaining love for Yuuki Rito, and her newfound allegiance to Alex!" Even as her restraints slackened Yami had no words for what Nemesis said, as they were ultimately true. Eventually she could only ask,

"How is it you can act as if you don't care?" Nemesis snorted and stated as if it was obvious,

"It's simple, I don't." Both Mea and Yami stared at her in shock, before Nemesis rolled her eyes and stated, "I saw him as nothing more than a fun servant, the fact that he went and got himself killed means nothing to me other than I lost a relatively interesting toy." Both Mea and Yami once could only look at Nemesis in shock, as they would have thought that with how 'attached' she was to him, along with the fact that they once shared a body, that Nemesis would have felt SOMETHING at the loss of Rito.

Feeling as if the two other weapons were going to gang up on her, Nemesis quickly stated, "This isn't about me anyways! This about Golden Darkness, and her inability to use the Darkness transformation, which I have a plan!" Before either girl could argue about whatever plan Nemesis had, the petite girl grabbed them both and teleported them to Alex's room right as others began entering the bath.


After his bath Alex slowly meandered to his room, already aware that someone was plotting something within, though he wasn't sure exactly what. Despite him training his awareness with his 'Domain' Alex usually tried to remain ignorant when his women were involved, after several instances where he had 'ruined' some kind of surprise they had planned for him.

That was why he was only half surprised to find Yami waiting for him when he opened the door, wearing the same black night gown she usually wore to bed. Though he could sense both Mea and nemesis watching from the cracked open bathroom door, Alex pointedly ignored them as he focused all of his attention onto Yami.

"What brings you here Yami?" Alex asked as he played dumb regarding her intentions, as there could only be one thing Yami intended to do after coming to his room at this time of night, with her cheeks tinted rosy red.

Fidgeting slightly under Alex's gaze, Yami eventually said in an uncharacteristically meek voice, "I wanted to s....." She then trailed off and finished the rest of whatever she said in a voice so small, that not even Alex could hear her.

This made him smile wryly, before he started edging closer to her while playfully saying, "What was that? I couldn't hear you." Yami glared at him hatefully as her cheeks darkened in color, as she mustered the courage to do what she set out to.

Though he felt a bit guilty for pushing Yami like this, Alex kept it up since he felt that this was what she needed to solidify her resolve for what was to come, plus it was a little fun to see the super serious assassin squirm with embarrassment. As he hoped, Yami balled her fists up before reaching up and shifting the shoulder straps of her nightgown to the sides, letting the only piece of clothing she wore fall to the ground as she said with conviction,

"I want to spend the night with you!"

Alex's smile widened as he approached her, but, right as he made to dispel his clothes, Yami grabbed his wrist and continued, "No! Let me..." Surprised at her sudden assertion, Alex was momentarily stunned as Yami began to fumble with the light clothing he had put on after his bath.

The reason for this was because when 'that' man had taken her he had done everything to ensure that Yami had no control, to further reinforce that SHE belonged to HIM. Though she did technically belong to Alex now as his 'Pawn', Yami wanted to try and take control a little bit during their first time together to establish a difference between Alex and 'that' man.

And so she slowly undid every single button of his top Yami slowly slid it off of his body, her soft breath tickling his chest as she did so. Then she slowly kneeled down to her knees so that her face was level with his hips, before untying the strings that held his bottoms up. As they fell to his ankles though, Yami found herself face to face with a very terrifying object, one that made her mind blank of all but one thoughts, 'this is going to go inside me?!'

There was a very drastic difference between Alex and 'that' man, something Yami already knew but had never fully considered until she got to this point. Steeling herself once again after getting a close up view of Alex's 'monster', Yami stood back up and gingerly pressed her naked body against his as she reached up, and pressed her lips against Alex's.

Though they had kissed more times than either of them could count by this point, Yami had never been the instigator in any of them. This time though she could feel Alex's lips curl upwards in a smile against her own, prompting her to lightly bite his lower lip in retaliation. Alex chuckled lightly at this, before she then gently pushed him back to the bed.

Alex sat back down onto the edge of his bed as Yami crawled on top of his lap, her legs straddling his on both sides as she continued to gently push him until he was laying back while she sat on his hips, just above his increasingly hard manhood. He then used one of his free hands to tap a few keys on the Love Room's controls, filling the room with artificial moonlight that illuminated Yami's nude figure, accenting her breasts and hair.

"Beautiful...." Alex muttered in awe, making Yami blush noticeably in the moonlight that illuminated the room before she lightly pounded her fist onto his chest in retaliation for doing something himself.

Alex chuckled lightly at her attitude as he leaned back and put his hands behind his head, symbolizing that she was in charge from there on. Though her brows were still furrowed slightly from earlier, Yami nodded in affirmation that she was the one calling the shots as she lifted her hips, and allowed Alex's firm manhood to stand straight up under her.

"Gulp..." Yami gulped when the moment of truth arrived, as she was already annoyingly ready for him to enter her, before she slowly started to lower her hips.

At first nothing happened, but when his head prodded her narrow slit she jumped slightly. Cursing at herself for being so jumpy when she realized what it was, Yami took another breath and put herself back into position with the tip just barely pressing into her opening. Then, as if she had enough stalling, Yami immediately started to lower her hips so that Alex's cock was charging right into her body all at once, breaking through her repaired purity until it kissed the entrance to her womb.

"Ngh!" Yami groaned at the sudden pain in her lower body, along with the feeling of her being forcibly stretched out and open, while Alex couldn't believe the tightness that was assaulting his nether regions after she tried to take his entire length at once.

"Are you ok Yami?" Alex asked concernedly, to which the assassin nodded and simply asked,

"Yes, the pain the is passing..." Though he was still concerned for her, Alex's mind was soon diverted when Yami noticed something.

She had moved her fingers downward as if to examine the place where Alex had entered her body, but was surprised to find that several inches of his manhood had yet to enter her. Frowning at the revelation, an idea then occurred to Yami that she couldn't help but try.

"Woah!" Alex suddenly cried out as Yami's insides suddenly came to life as if they had a mind of their own, sending sensations the likes of which he'd never felt before running through his loins. Alex looked up as a hot sigh escaped Yami's lips, due to her slowly sliding down his remaining length until the entire thing was inside her. Then the sensations continued for a couple more seconds, and when it stopped Yami's insides felt as if they had been perfectly molded for his dick specifically, while still retaining its amazing tightness.

"It's nothing...." Yami muttered when she felt Alex's teasing gaze, before she looked away pointedly. He then leaned forward and said while one of his hands gently seized her breast,

"That felt amazing Yami." Though she was silent as Alex groped her and sealed her lips, Yami silently thought that maybe she should use her transform down there again for him. Soon however any wayward thoughts vanished as she and Alex started rocking their hips together in rhythm, and sensations the like of which she never felt before began to rage throughout her body.

Almost immediately Yami had to lean back place her hands on Alex's thighs to steady herself, as waves of pleasure wracked her body from her sudden and intense climax. Alex wouldn't let her rest however, as he then began to seriously thrust up into her while latching onto her boobs with his hand on one, and his mouth on the other.

'Would he like them if they were bigger?' Yami thought to herself past the the pleasure that was coursing through her body, before she willed her breasts to suddenly increase several times in size. Though he glanced up at her eyes at this, Alex didn't say anything as he continued playing with the engorged breasts.

He then used his free hand to reach around and grab her ass, making Yami gasp as he began hitting and rubbing new places inside her with his newfound grip. As he did so though, Yami glanced behind herself at her petite figure, and wondered, 'would he like it if I was a bit fuller?' She had seen what men considered 'ideal' body types, and knew that her youthful and petite frame didn't fit the bill, though she also knew that certain men still loved her slender features.

Thinking of the rest of the girls around him though, such as Rias, Grayfia, Yasaka, and Gabriel, Yami then willed her body to become more mature and 'fuller', essentially aging her appearance by several years all at once. However once he felt that Alex stopped moving and backed away slightly, before saying awkwardly,

"No offense Yami, but if I wanted to sleep with Tearju then I would have invited her....." Yami looked at Alex curiously, as she wasn't sure what he was talking about since she just made herself look more 'mature' and 'fuller', but then he summoned a mirror and held it up for her to see.

"This....is me...?" She asked incredulously, as the person looking back at her didn't look like her, but exactly like Tearju Lunatique. It only took her a second to realize that she should have expected that she'd look like Tear if she let herself mature physically, as she was a clone of Tear herself that was so close in resemblance, that one would instantly consider them mother and daughter.

But Yami, as well as Mea and Nemesis, had never allowed her body to mature past her usual petite form, as to living weapons such as them they were the ideal forms for combat. Usually one would have problems with their reach in such a form, but as beings capable of changing their bodes at will they never had to worry about it, plus this particular appearance had the added benefits of maneuverability, and getting their targets and opponents to let their guard down around them.

That was why until this point Yami never considered how she'd look if she aged her appearance up, and was surprised at the outcome.

"I just wanted to change myself to what I thought you'd like..." She muttered in disbelief, to which Alex smiled and said as he cupped her face,

"Like I said, if I wanted Tearju then I would have invited her, you're amazing just the way you are, in your own ways." Though it sounded like a typical cheesy line a guy would tell his girlfriend to keep her from getting jealous, Alex's feelings when he told Yami that were genuine.

He didn't want fifty carbon copies of the same woman, but instead appreciated the differences in each and every one of his women, no matter how subtle. It was for this reason that Yue typically stayed in her petite form as well, as it made her different from the rest of the women in his peerage in her own way until Sun joined, yet the shy siren had yet to cross that final line with Alex.

Realizing that she had been unintentionally overthinking things, though there was no doubt Alex would play with her transform ability in the future, Yami transitioned back into her usual self before Alex further proved his point by attacking her once more, with even more vigor than before. The room was then filled with the subdued sound of grunting and muffled moans as Yami embarrassedly tried to keep her voice from leaking out as Alex attacked her, but was largely unsuccessful as he made her experience climax after climax under him.

It was only after what seemed like a painfully yet amazingly long time that Alex neared his own climax, before he filled her womb with his hot seed and made Yami release her loudest cry yet. With both of them panting hotly, Alex leaned down to seal her lips once more, during which Yami wrapped her arms around his neck and reciprocated his actions lovingly.

It was at this moment, as things started to calm down, that the door to bathroom suddenly burst open and Mea cried out,

"Hey! Don't forget about us master!" She then raced over while completely naked, and jumped onto Alex with all the force she could muster in her attempt to get him to attack her, while Nemesis casually approached them from behind her.

"Wow, to think that Golden Darkness could make such expressions, and be so assertive in the bedroom!" She said teasingly, making Yami pout as her cheeks turned red. But then Nemesis turned her attention to Alex and said,

"Now that you've accepted Golden Darkness there's no reason for you to keep Mea and myself waiting. I dare say she's wanted this for a while, while I'm also curious to personally see what exactly makes you so amazing in bed." As she finished her statement, Nemesis then started rising in height while her usually flat chest practically went 'boing' as large breasts suddenly bounced in their place. Immediately in her place was stunning mature woman who could put even the best of models to shame with her figure, who then started crawling across Alex's bed seductively.

Shaking his head at the duo's antics, Alex's response was to bury his fingers between Mea's butt cheeks, making her moan at the sudden stimulation she felt from them as he said, "Very well then, come at me both of you!"

What transpired after that was a very interesting night as the three transform weapons tried out all kinds of shapes and sizes to play with Alex, until he finally made them pass out from their inability to keep up with his stamina.


When the sun rose the next morning Alex awoke to find Yami snuggled up to him, her face looking extremely content after their extensive exercise the night before. When she began to stir Yami looked up at him with sleepy eyes, before she recalled what happened the night before. Though she felt embarrassment at what they did together, that didn't stop a smile from spreading on her face as she muttered,

"Good morning..." Alex smiled widely in response, and said as he pulled her closer,

"Good morning to you too."

As she enjoyed the warmth from Alex's body, Yami couldn't help feel as if this was most content she had ever been in life. By consummating her relationship with Alex she had managed to undo the knot in her chest that had formed as a result of her lingering feelings for Yuuki Rito. Though Yami still held love for Rito in her heart, she felt she was now ready to move forward at Alex's side as his 'Pawn', but she also swore to never openly admit that Nemesis's plan actually worked as well as it did.

As the duo cuddled together, and Yami sorted through her thoughts, she finally said, "I want to try activating Darkness again. I feel as if I'll be able to do it this time." Seeing the resolution in her eyes, Alex nodded and agreed to her request.

Later she not only managed to make the transformation, but she even managed to maintain control over it for a short while due to her activating the transformation consciously. When she saw this Kuroka smiled to herself, and concluded she had made the right choice in 'accidentally' telling Mea and Nemesis about Yami's previous failure.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C355
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


