It's bizarre how we love someone eminently, only to be told that we are not good enough for them. And the worst part of that statement is; you spent every second trying to be the best version of yourself for that person and it takes him only a minute to say, "We're not meant to be."
With these thoughts and a bottle of beer in hand, Wu Wang went to a quiet corner behind the shrubs. He perched down on the green grass and looked into the distance.
"Let my hand go!" Wu Wang's ears perked up when he heard that familiar voice that once made him feel special but now, it only brought the feeling of being unwanted.
"What are you doing here?" Wu Wang's brows knitted together since the masculine was also of someone he was familiar with.
"It's my cousin's birthday. I have to be here." Zhou Qi replied matter-of-factly.
"I have a question for you," Ming Qu said and stared at Zhou Qi's face. "Was your boyfriend back then..." he hesitated before continuing, "Was it Wu Wang?"
No, Mey-Jie! *sad face*
But, hey! Everything has a reason, right?
Each character mentioned in this chapter is important even the dead Weiwei.
So, bear with me.