100% Page Hunter / Chapter 1: Page Hunter
Page Hunter Page Hunter original

Page Hunter

作者: Rupture

© WebNovel

章 1: Page Hunter

150 years ago in the day of June 17, it was called the "Gods Waste" , the sky was so dark , not even a glimpse of light has been seen , the silence of the night kills because no one can hear anything, it's as if everyone is dead but the sense of touch is keeping everyone in this world, After a minute the engulfing darkness and silence is gone , everything seems back to normal , everyone was shocked , others tremble in fear while others can't believe what they have experienced. And on that day, the world change drastically. The world was given godly powers through a piece of paper that we called "Pages"; we called it pages because we believed that this paper was torn from a book, the book of the Gods.

After the Gods Waste, pages was scattered around the world, each of it contains godly powers, that whoever can read it will obtain the powers within it. Many obtain its might and many abuses it. Incidents after incidents, the humans who obtains it knows no rules, the world is in chaos, it's seems like the gods are throwing power to humans for us to wreak havoc in this world, that is why we called it Gods Waste. The chaos continued for 5 years until such event happen, the event we called the rise of the kings, 6 Page holders come in contact, and they are powerful and renowned in this chaotic world, they decided to stop this misery by creating kingdoms and treaty and a year after, 6 Kingdom was built. The kingdom of Frover ,Baver, Ti'pa, Au'or,Sine, and Illioin. And thus the 6 kingdoms and the treaty continue to exist until the present time.

Chapter 1:- Royal Registration

Kingdom of Au'or. Year 1180, May 4

it's been 150 years since the Gods waste happened; today an event is happening to celebrate the 12th birthday of the 4th prince of the kingdom, Prince Augure Villiad, The event is called the Royal Registration. Two schools are competing to win the prince approval to enter their school, since the prince is now 12 years old he must attend school to learn the world of pages.

The fight of the royal registration is occurring, the Razzel Academy versus the Hella School of Knights, the competitor for the Razzel academy is Myria Lore (2nd year), she wields a page known as the "Materialization" a Class A page while representing the Hella School of Knights is Dwun Gara (2nd year), he wields a page known as "Elemento" a Class BB page

"Now then, I am Verona, the one who will host the battle for the royal registration, and now let us start the battle, Razzel Academy versus Hella school of knights, Begins"

♪Crowd Cheering♪

The battle begins, the first one who acts is Myria Lore, she is touching the tattoo on her left shoulder while chanting "May the light of heaven pierce those who seeks war, Spear of Saints, MATERIALIZE"

The tattoo on her shoulder is fading and turning into an actual material, this is how materialization works, any art from the book of Althos can be materialized with this page, a total of 9000 arts can be materialized but only Althos himself can freely manipulate all.

Verona: Whooa, Materialization page, only about 30 people can manage to hold on this page, it is quite difficult to use because you must have wide knowledge and great memorization on chants to materialize objects from the art of the book of Althos. So, that explains why Myria had many tattoos on her body, I thought she was a delinquent, haha

Myria lunge towards Dwun , but the Spear of saints just get through in his body , and then a sudden laugh from Dwun was heard .

Myria : A wind elemento user, what a hassle…

Verona : an Elemento page user, it freely controls the elements such as air, water, fire, and earth. And for those surpass their own capability, they become one of the elements, and that explains why Sir Dwun is unaffected and became wind itself.

Dwun : You better give up now Myria, all your materialization are physicals, and thus it cannot hurt me, it is just futile to fight me..

Myria : Surrender?? Don't make me laugh…

Then Myria touches the tattoo on her right leg and chanting " I am the ruler of the sky, the one who will judge to those who tries to conquer my territory, the one who will kill fools that never grace my blessings but rather insults my wrath" Sky Wrath's Mace MATERIALIZE!

Verona : the 1008th art of Althos the Sky Wrath's Mace , it is a magical weapon that can create a series of storms.. so she is trying to fight Dwun on his own element, interesting …

Dwun : oh a counter elemental weapon, are your tattoos possess different elements?

Myria : well, it's because elemento users have quite the number in my school, so to keep my ranking up in the school i memorized and draw the art of althos that can counter the element types

Dwun : I see , so what is your current rank ?

Myria : 34th , you ?

Dwun : allow me to introduce myself, Dwun Gara the 2nd son of the honourable knight Sir Vehal Gara the Knight of Sun in the Kingdom of Auor, I hold a class BB page , the elemento, Hella school of knights rank 31, nice to meet you

Myria : 3 ranks above me, well that explained your infusion of your element

Dwun : Myria, sorry but Prince Augere will be attending to our school

Myria : we need a royalty more than you do , so I will defeat you

Dwun : I'm telling you to concede

Myria: that will never happen!

Myria is casting the skywrath's mace, tornadoes are forcing its way to Sir Dwun

Verona : whoa whoa the arena is filling up with air, well in the first place it's already filled up but now it is visible

Myria touches her left chest, and starting to chant

Myria : Open the gate of the underworld, devote your sharpness to my body and be one with me , Armour of the undead, Felhar MATERIALIZE

Verona : the 140th art of Altos the Felhar, it creates a barrier of Zir to block all life threatening attacks

(Zir - the name of the source to cast the power of the pages )

Myria : It cost too much Zir to materialize the felhar, but it is better to be sure, Dwun is still standing , the tornadoes are not affecting him, but why; it is already been a minute since I attacked him

Then the voice of Sir Dwun was heard


All the tornadoes are gone in an instant

Myria : what in the world happened

Verona : Can someone explain what is happening

The Headmaster of Razzel Academy, Master Luxio Layer explains what is happening

Master Luxio : The most advance skill for the elemento page user, the absence, it removes the certain element in an area, it is not just the tornado is gone, but all the air in the arena is gone, that leaves the place breathless for living things there right now, but for Myria wearing the felhar is making her alive in that situation, I can't believe that a student can actually use that, I guess it will be a defeat for us

Verona : It seems like the razzel academy is admitting its defeat

Myria shouted

Myria : Not yet!

Dwun : your felhar will not last long, and as a respect for you I will show you another advance skill

Dwun suddenly vanish

Myria : What? Where is he

Verona : oh, is it because of the absence and then he uses infusion to became the air itself, and that will let Sir Dwun invisible

Myria : What a strong opponent

The felhar is gone and Myria cannot breath, and then she lost consciousness

Verona: the match is over, the Hella School of Knights have won the Royal registration

Dwun : do not underestimate the elemento page, even though it's a class BB page, if it used to its maximum potential, It can par the class A pages

Verona: I guess that's his victory speech , now then it's decided that Prince Augure will attend the Hella school of knights

The 4th prince of the kingdom Au'or will attend the Hella school of knights, currently possessing no page, hmm I wonder what page will he get, I hope it will be the same as the king , haha, it will make the hunt more merrier , right Vel ?

Vel : I rather have that materialization page, father

Father: don't be impatient, we will hunt that Myria girl later, we cannot let ourselves expose in this place, two headmasters, top tier teachers, high knights, and the most dangerous prey right now , the attendant of the prince, The Magus of the Stars Anu Dohar

Vel : then I guess, It's decided ; I will attend that hella school of knights

Father: Do your mission successfully, failure will kill you

Vel : absolutely,

"Let the hunt begin"

To be continued….

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


