57.28% God succession system / Chapter 333: Fury

章 333: Fury

As he watched roughly a dozen spaceships make their way through the massive portal Alex's heart stated thundering in his chest, both from excitement, and even a little fear.

No matter what world you visited there were several 'rules' in place regarding the inhabitants and what they were able to do. One example of this was the world of Dragon Ball, where every single powerful person without fail was a type of martial arts master, even down to the gods of Destruction. This was a large part of why the saiyan people like Goku and Vegeta were able to become so powerful compared to their comrades and allies, as saiyans were the most convenient race when it came to martial potential, actual combat, and adaptability.

In comparison you then had the world of Tortus, where people were able to become powerful physically, but the true value in combat was magic power potential and attributes. Compared to a world like Dragon Ball where one could get strong enough to rearrange an entire planet with nothing but their fists, on Tortus people that fought physically with martial arts or weapons were usually assigned to the vanguard to protect the magicians, who would then decide the outcome of the battle with their spells.

Then you had worlds like Rosario Vampire, where magic did exist as Youjutsu, but only a select few species or individuals were even capable of using it, let alone mastering it. And even though 'magic' did exist in the Rosario Vampire world, it was nothing like the magic of Tortus where spells mostly consisted of things like throwing fire, lightning, or ice at each other; while in this world spells usually referred to things like seals or barriers, while the only ones capable of using fire, ice, or lightning were those who were born able to, like the kitsune, Yuuki-onna, and Raiju respectively.

What made the reincarnators so terrifying was that these rules didn't apply to them, or those they brought with them like Alex had with Asora. Even if there was a world where it was truly impossible for magic to even exist, a single reincarnator could live like a god if they wished by using their magic that none could defend against or fight. Or, they could have chosen certain abilities or items that were unavailable in whatever world they were in, such as the 'Murasame' that the one reincarnator had tried to use on Alex before, which was a sword that would instantly kill any who just barely grazed its edge.

This was why Alex couldn't help but become both excited and even slightly afraid of the upcoming fight, if the other reincarnator's entrance was anything to go by, as he had no idea what abilities his opponent would have. Of course it was his saiyan blood that was pounding in excitement at the fight before him, whereas his fear came not from the possibility of dying itself, but of possibility of leaving behind his wives and children if he did die, and if the Age of Gods magics were unable to revive him due to him and Anne being reincarnators.

Pushing these thoughts out his head, Alex turned towards the group gathered around him and said to those who didn't know,

"Ok so a quick rundown, Anne and I are reincarnators that can travel to different worlds but there is another thousand or so of us and we're part of basically a big battle royal. This is the arrival of at least one of the other reincarnators, who it's safe to assume that he intends to attack us.

"I'm going to attack the flagship since that's the most likely place that the other reincarnator is going to be, I want everyone else to keep the other ships occupied so that they don't harm the civilians. Kurumu I want you to return to Asora to put Vali and Sairaorg on standby in case they're needed, and then get Hajime and Barakiel along with some of his fallen angels so that they can examine these spaceships once the fight is over." As Alex paused to take a breath and Kurumu left to do as he asked, he was about to continue when he suddenly heard a cold feminine voice in his head,

'You're the one who runs around calling himself the "Dragon Emperor", right?' Though it wasn't strange for Alex to hear voices in his head with Lauren and Ddraig around, the fact that he didn't recognize this voice immediately sent alarm bells through his head as he suspected that it was the other reincarnator. Instead, Alex heard Lauren's voice say almost immediately in response,

'Elaine? What are you doing on this channel?' After her another voice that was annoyingly familiar to Alex piped up,

'Yeah, you're not supposed to swap to other channels and talk to different contestants. Besides, since when did YOU start talking to men?' Ignoring the fact that Jenny had also intruded into Alex's channel, which wasn't too bad considering Alex and Anne were 'friends' on the system, Lauren then continued,

'You know there'll be repercussions if you do anything to affect the outcome of their fight.' The new addition to Alex's headspace then immediately replied,

'I don't care anymore, this just has to end! And I much rather had gone to Jenny's girl Anne, but I didn't want to risk the same thing happening to her as the last one.' This specifically caught Alex's attention, as he asked with some alarm,

'What happened to her?' Elaine was silent for a moment before answering with an annoyed voice,

'The same thing that's happened to every girl that my contestant's taken a liking to, and the reason I want you to kill him.' The 'Angel' then went on to explain exactly what abilities the new reincarnator had, and how he had used them. As he listened to her Alex's expression turned steadily darker, while his excitement quickly turned into a cold and raw fury.


Meanwhile that same reincarnator was looking through the massive window on the front of his spaceship, the only thing he was wearing being a black and pink robotic suit that's left certain areas of his body exposed, with not a single stitch of clothing underneath. Looking down he expected to see an academy for monster students below him where he intended to acquire the next addition to his growing collection of fuck toys, but instead he saw the ruins of an entire modern city. With his hands balled into fists and shaking at his sides, the fat man started shouting while stomping his feet,

"NO NO NO NO! THIS ISN'T HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE!" The world he had intended to go to was that of the anime Rosario Vampire, a world filled with fanservice, panty shots, hot girls, and the occasional fight scene. Naturally devastation like that before him didn't match the 'happy-go-lucky' world he was after, and with each passing second of looking at the scene below him, his rage increased.

"Maybe there was a mistake." One of the surrounding girls quickly said as she cautiously approached his side. She had short cut pink hair, a devilish tail extending from right above her pert rump, and her decently sized breasts were completely on display since she and the rest of the girls present were either entirely naked, or dressed in erotic cosplay. Momo Aster Deviluke, youngest of the three Devilukian princesses, moved a bit closer to him and continued, "Or perhaps something happened before we got here-"


In response to her attempt to give him advise, the fat man swung around and backhanded the princess with all of his strength, sending her falling to the ground with a red hand print already forming. He then screamed at her with a deep red face,


He then turned his attention towards another woman, except this one had been stripped naked with both her arms and legs shackled so that they were spread apart, while a pair of giant vibrating dildos were constantly being mechanically pistoned into both her asshole and pussy as a couple of weighted piercings hung from her painfully stretched nipples. As if that wasn't enough, her blonde hair that she usually kept back in a short and firm ponytail had been forcefully hacked short and was badly matted, while a blindfold covered her eyes and her mouth was filled with a ball-gag. Beth tensed as she heard the man's bare feet slap the metric floor, before he immediately placed one ageist the machine that was constantly violating her and shoved it forwards as hard as possible.


The ball-gag whistled as Beth tried to scream in pain, but there was nothing she could do to fight it as his fist then impacted her belly while screaming,





With each Insult the fat man either kicked or punched Beth in places that he knew would hurt the most, even going as far as to grab the weighted piercings and ripping them from her chest. Of course he knew about her accelerated regenerative ability, and didn't bother minding how much damage he did to her because he knew she could simply recover only for him to repeat the cycle all over again.

The reason he blamed Beth for his current situation was because it had been her saved up ability to transfer world's that had brought them there. He had told her that they were to transfer to the world of Rosario Vampire, and that the time and location was to be where Moka Akashiya was right before she began school. Instead, they had appeared right in the middle of what appeared to be a battlefield, while his target woman was nowhere to be seen.



The fat man roared as he turned to look at the one who interrupted his tantrum, Momo's oldest sister Lala. Like her sister Lala had a black devilish tail and pink hair, except hers went down to her waist instead of being cut short like her sisters, and her figure and natural charm was great enough that she had literally once drawn potential suitors from all over the universe. Flinching slightly at the man's shout, Lala pointed nervously at the large window at the front of the ship, and said,

"There's some people there..." As she pointed the window zoomed in on the area she was indicating, revealing a solitary group of people amidst the ruins of the city. When he saw them the fat man completely forgot about Beth, as he instead ran his gaze longingly and in awe of the women below, the majority of which he never expected to find in this world.

"Rias...." He murmured as his eyes ran over the Crimson haired woman's body and he started to mentally undress her, his exposed manhood becoming excited as he anticipated playing with the real thing. Beside her was also two of the women he sought the most from her world, the stoic and serious maid Grayfia, and the mischievous cat Kuroka. Along with them was another trio of girls he never expected to find, the petite vampire princess Yue, the rabbit girl Shia, and, curiously enough, the ponytailed beauty that was Shizuku, all hailing from the anime Arifureta.

And there to the side was one of the very women he had specifically come to get, her silver hair flowing as she looked up at him. What he found curious though was that next to Moka was a red headed woman that could only be her little sister Kokoa, but she seemed several years older than she should have been. And along with them was a pink haired woman lying on the ground who looked like a second mature 'outer' Moka ,as well as two tanned women, one dressed like an exotic dancer while the other was in a flowing white dress, and then finally a back haired woman in Chinese garb next to them.

Though he didn't know who these last women were, the man couldn't help but anticipate having them all moaning beneath him as they slowly became addicted to his cock as well. It wasn't until then that he even noticed any of the men down there among them, starting with the only one he recognized, the mysterious robed headmaster of Youkai Academy. Then there was the noble looking man with black hair and looks similar to the girl with Chinese clothes, and the pretty boy looking one next to him and the headmaster. Finally his gaze settled on the last man present, one who appeared to be looking directly at him with a look of absolute fury.

The moment the fat man matched gazes with this person his own blood started to boil, as it wasn't an accident that the women of three different worlds were present together, and so the only reasonable explanation was that someone else brought them together, another man. Though he had no idea who this man was the fat man could tell immediately that he was another reincarnator like himself, and, most unforgivably of all, he had laid his hands on HIS property. He wasn't the only one angry though.

Rumble rumble rumble rumble-

As the duo seemingly made eye contact a low rumble started to fill the air, and those gathered around Alex started backing away slightly with their eyes wide at his reaction. It was only matter of seconds before he was suddenly enveloped in a brilliant golden energy as bolts of lightning began arcing off of him, making everyone clear out even faster as his power suddenly surged and the earth started fracturing beneath him.

Back on the space ship there was a series of screams from the girls as the power radiating off of Alex short circuited some of the machines, and the ship itself seemed to start rumbling even though he had yet to move from his original position. The same phenomenon occurred throughout the entire fleet as Alex's raw energy assaulted them mercilessly as the direct targets of his rage, while the fat man stared out the window with a mix of horror and awe at the presence of a real super saiyan.

He didn't get long to gawk though, as the next thing he new the window he was staring out of shattered inwards as Alex suddenly appeared right before him in an instant.


The fat man squealed as he tried to crawl away to hide behind the girls, fully prepared to make them fight on his behalf. Alex however didn't spare him more than a single glance as he instead directed his intention to the beaten and still bloody woman nearby, Beth. Elaine had told him about how her contestant, the fat man, had used Beth's students against her to force her into submission, before he then imprisoned and cruelly had his way with her. As if that wasn't enough though, he had then passed her around to the various men and officials that she had made into her enemies throughout her years as a Pandora, as a gesture of goodwill towards them to earn their support even as he attacked their world.

In an instant Alex appeared next to the now unconscious girl and began removing her restraints along with the toys that were still mercilessly violating her. Then, despite the fact that she had her own regenerative ability, he used Regeneration magic to restore her body to its prime condition before the fat man had ever laid his filthy hands on her, before summoning a blanket to cover her naked body and put a layer between her and cold metallic floor. Though he somewhat regretted doing so, he also added his slave mark to the back of her hand since he wanted to make sure that she didn't do anything stupid before they had a chance to talk, and after everything she'd been through there was no guarantee that she'd listen to anything he had to say otherwise.

Though his attention was focused on Beth, Alex kept an eye on the girls surrounding him and the fat man through his 'Domain', and when he finished taking care of her he turned to face them directly, his expression one of pure murder as he focused on the fat man. Seeing the way Alex looked at him though, the fat man recovered some of his earlier bravado and demanded,

"What's that look for?! You're just a stupid lowly saiyan! You're nothing before the all powerful ability of Neotare!" As if his final word was the signal to attack, the closest of the surrounding girls, Lala, immediately closed the distance between them and attacked.

"Take this!" The pink haired girl cried out as she swung her fist at his face. As the daughter of the former King of Deviluke Lala had been the one to inherit most of his innate strength among the three sisters, which was enough to allow him to end the galactic war spanning the universe before ruling over it himself. However in her current state along with Alex's own rage fueled strength, her fist merely thudded against his chest anticlimactically before Alex raised a single finger to her forehead.

"Sleep." He said while using his Spirit magic, making the pink haired girl instantly collapse in his arms as he gently lowered her to the floor, copying his earlier actions with Beth as he used Regeneration magic to erase the bruises and scars that were a record of the ruthless abuse she had endured until now. Wrapping her in a blanket as well, Alex then turned to his next opponent and said in a calm voice that didn't match the rage he felt,


One by one he faced the girls that the fat man had amassed for his own personal guard, making them all sleep before removing all of the signs of abuse they had accumulated and wrapping them up in a blanket. His opponents included the human weapon duo of 'Golden Darkness' Yami and the 'Red Haired' Mea, the younger twin sisters of Lala, Momo and the petite Nana, the ghost girl given a physical body Oshizu, and even a black haired woman that had been an actress on their version of earth, 'Magical Girl' Kyoko.

Then he also faced a variety of girls from an entirely different world, Pandoras of the world Freezing. Amongst them was the 'Smiling Monster' Chiffon Fairchild, the 'Untouchable Queen' Satellizer El Bridget, 'The Empress' Elizabeth Mably, and Rana Linchen. There was also several other women that made frequent appearances from the series, such at Chiffon's friend Ticy Phenyl, and Elizabeth's followers Arnett McMillen, Attia Simmons, and Cleo Brand. Though he had definitely taken more Pandora from the world of Freezing, Alex had no doubt they were spread out amongst the rest of the spaceships ready to move at the fat mans command.

As for the ones he did fight, Alex could only feel pity for them as they went down easily against him. He knew they, along with several of the girls he fought from the To Love Ru universe, were definitely stronger than what they were displaying against him, but the continuous physical and mental abuse they had been enduring had worn on them heavily. As a result it only took a couple minutes for all of them to fall against him, with the only thing extending the length of the fights being the care Alex showed for them before moving on to his next opponent.

As he watched his playthings fall one after another before him, the fat man's expression turned murderous before he spat as Alex started walking towards him, "Useless, all of them!" He then grabbed the only woman left standing by the hair, the only noncombatant present since she was personal attendant, Yuuki Mikan, and threw her at Alex as well while he turned and tried to run the other way. Alex caught the poor twelve year old girl and treated her the same way he treated the rest, before using Spatial magic to appear directly in front of the fat man.

"Did you really think you'd amount to anything like this?!" He spat at him, to which the fat man sneered and replied,

"Don't you dare talk down to me! I have the power of Neotare, I AM INVICIBLE! BEG ME FOR FORGIVENESS WHILE YOU STILL CAN!" Alex's only response too this, was of course to punch the fat mans body as hard as possible.

As his fist connected with the thick layer of fat covering him though, something utterly idiotic happened. Alex's punch was strong enough that he could alter entire landscapes with it and destroy almost anything it impacted, however when his fist hit the fat man Alex saw the fat beneath his skin ripple before the fat man was sent flying away. He then bounced off of the walls and ceiling almost like a rubber ball, before coming to stop a ways away from Alex.

When he saw that he was unharmed, the fat man started laughing and shouted,

"See! The power of Neotare is unbeatable! Not even a super saiyan or the all mighty king of Deviluke was able to fight it, as his own family killed him once I gave the order! NOW BOW DOWN TO ME!"

Again Alex sneered at the fat man's demand, except this time he didn't say anything. Instead Alex instantly appeared directly behind him, before seizing the fat man by the neck and lifting him into the air as he kicked helplessly.

"U-unhand me!" He choked out while his face started turning to a deeper red. He then tried to use the mechanized suit he had acquired while in Freezing to fight back, but was naturally unable to do so since it was the suit 'Eros', and had no offensive capabilities whatsoever unless the user had performed a 'Heart Hybrid'.

As he slowly choked the life of the man in his grasp, Alex spat at him, "You deserve to burn in hell for what you've done, but since I'm not sure any of us can even go to heaven or hell, I'll just have to emulate it as best as possible!" Before the fat man could even register what Alex was talking about, he suddenly felt an intense pain as Alex set him aflame in his grasp.


The fat man screamed as the fire consumed his flesh, the agony lasting several times longer than it should have as Alex used Regeneration magic to ensure that the nerve endings in his body felt every single bit of pain for as long as possible.

Slowly the fire ate through the layers of fat and flesh, until, after several pain filled minutes, the fat man's corpse went still as the life finally left it. When he saw that Alex shook his head and said to himself,

"We can't have that, and this is a perfect chance to try that out." Due to their positions as reincarnators Alex had never been sure if using Regeneration and Spirit magic would bring him and Anne back like it would anyone else. Naturally he had never even considered testing this out on either one of them, but with a perfect specimen right in front of him Alex couldn't resist and tested it out.

"W-what?! What happened?!" The fat man jerked awake as he suddenly found himself not burning like he had thought, but still alive and well within Alex's grasp. Ok, maybe not well then. As he was trying to figure out what happened, Alex gave him an unsettling smile and said,

"Welcome back, and thank you for being my lab rat! Let's do that again shall we?" The fat man paled as he realized he wasn't just imagining that he had been set on fire before, as Alex mercilessly did so again without hesitation and the ship was filled it's his screams once more.


After the fat man died a second time, Alex didn't concern himself any more with him since there was other things to worry about. As the already burnt remains turned to dust and vanished, he called Grayfia to his side and within seconds the ever reliable maid was there.

"How's the situation outside?" He immediately asked, making Grayfia raise her brows. He had never told them what exactly had set him off, but seeing the surge of power that came from him and how angry Alex had become, they had decided the best to do was wait until he gave them new orders. After explaining so he nodded and said,

"Pass along the word, any women aboard the spaceships are to be treated with care and taken to the space-time orb for treatments with Spirit and Regeneration magics. Any men aboard them however, apprehend with extreme prejudice. A quick death is too good for anyone who worked with this man."

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C333
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


