87.17% Greatest Marvel Hero / Chapter 34: Chapter 34 Questions

章 34: Chapter 34 Questions

The entire room was in utter shock. Some of the people in the crowd had their jaws trying to touch the floor.

Tony's jaw also threatened to touch the floor but he did not let it. Damn it! Are you telling me that this brat is my biggest competitor? The kid I just complained to about? The kid I slightly mocked?!

Tony sighed at his mess up. He really should have paid more attention. Only it is just to shocking that a 16 year old boy has so much power in his hands.

Tony looked at Danny and saw that he also had a similar expression like everyone in the room. Then he looked toward Nick, the man who came to him with an offer of joining the avengers initiative, and saw that although not as big as the others, had a shocked expression. He saw Nick start texting on his phone, he was probably trying to pull up information on Varen Parker.

Varen: "I can tell by all of your shocked expressions that none of you thought that the President of Orion would be a 16 year old kid. That's completely understandable as I tried to keep it a secret, and had my mother and father run it in my stead until I was ready. Now, this is a press conference, so feel free to ask any questions, and I will answer to the best of my abilities."

It took a moment for the reporters to react, but they all soon had their hands up in the air.

Varen pointed to a random reporter. The reporter stood up happy to be picked and asked his question.

Reporter 1: "How were you able to start up the biggest international company at such a young age?"

Varen: "Most people that know me can tell you that I'm not a normal child. I was very smart and mature for my age, allowing me to know things that other kids my age wouldn't know. I quickly became an expert in many subjects, and with that decided to open up a company. But since I was too young, I had my parents run it while I supported them."

There were still many reporters that had their hands up, and Varen called another one randomly. The reporter stood up, and seemed very familiar to Varen. In fact Varen knew who he was, it was John Jonah Jamerson.

Jamerson: "Mr. Parker, Orion has been at the top for a while now, and we have yet seen your company do anything for the people of New York. MY question to YOU is, why is it that such a powerful and rich company does not do anything for us common people?"

Varen wanted to chuckle to himself. He knew what Jamerson was doing, he wanted him to stumble and embarrass himself, probably to prove that he was too young to run a company.

Varen: "Mr. Jamerson, I can see why you ask this question, and it is a very reasonable demand. Before I started this company, my family was not very rich. I belonged with the common folk, the people of Queens. I saw many companys donate money to charity, and although that is a kind thing to do, it is also for attention. I personally do not believe in donating to a good cause then bragging about how much you have donated."

Jamerson: "That does not answer my question Mr. Parker, I asked why your company does not donate to the common folk, not your personal opinion."

Varen: "If you truly must know Mr. Jamerson, my company donates money every month to charity's. Although we do this anonymously, and ask the charity not to inform who it was that donated the money. We have donated to charity's around the world, hoping that this can make a difference."

Jamerson went quiet and sat back down as the other reporters wrote down every word he said.

Varen: "Is their any other questions?"

Another reporter stood up and asked her question.

Reporter 2: "Mr. Parker, the whole world will be shocked when they learn that Orions President is so young. There will be many asking of your success, can you tell us if you view yourself as successful?"

Varen: "Personally I do not, I view success not being the amount of zeros in your bank account, but how much good you can do for the world that will change many lives for the better."

The reporters wrote everything down as they continued to ask question, and Varen continued to answer them. After many questions were asked, Varen decided he had enough.

Varen: "I believe that is enough questions. Please, enjoy the party."

Varen left the stage and walked to where he saw King T'Chaka and Prince T'Challa discussing with each other.

Varen: "King T'Chaka, and Prince T'Challa. It's an honor to finally meet you."

Varen gave a small bow to the both.

T'Chaka: "It is an honor to meet the boy genius who climbed to the top. Although the only reason we came is because you knew we existed, and you said that you wanted to discuss business."

Varen: "I know many things your majesty, and finding out about Wakanda was not so difficult. As for talking business, its has to do with buying Vibranium."

T'Chaka: "I am sorry, Mr. Parker. But we do not sell Vibranium to outsiders, as people can do a lot of hurt with metal such as Vibranium."

Varen: "Yes, I know that you do not trade with others. But I did say this was a business negotiation. I may have something that you guys may want."

T'Chaka: "And what might that be?"

Varen smiled mysteriously

Varen: "How about we continue our conversation in Wakanda your Majesty?"

T'Chaka: "You want to come to Wakanda?"

Varen: "Indeed, I can even bring a gift for letting me come over."

T'Chaka: "A gift?"

Varen: "I can bring Ulysses Klaue, the man that you guys despise so much to you."

T'Challa: "What?! Your saying you can catch him?"

Varen: "Indeed I am Prince."

T'Challa turned to his father

T'Challa: "Father, we should allow him to visit Wakanda. It can solve many of our problems."

T'Chaka nodded his head

T'Chaka: "Very well, The Prince and I shall take our leave in order to prepare for your visit. When will you be arriving?"

Varen: "I still have some business I have to take care of, so how about in a weeks time?"

T'Chaka: "Very well, in a weeks time we shall meet again."

T'Chaka left with his son following. Varen sighed as he now had a chance to obtaining the vibranium he needs. Varen looked around for his friends and saw them all at the other side of the room.

Varen walked toward them and joined in.

Varen: "Hey guys."

Ned: "Varen! Dude you were so cool up there. Your just like Tony Stark!"

Varen: "Ahaha...I guess so."

Liz: "Come on Peter, let's go dance!"

Liz pulled Peter to the dance floor as they began to awkwardly dance.

Varen turned to the three girls

Varen: "Would your girls like to dance as well? I'll dance with each of you."

Felica: "Then I guess you owe me a dance."

Felicia was the first to react and grab his hand.

bamjrr bamjrr

So when I was taking my brake, I ended up thinking of a pretty cool fanfiction story and wrote the first chapter. I only wrote one chapter and it might not get updates since this story is my priority. The story is called "son of a god" and it's a fanfiction of Percy Jackson and God of War. I did not read any of the Percy Jackson books and only the movies so dont grill me on that.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C34
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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