Hearing the whispered voices at first Penny thought it was the sound of the wind which was coming through the windows until she noticed the windows were closed and it was from the corridor. Walking out of the powder room, she came to the end of the corridor to see a man who had his hand on the wall with a girl who stood with her back against it.
Like many other mansions, this place was not lit with candles as it was only the time of noon.
But the weather outside was cloudy and with the snow, the environment turned dark and dull. She saw the male who looked as if he were angry while the girl stared at him. Penny could tell the way the man stood he had meant to corner the girl.
Feeling more than out of place and having to walk through the same corridor where the couple stood now, she cleared her throat. Hearing her, the man was the first one to move away from the girl, a look of disappointment falling on the girl's face.
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Just dropping another note that the 5th book characters have been introduced ^.^