I met this girl…
Halloween night. 10:30 pm in Vietnam. I came to a pub with expectations of nothing eventful happening. Ordering a pepsi at first, but my cousin's boyfriend insisted l have a drink. I took him up on his offer. One became two, two drinks become three, and more drinks bombarded my way. Live music playing, songs that I enjoy being sung, jokes and conversations led to the meeting of a beautiful woman. Dressed up for the holidays in all white. The way her dress complimented her physique, how her makeup, wig, and prosthetics made her stand out from the crowd, how her enjoyment of the music made her truly beautiful in a way I've never experienced before.
A couple of bands later, the pub hosted a game to boost the crowd's enjoyment tenfold. The announcer called up eight single women to the stage. She walked up with embarrassment but knew she was here to get out of her comfort zone; and I knew I was ready to get out of mine. As the announcer called up the men who were assigned to be the ladies' partners, I raised my hand as the announcer called up a potential partner for her. As my cousin's boyfriend lifted me high into the air so I could stand out to the announcer. I was called up. This was my time to shine.
I make my way up the stairs, and stand beside her. The announcer informs us how the game will be played, as the crowd roars in excitement, she falls of embarrassment. I ask her what the announcer said. She replies,"you're going to dance with me!" As half of the contestants were shooed off the stage, I begin to prepare myself for what I am about to do, dance with a beautiful girl I'd never thought I would encounter. Round one, music starts, dancing begins. I was wary of putting my hands on her. As if she read my mind, she leans in a tells me,"you can touch me…" Surprised by her words, my hands slowly inch towards her hips and her hands reach my shoulders. We move to the music like no one ever has. Round one comes to an end, eliminations are made, reluctantly we aren't one of them. The other half of the contestants come on stage to dance their hearts out to pass to the next round. Once that was over, it was time for round two.
It's our turn to get back up on stage. We and the other finalists are ready to compete once more for the crowd. I didn't speak much vietnamese so i didn't know what the announcer was instructing us to do; but i could tell things were about to get interesting as the crowd roars in excitement. My partner enlightens me of the commotion, she leans in close and says,"can i take your clothes off?" even though shocked, i calmly reply with a simple yes. As the other contestants, my partner, and i prepare… music starts.
I was a villager for halloween so my costume was not as straightforward to take off, but she made it work. First, pulling me close with the two ends of my scarf as she slowly pulls on one end to take it off. Second, button by button undoing my shirt while our eyes gaze upon one another. Third, her hands pulling up my undershirt leaving me topless. She gazes at my torso as her hands run up my chest and onto my shoulder. Her seductive dance entranced me as if she was playing a snake charmer's flute. My hands on her, her hands on me. Wanting this moment to last forever, the game had concluded.
As it was time for crowd to vote for a winner, they favored towards us as if they knew the connection we experienced. As our newly found fans screamed for us, all we could do was stare blissfully towards each other. We were granted a prize of 900,000 VND, or about 40 USD. she suggested we could split the prize money, but i humbly suggested she keep the money. She bows to me out of appreciation and we went to our respective seats. As live bands continued to perform, all i could do was to observe her enjoyment of the music from afar. Bravery coursed through my bloodstream, and i walk towards her to ask for her number. Gladly accepting, all eyes on us, i walk back to my seat with a genuine smile on my face.
Bands keep playing, people keep enjoying, my eyes keep staring. And she glanced back as if the song playing was being directed towards me. Sadly it was time to leave, and without a simple goodbye. I left. Wanting more. Needing more. But showing nothing. Leaving with a dissatisfying taste in my mouth. Then i remember, i have her number. Rushing to find my phone in my pocket, i open it. Phuong. Leave a text. Done. Eat. Home. Sleep. Next day. Nothing…
One. Nothing. Two. Nothing. Three. Nothing. Days. Weeks. A month. Just Nothing.
They say stepping out of your comfort zone is a universal experience between humanity. That it should help you grow or burst out of your bubble so to speak. That it would help you make more friends, have more experiences, open up opportunity. But for me it always concludes the same way. Break out, mingle, delusional success. Failure. How do you expect someone to keep going out when you know the same old mundane routine of failure. Well… you keep trying. Because that's what life is. Trying, trying, and trying. Harder, harder, and harder. Throughout all of the hardships of trial and error. Until you find genuine success.
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