60.54% God succession system / Chapter 352: Overwhelming

章 352: Overwhelming

Back in Asora, within the space-time orb, Alex prepared to face off with one of his father-in-laws on his own floating island. Across from him on the small arena he built, Issa was doing little jumps to loosen himself, a practice it seemed he passed onto Moka.

While Alex was similarly swinging his arms back and forth to loosen himself up, the silver haired vampiress approached him anxiously before saying, "Alex, please go easy on our father. I don't want one of our last memories together before we leave being him getting beaten to a pulp..." Alex flashed Moka an easygoing smile, before saying as he pulled her into an embrace,

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on him. This isn't the same as training where the goal is to use the pain and experience to get stronger." Moka let out a sigh of relief at his words, along with the rest of her sisters and even Akasha, all of whom had experienced what it was like to spar with Alex firsthand. Since this was simply a match between two men though, Alex had no intention to draw things out like he usually did.

On Issa's side though, he was slowly approached by a certain dark skinned maid, his ex-wife Gyokuro.

"What do you want?" Issa demanded when he saw her approaching him, undisguised hostility thick in his voice. Gyokuro smirked however as she approached her former husband, before she said,

"I just wanted to show you a little something before the two of you fight." Issa was about to tell her not to bother, but before he could she made an electronic screen appear in midair, and what was displayed on it made anything he might have said freeze in his throat.

"HARDER!" The silver haired girl in the image shouted as she bounced up and down in Alex's lap, his own daughter, Moka.

That alone would have been enough to set any father off, but then Gyokuro cycled through a series of short clips of Alex roughly fucking each of his daughters in various positions, or doing various such as sucking him off. The last clip was the final straw though, showing him an image of his youngest daughter, Kokoa, as she spread her butt cheeks wide open and begged Alex to fuck her up the ass.

Something in Issa broke at that moment as Gyokuro gleefully pranced away, surprised she didn't even have to compare Issa's own performance and manhood with Alex's to anger him so much. As she approached him though, Alex gave Gyokuro a deadpan stare before saying,

"Grayfia, take Gyokuro to Akeno's dungeon when she returns to the space-time orb, I think a few days in there may help her straighten out." Gyokuro paled at Alex's words as Grayfia nodded in affirmation, and she slowly tried to back away, until Grayfia immediately barked,

"Stay right there!" With the slave mark still controlling her, Gyokuro had no choice but to stay right there and fear what Akeno would do to her when she got her hands on her. Turning his attention back to the opponent before him, Alex was unsurprised to see that Issa was swirling mass of supernatural power, and killing intent. With his murderous gaze focused solely on him, Alex couldn't help but silently praise Issa's self control since any other man probably would have attacked him by this point, whereas Issa was instead like a silent and patient predator, waiting for the most opportune moment to strike.

The stage was quickly cleared of everyone but the two combatants as they prepared to fight, while Akasha awkwardly held up a small bell from the side and said,

"Three, two, one, FIGHT!"

The moment the bell's ding echoed across the arena, Issa's figure blurred slightly as he shot towards the hateful person in front of him. As he did so though, Alex appeared to be moving in slow motion as he stepped forward, and used his leg to sweep both of Issa's out from under him.

With his mind processing what was happening around him at far faster speeds than his body could react to, Issa could do nothing as Alex then placed his palm onto the back of his head, and slammed him face first into ground below them hard enough to create a small crater, despite the large amounts of magic Alex wove into the stone to ensure its durability. Thinking in the back of his mind that he should probably reinforce the arena some more, Alex then said as he placed his foot in the middle of Issa's back,

"Round to me, but we can keep going if you'd prefer?" He figured that with how angry Issa was he wouldn't be satisfied with losing as quickly as he did, and so Alex decided he'd entertain the man for a bit until he calmed down.

Though usually he would gracefully accept his immediate loss, Issa's body was still pulsing with pure rage. So, once Alex removed his foot from the middle of his back, Issa returned to his original starting place while once more resolving himself to hit Alex at least once, as hard as he possibly could. But he had obviously learned from their previous exchange, and decided to go all out since Alex's current level was so far above his.

"I originally wasn't planning to use this, at least not this quickly, but that little exchange showed me that I have no choice." Issa growled as he started gathering all of the supernatural power that was swirling around him into his body, before a surprising change started taking place.

Typically a Shinso transformation would consist of wings growing out of their back, the addition of claws, and their blood covering parts of their body to act as a type of armor, though Yue's was completely different since she wasn't a vampire of this world. Issa however didn't show signs of such a transformation. As his skin started darkening to an eerie shade of gray it also began to grow taunt and leathery on his body, the fangs within his mouth grew larger and elongated, his fingers sharpened into a series of lethal talons, and a pair of massive wings spread from his back.

Alex whistled as he looked upon what appeared to be a typical Hollywood vampire transformation, right before Issa suddenly tucked his wings and lunged at him at far greater speeds than he had before. When Issa's lethal looking talons were less than an inch away from his face though, Alex slowly stepped to the side as he simultaneously grabbed Issa's wrist with his hand, while also placing his other hand on his arm right above Issa's elbow, and his foot in front of both of his.

The end result was Issa lurching forward while the front half of his left arm was being bent backwards, until it finally snapped at the elbow and bent backwards unnaturally. Moka and her sisters flinched when they heard the stomach churning 'CRACK', while Akasha simply frowned and Gyokuro smiled widely despite her impending punishment.

With Issa staggering after being tripped and having his arm snapped so brutally, Alex moved back a few steps and asked, "Well?" Issa just looked up at him and snarled as he snapped his arm back into place to heal,


Alex shrugged as they both moved back into position, before pretty much the same thing happened again, and again. No matter what moves he used, Issa could not manage to gain a single advantage over Alex every single time they fought, and was instead being defeated by Alex using the most basic attacks and movements he could.

This didn't mean Issa was weak by any means, his name was well known and feared all throughout the entire underworld for the ironclad hold he maintained on one of the most powerful assassin families in the east, up until Gyokuro betrayed him. Even the three Dark Lords, the most powerful Youkai anyone knew of besides Alucard, would have a hard fight against him before he was turned into a Shinso, and his strength had only increased from there.

Alex however had spent several months sparring with Elaine whenever he had the chance, meaning that he was now used to fighting against someone who moved at far greater speeds, and possessed far greater strength than he did. Issa however didn't know this, and felt as if the minimalist way in which Alex fought with him was him being looked down upon, which was irritating him almost as much as what he'd seen Alex doing to his daughters. That was why after a dozen or so rounds, he finally shouted irritably,

"Are you not even taking me seriously?!" Alex's brows shot up when he heard that, as, despite not fighting seriously, he was still overwhelming Issa with ease each time. However he could understand what was going through Issa's head somewhat, as he himself would be fairly annoyed if someone was just toying around with him instead of taking him seriously, no matter the difference in strength.

"Alright," Alex said after a brief moment of thought. "Last round, but I'll take you seriously." True to his word Alex's entire demeanor changed when he returned to his starting area, while Issa also prepared for their next round.

For several seconds the duo stood there and stared at each other, until Issa stepped forward with his left foot to begin his next attack. However, before his right foot could even leave the ground, Alex was suddenly in front of him once more. Issa could only watch as if in slow motion as Alex reached out and grabbed his head, before ripping it off with ease.

His vision didn't even have time to go dark before Issa found himself back at his starting position, where his feet had yet to leave the ground.

'What the hell was that?!' Issa swore to himself, his back drenched with cold sweat as he fought the urge to reach up and see if his head really was still attached.

His first thought was that he had just experienced some kind of powerful illusion, but if that had been the case then he wouldn't have been so effected by it. Instead he had genuinely felt as if he had been about to die without being able to do anything about it. He was still trying to figure out what happened to him when Alex's voice suddenly called out,

"Well? I'm waiting."

Shaking off his momentary hesitation, Issa began tensing his muscles to stomp his foot onto the ground, in order to shake and destabilize the arena to mess with Alex's footing. But, before he could even begin to lift his foot, Alex suddenly appeared directly in front of him as if he teleported. A sudden sharp pain in his chest made Issa look down, only to see Alex's arm buried up to his elbow into his chest, right where his heart was supposed to be.

The next moment he and Alex were back in their respective starting positions, with the only change being the amount of cold sweat flowing down Issa's back. 'Again?!' He screamed at himself, not knowing what was going on or why he kept feeling as if he was dying.

The reason for this though was because Alex was using a technique he had recently developed that was basically the opposite of what Sun Wukong taught him. While his old teacher taught Alex to not project his energy whenever he attacked, preventing his opponents from predicting his next move, he was now instead doing the opposite and projecting exactly what he intended to do in response to his opponent's move.

This had resulted in a powerful form of psychological attack where no matter what they intended to do, his opponents were met with a swift and decisive defeat each and every time. With his opponents experiencing an extremely realistic vision of their eminent defeat, or even death, any time they tried to make a move, it was only a matter of time until they lost all will to fight.

"Are you going to attack?" Alex suddenly asked Issa as if he had no idea what the vampire was experiencing, with just a bit of provocation in his voice as well, even though Issa had just experienced Alex flipping him into the air before bringing his foot down onto his head at full force to splatter it.

By this point Issa's entire body was drenched in freezing sweat, as he experienced over a dozen instant defeats that ended in his immediate death. Issa then shocked his entire family when he fell to his knees and reverted his transformation, before uttering in a shaky voice,

"I-I submit....." It wasn't until this point that Alex dropped his guard and approached Issa with an amicable smile, before patting his shoulder and saying,

"It was a good fight, I look forward to seeing how powerful you become the next time we meet." Though there was no hidden meaning in Alex's words, Issa still couldn't help but to look up at him with fear in his eyes, as he wondered just what kind of monster his daughters had gotten involved with.


A few days after his sparring match with Issa, Alex was approaching the main gate to Youkai academy for the last time. It was finally the end of the school year.

Though he couldn't deny enjoying the relaxing atmosphere after the whole Alucard issue was resolved, Alex also couldn't deny he was ready to get back to exploring new worlds and meeting new people. Plus he wouldn't have to worry about situations similar to the one he found waiting for him at the main gates.

"Wait right there Alex-Sensei!" One of the female students called out right as Alex was about to step through the gate, prompting him to look up and see that the entire courtyard in front of the school was filled with just about every single female student, and even a few of the female teachers, in the academy. A quick glance around with his 'Domain' told Alex that none of the male students or teachers were present, all of them either already being within the school building itself or waiting patiently outside the courtyard.

Before he could try and figure out what was going on, the girl that told Alex to wait then shouted, "Three, two, one, GO!" At her command, as one, the entire female group gathered in the courtyard suddenly lifted up their skirts to reveal their contents to him, making Alex shake his head with a wry smile when he saw that none of them were even wearing panties.

At some point one of the students had made a connection to Alex's arrival coinciding with the mysterious gust of wind that assaulted the girl's skirts every morning, and the information spread through the academy like wildfire. Of course Alex got several accusations about causing the incidents on purpose to peep beneath the girl's skirts, but these accusations quickly died down when several people pointed out that he wouldn't need to resort to such measures since the majority of the female students would more than likely show him willingly.

Instead, the biggest change was that any of the female students that were specifically aiming for Alex would always wait for him in the courtyard, while those that weren't would always aim to arrive at a different time than him. As a result, Alex had seen more panties the last few months than he had ever thought possible, not even counting the number of girls that had started going commando just to try and catch his eye.

This was just the peak of the iceberg of shenanigans the female students would attempt to catch his attention though, ranging from things like trying to lock him in various closets or sheds with them, to even bringing him into the girls locker room to join them in the showers. But even all of that paled in comparison to what Alex was currently witnessing, which even made Kurumu whistle at his side as she said,

"That is a lot of pussy..." Moka nodded in agreement from Alex's other side, before leaning over behind his back and whispering,

"Think we should look the other way, just this once since it's our last day?" Her question was met with silence as Kurumu genuinely considered it, something that surprised Alex a fair amount.

Ever since the female students had become so bold in trying to catch his attention the duo had become his at school 'shields', meaning they intervened every single chance they had, and benefitted from any 'excitement' Alex felt afterwards. It wasn't that he actually needed their help with dealing with the swarms of love-struck women, but that sometimes they would resort to such extreme measures that Moka and Kurumu would feel as if they had no choice but to intervene.

With no intention of bringing the female students into his harem though, or taking advantage of their various shenanigans, Alex simply shook his head as he casually strolled through the gate. He then walked through the crowd of exhibitionists while giving each of them little more than a cursory glance, before stopping in front of the few females teachers present and wordlessly cocking an eyebrow at them, making them blush at the shamelessness of their actions.

The reason Alex didn't intend to take advantage of their advances was that the awe the girls felt for him was more akin to what one would feel for a celebrity or idol, while others just thought that getting Alex into their pants would be their ticket to the easy life. This wasn't true though, as what they didn't know was that every single woman he was involved with contributed to either his family or Asora in some way, no matter how small it seemed. Plus if Grayfia or Ravel in particular thought they were aimlessly lazing around, then they wouldn't hesitate to put them to work on the first task that entered their minds.

While it was true that he could take advantage of their advances and have one of the greatest orgies ever if he just gave in, he decided to hold off on that due to the sudden increase in women he was involved with in Asora itself, not to the mention those that were still living within the space-time orb. This resulted in numerous sighs of disappointment from the girls as he passed them, but several of them had a fire in their eyes that showed they wouldn't give up.

And so Alex had the most interesting, yet exhausting, day any teacher probably ever had at a school, until it was finally time for the end of the school year assembly. After that Alex made his way to Mikogami's office, where the Dark Lord was already expecting him.

"You sure I can't convince you to stay? I can't recall the last time there was so much 'excitement' here that didn't involve some student rampaging or something." Alex however passively waved away away Mikogami's offer, and replied,

"Yeah I'm sure. It was nice to relax somewhat, but I'm ready to move on after one last family vacation." Mikogami cocked a brow when he heard this, before asking,

"Oh? And where is it you're panning to go?" Alex smiled widely as his clothes suddenly changed in a flash of light, into a pair of swim trunks, flip flops, sunglasses, and a colorful Hawaiian shirt that was left open to expose his abs and chest.

"I'm thinking maybe Hawaii." He said casually before standing and making his way to the door, waving his hand as he did so and saying, "This is so long until next time!"

Mikogami shook his head wryly before briefly waving his own hand, and swiftly returning to his work.

(A.N. A couple things. First of all I am NOT charging for this novel. Someone mentioned getting notifications an out this so I thought I'd say that I have never earned a single cent for writing, wether on here or p@atreon, and I don't ever have any plans to. If it does change, then it is 100% webnovel.

Secondly regarding Fairy Tail as the next world, I am not including events or people from the '100 Year Quest' continuation. I may use certain magics at certain points, like with the slayer in the DXD world, but that is it. I meant to mention this in the last chapter, but just forgot.)

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C352
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


