Black Rose's face was gloomy like a rain cloud. The girl looked really calm and at peace. "Hello, the two leaders. I am the technician for Black Rose's safety department. My last name is White. Congratulations on passing the first stage."
Ye Ling was expressionless. The congratulatory speech did nothing for him at all. At an attempt to please the person, Shen Qianshu smiled amicably. "Hello, Sister White!"
Lady White said, "This time, five people have passed the test. Monica, Maxi, the two Young leaders, and Xue Er. There will be a plane that sends all of you to the second round. We are highly anticipating for your performance in Black Rose's Stage 2."
"Hold up…" Shen Qianshu was anxious now. "Hasn't this ended? Why is there a Round 2?"
Lady White said, "If there is no successor, Stage 1 would be over when there is only one person left. But now, the plans have changed."
Monica said, "How rebellious!"
Ye Ling said, "What's in Stage 2?"