When they reached the Isle Valley, the town that the rich people used, the coachman opened the door for the lady of the house to step outside. The slave girl followed her, not standing but to walk down as she used her hands to crawl.
"Wait right here. I will be back in two hours," ordered Grace without looking at the coachman or waiting for his response, she started to walk. Pulling the leash that was attached to the human's neck, she pulled it as one would with a dog. Dragging her without a stop where Penny had to keep up with the vampiress steps with her knees and palms of her hands.
Penny found it quite hard to keep up with a proud Grace walking ahead of her. It was only when they reached the main town where there was a crowd did Grace slow down her steps. She walked in pride, the slave next to her adding to her existing status that made her feel like a queen in this town.
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