Upon perceiving a certain part of Ye Jie's statement, Ye Jun cursed out loud, "F*ck!"
Now, it was his turn to glare at his elder brother. "'Love what you have before life teaches you to love what you lost'?" He repeated Ye Jie's word. "Seriously, bro?"
"What?" Ye Jie still had no clue about what Ye Jun was trying to imply.
"Bro were you thinking about... Lu Yuhan when you said that?" Ye Jun hesitated before saying Ye Jie's ex's name.
Ye Jie puckered his lips in irritation with a scowl on his face displaying his dissatisfaction. "No. Why would I be talking about someone, I have nothing to do with?"
"What were you implying then?" Ye Jun propped his face on his palms for support as he asked his brother with interest.
"I was talking about Xu Mey... I was trying to imply that she should try to accept me in her life before its too late. I wanted her to accept the changes in her life not because it's essential. Instead, because the change could bring happiness in her life. I like to see her smile but she doesn't smile that often."
Ye Jun didn't know whether to cry or laugh at his words. The thought was beautiful but his brother was rather inexperienced with words and feelings. He only had a single girlfriend in his whole life and that too was their childhood friend. Ye Jun sighed at his brother's witless way of saying things.
Such a beautiful thought and he must have given the impression of thinking about his ex in front of sis-in-law. That would explain the cold behavior. As I said, it had to be my brother's fault.
"Bro, do you realize what you did wrong?"
"I gave her the impression that I was talking about Yuhan, right?" There was hesitation in his husky voice. Seeing his younger brother's head nodding like a rattle, Ye Jie wanted to bang his head against a wall. But chose to use his hand instead. He knocked his head with his knuckles while shaking his head. "That explains it."
I wanted her to be at ease and I'm the one who made her uncomfortable. I needed her to see my house as hers and my words must have made her feel like she's the other women in my life. Ugh! I'm really imprudent.
"Bro I know you don't love sis-in-law," Ye Jie glanced at his brother. "But I know you like her. The way I got interested in her. Your interest must have also been piqued. Am I right?"
"More or less... Yeah."
"Then try to be normal with her. I have an obvious idea about her that sis-in-law doesn't want an exaggerating relationship. She would like a normal one. A simple home where her husband would eat with her, talk with her and even in silence make her feel protected."
Ye Jie stood up and walked up to the glass wall looking over the skyscrapers. "How are we supposed to have a simple relationship, when I don't even have any clue about what she does for a living?"
Ye Jun came up to his brother and placed his hand on Ye Jie's shoulder. "If you give her a peaceful and trusting relationship, I believe she'll open up to you... Anyway, didn't you asked that friend of yours which had some mafia links?"
Ye Jie sighed loudly and rubbed his forehead. "Wayne said he found nothing." Ye Jun frowned at this statement. "According to Wayne's sources, it's like someone is pulling string in the background. There is no record of Xu Mey's life anywhere not even in her College."
"How's that possible bro? Hiding someone's whole life requires a lot of resources and only a few people are capable of that. And I don't think, there is anyone in her best friends who would be able to do that."
"You're right... Li Qiao, Lin Shen, He Jian, Wu Wang, and even Jun Li Na have a hand in hiding her life records but there is someone more powerful than them as well. That person won't even let mine or Wayne's people from seeing her school grades or whereabouts." Ye Jie was already frustrated over this unknown person behind the scenes.
Her friends said that she never fell in love with anyone. But that can't guarantee that someone else didn't fell for her. She is beautiful, simple and most of all real. She is flamboyant but not pretentious.
The only comforting thing at the moment for Ye Jie was; She was his wife, legally. All he had to do was take advantage of that plus point but apart from that, he wanted to be a pillar in her life. A pillar she could lean on.
To become a pillar of support in her life, Ye Jie decided to be her friend first. He needed to take one step at a time. He believed, friendship was a way to make their bond stronger.
But to be that pillar, he needed to know about her past. The reason for her conflict with the Xu family. And most of all, the reason for her being a meticulous person.
What do you think about Ye Jie's decision? Can friendship really bring them closer?
On a side note: Ye Jie is really dense. Isn't he?
I'm so overwhelmed with the response from all my readers that I can't tell you how I'm feeling at the moment.
It's a feeling of excitement, gratitude and nervousness.
Now, I'll have to focus a lot to keep you guys happy.
Xu Mey left the house in a hurry earlier in the morning. She was busy for most of the day with investors from Paris. She spent 3 hours of heated discussion with her own board of directors after the investors left.
She was a capable President and she already proved that to everyone in the company. No one had the courage or basis to question her authority. Once she made her stance clear, there was no room for discussion left anymore.
The deal with the CoCo Jewels was not only vital but also imperative. Fu Corporations had a subsidiary known as Jade Stones which was under Fu Lan's command but she gave it to her daughter Xu Liqing. On the surface, Xu Liqing was behind the success but in reality, there was an entire team of professionals dealing with the company's crisis.
Destroying Fu Lan would have been easy if only she didn't have the support of her paternal grandfather and his company. 'A journey of a thousand miles begins at one's feet.' That's exactly what Xu Mey learned in her life.
Before invading the Xu Corporation, she needed to cut off Fu Lan's support. The idea of destruction involved ruining Fu Corporations and taking over Xu Enterprises. It wasn't easy but Xu Mey never liked the easy things in life.
The President's office in Vintage Gems was a sight to behold. It was not an office, it was a work of art. The combination of sky blue non-transparent glass with novelty pendant style led lights hanging from the ceiling gave it a modern and contemporary look.
The beautiful paintings hung on one side of the office giving it an intense artistic feel. Xu Mey was sitting on her revolving chair, spinning it like a four-year-old. The ringtone of her phone made her halt her spinning exploit.
Upon seeing the caller ID 'Private Number', a faint smile appeared on her cherry blossom-like lips. "Konichiwa, Sensei![1]" She said in a bright and cheery tone.
"Why are you upset?" Came an alluring but calm voice from the other side.
"Sensei, I'm not upset... I'm talking in such a cheery tone." She argued.
"Mey Ai[2], you're the person who loves to talk in a cheery way when you're trying to hide your broodiness." The voice was still calm and composed with a hint of doting.
"Sensei... Do you think someone can make a place in a heart which doesn't have a place to spare?" Xu Mey asked in a serious way.
"Hmm... It depends on the person who is trying to take the place."
"Doesn't it depend on the person whose heart already belongs to someone else? If he's not even willing to give a single spot in his heart to another person, how can he give his entire heart to someone else?"
"If I knew how to laugh, I would have definitely laughed at this moment, Mey-Mey." There was amusement in this voice. "There is nothing one can't take unless he doesn't want to. If you're willing to take someone's heart, that person won't defy you."
"Sensei, some people are buried deep in a heart. It's not that easy."
"My dear student, when it comes to love, it's never too late or too early. A heart is very capricious. One's sincere endeavors can shake the heaven much less a fickle heart. Unless someone is keeping his love immersed in his soul. Because we can perturb a heart, the soul is not be messed with." The calmness of the voice could make a person instantly fall in love with the owner of it.
"But sensei, why is it not possible to mess with a soul?" She asked in a low voice.
There was silence for a while on the other side. Then she heard a faint sigh. "My dear student, Soul is scary. We lose the purpose of our existence with it. An empty shell is not worth much."
Xu Mey nodded in understanding, feeling at ease. The person she called 'Sensei' had the ability to provide her with reassurance. Sensei's words which she referred to as 'words of wisdom' always helped her in life. She didn't remember when it happened but this person was someone she could depend on. Because this person was the only one in her life who never asked for anything in return.
She still remembered the words said to her, "Life is on a lease. It's a loan, one has to pay it back at a specified time."
Coming back to the present, she heard the same calming voice again, "Someone's been probing in your life a lot recently."
Xu Mey quirked her brows thinking about Ye Jie. Didn't she tell him not to do anything? Now, he is not even respecting her wishes.
"Before you conclude it to be your husband and go out to kill him. Hear me out." Xu Mey listened attentively. "It was your husband's people at first but they stopped about half a month ago. The people looking into your activities now are different."
"Who are they?"
"It's your step-mother's loyal dogs." A killing intent flashed through her dark orbs. "I almost forgot to ask, do you know that your husband has connections with Wayne?"
"Wayne Chu?" She asked.
"Yup... That's the one." The familiar voice replied.
"I didn't know about it." Xu Mey fell into thought. A noble son of a noble household has links with underworld? Does that even make sense?
"Try to avoid Wayne, he might recognize you." It was a piece of cautionary advice.
"I know, Sensei... I'll be cautious."
"Mey-Mey, if you need me to help you just give me a call. After all, 'An old broom has its value.'"
Xu Mey burst into laughter at that saying. "Sensei, Senior brother already told me that you're younger than me. When did you become an old broom?"
She heard awkward dry-coughing from the other end making her laugh even more. "Your Senior Brother really needs to seal his lips... But anyways, you know very well, I can take the revenge you so desire with a flick of my finger."
"Sensei, I told you before, I won't feel at ease unless I'm the one to take what's mine. You're the one who taught me 'The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.'" Her voice was resolute.
"Take care of yourself, Mey-Mey."
"I will."
"Mey Ai!"
"Love is not treacherous, trust is..." The call disconnected after these words leaving Xu Mey in deep contemplation.
[1]: (Hello, Teacher!)
[2]: (Mey-Ai: Mey Love)
Hmm... A new character?
What are your thoughts on our mystery character? You are free to share your opinions. But let me share something with you guys, this particular character inspired me so much that I started writing a whole new novel on it. Weird, right?
Your overwhelming response was too much for my poor heart to take. So, I decided to repay you guys with an extra chapter today. YAY!!!
Hope you enjoy it...