66.66% Trusting Milo / Chapter 10: T E N

章 10: T E N


I texted her Sunday morning to let her know I was thinking about her. After not receiving a single response within a couple of hours, I began to grow frustrated. Tanner and Vera both texted her as well-- still nothing. Maybe she was busy. 

I decided to call up Alfonso and gave him Indie's information. I wanted to know more about her background. All I know so far, is that she lives with her dad. He said he'd get back to me and I thanked him.

By dinner time, everyone had texted her at least once, with no response. I was starting to get worried but reminded myself that she isn't one of those people glued to their phone, and that I will see her tomorrow. 

I was in the office having a meeting with my dad about the shipment coming in next week when a knock sounded through the room.

"Alfonso," my dad greeted when opening the door.

"Good evening, Gio. I was actually looking for your son," he stated.

"Come on in," my dad motioned for him to join us.

"I looked up Indigo Rose Carter in the system," he said while handing me his notepad.

Current Age: 17. Mother's Name: Wendy Anne Stewart - Deceased. Father's Name: Jim David Carter. Only child. Birth place: Des Moines, Iowa. Birth date: December 15, 1999. Moved to Denver, Colorado at age eight. Moved to Los Angeles, California last month. Education: Home Schooled Grades K-11, Willow High Grade 12. No other relatives listed.

"No other relatives?," my dad questioned. "That's odd..."

Alfonso nodded his head in agreement, "I thought the same thing, so I looked up the mother and father's background but found nothing. Both had no siblings and their parents already deceased. It's possible, but also very rare."

"Thanks for the help," I said through gritted teeth, storming out of the office.

It was relatively easy to fall asleep since I was in such a hurry to see my girl in the morning. But unfortunately, she wasn't there which made all the worry return. I got a message from her in first period telling me she was sick and was sorry for not texting sooner. My heart skipped a beat. Thank God, she's okay.

The gang and I had lunch together, but we knew it was much quieter without her around. She didn't show again on Tuesday and I was feeling bad knowing that I couldn't be there to take care of her. Hell, I was tempted to skip and bring her some soup at one point during the day. But Vera told me that would be too intrusive.

Thankfully, she showed up on Wednesday morning, looking extremely attractive in her overalls. And I can promise you, no one has ever said that sentence before, so that should tell you something about this girl. She could literally pull off anything, in my opinion. I was so wrapped up in the excitement of seeing her again that I completely spaced on telling her about our Halloween Bash this weekend but I figured I could just ask her when I see her in Spanish.


Tanner and I received our grade on the Psych project in first period. I was ecstatic to see that we totally aced it. Second period flew by, and before I knew it, Milo was sitting next to me in Spanish.

"I forgot to tell you about our Halloween party this Saturday, and I was hoping you'd be my date," he said as we finished the work sheet Ms. Rodriguez had given us.

I immediately remembered Jim telling me that he was going on another business trip Friday afternoon and wouldn't be back until Sunday evening. "I would love to," I cooed in response, excited for another rebellious teenage weekend.

When lunch came, the girls demanded that I come over Friday night for a sleep over since we had to go costume shopping the next day before the party. Knowing that Jim would already be gone, I happily agreed to join them. The boys soon joined us and we all joked around for the remaining thirty minutes. 

After school, we made our way to Cora's shop for some much needed coffee. Gio asked how mine and Tanner's project went, and I was truly proud to tell him how we scored a perfect hundred. The whole group high five'd us and I heard Milo sing, "that's my girl!" which made the butterflies somersault around in my stomach. We all sat around chatting it up with the parentals. 

I felt peace right here in this moment as I looked around the booth. Before I moved here, I didn't know the definition of family, or what it was like to be apart of one. But now, I do and it makes me wish that I didn't have to leave in five minutes to make Lucifer his dinner.

Skating my way around the corner, I noticed a few other cars in front of my house. I scrunched my nose up in confusion. Not only is he early, but he never usually has guests over.

I wasn't too worried about the timing, since I could easily just say I stayed after for tutoring or something. With that in mind, I walked through the front door; the smell of booze and cigar smoke filled the air. I heard loud talking and drunken laughter as I passed through the hall, hoping to go un-noticed. Once I safely made it to my room, I threw my bag on the floor and went to use the restroom. 

When I walked out, Jim was sitting on the edge of my bed. I stood there, frozen.

"What's this?," he asked slyly while kicking the black sheer bag in front of me. I gulped nervously, not knowing how he even found it.

"I said, what the fuck is this?!," he screamed.

"J-Just some clothes I bought last week," I replied.

"With what money, you lying whore?!"

I didn't know what to say... I didn't have a job and he knew that. I watched as a devilish smirk formed on his face.

"Did little Indigo make a friend?," he sneered out.

"W-What? No. I don't have any friends," I stated, trying to sound confident.

"Now, you know I don't like being lied to," he said as his eyes darkened.

I went to step back, knowing what was coming next. He lunged at me and I struggled to jump out of his way. He whipped around and grabbed me by my hair, dragging me out of my room. I was thrown onto the living room floor and I looked up to see five other men around Jim's age sitting at the table.

"Boys, I'll take all payments now," he stated dryly.

No fucking way...

The tears were already streaming down my face. There was no way in hell I was going to allow this. I knew if I didn't run now, I would die tonight. I shot up off the ground and dashed out the front door, running like my life depended on it. I remembered the park I met Milo at the night of our date and immediately started in that direction. I crawled under the slide and sat down on the wood chips, crying silently. Eventually, I fell asleep curled up into a ball until morning came.

N E X T • M O R N I N G

I made my way back to the house, thankful to see his truck gone. I went in and showered, then proceeded to get ready for the day. I ended up being late to first period, but my teacher didn't make a fuss. I noticed Tanner wasn't here yet.

Sometime during second period, I got a text from Milo saying they had some errands to handle at the warehouse so he wouldn't be in school today. I replied back letting him know it was okay and that I'd see him tomorrow. But I couldn't help smiling at how thoughtful he was.

The rest of the day went on as normal. I told the girls during lunch that I had to skip the coffee shop this afternoon. Once the last bell sounded, I made my way back home to start dinner for Jim. I was going to have to make it earlier than usual so that I could be done before he even got home since I don't know how deep of shit I'm in for just running out last night.

I was ready to go to sleep when my bedroom door swung open, revealing a very angry Jim holding a fireplace poker. The blood drained from my face, my eyes widening in horror. I begged and pleaded while he beat me relentlessly, one blow for each customer he lost last night.

The next day came, and I was sore all over but I pushed it away, keeping in mind that he would be gone by lunch and then I could start to enjoy my first Halloween weekend.

When I reached the gang, we all started talking about how excited we were for the party. Apparently, everyone from school was going to be there. I was about to head inside, when Milo gently pulled me back.

"What? No good morning kiss," he joked.

I laughed at his silliness, but hiked up on my toes to give him a little peck. He had tightened his hold around my waist making me cry out; my bruises still feeling extremely tender.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, shooting me worried glances.

"What's wrong mi amor?," his facial expression was pained.

"S-Sorry. I ran into the kitchen table this morning. It's still pretty sore," the lie tumbled right out of my mouth.

"And you thought I was a klutz," Vera said laughing.

He kept his eyes on me, like he was waiting for me to say something else.

I was silently praying that he would just leave it. And as if my prayers were answered, the bell rang telling us it was time to go to first period.

P L E A S E • V O T E

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


