60% Mystic Era: The Numinous Way / Chapter 17: Detoxification

章 17: Detoxification

Even though she wanted to know about the reason for the sinister old man's condition, she didn't ask. she, as a proud princess of the large family and a strong practitioner at True Elemental realm, has her own pride and dignity, she won't lower herself to ask a nobody about the situation.

Ji Yueli waved her hand and the sinister old man's corpse disappeared into the thin air. Ye Xian could guess Ji Yueli must have a space-related artifact.

Noticing everything in the surroundings are totally clean, Ye Xian whistled, then a small shadow ran towards him from the distance, It's none other than the little Jade.

Before planning to meet the beautiful maiden, he commanded the little jade not to come with him for a safety purpose.

"A spirit beast...!!" Ji Yueli let out a surprised cry. Even though for her having a spirit beast is nothing rare but a mortal realm practitioner subduing a spirit beast is unheard off. She thought the young man should be raising the spirit beast from its infancy.

"We should leave", Informing this, Ye Xian and little jade dashed towards the inner region of the forest.

Both of them ran around for fifteen kilometers; Ye Xian only stopped when he found a decent cave in the distance which was concealed from the outside view.

Ye Xian threw several formation plates into different places, the formation plates connected with one another to form a two Arrays, Mortal concealment Array and Nine soul Storm Array.

Ji Yueli who was beside Ye Xian was startled and dumbfounded by his actions of casually setting up and activating the array.

Even though she is not an Array master, she read and know about many things about the arrays and Array master. This is the first time in her life, she saw a person setting up an array in such a short period of time and that too in such a laid-back manner.

Of course, no one can do it; Even emperor ranked numinous master won't be able to do what Ye Xian did right now.

If one wants to set up an array, one has to heed their surroundings, nature, time and various other things but who was Ye Xian?. He is someone who integrated the memories of the saint redwood so it's easy-peasy for him to set up a normal grade array!

After setting up both of the arrays, Ye Xian entered the cave with little jade which was in his shoulder.

Ji Yueli also quickly followed the young man, the young man before her, was mysterious, knowledgable and powerful in some ways. This is the first time in her life, she is curious and wants to know more about the other person who's of the opposite gender.

Of course, She also thought of the possibility that the young man was from some hidden sect or family, who are powerful and mysterious.

"What a frightful day!! Such a stroke of bad luck to encounter an origin level expert." Ye Xian mumbled and looked at the beautiful maiden.

Ye Xian could see her pale face now regained some of its color's. He was surprised, he thought she would be helpless in facing the poison, like the sinister old man said, but look likes he was wrong. Other than the poison, She only had some light injuries which is nothing serious to the powerful fairy maiden.

"Senior looks like the poison didn't affect you much." Ye Xian praised.

"Of course, Even though the poison is terrifying, I have a way to deal with it for some time. If I wasn't fighting the origin level expert, I would have easily dispelled the poison." Ji Yueli replied in cold and sweet voice.

Ye Xian nodded his head and awkwardly said: "Well...If I want to check your condition, I...I need to at least touch your back."

Hearing Ye Xian's words, the beautiful maiden's expression changed and tinge a red appeared in her face. She knows, if the young man wants to treat her, he had to at least touch her back but how could she possibly agree to such a request?

With her background and status, she would normally never speak more than two words with opposite gender but now a complete stranger wants to touch her.

Having no other alternative, Ji Yueli bit her lips and she coldly said with shy a face: "Alright. But if you have any other improper thoughts, I will kill you."

To think that she, a True Elemental realm practitioner, would someday allow a mortal realm youth to touch her, it's completely ridiculous. She is embarrassed and annoyed at the same time.

As Ye Xian walked over Ji Yueli's back, he was able to smell a natural and delicate fragrance emanating from her body as that of a lily of the valley. Her nice fragrance fully aroused his youthful vigor and his face turned a little red.

Thankfully, Ye Xian was at the back of Ji Yueli, otherwise, he didn't know how to face the fairy maiden. He took few deep breaths to calm his distracted mind and placed his hand on Ji Yueli's back.

When Ye Xian toucher her back, electricity passed through her whole body. His hands are steady and hot, which aroused a strange and weird feeling inside her body.

It's not like she's feeling something towards Ye Xian. It's just this is the first time someone touched her and that too a young man so it's a new experience for her.

Ye Xian activated his myriad spirit ability and directed the spirit power inside the Ji Yueli's body. He saw a nail sized black gas near the heart which gave off a wicked and sinister aura.

'Such a terrifying poison!'

At the same time, he discovered the poison is enclosed by a cage like a spirit power; the cage was strong and powerful enough to withstand the corroding effect of the black root poison.

Even though the poison is trapped inside the cage, the spirit power was not able to fully contain it. Ye Xian could see a small amount of the black poison, slowly and steadily seeping into the beautiful maiden's heart.

If it goes like this, the beautiful maiden's whole heart will be corroded with five days so she only has the time limit of five days to dispel the poison, otherwise, she will surely die.

'Thankfully, she is a Numinous master and that too a strong one. With her spirit ability, she was able to trap the poison. If it weren't for her spirit ability, the sinister poison would have already corroded her heart and killed her.' Ye Xian thought to himself.

What happened next, astonished Ye Xian even more. His spirit power, inside the beautiful maiden's body was like a little kid who discovered it's a favorite toy, it was excited and traveled towards the Ji Yueli's heart and devoured the black poison which are already seeped into her heart.

His myriad healing spirit power becomes more restless after tasting the poison, the spirit power dashed towards the spirit cage which contains the remaining black root poison. The black root poison inside the cage cowered and moved towards the corner of the cage in fear of the incoming spirit power.

Even though the spirit power acted out of control, Ye Xian didn't do anything to restrict the spirit energy movements. Because his myriad healing spirit power is of healing attribute so it won't affect or injure the beautiful maiden.

But he wasn't able to maintain his mental state, activating the spirit ability itself took a lot of his spirit energy.

'This is…'

Naturally, Ji Yueli could see what's happening inside her body, she was stunned and perplexed by what's happening. She thought the young man has healing type spirit ability but looks like she is wrong, the spirit ability of the young man was even able to devour the poison inside her body.

Just who is this young man? What type of spirit ability he posses?

She initially thought, with the help of the young man, she will be able to seal the poison and when she returns to her clan she will be able to dispel it.

But she doesn't know, Ye Xian was not in better state right now. Even though his spirit ability is able to devour the black root poison his cultivation level is too week at this moment. He wasn't able to withstand the aggressiveness of the spirit power so took back his spirit power from Ji Yueli's body.

Without him knowing, his whole body is full of sweat. His mental state is completely drained, he doesn't know using the spirit ability on others will be so difficult.

Ji Yueli noticed Ye Xian removing his spirit energy from her body. When she turned around, she saw a fully drenched Ye Xian who was grasping for the breadth.

Only then she remembered, the young man before her was a low-level cultivator. He doesn't have so much energy to support the process of complete detoxification.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C17
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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