30% Mystic Era: The Numinous Way / Chapter 8: Father and Son

章 8: Father and Son

City Lord Mansion,

"Ye Xian looks like you didn't slack off for the past one month. Your cultivation reached peak level 5 of the Mortal realm but it's not enough to face against the opponents of top-grade academy or sects."

"I understand, father; But if I stayed in this remote city, I won't be able to improve my cultivation. That's why I decided to join the academy so you have to tell me which is the best place to join." Ye Xian asked.

"Sigh, looks like it's time for us father and son to part the ways. Ye Xian always remembers this 'Only when you aim for the impossible, you can achieve the possible'. At the same time, you have to know about this world only then you can walk further in the path of cultivation."

Even though he knows what his father is trying to say, he didn't disturb him. One should know Ye Xian is the person, who inherited the memories of saint Redwood from the higher realm. How can his aim be short?. It's a pity his father doesn't know about this.

"The world we are living is called Eternal sky world and it's divided into 2 continents, Crimson-Gold continent, and Night-sky continent.

Our continent, Night Sky, is further divided into four kingdoms and ruled by one Empire. Apart from the empire, there are four great families in our continent which are only slightly weaker than the empire itself. There is also the Numinous Association which is even stronger than the Empire and also the strongest powerhouse in our continent. Even the emperor have to pay respects to the Numinous association head.

Our Pearl city comes under the rule of White moon kingdom. Every sects, families, academys, and some important places are located in the Phantom city, which is the core city of the White Moon Kingdom. It will be a good place to start your cultivation journey.

Before that, you need to know about the various realms in the cultivation path. In Divine Way, the cultivation starts from Mortal, Soul, Spirit Elemental, True Elemental, Golden core, Origin and finally the Emperor realm.

In Numinous Way, it starts from White ranked Numinous, Blue Ranked, Cyan Ranked, Black Ranked, Silver Ranked, Gold Ranked and finally Emperor Ranked Numinous.

From your childhood till now, you always ask about your mother. I can only say you are too weak to know about your mother. I will also leave this city within a few days, someone from the kingdom will come and take the city lord position."

Ye Xian didn't say anything, from his childhood, he knows his father's background is not simple and whenever he asks about his mother, his father's eyes will reveal a helpless and pained look.

Till now he couldn't understand what his father is helpless against. 'Even though I didn't know anything about my mother, I have to do something for my father as he loves mother very much.' Ye Xian said to himself.

"This is my final gift to you." saying this Ye Yonghai gave him the Black colored ring. Ye Xian was surprised because it's a space ring. Space ring is not considered anything valuable in the higher realm but in here, he didn't know the value of it.

Seeing Ye Xian's surprise, Ye Yonghai explained: "This is a space ring, it can only be forged by Silver ranked or above-ranked forger with the help of treasure called space rock. It has one room of space inside it; it was forged specially for you by my friend, he even inscribed some arrays so that it won't be discovered by others."

Ye Xian scanned the ring with his spirit energy and saw a space of one room as described by his father. Moreover, Inside the ring, he saw 1,00,000 gold coins, some dresses and there are even some pills. Surprisingly, there are no seals in the space ring that means anyone can open it.

In Higher realm every space ring will be fully protected by Array with the various seal so that it can only be opened by the owner; Other's won't be able to open it. Ye Xian train of thoughts is interrupted by Ye Yonghai as he spoke again,

"There is a map of White moon kingdom inside your space ring. To reach Phantom city, it will take around 1 month either by walk or carriage. The reason is if you are traveling on foot, the shortest route is to travel by 'Whispering forest' but you will encounter mortal or even soul realm magical beasts.

If you travel by carriage, even though it's a long route you won't enter the forest so it's the safest; How you are going to travel- the decision is yours.

In two months, Academies and sects in the Phantom city is going to recruit new students and disciples. Once you reach the Phantom city, you can decide for yourself which is the best academy to join."

"Here, keep this with you, once you come to the City of heroes, I can sense this token. I will come and meet you at that time." Ye Yonghai gave him a token with his name printed on it.

"Ye Xian, this is your journey, you have to walk by yourself. Go, we will meet again in the future." Ye Yonghai said with teary eyes as he patted Ye Xian's shoulder, encouragingly.

"I don't know what weighing your heart, father. Soon the day will come as I stand at the peak of this world and I will help you to destroy your worries." Ye Xian grinned at his father and left the city lord mansion without even hearing his father's reply.

Hearing his son's words, Ye Yonghai laughed out loud and murmured to himself: 'I will be waiting for that day'


After leaving the city lord mansion, Ye Xian walked towards his mansion. After his nodes are repaired, he thought of killing everyone related to his poison. After seeing his father today, he understood something, Maybe his father already killed everyone related to the incident.

'I also learned and understood many things during my time as a cripple. Since I am going to leave this city, let's leave everything behind and start anew.

Ye Xian reached his mansion within 30 mins. He took out the map his father gave and began to plan his journey. Since he has two months time till the Academy recruitment, he planned to travel by foot while tempering himself in the Whispering Forest.

He may even encounter Soul realm magical beasts, so he has to make sufficient preparation before he begins his journey.

He has vast knowledge in the field of Array and forging but if he wants to make any weapons or array plates he needs to awaken the Spirit fire which is only possible at the Blue Ranked Numinous stage.

Every White Ranked Numinous will use Fire spirit stone for Alchemy, Array or forging. Fire spirit stone can be easily brought for 10 gold coins and it can be used for 10 days before it loses it's spirit fire.

Ye Xian searched his memories and decided to make some Array plates and forge a Mortal ranked weapon for himself.

The Array profession is very simple and complex at the same time, he didn't know about this world's Array concepts. But in the higher realm, a complete Array is the combination of Formation plate and seal inscription.

Ye Xian planned on creating a three simple Grade 1 array, which will help him like Mortal concealment Array, Spirit Gathering Array, and Nine Soul storm Array.

According to his calculation, he needs 100 gold coins to purchase every material. He wrote down, what are the materials required for creating the Array and mortal ranked weapon.

He disguised himself with a little bit of make-up and traveled to the Numinous association to buy everything he needed.

Even after disguising himself, he didn't buy everything in a single purchase. He altered his looks for five times and brought materials with different looks.

He didn't buy any medicinal pills because his father is Blue Ranked Alchemy master so the pills he prepared for Ye Xian is already enough for him.

His space ring contained many pills like Spirit recovery pills, healing pills, Mortal Essence pills, etc.

After gathering every material, he went back to his mansion and started his preparation to create a spirit gathering Array.

Spirit Gathering is the simplest and most effective array in the world. Because once the spirit gathering array is laid, it will help to gather the surrounding spirit energy.

The help this array brings to the Numinous masters are unimaginable; For example, it can prevent the exhaustion of Spirit energy or one can use this array for break through to next realm.

In Ye Xian's case, with his spirit energy as of 20m, he will only be able to produce one complete Array. But with the help of Spirit gathering array, he can produce two or more arrays.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


