58.31% God succession system / Chapter 339: Stowaway

章 339: Stowaway

A few days after Alex made Yami his newest 'Pawn', he was nestled comfortably into bed with two world class beauties snuggled up on either side of him, Rias and Akeno. The trio were fast asleep after spending quite some time doing some rigorous exercise in bed, and all three had content expressions on their faces. They were so deeply asleep, that none of them noticed a figure slowly open the bedroom door before creeping inside.

Completely bereft of even a single stitch of clothing, the figure crept silently through the room before gently climbing onto the bed while trying to avoid stirring the people sleeping on it. Soon Alex started stirring awake however as he felt a sudden weight on top of him, and a moist heat assaulting his nether region.

Though this would usually result in a game where he tried to guess who had decided to pay him a surprise visit, his instincts screamed at him that something was off. His eyes shooting open, Alex found his vision filled with a particularly large pair of naked breasts framed by a large mass of flowing blond hair. Recognizing both instantly, Alex could only sputter, "Tear?!" before the klutzy scientist suddenly sealed his lips.

Though he was full of confusion at the sudden situation Alex was distinctly aware of four things, the feel of her lips against his as her tongue eagerly explored his mouth, her breasts as they smooshed against his own chest with her rock hard nipples seemingly trying to pierce him, the burning wetness along his hardening cock as she rubbed her steamy sex along it, and that this was not the same Tear that Alex had come to know for the last week.

Ever since that day in the bath Tear had been too shy to even look Alex in the eyes, let alone try a stunt like this. A brief thought through his 'Domain' was enough to confirm his suspicions, and, with his gaze becoming serious, Alex demanded as their lips separated, "What do you think you're doing?" 'Tear', either unaware or feigning ignorance of Alex's sudden shift, said with a shy expression,

"I just wanted to thank you for helping Yami the other day.....do you not like this?" As she spoke 'Tear' grinded her hips up and down Alex's shaft once more, trying to entice him into accepting the meal before him. The focus in his gaze didn't waver though, as he stated,

"Stop messing around. Did you really think a half-assed impersonation like this would fool me?" This time 'Tear' paused as she realized Alex did figure it out, before she made an expression unlike one the real Tear would ever make that was a mix of of confidence and seduction as she purred,

"You found me out, I'm not actually the professor. However I can't help but get offended when you refer to my transformation as 'half-assed', as every single part of this body, except for the one controlling it of course, is exactly like the original, inside and out~." As she trailed off the imposter dragged her sex down his shaft once more, making her meaning very clear when she said everything was exactly the same inside or out. Alex's firm expression didn't falter though, as he stated,

"It doesn't matter, I have no intention of betraying those around me to satisfy my own desires, regardless of if they're the real person or not." Seeing his firm gaze, 'Tear's' brows twitched in annoyance before she reminded herself that Alex's strong will was what made it so appealing to try and turn him into her most loyal and powerful servant.

Her confidence returning instantly, 'Tear's' body began to get clouded with a murky black substance, before her form started changing to an entirely different one. Her long blond hair turned to a slightly darker pink, and 'Tear's' already beautiful features became even more breathtaking. Within seconds the one straddling Alex was no longer Tear, but was instead the former queen of Deviluke, Sephie.

'Sephie' flashed a predatory grin that one wouldn't expect the queen of Deviluke to possess, before saying as she leaned backwards so that Alex had a clear view of her tightly closed clam,

"How about now?" As she spoke 'Sephie' used her fingers to spread her visible clam open so that Alex could clearly see the moist pink flesh within, along with the pink pearl that was usually hidden within the folds. "This is the pussy that was desired more than any other in an entire universe, and was coveted by the man who single handedly subdued and ruled over it."

Despite the overwhelmingly enticing offer made to him, Alex spared little more than a cursory glance before his fierce gaze returned to her face, making 'Sephie's' eyes sparkle with even more intrigue. Leaning forward once more, she then said,

"Then again, I'm sure someone who regularly gets tail from a genuine goddess and archangel wouldn't care about this much....how about this?" As she spoke 'Sephie's' long pink hair suddenly started becoming shorter and lighter as it slowly transition back to blonde, and her breasts shrank in size considerable, but still had a decent size on them while her pink eyes turned red. Now the one straddling him wasn't either Tear or Sephie, but was Valerie instead.

"If a beautiful professor or a queen isn't good enough, then how about another man's woman?" 'Valerie' teased, as she once again displayed another woman's body for his viewing pleasure.

Up until this point Alex had let the woman do as she pleased because his arms had been pinned under Rias and Akeno, and he didn't want to wake them after how much he had pushed them only a few hours prior. By this point however he had slowly worked his arms free from their soft bodies and, to keep his assailant from slipping through his fingers, he played along by reaching up and grabbing a firm handful of 'Valerie's' plump ass, kneading it as he did so.

'Valerie' showed a victorious smirk as he grabbed her ass, believing Alex was firmly within her grasp now. She then leaned down and whispered into his ear as he played with her butt, "No matter the woman, no matter how 'taboo', they will all be yours. You just need to say five little words, I. Am. Your. Faithful. Servant."

Believing she had won, 'Valerie' didn't suspect anything as Alex muttered, "I am-" Her heart was pounding in her chest as plans for her eventual takeover started surging through her mind, until he continued, "-very disappointed Nemesis."


That was all that came from the imposter's, Nemesis's mouth, before,


Nemesis let out an ear splitting shriek as pain assaulted her entire body, originating from the slave mark that Alex had secretly branded her butt with. As he hadn't intentionally inflicted her punishment, Alex could assume it was due to how much he disliked her trying to seduce him with the forms of women that he wasn't actually involved with. And as a result the two girls at his side jolted awake immediately before looking at the naked spasming Valerie in confusion.

Then, before their eyes, 'Valerie's' body began to change as she began shrinking and her skin tone became drastically darker. Her fair sized breasts began disappearing, and her shorter blond hair grew longer and darkened completely, until laying before them was an extremely petite girl with skin darker than even Anne's.

As they looked at her in confusion, Alex squeeze both girl's hands apologetically for waking them up, even as he said, "Meet our own little stowaway, Nemesis."


Grayfia slowly made her way through the stairs and halls within the space-time orb's villa, her destination being her lord's room. Typically she'd think that he was calling her this early in the morning for some fun, but something told her that wasn't the case this time.

As she considered the different reasons for why she was called, Grayfia opened the door to his room and was greeted by a sight she never expected.

"How about this, ufufufufu~?"



The first thing Grayfia saw when she entered the room was a very petite dark skinned girl, naked and bent over with her hands down on Alex's bed, while the similarly naked Rias and Akeno stood behind her with their hands glowing from demonic power. While Akeno had a short length of lightning that was shaped like a whip in her hand, Rias's was covered in her usual Crimson magic power as she swung it and slapped the dark skinned girl's already cherry red buttocks hard enough to produce a crisp slap.

While the duo were abusing the girl's behind, Alex was sitting back a ways watching impassively before turning to look at Grayfia.

"Good morning." He said while giving Grayfia a casual wave, to which the silver haired maid inclined her head slightly before responding,

"Good morning, might I ask what is going on here?" Alex smiled wryly at the question, before pointing at the girl as Akeno delivered another lashing to her rear, and said,

"This is Nemesis. She's a transform weapon like Yami and Mea, except instead of transforming into an actual weapon she can take the form of any living being, impersonating people or even possessing them. Channeled correctly she'd make an excellent scout and Intel collector." Grayfia cocked an eyebrow when she heard this, as the girls had told them about the infamous Nemesis, but she had apparently been missing ever since 'that' man had started making his move in their world.

Knowing what she was about to ask, as Rias and Akeno had asked the same thing, Alex continued, "She used her ability to possess others to hide from 'that' man, jumping from person to person secretly to avoid being affected by his ability whenever he used it. Naturally when they were brought here she hitched a ride, and used the same tactics to avoid being detected by us until now. She only showed herself because she wanted to try and make me her 'servant' to control us and Asora."

When she heard this Grayfia directed a glare at Nemesis for daring to try and turn Alex into her servant, even as Rias's hand harshly smacked her backside once more. As for the reason Rias and Akeno were so enthusiastically punishing her, it also had to do with the way Nemesis had used her powers to shamelessly flaunt and use another person's body without any care. If she felt like it, she could have just as easily assumed any one of their naked forms and flaunted it all around Asora to irreversibly destroy their reputation. Though they had no intention of telling any of them about it, this was also payback for what she did with Tear, Sephie, and Valerie's forms before Alex marked her as his slave.

With the mark on her butt being clearly visible, along with Alex's earlier comment about her abilities, Grayfia then stated, "Then she is to join my combat maids?" Rather than a question it was more of an observation, to which Alex nodded and said,

"Yeah, I want her learning under Nyx though." When she heard this Grayfia cocked an eyebrow, but didn't question it since Nyx's loyalty was no longer under scrutiny. The reason Alex wanted Nyx and Nemesis specifically to work together though, was because Nyx was the goddess of darkness while Nemesis' body was composed entirely of dark matter, meaning that her entire being fell under Nyx's sphere of influence.

Without minding the scene before them, the duo chatted about this and that until the door to Alex's room opened once more to produce Ringo and the Pandora maids sent to tidy up. Though they paused slightly at what was happening when thy opened the door, the group of women promptly ignored it as they set to their respective tasks, no longer being fazed by what they might find going on in Alex's room in the mornings.

"Morning Ringo." Alex said as he stood and gestured to the two girls to stop, to which the orange haired woman responded,

"Good morning, training clothes again today?" As Alex had spent the last several days training that was what Ringo assumed he was going to do today as well, but surprisingly he shook his head and stated,

"Nope, today I'm having the heads of Asora meet to discuss various topics along with the sudden arrival of so many new residents." His words made Rias and Akeno look up, as the Crimson haired beauty asked,

"All of us?" Alex nodded and said,

"Yeah, I feel like it's been a while since we've had a real meeting, and there's some things I've decided after dealing with 'that' man." Nodding in agreement, the duo promptly left Nemesis where she was bent over and headed towards the bathroom, while Grayfia collected her new recruit and Ringo and the Pandora got to work.

After leaving the bathroom and changing into their clothes, a formal black suit for Alex and a grey skirted suit for Rias while Akeno's outfit was akin to a female server's, Rias and Akeno left to spread the word to those who needed to attend about the meeting, while Alex went to gather some other attendees. A brief blip with Spatial magic, and he found himself standing on a floating island that, until recently, had been completely barren.

Now it was filled with all types of alien flora and fauna after Momo and Nana spent the last week renovating it, while a large semi-circular structure with a cutesy appearance stood in the middle of it all. Amongst fields of flowers that shimmered like a rainbow, there were cute and cuddly alien animals that were happily munching on plants bearing heavy fruits and vegetables until they saw Alex appear.

As the small swarm of adorable animals made their way to him Alex made sure to stop and pet every one he could, though he made sure to keep a wide berth from one that looked like a skunk, making it noticeably sad as he did so. Though he felt a bit bad for it, Alex still didn't go near the skunk as he made his way to the building.

After pressing the doorbell to the side of the door, Alex waited as he listened to the chime echo through the building until the door was pulled open, and a smiling girl with short pink hair was standing there in her pj's.

"Good morning Alex, did you come to see me?" Momo asked while batting her eyes prettily, before another voice suddenly demanded from behind her,

"What do you want?" The door was suddenly opened wider and Nana was there as well glaring at him, to which Alex smiled wryly before saying,

"Good morning Momo, and to you too Nana. I came by to talk to your mother and sister." Though Momo pouted slightly and Nana narrowed her eyes, they were both about to give what seemed to be very different responses when suddenly,

"What are you doing here Alex?" They turned to look inside the building, to see a completely naked Lala standing there without a single care in the world as she waited for Alex's answer.

"Big sis! What are doing walking around naked!?" Nana demanded as she tried to cover her sister from Alex's view, even as she casually stated,

"I was just going to take a quick bath when I heard the doorbell go off, and what are you doing Nana?" Never one to have been shy about her body, coupled with Alex having already seen them naked plenty of times already, Lala was confused by the way her sister was reacting when her mother walked over in a robe and said,

"Lala, it isn't proper to greet someone without any clothes. Go get a robe or something and then we'll see what Alex wants." With Lala giving her mom a 'Yes mama!' Before running off, Alex was then led by an eager Momo to the living area while the glaring Nana and smiling Sephie followed them.

As Alex took a seat on the couch and Momo went to fix him some tea with the leaves from one of her plants, he was awkwardly trying to ignore Nana as she seemingly tried to bore a hole in his with her glare, while also avoiding Sephie's gaze as Nemesis's earlier antics resurfaced in his mind. Thankfully they didn't have to wait long before Lala reappeared wearing a robe as well, while a small robotic figure hovered behind her.

"Hello again! Alex this is Peke, Peke this is Alex!" Lala introduced the little robot to Alex, even as it floated over to him and said,

"It is an honor to meet you sir Alex, and thank you for saving Lala-sama and the rest of the girls from 'that' man." Alex nodded as he held out a finger that Peke gripped and shook with her small hand, and said,

"I'm only sorry that I couldn't help sooner. If you don't mind me asking, how come I haven't seen you before now?" To Alex's question Peke became noticeably agitated despite being a robot, and stated angrily,

"'That' man's powers wouldn't work on me due to me being a robot, and, because my loyalty was only towards Lala-sama, he had me dismantled and scrapped, but thankfully Lala-sama saved my memory drive and just finished building me a new body." As Peke explained what happened to her Lala showed a dejected expression due to her not being able to help her closest friend, and constant companion. She perked up once more however when Peke settled in her lap, and Lala wrapped her arms around the small robot lovingly.

Smiling at the scene, Alex then turned serious and directed his attention Sephie before saying,

"About why I came today, it's getting to about morning in Asora so I plan to leave the space-time orb after breakfast due to certain things that require my attention, I would like you and Lala to accompany me Sephie." When she heard this Sephie's body tensed slightly, as to every one of them space-time orb had become a safe haven after experiencing the brutalities of 'that' man, and Sephie herself was hesitant to leave due to the curse of her own appearance. After taking a second to compose herself though, she then switched into her 'queen' mode and asked firmly,

"May I ask why we need to go so that we know what is going on?" Alex nodded and stated,

"I plan to call a meeting between all of the higher ups of Asora to discuss all of our new residents along a few other things, and I want you to act as their representative during the meeting because you have held more authority than any of them, and have had more experience with politics than any one of them have." To this Sephie couldn't help but nod in agreement, as even amongst the Pandora she was considered akin to their decision maker.

Many of the Pandora were ladies from noble houses and upbringing, and as such they were very aware of things such as social hierarchy and standing. Even if there was true royalty amongst them, none could hold a candle to the authority and standing Sephie once held as the queen of Deviluke, and an entire galaxy.

Alex then turned towards Lala, and continued, "As for Lala, I want her to meet with the other scientific divisions and leaders in Asora, so that hopefully a system of cooperation can be established. Unlike the rest of them, she currently has no access to magic yet can create inventions like nothing any of us have seen, so I hope that her help can advance the technology of Asora by leaps and bounds."

To this Sephie once again nodded in understanding even as Lala herself smiled widely and giggled happily at the praise. Ever since she was young Lala had shown an unparalleled talent and understanding for mechanics and creation, to the point that she'd disassemble entire space battleships for a prank before reassembling the entire thing like nothing happened. If one looked at her other creations then they'd see that even against the Gregori and Hajime, Lala could outclass all of them in terms of intelligence despite her child-like attitude. You only needed to look at things like the virtual worlds she created for the friends Nana and Momo had made across the universe, along with even Peke herself who was way more lifelike than a robot should be to see it, and that wasn't even taking into consideration that was only two of the dozens, or even hundreds, of inventions she had created over the years.

Understanding the situation, Sephie then stated to Alex, "Ok, we'll just need to clean ourselves up and get ready before we can go." Alex nodded in understanding and replied,

"Of course, there's still a few hours before we start getting down to the crunch, so there's no real hurry, plus I still have to go talk to Mikado and Tear as well before I even have breakfast myself. But, before I go-" As Alex trailed off the girls had stopped in the middle of getting up to go get ready, and he continued, "I still have one more thing I'd like to discuss with Lala."

Their intuition telling them this wasn't like him discussing the meeting, all of the girls immediately took their seats once more as Alex leaned forward and placed something on the table between him and Lala, causing them to make a sharp intake of breath when they saw the Crimson 'Pawn' chess piece sitting there.

"Lala, I'd like to extend an invitation to you to join my peerage, I'm sure you understand the rest by now, right?" Lala nodded slowly as she stared intently at the item Alex had placed on the table, her mind in complete turmoil from its implications.

During their recovery they had received basic lessons regarding the new world they had found themselves, including what Evil Pieces were and how they were used. And then when Yami accepted Alex's 'Pawn' a few days back it became apparent that Alex had Evil Pieces and specific terms regarding how they were used as well, but Lala never expected that she'd receive one as well. As she stared at the Crimson little thing, someone suddenly slammed their hands against the table and shouted,


Even as Nana filled the room with her shouting, Sephie said with more than a little exasperation,

"Nana, I think it's a little more than that since he could probably just do that any time he wanted even without using a 'Pawn' piece on your sister." She then turned back toward Alex, though there was a fierce glint in her eyes as she asked, "However could you please tell me why you wish to have my daughter join your peerage?" Alex nodded since it was only fair, and explained,

"Basically it's because I know that Lala has so much raw power and potential hiding in her body as the direct successor of the King of Deviluke, and because I believe she would benefit in interesting ways from the powers given by the Evil Piece. On top of that she is a wonderful person to be around, and I would be hard pressed to find someone else as appealing as her to give one of my 'Pawn' pieces to."

Though Nana thought that Alex was over playing her big sis's potential just so he could sleep with her, Sephie just nodded in agreement as she looked at Lala. Though Lala had been trained in a few different fighting styles, such as with her fists and swordplay, her child-like mentality made it difficult to see her actually entering the front lines of any battle, at least before having gone through what she did.

Alex personally thought the benefits of giving a Lala an Evil Piece were greater than any of them considered at the moment, as the devilukians, and Lala's family in particular, were based heavily on famous Devils. Even their middle names, 'Satalin' for Lala, 'Astar' for Nana, 'Belia' for Momo, and 'Lucion' for Gid were all references to the famous Devils or demons, Satan, Astaroth, Belial, and Lucifer respectively. Though he was very interested in what would happen if Lala became an actual devil, Alex was still unsurprised when she finally said,

"Thank you for the offer, but I don't want to become your servant." Without asking the reason why she refused him, Alex simply nodded in understanding as he reclaimed the 'Pawn' and said,

"I understand, but remember the offer is still open if you end up changing your mind." After thanking them for the tea and their time, Alex then left shortly after Lala refused his Evil Piece, who was also strangely silent until he eventually left.

"Well, I better go and wash up real quick before we have to go to the meeting!" Lala suddenly said after Alex left, seemingly as chipper as her usual self as she made her way to their bathroom. When she left though Sephie looked after her retreating figure with concern, and told Nana and Momo that she was going to take a bath as well before following her.

"Rito..." The moment Sephi walked past the waiting Peke and entered the large bathroom she heard the distinct sound of sobbing, as Lala sat crying on one of the stools.

"Oh Lala...." Sephie said as she wrapped her arms around her daughter to comfort her as she hugged her from behind. After sniffling Lala said between her sobs,

"I just miss him so much mama....." Sephie nodded in understanding, as she felt the exact same way about Gid, except that she had his blood on her hands. Ignoring the imaginary splashes of red that seemed to suddenly appeared on her hands, Sephie directed her attention to her daughter, and said,

"I know sweetie, I miss your father as well. None of you should have ever gone through what you did." Together the mother daughter duo comforted each other until Lala's sobs eventually started calming down, and she asked,

"What do I do mama?" Sephie was quiet as she tried to consider how to best advise her daughter, before she eventually just asked,

"Well, what do you want to do?" Lala just sighed at her mother's question, and said,

"I don't know. I don't mind accepting Alex's offer, but I also don't want to betray Rito any more than I already have...." Despite the fact that she wanted her advice, Sephie wasn't too sure of what to say since she couldn't dictate her daughter's heart for her. Eventually, she ended up saying,

"I don't think it would be a betrayal to Rito if being with Alex makes you happy." As she slowly finished speaking Lala looked up at her mother in confusion, prompting Sephie to continue, "I think that what Rito would have wanted the most is for you, and all of those he cares about, to be happy instead of staying sad. Plus...." As she trailed off Lala looked up at her mother, and asked,

"Plus what mama?" Mentally kicking herself for what she was about to say, Sephie continued,

"Plus, there are more people like 'that' man out there. People who would use knowledge and powers they shouldn't have to bend things and others to their whims, without a care for those they hurt in the process. By helping Alex you could also help prevent more people from losing those they care about or suffering unjustly like all of us have."

Lala was silent as she contemplated what her mother said, and relaxed in her embrace until they needed to start getting ready for the meeting.


While Sephie comforted her daughter, and Alex was speaking to Mikado and Tear about the meeting, a very different kind of meeting was taking place after Grayfia left Nemesis in the care of Nyx. The goddess of night and darkness scrutinized the petite dark skinned girl as she was getting dressed in her new uniform, as Grayfia had her march all the way there in the nude.

"Do you really think something like this is enough to keep me down?" Nemesis asked while pointing at her butt where Alex's slave mark was, making Nyx snort before responding with a slight sneer,

"I'm a genuine primordial goddess and I can't break it, what makes you so sure a little itty bitty baby like yourself can?" This time it was Nemesis's turn to frown, before sneering in return,

"You must be a pretty pathetic goddess then, if you can't even handle the mark of a 'mere mortal'." This time Nyx simply looked at Nemesis like she was looking at a moron, before saying incredulously,

"You do realize that Alex's goal is to rule over every universe that has ever existed, right? That means he'd have power beyond anything any of us could imagine, including being able to create or destroy entire universes with a thought. Did you really expect that such a person would lay at your feet like an obedient dog just because you wanted him to?" Nemesis snorted once more, before grabbing at Nyx's bountiful chest and saying,

"Better than a worthless sow that does nothing but shake her ass and chest for her master!" As she spoke Nemesis's form started changing so that there was a second Nyx standing there, except that she also made her clothes vanish so that she was flaunting the goddess's naked body for anyone to see.

Rather than seeming disturbed at this though, Nyx offered a slight smile, before Nemesis was suddenly sent flying against the wall behind her. Her arms and legs being forcefully spread and pinned, Nemesis was soon forced to resume her previous form against her will as pain suddenly filled her body not unlike what Alex's mark had caused her earlier. Resisting the urge to cry out, and struggling against her bonds, Nemesis was about to demand what was happening to her when Nyx said wth power filling her voice,

"Do not forget, I am Nyx, goddess of night and darkness! Any who call themselves beings of darkness answer to my whim, you would do well to remember that girl!" As a being created of dark matter, Nemesis had no choice but to but to kneel when Nyx bid her to do so, her mind seething at being forced to serve others instead of the other way around. Nyx seemed to see what was in her thoughts though, as she continued,

"Do not fret though, should you serve me and our master well, I will reward you. My shrine needs tended to, and my name needs to be spread. Devote yourself to me, and you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams!" Then, as if to prove her point, a large amount of power began to fill the petite girl's body as she received the blessing of the goddess before her.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C339
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


