50.08% God succession system / Chapter 291: War with the Yaegashi

章 291: War with the Yaegashi

Alex strolled down a certain residential road next to a river as he calmly took in the surrounding sights, until he noticed something through his domain and a bemused smiled spread on his lips. He was now on earth, or at least the Arifureta version of it, and he had spent the entire day traveling from house to house of the "Returnees" as they were now called, interviewing the families to see who would be moving to Asora. He had started of course with Hajime's, which coincidently Kaori and her family were present as well, and apparently they all accepted moving to Asora fairly well. It seemed that meeting Alex and asking him several questions of their own was their main concern, as exactly what he said would happen had been happening ever since Hajime and the others returned.

Though at first there was a month or so of the shock and awe at the class that mysteriously disappeared suddenly reappearing, it was quickly replaced with suspicion as each of the returnees displayed obvious differences in attitude and capabilities, as well as the fact that they were four students short after Hiyama and Shimizu's deaths, and that Eri and Kouki didn't return to earth with their classmates. After that several people began scrutinizing them with suspicion while others just ignored them in general, but there were some who believed that they could benefit from capturing and examining the returnees. Of course these people were easily dealt with by Hajime, but it had been a wake up call to the families who had already been told by their children that they didn't intend to stay. As Hajime already stated his plan to leave with Alex, that meant that if they planned to stay the returnees and their families would have to deal with cults, governments, and secret organizations targeting them alone.

With the same thing happening at every family he visited, it was decided that all of the families of the returnees would be moving to Asora, with the exception of Eri's and Kouki's. Alex had been to see them as well to explain the current situation regarding their children, though he never bothered inviting Eri's mother as he knew she wouldn't care about her daughter. He did throw in her face the fact that she had now lost the last thing connecting her to her dead husband, resulting in a muffled sobbing as he left. Truthfully while Alex didn't care about Eri herself, he considered what her mother had done as a parent was unforgivable, and could never imagine treating his own daughters in a similar manner.

As for Kouki's family, his parents were hesitant to accept his offer since their son Kouki wasn't the same as before, but their daughter Mitsuki quickly accepted when she heard that Shizuku was going there. She was the founder and leader of the group known as the 'Soul Sisters' that followed and practically worshipped Shizuku, and had wanted her brother to marry Shizuku so that they could become real sisters. Though she momentarily glared at him with what even seemed to be minor killing intent, Mitsuki begged to go to Asora for the purpose of being able to keep tabs on her brother so that he didn't think they abandoned him. Though he knew what her real intentions were, Alex relented since he figured she'd just make things more interesting in the future.

Now he was headed to the Yaegashi residence to speak with Shizuku's family, something he specifically saved for last due to their... eccentrics. They ran a Yaegashi style dojo that taught a samurai style of fighting on the surface, but in their hidden side they were an organization of ninjas(though they refuse to admit it) that did various shady jobs in black vans. Though Shizuku blamed Alex for ninja related jobs due to him giving her the ninja related weapons, it was actually due to the influence of her family and their history that she had a natural tendency for ninjutsu, something she had undoubtedly found out by now. There was another reason he saved talking to Shizuku for last, as he rounded a corner and saw what he had sensed earlier, as two dozen high school girls stood right outside a heavy duty gate that led to the estate of the Yaegashi. In their front was a twin tailed girl who had her chest puffed out proudly as she declared,

"HALT! You will go no further, and we will not let you torment our Onee-sama anymore! WE ARE THE SOUL SISTERS, AND YOU ARE OUR ENEMY!" Alex smirked at their attitude as they made it seem like he was the one bugging Shizuku, before putting on a serious face saying while holding up two fingers,

"These are all I need to get past you. Do you really want to try it and be dumb, or do you want to be smart?" Their eyes narrowed even more at his taunt as they huffed in indignation, causing him to sigh while saying "you asked for it." The Soul Sisters never even knew what happened as Alex suddenly appeared behind them and kicked the gate open, but before they could react several sensations shot through their bodies and they fell to the ground with expressions that good girls shouldn't show in public.

"Usually I wouldn't use such techniques on women, but, I'm sure you've been messing with Shizuku as well for "betraying" you. If I've got it wrong then I apologize, if not then don't try me again, next time I won't hold back." Alex then kept walking through the gate, never turning back to check on the Soul Sisters, who were writhing on the ground in ecstasy. He had used his fingers to give them an intense pleasure that they couldn't stand, but did so without directly touching any of the questionable areas of their bodies due to his intimate knowledge of a woman's body. The reason he decided to be so "ruthless" to the women was that they claimed to be Shizuku's followers, yet prioritized their own expectations and happiness over her own and tried to force their intentions onto her, such as trying to pair her with Kouki. As he walked through the gate Alex suddenly heard a series of cries and shouts as several presences made their way towards him.

"Who dares trespass here?!"

"Wait! That appearance! Can he be?"

"Men, prepare to attack, we are defending Ojou from this harem beast!"

After there were several cries, Alex heard what even sounded like a medieval horn blowing in the distance before several items honed in onto him, stopping just in front of his face in midair.

"Really, shrukian?" Alex muttered in disbelieve as he analyzed the objects he stopped with his domain, before letting them fall to the ground as he continued walking. As he did so he spread out his senses and detected every attacker surrounding him, despite their attempts to hide from him, and focused his Haki onto them.

"Get hi-baaabllll" One man shouted, right as he fainted from the Conquerers Haki along with a few dozen of his comrades. Alex's smirk never wavered as he casually walked through the Yaegashi family estate, taking in the surroundings until two new voices that hadn't been knocked out by his Haki declared,


Alex calmly held up a finger from each hand, and stopped the two katanas that were being swung at him with enough force to cut trees and smash boulders. Alex calmly glanced at the two assailants, an older man that appeared to be in his eighties and a middle aged man with a long scar down his right cheek, before saying,

"You must be Shuuzou and Kouichi, right? It's nice to meet you." The two men glared at him before pulling back their katanas, and Kouichi said,

"I guess my daughter told you about us huh? Well I assume you're that harem bastard tricked my daughter into falling for you." Alex nodded, not even bothering to try and deny his harem, and said,

"You could say that I guess. I came to see Shizuku and meet her family, while also discussing the possibility of moving to Asora." Kouichi nodded and said,

"We heard all about that place from Shizuku, and about the recent attempts against her and her classmates. I won't lie, it would be somewhat reassuring if we didn't have to worry about some shady group coming after my daughter or the rest of us, but I also don't like the idea of giving her to you as well." Alex shrugged since he fully expected this to begin with but, before he could answer, a smile twitched at the corner of his lips, causing Shuuzou and Kouichi to glare even more until a new voice shouted,

"Alex!" They turned and saw a beautiful Shizuku rushing across the yard to meet them, or more specifically Alex. She was dressed in a beautiful kimono and it was obvious to everyone else that she had made the effort to touch up her face and hair in expectation of Alex's arrival. Alex's smile widened as she rushed to him and jumped into his open arms, before he twirled her around and the two embraced happily for the first time in months, though in Alex's case it was a lot longer. When he finally put her down he took the chance to steal a kiss, making the usually cool girl blush with embarrassment from showing affection in front of her father and grandfather. As for the two themselves, they were both staring at her dumbfoundedly from the overwhelmingly beautiful and feminine appearance she currently had. The two glanced at each other and a glimmer of understanding seemed to pass between them, before Kouichi stated,

"Alright, alright! That's enough you two!" As he separated them Shizuku glowered at her father while Alex smiled wryly, but then she quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the house while saying,

"Let's go, I can only imagine what they tried to do to you." Alex shook his head but followed her anyways since he could tell she was in a bad mood from the actions of her family, even though nothing they could do would even effect him to begin with. Shuuzou and Kouichi shared another look with each other before they also quickly followed them. As they reached the entrance to the house that the Yaegashi family lived in, there was a mature woman who looked like an older Shizuku waiting for them. She seemed like the picture of elegance and poise as she bowed slightly to Alex and said,

"Welcome to our home Alex, the Dragon Emperor and Champion of Gabriel. Please, come inside" As she turned and entered the house Alex looked surprised at the use of his titles, and glanced at Shizuku as she turned away before muttering,

"Ryutarou and Suzu might have mentioned something when they came to visit." He smiled wryly once more and replied,

"Thank you for the invitation." He then followed her into the home with his arm held out while Shizuku held onto it, and while Shuuzou and Kouichi followed them as well, whispering something as they walked. Shizuku's mother led them to the living room, where the second he walked through the doorway a series of arrows were shot from the opposite wall. Once again Alex stopped them when they were mere inches from his face with his 'Domain', before letting them fall to the floor.

"Tch, so that didn't work either..." Shuuzou muttered from behind them, which made Shizuku try and confront her grandfather, except Alex's arm was linked with her own so she couldn't. Instead he directed them to sit at the center table as if nothing happened, only for the floor mat under him to give way to a spike pit below. Alex however calmly floated above it as if nothing happened, before turning to Shizuku and saying,

"You know, a house full of dangerous traps like this isn't really safe, I'm happy that I'll be taking you someplace much safer and welcoming." As he said this Shuuzou, Kouichi, and Shizuku's mom Kirino all grimaced while Shizuku beamed at him as she felt similarly. It actually wasn't until returning from Tortus that she learned about her family's true history, and this was the first time she had seen all of the traps that laid around their house, something that made her swear to herself to check her room for them later. The thing that Shizuku couldn't believe the most however was that her father and grandfather actually attacked Alex with real swords when he arrived, though granted he could've arrived in a more peaceful manner than kicking open their gate. At that moment Kirino spoke up,

"I apologize for our lack of manners, please, have some tea." She then picked up the tea pot that sat on the table and began pouring a cup for everyone present, finally ending with Alex's before offering it to him. Alex might have believed her earlier apology at that, if it wasn't for the fact that through his 'Domain' he noticed something fall out of Kirino's sleeve as she poured his tea. Despite knowing what she did, Alex didn't hesitate and downed the tea within a few gulps, before saying with a smile,

"Refreshing, this tea is delicious ma'am." Though her expression and stature didn't waver in the slightest after seeing Alex casually drink her tea, her eye did the barest twitch, which both Alex and Shizuku caught due entirely to their heightened capabilities.

"Mom, did you do something to the tea?!" Kirino giggled elegantly and stated,

"Ohohoho, how could I? I served everyone the same tea." Though Shizuku's glower didn't waver in the slightest at her explanation, both her father and grandfather were nodding in agreement as if to say she was over thinking it, until Alex said,

"So something didn't fall out of your sleeve and into my cup ma'am?" Hearing this all three of their expressions made the barest of twitches suddenly, while Shizuku's eyes widened and she stood shakily while summoning her sword,

"All of you! I looked forward to the man I love coming to meet my family, coming to see me again after so long! And this is what happens?!" The three perpetrators looked away at Shizuku's outburst as if they suddenly found something else in the room interesting, even as she grabbed the handle of her own sword. Before she could do anything though, Alex grabbed her arm and pulled her back down onto his lap, where he took advantage of her momentary surprise to seal her lips with a passionate kiss. The second their lips connected the entire Yaegashi family turned back towards then and glowered at him as Alex passionately kissed Shizuku for over a minute. Once their lips finally parted there was a noticeable flush on Shizuku's face as she tried to form a sentence, before Alex said,

"Now that you're calmed down, would you mind giving me a minute with your parents?" Shizuku shyly nodded as she tried to climb out of his lap, before grabbing his poisoned cup and stuttering,

"I-I'll just g-go and clean this out..." She then quickly left the room, leaving Alex alone with with her still glowering family. He then said,

"I get it, you don't like me and you don't want your daughter to be with me, but I'm gonna be rude and say that being with me makes Shizuku happy, which you haven't down too good a job of doing yourselves." Each one of her family members looked as they were slapped in the face at his comment, before Shuuzou reluctantly stated,

"Truthfully, we are grateful to you. None of us have seen Shizuku so happy in a long time, and as you said its our fault that happened. That child has such an amazing talent with the sword that we pushed for her to learn more, but we never realized how it was affecting her until it was too late. That was why we never told her the truth about our family as we didn't want to hurt her even more, until she came back from that other world claiming she found a husband, and that she wanted to learn more about the sword for him." Alex smiled at Shuuzou's explanation while Kouichi and Kirino both nodded next to him in agreement, though he truthfully already knew all of this. He knew Shizuku eagerly used the sword at first due to the praise she received from her family while doing so, but it wasn't until her femininity began getting called into question that she started closing herself off. Now, due to becoming his 'Knight', her drive towards mastering the sword had been reignited as she learned through him and the others in Asora that she could be both a girl, and a sword master. Kouichi then stated,

"Our real issue though, is what exactly are you?" At this Shuuzou and Kirino both stared at him intently as they awaited his answer, to which Alex smiled wryly before saying,

"Well firstly I'm gonna say that while I appear human, I am not, and neither is Shizuku anymore." Alex then launched into an explanation of peerages, evil pieces, as well as giving a bit of background on himself. As he finished Kirino asked,

"I don't know much about 'Devils', but aren't they supposed to be evil? How do we know you aren't tricking our daughter to take advantage of her, or are trying to steal her soul?" He laughed a bit bitterly at her question while all three of them paid close attention, with even some tension building within their bodies in case they needed to fight. He then said,

"Well firstly I wasn't born a devil, I got my powers through an evil piece similarly to Shizuku. And secondly, I wasn't even the one to offer my evil piece to her, Shizuku was the one who 'made a deal with the devil' and asked me for it, for the sake of gaining the strength to help her friends." As he finished speaking Alex waited to see the Yaegashi family would react, before they all let out he slight breath they had been holding and relaxed. Shuuzou then said,

"Ok then, Shizuku told us the same thing but we wanted to hear it from you. She also told us that even if we tried to stop you from taking her we couldn't. I've already spoken to the majority of my students, and if you'll have us the entire Yaegashi dojo is willing to follow you into this Asora." Alex smiled at Shuuzou's words while Kouichi and Kirino nodded beside him, before adding,

"But don't expect us to let up on you, our son-in-law should at least be able to handle that much." Alex's smile widened at the added condition, as he fully expected them to continue targeting him anyways, at least for the sake of appearances if nothing else. Right after they finished talking Shizuku finally returned, even though she had been listening in for a while to see how it'd go, and they finally got around to just talking and learning more about each other until it was time for dinner.

After they ate he was invited to stay the night, a weird enough invitation until he realized they must have wanted to try a different night assault than what he was used to. He was then invited/forced to join Kouichi and Shuuzou in the bath, where they secretly appraised his body due to all of the muscle he had accumulated through his life. They could tell that unlike body builders who mostly built up muscles for looks, his were genuinely for strength and fighting, and his movements were that of a fighter who left no openings. As men of combat they appreciated his body build until he dropped his shorts, Alex then had to deal with Kouichi muttering "I'll cut it off" repeatedly as they awkwardly continued their bath. Afterwards he was sure that Kouichi told his wife about what he and Shuuzou witnessed in the bath, as she kept giving Alex strange looks until it was time for bed.

"Of course I won't allow my daughter and the man who I just met today to stay near each other. She'll be in her room tonight, and you'll be in a guest room on the other side of the house." Alex smiled as if nothing was wrong, and answered,

"Of course, I understand completely." He then headed towards his assigned room while Kouichi watched him leave with a smile that didn't reach his eyes, before forming a minor hand signal to those who were watching. Alex smirked as he entered his assigned room, and collapsed on the bed while counting how many presences he could feel through his domain, and even listen in on when he focused his intent on them. Currently there was several dozen people in the house, and they were all making plans to attack him as he slept, either by trying to get him when his guard was down, or by trying to tire him out by refusing to let him sleep. Alex's smirk grew as he planned not to get much sleep anyways, just not for the reasons they planned. As Kouichi and Shuuzou both placed themselves outside his room, as if to lie in wait for if he tried to visit Shizuku, Alex placed several barriers around the room to prevent anyone or anything from entering, before crafting an illusion on the bed as if he was sleeping. Though he may not be a barrier or illusion master like Kuroka, he could still do something to keep out and fool regular humans. His preparations complete, Alex used Spatial magic to teleport directly into Shizuku's room where he caught her mildly by surprise.

"Eh?" She muttered unconsciously, causing Kirino to stir outside her door, and ask,

"Is something wrong Shizuku?" Quick on her feet, Shizuku explained while Alex crafted the barriers,

"Yeah! I thought I heard someone in the ceiling above me!" With a frown forming on her face, Kirino went to yell at the person stationed above Shizuku's room in case Alex tried to use the crawl space to visit her, though they weren't actually spying on her as they didn't intend to violate Shizuku's privacy. Taking advantage of Kirino's departure, Alex proceeded to set up barriers to prevent entry, seal sound inside, and to create a false image of Shizuku sleeping if someone did try to spy on her. With his preparations done, Alex went to give Shizuku another kiss while she dodged him and hissed,

"Are you crazy? My mom's gonna be outside the room all night!" Alex nodded and said,

"Yep, that's why I placed several barriers to make sure she can't see or hear us all night." Shizuku shook her head though and said,

"I want to, I really do, but it's too risky!" Alex's smile widened as he quickly stepped closer to her and grabbed her waist to hold her close.

"Doesn't that just make it more exciting?" Her eyes widened even more, but she didn't fight it as Alex slipped his hand under the yukata she'd changed into after her bath, while his other hand loosened the obi until the entire garment fell to the floor. As it did Alex looked Shizuku's body up and down before saying,

"It looks like I wasn't the only one looking forward to this reunion, despite how risky you said it was." Shizuku glanced away embarrassedly as Alex closely examined her body, which was bereft of any clothes under her yukata, including a pair of panties, in anticipation of Alex's expected visit. He then surprised her by suddenly grabbing her butt and pulling her closer, before turning and guiding her while falling onto the bed. All of Shizuku's resistance and reasoning had flown out of the window by this point, as she eagerly brought her head up to Alex's and kissed him passionately while also helping him remove his own clothing. Once he was stripped Alex took his ready and eager member and guided it towards Shizuku soaking entrance, where he started entering her until his tip was inside, before pulling it out and rubbing it around her entrance.

"Eh?" Shizuku groaned as he refused to penetrate her, instead seemingly teasing her by rubbing it outside and smearing her fluids, before realigning it. Alex then placed the tip against the entrance once more and inserted it, much to Shizuku's satisfaction, before suddenly removing it once more and repeating his earlier actions. With a growing frustration at not being penetrated for a second time, once Alex inserted his tip for the third time, she took no chances and wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him forward while also raising her hips, ensuring his entire length was driven into her at once.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Shizuku cried while her insides wiggled and squeezed at the familiar object inside her, making her climax immediately once he was fully inside.

"I didn't think that you'd be that eager for it." Alex whispered in her ear as she came down off her high, causing her to glare at him before pouting,

"Well you refused to put it in, and after so long I was tired of waiting!" Alex smiled and said,

"Well since you want to do it so badly, then let's make sure to put on a good show for the audience." At first Shizuku felt a bit of panic at Alex's words as she thought that someone from her family was spying on them, but then she noticed all of the stuffed animals in her collection, and the fact that they all seemed to be staring at them even though they hadn't been moved. She immediately wanted to do something about them, but before she could Alex pulled out everything but the tip before hammering it back in, slamming it against the entrance to her womb and sending waves of pleasure through her that she hadn't experienced in months. Even though she had been concerned about her parents finding out about them earlier, Shizuku seemed to have forgotten all about them as Alex jack-hammered her insides and made her moan endlessly from her constant climaxes. Eventually Alex himself was nearing his own climax, and as his pistoning increased in speed she could feel a bigger climax than any of the previous ones coming, before Alex filled her womb with his seed and she was pushed over the edge.

"I take it you enjoyed that." Alex said with a touch of humor as Shizuku's eyes slid out of focus, before she focused on him once more and said,

"Of course I enjoyed it, but the nights not over yet!" She then turned over, putting Alex on his back as she rode him cowgirl and made a quick signal with her hands, before two more naked Shizuku's suddenly popped into existence. Alex's smile widened as he saw where this was going, and one of the new Shizuku's stated,

"To make up for all the lost time-"

"-let's enjoy ourselves as much as possible."

While the main Shizuku continued to ride him, one went down until Alex couldn't see her, and started licking and sucking on his family jewels and the base of his shaft, while making sure to give the main Shizuku attention down there as well. The other one however made her way upwards and bashfully lifted her leg over his head, giving Alex a complete view of her eager sex and backdoor before all he saw was blackness as she sat on his face. She then proceeded to awkwardly make out with the main body, while the other clone continued licking them both down below, kicking off the rest of the night.

The next morning Alex was laying in Shizuku's bed fast asleep, as her main body laid on top of him, and her two clones laid on either side as they used his arms for pillows. Sadly their pleasant slumber would soon be interrupted when his barriers wore off, and a tired Kirino walked in to wake her daughter up, causing the Yaegashi's war on Alex to truly begin.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C291
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


