But Ryu's quiet call stopped him,"Long Mi Reu!Stop right there."
Neil stiffened at the call and turning back glared at his brother!No one had dared to call him by that name in the last 6 years!The name was like a reminder of the past and his brother had effectively scraped the old wounds to make him stop!
Without a word,Neil sat back on his chair but refused to speak.Ryu was as reticent as Neil and kept mum.Finally,exasperated,Neil said,"I thought we agreed to forget that name!"
"No.You declared that you will not answer to that name anymore.We just respected your decision.You may have frogotten that Mi Reu is my brother but I have not!"
"Mi Reu is dead!Please accept that!I am Neil only Neil!"
"If Mi Reu is dead then it is because of Mr X and I want revenge for my brother!I want my brother to be happy!"
Hello all.It is usually said that the brightest smile hides the heaviest heart..Guess that turns out to be true for Long Mi Rue..our very own Neil.Btw Mi Rue also means dragon...