56.43% God succession system / Chapter 328: Night Before the Battle

章 328: Night Before the Battle

As the day they'd attack Fairy Tail and finally destroy Alucard drew closer, life was almost at a crawl for Alex and his lovers. Each member of his peerage was eagerly preparing for the upcoming battle, not because they thought they'd need the extra strength for it, but because it was the first time they'd get to properly test the results of their training against opponents besides the monsters they used as experience farms. Along with them was of course Akua and Kokoa, who intended to participate due to their family's intimate involvement in Fairy Tail, while Alex had even got a message from Touhou that Issa had contacted him, and was prepared to strike at any time.

The battle wasn't the biggest thing on everyone's minds however, as inside the space-time orb each day was lengthened to a month, and so from the time Alex declared war to the day they'd actually fight, there was roughly two and half years of downtime for everyone living in the space-time orbs full time, or in the case of Mizore and Tsurara, to spend their terms. Instead of spending most of their time outside the orb like Anne had, the mother-daughter duo decided to spend their entire terms inside the space-time orb where Alex and the majority of the girls spent most of their time. As a result, Alex was quickly presented with his next two daughters only a couple 'weeks' after he had gotten Mizore and Tsurara pregnant, Yuki and Aurora.

And so, with two more children to take care of, Alex spent his days alternating between his children, training, paying attention to his harem, and occasionally stepping in on matters related to Asora until finally it was the night before the attack. As per the usual when it came to nights, Alex was in the space-time orb along with most of his harem as those who were going to participate in the attack tried to get some last minute training in, namely Kokoa.



Shia and Kokoa both cried out, as the rabbit girl swung her beloved hammer and the vampiress swung her own Kou-bat turned hammer in return, resulting in a massive concussion of force before Shia's monstrous strength eventually sent Kokoa flying. When she first arrived Kokoa would normally be sent flying hard enough that she'd crash into and destroy anything behind her, now however she spun around to face Shia once more before kicking her foot in the empty air with enough force that she sent herself rocketing back towards Shia while her hammer changed shape into a narrow rapier.

"TRY THIS!" Kokoa cried out as she thrusted the rapier into Shia's neck with enough force to put even the most powerful of bullets to shame, only for the the thin blade to bounce off harmlessly against Shia's seemingly impenetrable skin.

"Tch." Clicking her tongue at how she didn't even make the stupidly durable rabbit flinch, Kokoa was about to try and take some distance when suddenly the back of Shia's hand came up and collided with her cheek. There was a sickening crunch as Kokoa's neck snapped from the sudden bitch slap, before her body rag-dolled away while the kou-bat went flying before reverting to its original form.

Moka flinched slightly when she heard her little sister's neck snap, even from where they were watching a ways away, and was contemplating checking on her before Akua said,

"Don't worry about her, it'll take a lot more than that to actually hurt a vampire, much less one of us Shinsos." Though she knew her older sister was right, Moka still couldn't help worrying slightly about Kokoa until the red headed vampiress suddenly shot out of the rubble pile she been buried under. Kokoa's expression was the very image of rage and frustration, as her supernatural power suddenly surged outwards in a massive tidal wave of blackish energy that looked like a massive swarm of bats. Shia responded in kind as her own light blue magic power grew to quickly dwarf Kokoa's, before surging forward like a massive tsunami.


The two powers collided against the other in an explosion of black and light blue energies, forming a vortex as the opposing energies competed with the other for superiority before the light blue swiftly subdued the black bats. Losing even in an exchange of raw energy, Kokoa gritted her teeth in frustration as she prepared for her next attack, only for a chime to go off as Alex called out,

"Time! The match is over!" Groaning in her frustration, Kokoa slunk over to where everyone else was with a sulky expression on her face. In the time since she had started to reside in the space-time orb the red haired vampiress had matured quite a bit both physically and mentally, and she had long since discarded notions like vampires being the strongest race, though occasionally her bratty behavior still made itself known. The current situation was one such time, as she sulked at being beaten so easily by Shia once again despite all of the training she had undergone. It didn't help that, despite their intense battle seconds prior, Shia bounced up to them and happily said to Kokoa,

"You're really getting stronger Kokoa! I was impressed with your growth since the last time we sparred!" When she heard this Kokoa's expression darkened even more as she spat out,

"Really? Cause it only ever seems like I'm just being toyed around with by all of you!" Her words surprised several people there, while Alex watched on quietly until Shia looked as if she was about to say something in return, prompting him to interrupt,

"Don't worry about it, she may not notice it now, but she'll see it well enough tomorrow." Shia contemplated Alex's words for a moment, before she ultimately decided to relent since she could also see what he saw.

While Kokoa's strength had grown during her time in the space-time orb, the vast majority of those around her were already a lot stronger than her to begin with, and had also only grown stronger in the time since she had arrived. With her being unable to accurately compare her past and current selves, Kokoa was growing increasingly tense with the battle against her older sister and mother being the very next day.

Instead of trying to convince her otherwise however, Alex had decided to let Kokoa see for herself how strong she had become during the fight the following day, while also maybe taking her mind off of it for the night. He then plopped his hand done on top of her head to ruffle her hair slightly, earning him a stink eye in return, before saying,

"You should try and relax before a big a battle instead of worrying about what'll happen, otherwise you'll do more harm than good to yourself in the end." After angrily swatting hand away, Kokoa then asked,

"And how exactly do you suggest I 'relax'?" To this however Alex offered a wry smile, before conjuring a blindfold and saying,

"It's a surprise."


(A.N. For those that are getting tired of them next up is a smut scene, so skip ahead of you want, and the reason there've been so many is just to cover the girls I wanted to before the final fight.)

Though it took a while of trying to convince her to wear the blindfold, Kokoa eventually relented when 'inner' Moka made an appearance and convinced her to do so. After a few minutes of leading her around in the dark, and then standing and waiting as Alex, Akua, and Moka prepared whatever surprise they were working on. She didn't have to wait long though before Alex finally said,

"Ok, now you can take off the blindfold." When Kokoa finally removed the thin piece of cloth covering her eyes, she didn't know wether to be excited or deadpan at the sight that greeted her. On one hand she saw both of her older sisters standing in front of her, 'inner' Moka dressed in a see-through pink nighty that allowed Kokoa to barely see both her nipples, and the little patch of silver hair that topped her special place, while Akua was in a matching black nighty. On the other hand Alex sat between them on a couch with his arms resting on the back, naked as the day he was born and with 'little Alex' already standing proudly at attention.

Though she wanted to focus her attention on her big sis, Kokoa couldn't help but ask Alex suspiciously, "So your big idea to 'relax' is to just have sex?" This made Alex frown, before he said almost passionately,

"'Just having sex' before a battle has been a tradition in almost every single culture that has ever existed! It was a way for the soldiers to forget their tension, for wives to say goodbye to husbands they might never see again, and a last minute effort for them to secure an heir!" Despite the fact that they were both going along with Alex's scheme, both Moka and Akua rolled their eyes when they heard his 'passionate' words regarding what he was trying to rope Kokoa into. With the youngest of the Shuzen sisters doing the same at him, Alex then added as an afterthought,

"Well I would also say this is a decent time for you to officially join my harem, no?" At this Kokoa's eyes narrowed as she retorted,

"Who said I'm joining your harem you bastard?!" Alex looked taken aback at Kokoa's refusal, and asked with a slight frown,

"You mean, you aren't going to join my harem?" Kokoa snorted and confirmed,

"Never in a million years!" Alex nodded slowly before eventually saying,

"I see...more for you two then!" Seemingly not letting Kokoa's refusal get to him, Alex grabbed both Moka and Akua by their waist and pulled them closer so that the two sisters were straddling his legs. With a single glance at the other, they both then grabbed the hem of their nighties and pulled them off in a single movement, joining Alex in his nakedness.

Having never directly seen Alex and her older sisters 'in action' due to them alway being behind closed doors, Kokoa didn't move from her spot and simply gulped as a single line of blood leaked from her right nostril. Meanwhile Alex was already making out with the cool silver haired beauty, while Akua had sunk her fangs into his neck on the other side and was slowly licking up the blood from there, until he and Moka finished kissing and he swapped places.

This continued for several minutes as Alex alternated kissing each girl while the other sucked and licked at his neck, their hands reaching down to grab his throbbing member while his thighs slowly became slick with their fluids. Eventually as Moka was lightly biting his neck, Alex stopped kissing Akua and leaned forward to whisper something in her ear so quietly, that neither Moka nor Kokoa could tell what he said. Akua did though, and her face lit up as she eagerly hopped off of Alex's leg to go prepare for whatever he had told her. This made Moka look up before asking,

"What did you tell her?" Alex however smirked and said,

"It's a surprise but enough about that, it's time for the 'show' to begin." Before Moka could ask what he meant, Alex immediately picked her up and twisted her around so that she was facing Kokoa, before snaking his hands beneath her knees to hoist them up as he too stood. This resulted in Moka being completely held up by his hands while she leaned back into his chest, her legs spread wide so that her soaked snatch was completely visible to her little sister. With her being suspended directly above his throbbing cock, all it took was Alex slowly lowering Moka's body before its head started rubbing against her folds before coming to a rest at her eager entrance.

"Ready?" Alex breathed into Moka's ear, making her shiver slightly before nodding. He then slowly moved his waist forward, brushing against her entrance before continuing along her slit instead of entering her.

"Eh?" Moka asked, confused as to why he hadn't entered her yet. Pulling his waist back so that he was once more poking the entrance to her hole, Alex then whispered into her ear,

"I think I missed, I guess I'll have to try again." Despite the fact that she couldn't see the slight smile on his face, Moka still recognized the sadistic undertone in Alex's voice as he whispered to her, telling her that he had 'missed' on purpose to tease her. This was quickly confirmed when he moved his waist forward a second time, and 'missed' once again before doing so a third time as well. With her frustration growing with Alex refusing to penetrate her three times in a row, Moka pinched a part of his arm and whined,

"Quit teasing me!" This made Alex smile as, despite her usual cold and calm exterior, 'inner' Moka had become increasingly honest in the bedroom after their first time together. Further betraying her expectations however, Alex whispered in her ear,

"But that's part of your surprise." Moka looked back at him in confusion when she heard this, until she caught some movement to the side in the corner of her eye. Turning to look at it, Moka's face paled as she saw her older sister standing there with a giant purple dildo strapped to her front, one hand stroking it up and down while the other emptied a bottle of lubricant into it. With a genuinely happy smile of her face, Akua finished preparing her strap on and made her way over to Alex and Moka with a noticeable spring in her step. While she did Moka's grip on Alex's arms tightened as she hesitantly asked,

"What are you doing big sis?" Akua beamed at Moka's question, and excitedly answered,

"I'm going to make love to my beloved little sister of course, along with Alex naturally." When she heard this Moka felt her stomach sink as she had a premonition of what was about to happen, which was proven true when Alex shifted his hips back so that he was no longer pressing against her slit, but her back door.

"Don't you fucking d-" But before she could even finish what she was about to say, Alex pushed his hips forward and entered the vampiress's incredibly tight rectum. "Ngh! You.....bastard!" She groaned as her asshole was forcefully spread open to accommodate Alex's intrusion, as he slowly but surely inserted more and more of his dick. Her attention was then brought back forward as somethings brushed up against her front, making Moka look down at the giant strap on that was now pressed against the very same entrance that Alex had been teasing earlier.

"I'm going to enter now Moka!" Akua said excitedly, to which Moka tried to object before her older sister leaned forward to both enter her, and seal her lips with her own. Though she tightened her grip on Alex's arms to the point of shattering even giant boulders, Moka was unable to do anything to resist as both of her holes were steadily filled up, while Alex was even groaning as her ass continuously tightened and squeezed his advancing rod.

While her beloved big sis was being assaulted by two people, Kokoa was watching on from the side while fidgeting slightly from the erotic sight before her. Despite her refusal to join his harem, Kokoa couldn't help but be transfixed on the scene before her while the urge to bury her fingers between her own legs increased. This urge only grew when the prolonged passionate kiss between Akua and Moka ended, and the silver haired vampiress's moans filled the room.

All thoughts of the battle the next day driven from her mind, Kokoa lost track of time as she watched her beloved big sis get roughly fucked by two of the people she cared about most, until eventually Moka released a deep throaty moan as she came from both her ass and pussy being pounded. As she watched this a feeling of longing filled Kokoa, as she wanted to be the one to make her big sis feel so good, not watch as someone else did so.

As he finished pumping his seed into his lovers ass Alex slowly pulled himself out of her rectum, earning himself a cute moan that would have unthinkable to hear from the silver haired woman when they first met. As the trio came down from their high, Alex and Akua both barely heard Moka whisper,

"I will.....get you back for this..." Chuckling lightly at Moka's threat, Alex gently moved her towards the couch as Akua pulled the strap-on out of her, and laid her on her side since her backside was undoubtably sore. When he turned around however, Alex saw Kokoa fidgeting from watching the earlier display, her hands slowly but surely making their way up her skirt. Noticing his gaze, Kokoa quickly removed her hands and looked away pointedly before he could say something, but what Alex said next caught her completely by surprise as he asked,

"Are you really getting turned on from watching your sister?" This made Kokoa snap her attention back to him as she dumbfoundedly managed to get out after a moment,

"Can you really say that after what you just did with both of my big sis's?!" Alex however snorted and retorted,

"They're both a part of my harem, whatever they do together is usually by my direction, and so the one responsible is me, not them." Kokoa could only gape at Alex in response to what he just said, as it was simply too incredible to take in all at once. At the side Akua and even Moka both rolled their eyes however, as they were both aware that Alex was just trying to bait Kokoa into his harem by basically saying 'If you join then you could do this too, otherwise you're just weird.'

And it seemed as if the message got across, as, despite how 'stupid' she usually acted, Kokoa was able to tell what Alex was implying after the show he just gave her. After several minutes of silence as they waited for what she would say next, eventually they all heard a single very quiet word as Kokoa muttered,

"Fine..." Alex however cocked his head to the side as if confused, and asked,

"'Fine' what?" This made Kokoa grit her teeth as she realized that he fully wanted her to say it, and so she slowly stated after taking a deep breath,

"Fine, I'll join your damn harem....." Instead of instantly accepting though, Alex said with confusion in his voice,

"But you just said a little bit ago that you'd never join my harem 'in a million years', so why the sudden change? Surely you're not just planning on using me to achieve your own goals?" This made Kokoa practically grind her teeth in frustration, before she finally asked,

"So what do you want me to do to prove myself then?" At this Alex finally dropped all pretense of confusion, as he sat back on the couch next to Moka and said,

"How about a strip show to start? We can get onto the other stuff after." Gripping her fists tightly, Kokoa resolved herself to do as Alex asked with what she desperately wanted being so close to her. She then grabbed the hem of her shirt and went to peel it off of her body, but Alex suddenly stated,

"Stop! I said a strip show, not just to get naked." Kokoa paused when she heard that, and demanded while lowering her shirt back into place,

"Well what's the difference?" Alex smiled widely at her question, and said as if he was enjoying himself,

"Well just getting naked is just removing your clothes without any buildup, a strip show is where you slowly build up to removing each piece of clothing while doing a slight dance, making it even more tantalizing when the clothes eventually do come off." This made Kokoa groan in frustration, as she could tell that Alex was purposely making things difficult for her in this ordeal. Keeping her eye on the prize though, Kokoa started to awkwardly sway slightly as she tried to do as Alex said.

With three sets of eyes on her, Kokoa slowly and awkwardly set to removing her clothes, trying desperately to make each action as 'tantalizing' as possible, though she felt as if she was just making herself look like a fool. Alex however didn't comment on the rigidity of Kokoa's movements, or the fact that there was no atmospheric music at all, instead focusing entirely on her face as the red headed vampiress acted shyly under his intense gaze.

Over the time that he had known her, Kokoa had never really shown a sense of embarrassment or modesty whenever he saw her in a compromising situation, even during the times when he had to spank her naked ass to discipline her. The reason for this was simply because Kokoa had never even considered Alex someone to be conscious of in that regard, and after the chaos of their first meeting any type of modesty seemed to be a moot point. Now however, with her knowing where things were going to develop, and having watched him in action with her sisters, Kokoa was more aware of what she was doing as she slowly removed each article of clothing, until she was down to nothing but her bra and panties.

Hesitating for the briefest moment as she reached the last pieces of cloth that covered her nakedness, Alex then reminded her, "All of it." Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Kokoa then pulled her bra off in one swift motion, letting her breasts spill out and bounce slightly before settling. Shuddering slightly as she felt Alex's hungry gaze on her naked breasts, even as her nipples started getting harder, Kokoa then looped her fingers in the band of her panties, and quickly pulled them down as well to finally get completely naked. As she kicked the final piece of cloth away, Kokoa fidgeted under Alex's scrutiny before asking,

"Now what?" Alex expression was firm as he stood, his cock standing erect and at attention as he slowly walked towards her, making Kokoa realize that soon such a thing was going to be inside her. After what felt like both an eternity and no time at all Alex was suddenly before her, placing a finger under her chin as he slowly raised her head before leaning down for a kiss.

Of all the things to happen Kokoa never expected Alex to suddenly kiss her, making her unable to register she was actually having her first kiss for several seconds after their lips met. Naturally she had no idea what she was doing as Alex took the lead, startling her slightly as his tongue ran along her lips, before trying to enter her mouth. Eventually his tongue managed to invade her mouth as it started exploring for her own tongue and even tracing along her teeth, making Kokoa think that kissing was really weird until Alex's tongue suddenly grazed one of her incisors, opening a tiny cut on it and allowing a single drop of blood to escape it.

As if she was suddenly dying of thirst, Kokoa was immediately the most passionate one in their kiss as she desperately tried to suck more blood from Alex's tongue, all of her earlier hesitation forgotten. This continued on for several minutes as Kokoa focused on the connection between their mouths, even as Alex's hands explored her body without restraint. As they started sliding down her back Alex pulled his mouth away from Kokoa, making her whine slightly as she thirsted for more of his blood, to which Alex said,

"No more, besides I still need to 'punish' you." Confused, Kokoa didn't answer until Alex suddenly slapped one of her ass cheeks, an action that suddenly felt a lot different than when he disciplined her before. He then continued, "I told you to do a strip tease, but then you didn't at the end." As he spoke Alex slapped her other ass cheek, making Kokoa jump once more as she reflexively moved the other way, closer to Alex.

With the distance between becoming zero, Kokoa could feel something hot and large sandwiched between their stomachs, as one of Alex's hands then started making their way up her thighs, until it reaches what lay between. As his fingers gently brushed against the slit of her most precious place, Kokoa suddenly flinched before saying as she backed away,


This left not only Alex, but the spectating Akua and Moka confused as well, as all three thought that things had been going rather well. Fidgeting under their combined gazes, Kokoa quickly said,

"That's...I don't want it there...." The truth was that she wanted to try and get her big sis to take her first time the way Akua had done earlier, since she was ultimately going through all of this for her. Without her vocalizing any of this however, Alex could only ask,

"Ok, where then?" With her mind reeling for an answer, Kokoa could only mutter quietly,

"The same place as big sis....?" With all three of their minds blanking, and Moka reflexively clenching her still sore butt, Alex could only say while trying to retain his composure,

"Show me where you want it then." With her face blushing furiously, Kokoa reluctantly turned around and bent forward slightly while placing one of her hands against the wall in front of her, before using the other one to reach back and slightly spread her butt cheeks so that her own little bunghole became visible to him.

"I-I want it here...."

Without letting his surprise take his composure, Alex simply smiled and asked while grabbing the bottle of lubricant that Akua had used earlier,

"Are you sure?" Kokoa only nodded as Alex emptied the last bit of the bottle onto his throbbing member, making him shudder slightly from the cold. He then stepped forward and placed his lubed up cock between her butt cheeks, up against her tight puckered hole, making Kokoa shudder as well from both the cold liquid and the object pressing against her rectum. Alex then leaned forward and whispered in her ear,

"Are you ready Kokoa?" Though she started to shake her head slightly, Alex didn't listen as he started pushing forward into the tight asshole, making Kokoa release a scream/moan as a cock entered her for the first time. Alex himself couldn't help groaning as Kokoa's asshole was even tighter than Moka's, making him feel like it was trying to cut off his dick even as it slowly entered her.

After what felt like an eternity of something spreading open and being shoved up her butt, with Kokoa hissing and groaning at the pain and the sensations she was feeling, she finally felt something softly bump into her butt cheeks. Looking back with hesitation, she saw the front of Alex's waist bumping up against her butt, while he himself leaned forward and whispered in her ear once more,

"It's all the way in Kokoa." It took a moment for Kokoa to realize what those words meant, and then she recalled the giant thing that she had seen and felt against her stomach moments before, making her stupefied at the thought that the entire thing was now inside her butt.

"Ngh!" Kokoa groaned as, before she could get used to the sensation of having her ass filled, Alex suddenly began to pull himself out before refilling her once more, and then repeating.

"Ah! No-! Please! Don't-!" Bit by bit Kokoa tried to plead with Alex to slow down, but, like when he spanked her, he was merciless on her ass as he quickly started to pick up speed, to the point where her ass cheeks were rippling every time his hips hit them. Slowly her pleas turned to groans, and then to pants, and then astounding Alex as they slowly changed to what appeared to be moans of pleasure as he fucked her asshole.

Grabbing her arms, Alex pulled her back so that her back was against his chest as he thrusted upwards once more, earning him his loudest moan from the redhead yet before he asked, "Do you actually prefer it in the ass, you pervert?" Drawing out the last word, Kokoa widened her eyes as she recalled Tio always going on about playing with her ass, and said,

"N-no, I'm not a perveeeeeert! I-it just f-feels weird!" Alex didn't buy her attempts to defend herself however, and instead he just hissed in her ear again,

"That just means it's starting to feel good already, pervert." Once again Kokoa tried to defend herself against Alex's accusations, but the sensations she was feeling in her butt prevented her from forming any concrete words as Alex snaked one of his hands down to her special place. Soon his fingers were being held up in front of her face, all of which were soaked with a kind of fluid as he said,

"This is how good you're feeling you pervert. I wonder, did you misbehave so much just so you could get me to spank you? Were you actually getting off every time?"

"N-no, AH!" Once again Kokoa tried to defend herself, but was unable to do so when Alex suddenly smacked one of her ass cheeks hard enough that soon a red handprint appeared, making her tighten her already tight asshole.

"No way...." Alex said as he took in Kokoa's current appearance, before continuing, "To think, this mighty and proud vampire was actually a complete anal slut!" Kokoa didn't even get a chance to try and defend herself this time, as Alex's hand smacked her ass once again, before doing so a third time.

This continued on for several minutes, as Alex mercilessly pounded Kokoa's ass while simultaneously smacking it until her entire rear was as red as her hair, with countless minor orgasms racking her body until she suddenly shouted the most coherent thing yet since they started,


As she cried out convulsions like she never felt before surged through Kokoa's body, while the inside of her ass suddenly burned as Alex filled it with his seed at the same time as her intense orgasm. For nearly a minute Kokoa froze as the convulsions continued to rack her entire body, before she finally collapsed into Alex's embrace limp as a noodle, his face being the last thing she saw before her vision went dark.

She was only out for a few minutes, but when Kokoa awoke she felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around her while the thing inside her butt was gone, leaving sore down there with a slightly empty feeling. Feeling her stir, Alex suddenly said,

"Hey, you awake now? That seemed pretty intense." Seeing the face of the one who was just so brutal on her butt, Kokoa looked away with a pout on her face only to see her big sis right there instead.

"You took it like a champ Kokoa, I couldn't do that..." As she spoke Moka glared at Alex while one of her hands rubbed her still sore rear, making him chuckle slightly while looking away pointedly.

Before anyone could say anything else, Moka then leaned forward and pressed her lips against Kokoa's for a brief second, before she retreated suddenly and awkwardly while Kokoa laid there, stunned. As the realization of what just happened dawned on her, Kokoa started tearing up as she cried out,

"Big sis!" She then leapt from Alex's arms towards Moka's, embracing the silver haired woman happily from what just happened. With a smile on his face, Alex watched on from the side as he let the two sisters have their moment, which he convinced Moka to do while Kokoa was out. Suddenly it was interrupted though as Akua suddenly said,

"So do you guys need some ice for your butts? It might feel a little awkward during the fight tomorrow otherwise..." With their bonding moment interrupted, Moka and Kokoa both gave Akua a deadpan stare before glancing at each other, an unspoken agreement passing between their eyes, before both girls suddenly moved.

"Wai-what?!" Akua cried out, as Moka and Kokoa both pinned one of her arms with one hand, before they each grabbed one of Akua's legs with the other to pull them back. The end result was Akua, pinned on her back, as both of her legs were pulled back so that her knees were almost touching her chin, and Alex had a clear view of the third sister's puckering rectum.

"W-what are you guys doing?!" Akua demanded, to which Moka calmly stated,

"I told you I'd get you back." With Kokoa nodding in agreement, she then said to Alex,

"Come on, it's not fair that only the two of us had to deal with that, let big sis get a taste as well." Akua's complexion paled as a big grin spread on Alex's face, and he said while slowly moving closer,

"Who am I to deny a meal set before me?" As he pressed his once again erect member against her backdoor, Akua was shaking her head as she cried out,

"No no no, please NOOOOOOOOOOOOO-"


(A.N. Smut scene end)

After a long and 'interesting' night with the three sisters, Alex found himself leaning back against the wall as a certain pink hired beauty slept peacefully with her head resting on his chest. With a warm smile on his face, Alex moved a strand of Moka's pink hair from the front of her face as she slept, earning him a happy smile from her as well.

As confident he was about the fight the next day, there was something Alex couldn't help but worry over, and that was wether or not he would be able to keep the pink haired woman at his side. There was a lot of variables regarding Moka's rosary in the battle to come, and it was possible that it wouldn't even work properly after Moka's Shinso blood was freed and she managed to fully integrate with it. However, similarly to what he told Kokoa earlier, Alex would accomplish nothing laying there worrying about it all night, and so he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep along with the three women around him.

The next day a couple of girls were wandering the grounds of Youkai Academy, bored due to the fact that they were unable to leave campus grounds even during summer vacation without special permission. And so, after they had finished all of their summer homework, the duo had nothing to do but to aimlessly wander the campus until classes started again, which would thankfully be in a mere couple of days. As they wandered though, one girl suddenly pointed and said to her friend,

"Look at that!" The other girl looked up and her jaw dropped as she set eyes on what was possibly the most beautiful person she had ever seen, with long flowing silky black hair, elegant robes that showed just a hint of his tattoos, and a tiny pair of spectacles mounted on the bridge of his nose.

As if he noticed the two girls gazes, the figure approached them with elegance and a disarming smile before saying, "Tell me, do you two lovely ladies happen to know where the headmaster's office is?" Struck dumb at the fact that such a beautiful person was talking to them, let alone complimenting them, the two girls could do little but gape in awe before another voice suddenly stated,

"I would request that you don't hit on my students Touhou, unless you want me to smack you all the way back to China before the battle even begins." The beautiful man, Touhou, turned towards the headmaster and said with his face distorting into a slight sneer,

"Mikogami! I definitely haven't missed you in the time we've been apart you bastard, but you can't expect a face this beautiful to not be put to use, or would you expect me to join you in your celibacy?" Though his face was shrouded in the shadow of his hood, everyone present could tell that Mikogami's expression turned ugly at Touhou's words, as he butted heads with him and sneered,

"Just because I'm not a horny monkey like you doesn't mean I'm celibate, and do you think any woman would want you if they knew what you're supposed to look like right now?" At this Touhou's expression turned ugly as well, the two looking as if they were about to trade blows as the girls from before moved back nervously, until someone grabbed them by the back of their heads, and slammed them together suddenly.

""OW!!!"" The two cried out, as the newcomer said,

"Keep bickering and I'll kick both of your asses before the battle starts." Even as they both rubbed their bruised heads, both of the Dark Lords turned towards Alex and the group of women behind him irritably, until Kuroka looked at Touhou and said with an evil smile,

"Should I undo the youth transformation now~Nya?" When she said this Touhou's complexion paled as he quickly started begging her not to turn him back into a wrinkled old man, while Mikogami asked,

"I take it you're ready then?" Alex nodded and pointed at the girls behind him, Kuroka, Rias, Yue, Shia, Moka, Shizuku, Grayfia, Kurumu, Sun, Akua, and Kokoa, before saying,

"We're leaving now if you and Touhou would care to join us, or would you rather just stay here and bicker while we save the world and all that jazz." Mikogami shook his head while Touhou piped up,

"We've been waiting for this for three hundred years, let's go." Alex nodded and, not minding the gazes of the onlooking students, held out his hands to summon a massive warship out of nowhere, stunning even Mikogami and Touhou as Alex said,

"Ok, let's go."

Soon, after Kuroka used Spatial magic to transport them out of the academy's great barrier, the group was flying through the skies as they headed for the floating fortress, where the greatest enemy of mankind in this world waited. Normally the atmosphere would be tense in this kind of situation, however currently Touhou and Mikogami were only staring incredulously at Alex as both Kokoa and Akua were latched onto his neck, draining his blood. If they'd known what was going on under the table and that the Kurumu standing behind them was an illusion however, then who knows what kind of expressions they'd make.

"What?" Alex asked defensively at their expressions, before adding, "They need to top off before the fight." As he said this both girls reluctantly released their hold on his neck, before their place was taken by Moka and Yue. As this continued Mikogami eventually asked with only a little annoyance in his voice,

"So what exactly is your plan to fight Alucard? While I don't doubt your strength, I hope you aren't going to just 'wing it' against the most evil and powerful being on the planet." Alex cocked an eyebrow when he heard that, and answered,

"Wether or not Alucard is the most powerful being on the planet aside, I find overly relying on plans to be counterproductive more often than not. You adhere to them almost religiously at first, and then when things go sideways it leaves you start floundering. I have a general idea of what I'm going to do, and I made my preparations, if things go wrong then I'll wing it."

Though he wasn't sure if he was imagining it or not, Touhou almost thought he saw Alex glance upwards when he mentioned making preparations, causing him to wonder what exactly Alex meant. He didn't get time to ask though, as, almost immediately after Yue and Moka also released Alex's neck, Kuroka used Spatial magic to teleport down to the ground below them, only to return a few minutes later with Issa Shuzen and a couple dozen vampires. With it suddenly getting crowded on Zenith's deck, the vampire looked around until his gaze fell onto Moka, Akua, and Kokoa.

"My daughters...." Issa whispered, before he walked up to them and wrapped his arms around them.

"Papa...." Kokoa muttered, while she Moka and Akua returned their fathers affection after so long. After a minute he separated from them, before focusing on Moka and Kokoa with confusion and saying,

"It feels like I was gone longer than I was, the two of you have grown so much...." From his estimation from how long Gyokuro had him locked up, Issa figured Moka would be in her mid teens while Kokoa was right behind her in her early to mid teens. Currently however both girls look several years older than he thought they would, something that greatly surprised and saddened him. Of course Alex was the one who spoke up and explained,

"I have something called a space-time orb, that acts as a pocket dimension where time is extended. In this case the one they've been using extends each day into an entire month." When he heard this Issa had a slightly pained look on his face before saying

"I see..." But then he focused onto Alex and said, "I take it you're this 'Dragon Emperor' I've been hearing about, it's nice to finally meet you." As he said that Issa held out his hand, which Alex gripped and returned a firm handshake while saying,

"And it's nice to finally meet the girls father. As you said I'm the Dragon Emperor, Alex." Nodding in approval from Alex's handshake, Issa then said,

"Forgive me for seeming doubtful, but you're sure you can defeat Alucard?" At first Alex cocked an eye at Issa's question, and then shook his head slightly while laughing wryly and leaving Issa standing there before simply saying,

"You'll see soon enough." As he said so Alex plopped down onto a couch that Grayfia conjured, where Rias and Shizuku sat on either side of him as they cuddled up comfortably while Yue took her usual place on his lap. This made Issa and the rest of the 'outsiders' twitch their brows in irritation, but none said anything since they weren't sure yet about Alex, and all of the vampires got this weird feeling as the petite Yue stared at them. There was a strange glimmer in her eye, and for some reason none of them wanted to antagonize her even more than Alex, a result of her 'Vampire Princess' title.

Like this the group traveled with relatively little happening while Alex flirted with his girls, with Issa was catching up with his daughters after their time apart. Eventually from the front of the ship Shia called out,

"I see something!" Everyone suddenly looked up, and saw a dot on the distance hovering in the empty air. As the minutes slowly passed the dot grew in size and detail, and several other dots could be seen flying around it as if protectively.

"Those are dragons!" Touhou said with alarm, before glancing at Alex hesitantly. Naturally he was completely relaxed in the face of the inborn army, even as they turned towards them with aggression.

"Looks as if they know we're here." Mikogami added as he glanced at Alex with mild annoyance for telling Gyokuro when he planned to attack, to which the latter simply smirked while the girls around him giggled. Knowing there was nothing to be done about it, Touhou stepped towards the front of the ship while Issa and the rest of the vampires gathered around him, saying as he did so,

"We'll take care of these so you don't have to worry about tiring yourself out before fighting Alucard." Alex however laughed at this while getting up from the couch, and strode confidently past them without saying a word. His brow twitching in annoyance at Alex's arrogance and carelessness, Touhou was about to tell him off when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning, he saw Grayfia staring at him with a deadpan stare as she said,

"My lord is not called the 'Dragon Emperor' without reason you know." Confused, Touhou didn't know how to respond until well over a hundred dragons swooped down onto them, maws filled with flame ready to spew at them. As their mindless and bloodthirsty gazes centered onto Alex however, all of the dragons halted, as an unfamiliar feeling overwhelmed them from the being before them.

Alex smiled at all of the dragons in front of him, who, even though they were weaker and had next to no intelligence compared to their ancestors, instinctively feared him despite the fact that he had yet to make a single move. Then, using nothing but his 'Domain' to amplify his voice, Alex suddenly shouted out three simple words.


Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C328
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


