Meanwhile, Ye Jie was at the Star Emperor Hospital with Azalea. Ru had been coming every day to take care of Azalea for more than 10 days and after her frequent visits, Azalea had shown better progress in her health.
Now, she could walk around slowly without feeling too much strain on her muscles. Ru was even now serene and cautious while she held Azalea's calf in her hand to massage it.
After getting done with it, Ru stood up from her squatting position and asked Azalea, "You should focus on exercise for a month or so and the stiffness will be completely gone."
"You're an amazing person." Azalea marveled as she swayed her legs like a little kid with her toothy grin.
Ru awkwardly pulled the hood further down her face and said, "I'm not amazing. It's your own will to survive which is amazing."
Azalea pondered for a minute while tapping her finger at her chin and pointed out, "You don't like compliments. Right?"
Since I'm the dumbest author that made you guys angry today. I decided to compensate with this extra chapter. Hope it will help in dissipating your anger.
I'm really very sorry about the fiasco. I'll try my best that it won't happen again.
Again, I'm really sorry guys.