36.36% The Legend of the Nephilim God / Chapter 3: CHAPTER 2: NEW MAGIC


tom:(what happened? where I am?)

????: tom! tom!

tom: Iril?

Iril: yeah! are you all right?

tom: yeah this little wound won't affect me.

I try to stand up but because of my wounds my feet's lose all strength and I end falling to Iris chest.

tom: wooh!!

Iril: aaaa!

tom: (soft?) Iri iril you can't be a girl?!....

when i touche her chest i definitely feel a soft and flexible sensation that fills my hand

Iril: aaahh!!

then Iril shout like a girl

tom: wait Iril calm down!!!! (is the last thing I remember to say before I receive Iril full blow of magic at zero distance)

Iril: we wel(coughing) well then I am going to the dorm I will explain you when you get to the dorm.

tom: yyeah! (what is going on I didn't notice that "he" was really a "she" but that is the last of my worries first! I need to check the situations first the most important thing is that the moment Emily stuck her sword in my heart I really died but now I am still alive and my chest wound is closed as if nothing happened my two hands grew back with this strange tattoos in my right hand a black tattoo and in my left hand a white tattoo and my hair and skin turn white well my hair only partial. My eyes? the left one red and the right one Gold? leaving this aside all is like always Aah I still have a lot of things to think about it in my mind for example what was that strange shadow that talk to me? And what was that shadow?)

tom was thinking but in that moment someone knock the door

Eli: tom are you okay?!!!!

is what Eli say while jumping to tom chest

Eli: do you have the idea how much you make me worry I think I will lose you forever!!!!

tom: Eli don't cry I am all right.

??: well for someone that was stabbed in the chest you look well.

tom: Robin everyone you come to see me!?

robin: yeah man.

teacher Zen: well I did promise you to cure you.

tom: thank you teacher Zen.

robin: hey man what was that magic?

tom: I don't know I didn't know that I have that kind of power till this day

is what I say while making a scared expression

teacher Zen: well If you don't know the answer will come with time you are exhausted right?

tom: yeah Aah teacher Zen your armor and the sword

teacher Zen: I check the sword when you used it appear that it makes a contract with you.

tom: a contract?

teacher Zen: a contract is when a high class magic item or a magic beast is bounded with you is by magic this magic is for life and only if the master wishes to be broke the magic will never disappear

teacher Zen: well you need equipment for practice or combat right kept it.

tom: thank you!

Teacher Zen: Now that it has make a contract with you have to give her a name

tom: hmm

i put my hand in my chin and start thinking then an idea comes like a thunder

tom: well his name will be "moonlight" like a light that bright in a dark word.

then when everyone is gone I start to move to my dorm but when I was about to enter I stopped and think

tom:(Aah i forgot the issue with Iril!)

tom:(aah if I knew that this was going to become this awkward. NO this is something serious I have to respond)

I make a serious face while moving my shaking hand to the latch in the door and taking two deep breaths before opening a door

tom: can I pass?

Iril: yeah

when I pass I sees Iril with a black light dress his long beautiful red hair, her green eyes like an emerald that bright when he makes eye contact with her his body curves that are not trap with the uniform and are free show that she that her egoist body is now free. I cannot help myself to look away with an embarrassing face

(author: but you still looking at her right)

Iril: okay first should I start saying that my real name is not Iril Scarlet but Eris Scarlet

Eris was the first to break the ice

tom: a okay.

i am trying my best to understand the new information but the information hits me like storm making me say that stupid answer.

Eri: the second is the reason that I cross-dress and pretend to be my brother the reason is because I have to gain power to kill the person that murdered my family and avenge my family with my own hands I know that in this academy I will gain power and because of that I dress and name like my own brother that died protecting me.

is what Eri say while putting a Scary face and an Aura that say I can kill you right now

Eri: the reason that I have the body of a boy is because of this.

tom: what is that?

Eris: it is a magic ring that allow the owner to make me look like a man for a certain period of time.

tom: I see that is how you enter the academy with your brother look

Eris: I am not asking you to lie but i beg you please don't tell anyone about this!

tom: .....okay but I have one condition.

Iri: what is?

tom: please become my partner and friend.

I put a smile while Eris put a stupid face like saying what he just say

Eris: if you are fine with this kind of person

Eris put a smile on his face while stretching her hand

tom: yeah!

tom stretch his hand and grab Iri hand

Eris: well let's go to sleep

tom: yeah

is what I and Eris say then the two go to sleep in their own bed but

tom and Eris:( I cannot sleep!!)

in the morning

tom open his eyes suddenly as he was possessed

tom:(I couldn't sleep at all last night)

Eris: tom wake up and go take a shower

tom: okay I am going

I yawn and scratch my arm while moving to the shower

tom: it was a good shower

I look to the clock and say

tom: look to the time!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eris: what is only 6:50 am.

tom: did we didn't have morning training in Saturday at 7:00 am

the two of them put a little smile and turn his view to the door.

tom and Eris: AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the two of them start running at full speed and seeing the door of the classroom closing slowly

tom: we are not going to make it!!!!

Eris: yes, we are!!!!!

tom: wait!!!!!!!

Eris start concentrating scarlet energy in her palm


the two start flying because of the enormous shock wave

tom: SAFE!!!

Eris: YEAH!!!!

teacher Zen: guys the class start at 7:30 am

Eris and tom: WHAT THE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eris take a deep breath

Eris: am going to take a proper breakfast

tom: okay

teacher Zen: tom I have some business with you come here for a second

tom: what is teacher Zen?

Zen move to the blackboard and start making a ball of fire in his hand

teacher Zen: ha!!

tom: the blackboard starts open like a door!

tom: (what a cliché)

(Author notes: Hey!!! their isn't a single good novel without a secret door)

teacher Zen: my personal laboratory tom I analyze the remaining energy in the armor and the rock sword and find the magic level and element

tom: what is?

teacher Zen: is light and darkness level 12.


teacher zen: aah sorry levels are the class in which magic belongs the levels are normally 1-100 and the higher the level the stronger the spell.

tom: oh i see but you are saying a mere level 12 was that much firepower

teacher Zen: tom light and darkness are extremely powerful elements but at the same time they repel each other imagine that the magic you used takes advantages of this clash.that the reason the explosion was that big.

tom: okay.

teacher zen:listen tom you can never tell anyone about this if anyone know about this your life and the life of your more precious friends will be in danger.

i take a deep breath and try to calm down.

teacher Zen: I will teach you how to make your element change form

tom: can elements do that?

teacher Zen: yes, it can Darkness and light can change it form to the person wish

is like the water element can change to ice and earth element to steel but the difference between them is that darkness and light can change his form to any element

let me show you and example

Zen start making a little ball of fire and the ball start becoming smoke

teacher Zen: this is the one of the forms of the fire element ''smoke'' now try it out

tom: yes!!

teacher Zen: the first thing you need is to sit down with your legs crossed and image of what do your element you wish to take form and then close your eyes

tom:(what can I see? I see in my right hand a black lighting beast that move like Black lion through the battlefield in second consuming all at his way and a white flame that put in submission and is very proud and all mighty like a dragon flying in the sky.

in that moment tom left hands a white flame appeared and his right a black thunder starts appearing.

teacher Zen: (this kid is truly a monster to made it in his first try well is not that difficult but in his first try he is really a genius) well how does it feel?

tom: a little strange.

teacher Zen put a little smile on his face and say:

teacher Zen: well is your first time you will get used to it.

tom: yeah (well I spend half of my mana to do this)

Teacher Zen: well about your classes I will teach you dark spells and I can also teach you fire spells but light you will have to learned on your own.

tom: okay (where do I suppose to get a teacher that now how to use light magic)

Teacher Zen: well the last thing we should think of a name for the power

tom: like what?

Teacher Zen: the white flame looks a lot like the "WHITE EMPEROR DRAGON FLAME" and the lightning looks like the "BLACK DEMONS LIGHTNING" both of this are treasure but there are less dangerous that saying that you have light and darkness element.

tom: i am sorry but what?

Teacher zen:in this words apart from magic they exist bloodlines and essences from magic beast and special treasures if you manage to kill a magical beast you have the little chance to get their essences

tom: hoh i see

Teacher Zen: well let's go to the classroom the class is about to start.

When we move to the classroom everyone was on their sits surprised to see the blackboard opening

Robin: What were you two doing in there?

tom: nothing

i responded in flash

Robin: okay?

teacher zen this starts coughing in loud voice

Teacher Zen: okay everyone let's go to the library I will teach you spells.

Everyone: okay!!!!

Then everyone starts moving into the library

Teacher Zen: okay everyone takes the spell that fits to your element and I will tell you if you can learn it

Everyone: yeah

tom: (what spell should I get)

Teacher Zen: tom I will teach you a lightning spell and a fire spell.

tom: please teacher

Teacher Zen: okay let's move to the other room

While Zen and tom leaves Eris and Eli

Eris: did you find something good Eli?

Eli: don't call me Eli! tom is the only one that can call me like that and yes I find something good

Iri: what is?

Eli: Blood arts level 11 and you?

Eris: Firewall level 11 Elizabeth can I ask you something?

Eli: what?

Eris: tom knows how to use the sword and magic martial arts right how did he learn?

Eli: his father and mother were a group of adventurers so he learned by them

Eris: so why did he become a magician?

Eli: because he didn't have a choice.

Eris: why?

Eli: I am not the one that you should ask about this

Teacher Zen: okay the name of the spell I am going to tell you is thunder lance Like the name say is forming a lace this magic can evolve the first level is making a lance with thunder but It can only be as fast as you can throw it his reach is also poor the 2 level his reach increases but the speed is like level 1 it depends on you level 3 makes the lance fast as lightning and the reach as much as you want

tom: how did you do level up spells?

Teacher Zen: well they are a lot of way but the best way is training

tom: and the other one?

Teacher Zen: with strong feelings

tom: feelings?

Teacher Zen: yes, if you have a strong desire your spells can evolve in occasions your magic can rank up

tom: what is ranking up?

Teacher Zen: ranking up make your magic stronger and let you learn more powerful magic's

tom: I see

Teacher Zen: the second one is fireball this magic makes your fire element form a ball this one can also evolve his first level is making a ball as the size of your palm you can throw in the air but the range and size are limited the 2 level can make the fire ball even bigger and make the ball explode when it makes contact level 3 makes the fireball even bigger and you can shoot it continuous and multiples targets at the same time.

Teacher Zen: okay now sit and start making your elements go to your hands

a white flame start appearing in his hands

Teacher Zen: now try to make a ball with your hands

tom:(image a ball a white flame ball that is the size of my hand)

In that moment tom hands ignite with a little white flame

Teacher Zen: yes!! Now make a concentrate in your hand

tom: AAAAAAH!!!!!!!!

A big shout because of the pain of the spell learning

Teacher Zen: you learned the spell right?

tom: yes! (well I almost kill myself in the process but all finish all right so it's fine)

Teacher Zen: Now the next one is the lightning spell

tom: yes.... (ah I am going to die today)

I put a fake smile while taking a big breath

Teacher Zen: for this one I will give you this grimoire

tom: A grimoire?

Teacher Zen: a grimoire is a book that contains a magic inside you only have to opened and read to learn the magic spell.

tom: okay (just read it huh?)

tom starts opening the grimoire and and beam is shouted and hits tom's head and Fell unconscious

tom: where I am?

???: What do you desire

???: I am the grimoire now tell me your desire!!

i take a deep breath and answer

tom: I want the power to never lose what is in front of me to always reach what I truly desire.

???: you sure are very honest right?

tom: you think so?

???: Okay if you want this power that much I will give it to you but don't break little magician

tom: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!

I start screaming because the pain was completely unexpected and because of that my magic power starts getting out

Teacher Zen: Now tom is the most important moment don't lose the strength right now

tom: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like a doll that has been cut loose i feel down

tom: haah... haah.

i takes deep breaths and calm down

tom: fu.

Teacher Zen: good now show me the spell that you get!!

tom: yes!!

A black lightning is starts getting out of raider body.

Teacher Zen: this is not thunder lance.this is lightning shadow!!!

tom: what is that?

Teacher Zen: this is a variant of the lightning Lance this is lightning Shadow

tom: what is a variant?

Teacher Zen: a variant is a Unique spell that is obtained by using grimoires to obtain magic you normally get magic spells like lightning lance, lightning sword and lightning dagger but sometimes you can get a unique variant and between them lightning shadow is the rarest one it makes the user body to become lightning for a short period of time.

tom: waah!! (I think this week is becoming more strange every second that past).

Teacher Zen: well let's get back now

tom: okay teacher

tom( i kind of want to test it out)

While moving to the library entrance I notice a strange mood

Teacher Zen: what happened?

tom: teacher Zen i think everyone want to test their new spells in real combat

Teacher Zen: is that everyone wish?

Everyone: Yes !!!

Teacher Zen: well let's move to the practice room.

lotusflamedevil lotusflamedevil

please comment !!!!!

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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