It was almost time to get off when Alicia came into his office once again,unannounced.He wondered if it was a good thing they had returned from country A or bad.Atleast there she could only nag him through the phone.However he was soon distracted by the sight of her slightly rounded stomach.His neice/nephew was goin to be here soon.He wondered what it would be like if he provided a playmate for them?Ofcourse the thought was shot off the moment it came into his head and to distract himself he asked,"Al my pal.What are you doing here?"
Alicia glided into the chair and stared at him intently."You came into the office late today."
Neil narrowed his eyes and said,"Yes."
"You are never late."It was an observation and not a question."
Neil smiled at that and said,"You're wrong.I am late many times."
Alicia shook her head and said,"No!You are only late until when you are working outside the office.Today you were not working."